Love Heart Lane

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Love Heart Lane Page 12

by Christie Barlow

  ‘Your grandma would be so proud of you,’ said Rona, with such affection.

  Immediately, Felicity’s eyes brimmed with tears. ‘Mum…’ Her voice wavered. ‘I’m sorry I wasn’t around … at the end.’ The tears flowed freely down Felicity’s cheeks and Rona gently brushed them away.

  ‘It’s okay, don’t cry. You had your own life in London. Your grandma didn’t want to draw you away from that.’

  ‘But I could have come back.’ The guilt kicked in again for not supporting her mum through such a difficult time.

  ‘Look, let’s look to the future. And being partners. Doing what Bonnie would have wanted us to do.’

  Felicity hugged her mum again. ‘So, when shall we get up and running?’ she asked lightening the mood.

  ‘There’s no time like the present. Shall we have a look at menus and what ingredients we need, then we can give the suppliers a ring and get them back on track?’

  ‘Sounds like a plan,’ answered Felicity enthusiastically, wanting to throw herself wholeheartedly into the day. ‘No time like the present,’ she sang, throwing back the duvet and jumping out of bed.

  ‘How about a bacon sandwich to cement our new partnership?’ smiled Rona.

  ‘Yes please.’

  Felicity followed her mum downstairs and took a swift glance out of the living-room window.

  ‘Have you seen the weather out there? It may have stopped snowing but my gosh … that wind.’ Felicity watched as the gale force winds shook the lamp post outside.

  ‘It’s from one extreme to another,’ Rona shouted from the kitchen. ‘That’s the joys of the Scottish Highlands for you.’

  Just at that second, the rain began falling in even more heavy chaotic drops, the gusting wind pelting the rain against the window. It sounded like bullets being fired from a machine gun and took Felicity by surprise.

  ‘Have you seen the water running down Love Heart Lane, it’s like it has its own river.’

  Rona hovered behind her daughter. ‘I bet the river will be high today,’ she said, switching on the TV before attending to the sizzling bacon in the pan on top of the Aga.

  Felicity curled up on the settee and watched as the local news played out. The Met Office had issued a severe weather warning and people were advised to stay indoors if they didn’t have to travel. Felicity watched in horror as she saw cars being overturned in high speed winds and trees strewn across roads. Houses were being tested, roof tiles blown off and windows broken, and most schools remained closed.

  ‘I think the best place for us today is the teashop; we can fire up the ovens and switch on the heating while we plan the new menus.’

  Felicity nodded, flicking a glance towards the window. She’d wanted to pop up to the farm – firstly, to check on Isla and secondly, to see if there were any updates about Aggie. She knew Esme wouldn’t be at the farm today as Jessica was taking care of her and Finn. As the rain grew heavier and heavier and the angry black clouds surged through the sky she didn’t want to venture out anytime soon.

  ‘I think you’re right,’ agreed Felicity as she stood up and began to throw some logs on to the fire.

  ‘Here you go, one bacon sandwich, one fresh cup of tea, but don’t think you are getting this kind of service every morning.’

  ‘I wouldn’t dream of it,’ replied Felicity, with a cheeky grin.

  They ate in silence, listening to the wind rattling the windows whilst watching the chaos of the weather unfold on the TV.

  ‘How are things with Fergus?’ asked Rona tentatively, risking a tiny glance in Felicity’s direction.

  Felicity shrugged and placed her sandwich back down on her plate. ‘It was a little tense when he saw me up at the farm, but I think he was trying hard to include me at the pub. He didn’t leave me out of the round anyway.’

  ‘It will be a shock seeing you after all this time,’ said Rona softly. ‘Fergus has had a lot to cope with over the years, especially with Esme’s mum passing away.’

  ‘I thought I was doing the right thing at the time by leaving,’ said Felicity, with a twinge of sadness in her voice. ‘But now, I’m not so sure.’

  ‘It was difficult for both of you, you were both young and you dealt with the grief the best way you could.’

  Felicity was tearful and swallowed down a lump in her throat. ‘One thing I do know is that if I hadn’t have gone Fergus wouldn’t have had Esme. I knew I would never have been enough for him.’

  ‘You were enough for him. But seriously, you couldn’t have expected him to put his life on hold and wait to see if you ever came home?’

  ‘I suppose not,’ said Felicity a little sulkily but knowing her mum was right.

  They sat in silence for a moment while they finished their breakfast. Felicity’s mind flicked back to the pub quiz, her thoughts filled with Fergus and Jessica. Jessica was pretty with her blonde hair and her bright blue eyes, and even though she must have known that she was Fergus’s ex she hadn’t made Felicity feel unwelcome in the slightest.

  ‘How long has Fergus been seeing Jessica?’ Felicity asked, knowing it was absolutely none of her business but letting curiosity get the better of her.

  Rona looked towards her daughter. ‘Jessica?’

  ‘Yes, Finn and Esme’s school teacher.’

  ‘I know who Jessica is. What makes you think they’re together?’ Rona held Felicity’s gaze.

  ‘In the pub, they seemed very close.’

  Rona gave a small chuckle to Felicity’s annoyance.

  ‘Jessica isn’t Fergus’s girlfriend, Jessica is Lorna’s sister.’

  The words took a second to register. ‘Lorna’s sister?’ Felicity repeated.

  ‘Esme’s aunty,’ replied Rona simply.

  Felicity blew out a breath and a huge part of her felt relieved. ‘So, is Fergus with anyone now?’

  ‘Not to my knowledge,’ Rona answered, and the corners of Felicity’s mouth began to lift.

  ‘So how did Jessica end up in Heartcross too?’

  ‘A vacancy came up at the school when Lorna was pregnant with Esme so Jessica decided to follow her sister. She’s been a great help to Fergus, great support. I think you’ll like her.’

  ‘Esme seems a great girl too,’ Felicity added.

  ‘She is,’ said Rona, ‘and now you’ve decided you’re staying, maybe you and Fergus will become friends again.’

  Felicity hoped so and she’d already made her mind up to go and talk to him to try and smooth over some of the past issues between them.

  As they both drained the dregs of tea from their mugs, they sat in silence for a few minutes watching the TV before Felicity pondered whether to go and get ready.

  ‘Five more minutes and I’ll jump in the shower,’ she said.

  ‘I’ll fire up the ovens and put the heating on in the shop when you go up.’

  Felicity looked confused and was suddenly distracted by shouting. ‘What’s that noise? Can you hear shouting?’

  Rona wasn’t convinced. ‘Shouting? Isn’t it just the wind howling outside?’

  ‘No, that’s not the wind. I can definitely hear shouting.’ Felicity leapt to her feet and peered out of the window. ‘What’s going on?’

  Immediately Rona stood up behind Felicity and looked perplexed, ‘Look, there’s Allie, Drew and half the village running down the lane.’ Felicity pointed before spinning back round towards her mum. ‘What’s going on?’

  Felicity and Rona exchanged looks as Love Heart Lane began to hum with the arrival of even more villagers.

  ‘I’ll get my coat on and see what all the commotion is about,’ said Felicity.

  ‘You’re still in your PJs, the weather is brutal out there. Put some warmer clothes on first,’ insisted Rona.

  Felicity knew her mum was right. She raced upstairs and quickly pulled on her jeans and thermals before thrusting her feet inside her boots and grabbing her hat and coat.

  ‘Keep me updated,’ Rona shouted after her as a gust of cold air ble
w in from outside when the front door opened.

  As Felicity stepped outside, the wind nearly knocked her straight off her feet. The rain stung her cheeks and she bent her head low and let the wind carry her down Love Heart Lane, the stream of water from the storm and thawing snow swirling quickly underneath her boots.

  At the bottom of the mountainous terrain she could already see a group of people huddled together, standing back from the banks of the river shouting and pointing.

  As Felicity got closer the chaos unfolded before her eyes. She could see the rising river was running wild, turbulent and unforgiving, swilling over the side. She hurried to where she spotted Fergus, Allie and Drew standing, shouting towards the bridge where Felicity noticed a van stranded which was swaying wildly.

  The storm was blowing virtually at right angles to the bridge, the wind speed hitting over 65mph.

  Felicity narrowed her eyes. ‘Is that…’

  ‘Yes … it’s Rory,’ cried a panicked Allie. ‘He went out early to pick up some veterinary supplies and now he’s stuck in the van on the bridge. The wind is too strong.’

  Drew cupped his hands around his mouth and began to shout. ‘Drive … get off the bridge.’

  Rory couldn’t hear him due to the shrilling winds and he looked petrified inside the van clutching the wheel as he rocked from side to side.

  Everyone looked on, the wind slamming into their faces. The force of the water was racing against the side of the bridge and spilling over the banks.

  Allie grabbed Felicity’s arm. ‘He’s not going to make it, he’s going to be blown into the water.’

  Felicity could feel her shaking.

  ‘Please … someone help him,’ Allie shouted, there was no mistaking the fear in her voice.

  At that second Felicity felt a swift movement at the side of her followed by a loud gasp from the villagers. She looked towards the bridge and her heart dropped out of her chest.

  ‘Fergus … NO!’ Felicity shouted with all her might. Her pulse quickened and she felt like she was watching a scene from a movie in slow motion. Fergus battled against the weather as he ran towards the bridge like his life depended on it. The rain hit him hard and was unforgiving, his body bent over. He struggled to keep walking, fighting with every muscle against the wind as it whipped against his body. He staggered, it was nearly impossible to stay upright, and with one gust, the wind swooped him near to the edge of the bridge as he pushed back with all his might. The villagers screamed.

  ‘He’s going to be blown into the water,’ said Felicity, her eyes wide and her heart thumping fast.

  Everyone had their eyes firmly fixed on Fergus and Rory when Felicity took a sudden intake of breath and pointed to the far side. She could feel her shoulders shaking with fear and could barely dare to look. Hundreds of years ago the bridge had been built with skill and precision, but right before everyone’s eyes, the bricks of the old bridge began to crumble.

  Felicity tried to run forward but Drew swiftly pulled her back. ‘You can’t go on to the bridge, Flick, it’s too dangerous.’

  ‘Someone needs to help them both!’ Felicity’s voice was earnest. Fear engulfed her body as she looked at Fergus.

  ‘He’s nearly at the van.’

  The river was rising and hurling over the top of the bridge, at a faster pace.

  With one last surge against the wind, Fergus was at the van gripping tightly on to the door handle as the wind and the rain tried one last time to knock him clean off his feet.

  Another violent gust of wind shook the van, and Felicity was filled with dread as trepidation ran through her body.

  ‘Get out of the van,’ shouted Drew from the river bank but of course Fergus and Rory couldn’t hear him.

  Fergus managed to pull open the van door and grabbed onto Rory, pulling him free from the van just as it was hurled over the side of the bridge and sent crashing into the water. Everyone screamed and Felicity watched in horror as, soaked through to the skin and clutching on to each other for dear life, Fergus and Rory began to fiercely struggle against the weather back to safety.

  ‘Come on … keep walking … please don’t let anything happen to them,’ Felicity mumbled under her breath. Her heart felt like it was pounding out of her chest.

  They were only metres from safety when everyone screamed again. Felicity screwed up her eyes and couldn’t bear to watch as the apex of the bridge went crashing into the river.

  ‘It’s okay, they’ve made it,’ screeched Allie letting go of Felicity’s arm and running towards Rory with her arms open wide.

  ‘Thank God,’ Felicity muttered under breath, her heart still thumping against her ribcage. Fergus was safe. Everything was going to be okay.

  But just then the riverbank burst and people watched in horror as the bridge collapsed completely, leaving Heartcross cut off from civilisation.

  Chapter 12

  Allie was standing with her arms wrapped firmly around Rory’s neck, tears rolling down her face. ‘I thought you were going to end up in the river.’

  ‘Me and you both,’ answered Rory visibly shaken.

  Drew and Felicity were soon standing by their side and everyone was in complete shock. Where once had stood a Grade II listed bridge that gave access to Glensheil from Heartcross, there was now nothing but a roaring river. Any sign of the bridge was now non-existent.

  Fergus’s eyes were wide and he shivered and paled as he realised that he had been only seconds away from being hurled into the violent water just like the van.

  Feeling emotional, Felicity turned towards Fergus and without thinking hugged him. ‘Are you okay?’ she asked, her voice wobbling.

  A white-faced Fergus didn’t push her away but the only thing he could manage was a nod in reply.

  ‘You saved my life,’ Rory blew out a breath before thrusting out his trembling hand towards Fergus who shook it.

  ‘Don’t be daft, all I did was run on to the bridge.’

  ‘I honestly thought I was a goner…’

  ‘And vans can be replaced—’ Drew patted them both on the back ‘—but my best mates can’t. Come on, you pair need to get warmed up.’

  As they turned to walk back up the hill the villagers had gathered around them and let out a rapturous cheer.

  Fergus raised his hand in acknowledgement as he walked through the crowd before taking one last look back towards the river.

  Felicity watched him shudder as he took in the sight and thought how very different things could have been.

  As the cheers died down an eerie feeling rippled through the villagers. Everyone appeared paralyzed not knowing what to do or where to go, after watching their only access to the rest of the world disappear. Felicity seized the moment to take control. Shaken still, but thinking calmly now that Fergus was safe, she ordered everyone back to the teashop. Cold and wet, they huddled outside the doorway whilst Felicity nipped through to the cottage calling out to her mum as she grabbed the teashop keys.

  ‘Mum … MUM! We need you in the teashop now.’

  Felicity could hear her rummaging around upstairs in the bedroom.

  ‘MUM!’ Felicity bellowed again before she rushed through the door into the kitchen and towards the villagers who were patiently waiting outside.

  As she flung open the door the bell welcomed each and every one of them as they fell into the warmth.

  Felicity shouted above their chatter. ‘You all sit down and I’ll get some hot sweet tea on the go.’

  The villagers appeared grateful and began to scrape the chairs back as they settled around the tables. They all look shell-shocked.

  Felicity set to work unloading the cups and saucers from the cupboards and lining them along the counter top next to the teapots. Thankfully her mum had switched on the urns whilst she’d been out and the water was already heating. As Felicity began to rummage around for teabags she felt a gust of wind from the open door and looked up to see Hamish scuttling towards her.

  ‘Here,’ he shouted
, holding up numerous carrier bags full to the brim. ‘Milk, tea and sugar.’

  ‘You Hamish are a lifesaver,’ she replied with a smile. Glancing behind her, she saw her mum standing in the doorway looking around the room in puzzlement at the cold, wet villagers sitting there.

  ‘What’s going on?’ asked Rona, ‘Why is everyone here?’

  ‘The bridge has collapsed,’ answered Rory, peeling the wet coat from his back and hanging it over the back of the chair. He sat down next to Fergus and Drew who were busy tapping on their mobile phones.

  Rona looked momentarily confused. ‘The bridge has collapsed?’ she repeated, looking for clarification.

  ‘The river has burst its banks and the storm has brought the bridge down,’ confirmed Fergus.

  Rona looked startled. ‘Are you serious? But that means…’

  ‘We’re stranded,’ answered Rory. ‘There’s no way in and there’s no way out.’

  ‘Rory was stuck on the bridge in his van and it’s been blown into the water, and Fergus battled the high winds to rescue him,’ chipped in Felicity proudly.

  Rona looked shell-shocked. ‘The van’s in the river?’

  ‘It is,’ confirmed Rory. ‘Blown off the bridge … before it collapsed.’

  ‘Oh my, you must all be in shock. Never mind tea, they need something stronger.’ Rona flapped her hand at Felicity. ‘Whisky from the cabinet.’

  Felicity disappeared inside the cottage while Allie took over throwing a couple of teabags in the teapot before passing out the teacups to the villagers.

  ‘What are we going to do now? Has anyone got any ideas?’ asked Julia, who’d watched the commotion unfold alongside a few of her guests from the B&B’s top window. She was hoping someone was going to come up with a magic solution or wave a magic wand.

  But nobody had an answer.

  Within minutes, Fergus and Rory had swigged back a neat whisky while the rest of the traumatised villagers hugged their warm drinks and were chatting amongst themselves. The mood was low.

  Once everyone had a warm drink inside them Felicity took control and clapped her hands to get everyone’s attention.

  She smiled, trying to remain positive but inside felt far from optimistic and had no clue what to really say or do.


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