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Phoenyx Page 4

by Lynn Hagen

  “You’re a demon.” Edward tossed his arm over his face. “Does that mean you want to suck out my soul?”

  Phoenyx sat on the edge of the couch. “Not all demons do that. My job is to protect this realm, and yours, too. You just had an unfortunate introduction into my world.”

  “Not introduction.” Edward let out a big sigh. “Already knew about vampires and shifters.” He yawned. “And fairies. Demons were a shock, so I guess it is an introduction.”

  “How do you know about the nonhuman world?”

  Phoenyx’s question was answered with a light snore. He grabbed the blanket off the back of his couch and draped it over Edward then removed his shoes and set them aside.

  Phoenyx got up and crossed the room, staring out the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking down at the city he loved so much. Would Edward want to settle here? Would Phoenyx be happy in Brac Village?

  Maybe, but he could never live there. The demon warriors drew their strength from their building, from all of them living under one roof. He could never make any other place his home.

  He rubbed his temples and went to the kitchen to make dinner since he couldn’t recall the last time he’d eaten. He’d need his strength when Edward woke up, sober and, more than likely, pissed.

  * * * *

  Panahasi had never felt such power coming from anyone, except The Keeper and Jaden. Surkath had transformed into that giant beast, but now he was normal size and glaring at Panahasi as if he wanted to rip his heart out.

  “You can’t keep me here,” Surkath said. “I’m too powerful to be contained.”

  Panahasi feared Surkath was telling the truth. It hadn’t been until The Keeper showed up that Panahasi was able to get Surkath into a cell. That was the reason he hadn’t answered his phone. He’d been battling to imprison the bastard.

  He’d tried to leave Surkath in Hell, but Jaden had shown up and said Hell wouldn’t cage the creature. That was when Panahasi had taken him to the underworld.

  After hanging up with Wayland, Panahasi thanked The Keeper.

  “I’m going to keep an eye on this one,” The Keeper said. “I’ve never encountered such power.”

  “Do you think he can escape?”

  “You and Jaden made it through the underworld to get to the cells housing the most dangerous creatures. I wouldn’t say it would be easy, far from it, but anything is possible.”

  That statement worried Panahasi. He was also going to keep an eye on Surkath. The last thing he wanted was for this beast to be back in the demon realm.

  Or worse, the human realm.

  Chapter Four

  Edward was never, ever doing that again. What had he been thinking? He wasn’t even a drinker. Edward pressed his hand to his head as he sat up. The first thing he noticed was the light sound of R&B playing softly in the background.

  He recalled Phoenyx taking him from Drake and Casey’s, and they’d gone down some steps. Everything was a bit blurry after that. Words spoken. Softness underneath him. A blanket. Shoes taken off. Lights out.

  There was a gorgeous view in this apartment, just like it had been in the penthouse. Edward got up and crossed the room, staring at the city below. It was odd not seeing cars. Everyone was walking, and it was as if the nightlife here was bustling.

  “Beautiful view.”

  Edward looked over his shoulder and saw Phoenyx leaning against the archway, wiping his hands on a hand towel. His ankles were crossed, and damn, he was the beautiful view. Edward was insanely attracted to Phoenyx. He was also terrified of him.

  The guy was all that—powerful, charming, considerate, mysterious…a demon. Edward’s insides were twisted up, and he didn’t know what to do. He still had a fairy after him and a grandmother to take care of. They lived in two different realms. Phoenyx wasn’t human, and Edward was.

  They had nothing in common.

  So why in the hell was he dying to kiss the guy?

  “It is.” Edward nodded. Phoenyx was looking right at him, through him, and he wasn’t sure if he was talking about the actual view or him.

  “I made something light to eat. I don’t want to upset your delicate stomach.”

  “Demons eat?” Then Edward caught on to what Phoenyx had said. “I don’t have a delicate stomach.”

  Phoenyx’s smile lit up Edward’s heart. “After all that drinking, I don’t want to put anything heavy on it. And yes, demons eat. We sleep, put our pants on one leg at a time, and pay bills. I shower, shit, shave, and have sex, too.”

  God, why did he have to mention the last part? Now all Edward could think about was Phoenyx naked, that gleaming body exposed for him to devour.

  “Are you feeling okay?” Phoenyx cocked his head to the side. “You’re flushed. You’re not going to be sick, are you?”

  Edward looked around for a distraction, anything to take his mind off his dirty thoughts, but the only distraction was Phoenyx. Maybe once. Just once he could have sex with the god, and then he could take his ass home where he belonged.

  He was sweating bullets, and no matter how hard he tried to think of something else, all Edward could see was Phoenyx stripping naked and…stop!

  “Do you need to sit down?” There was concern in Phoenyx’s green eyes.

  What Edward needed was a cold shower. They hadn’t kissed or done anything of a sexual nature, yet Edward craved him so badly that he stood there with a boner from hell.

  Edward crossed the room and dropped onto the sofa, hiding his erection. His body hadn’t been this out of control since he’d been a teenager.

  “Maybe you need some more rest,” Phoenyx suggested.

  Maybe Edward needed to get out of there before he did something he just might regret. He wasn’t the type to have casual sex, and Phoenyx…ugh. Edward was sitting in a demon’s apartment. And he’d seen a two-headed dog.

  Edward burst out laughing. This was insane! He’d had sex with a vampire or two, had let them feed from him because that wasn’t something a guy did every day. Why not ride that thrill? But demons?

  “Okay, share the joke.” Phoenyx walked over to the couch, and Edward groaned. He was going to do it, wasn’t he?

  Sex with a demon? Gah, he needed to park his ass permanently on the couch of a psychiatrist. But who would believe him? Edward would get locked up if he started spouting about demons, vampires, shifters, and fairies.

  Maybe that was exactly what he needed. A padded room and some good drugs.


  Edward pressed the palm of his hand against his forehead. “I’m finally cracking. I’m losing it.”

  He couldn’t afford to do that. His grandmother depended on him, and he couldn’t let her down. She’d barely had a dime raising him, being poor in Brac Village. But they’d gotten by, and she always made the holidays and his birthday so special. She’d always had a big heart, even if her heart wasn’t doing too well these days.

  She was eighty-one, and Edward felt blessed every day that she was with him because he knew he could lose her, and that thought tore him up inside. He couldn’t imagine his life without her in it. She was the one person who made him smile, who made his problems feel lighter every time he was around her.

  The thought of her one day dying, maybe any day or a year from now, sobered his laughter and made him want to cry. Fuck. He really was losing his shit.

  And now he owed some fairy, who would rather have Edward’s soul sucked out of him than for him to pay back the money. How the hell did he keep getting himself into such messes?

  Now Edward had a migraine starting, and all he wanted to do was curl up and forget the world existed. If only he could.

  Phoenyx sat on the couch next to him, a perplexed expression on his handsome face. Edward had never been around someone so good-looking who had an interest in him. Sure, the vampires at The Manacle were hot, but Phoenyx had this quiet reserve about him that Edward wanted to bask in, to wrap himself up in and feel safe for once.

  “Talk to me, shorty.”
Phoenyx leaned back into the couch, throwing one arm over the back.

  Edward was close enough that he could lean sideways and be snuggled into the crook of the guy’s body. It was so dang tempting. For once Edward wished he had a significant other, someone he could share his burdens with, someone’s lap he could use to rest his head and let out a big sigh.

  “I just need to go home.” Edward closed his eyes and imagined his head was resting on Phoenyx’s strong shoulder. “I have to check on my grandma in the morning.”

  “You take care of her?” His voice was like a quiet, babbling brook. The kind you could listen to all day. Peaceful. Serene. And Edward didn’t want Phoenyx to stop talking to him.

  “She’s all I’ve ever had,” Edward said. “Now it’s my turn to take care of her.”

  “That’s real sweet.”

  There was something in Phoenyx’s tone that made Edward open his eyes. The demon had a faraway look, like he was absorbed in his own thoughts. Now it was Edward who wanted to know what he was thinking.

  “I never had a grandmother,” Phoenyx said. “Never had parents, either."

  “Don’t demons have those?”

  The side of Phoenyx’s mouth stretched upward. It was a fraction of a smile that didn’t fully form. “Yeah, we’re born with parents. Some just don’t want to stick around. Just like some human parents. Some people are born lucky, while others have to fight for every ounce of happiness in their lives.”

  That had been deep, and more than Edward had wanted to think about. He already felt down in the gutter, and they both could’ve used a pick-me-up.

  “Too bad the ice cream parlor in Brac Village is closed. I could use a few scoops to cheer me up.”

  Phoenyx’s jade-green eyes lit up. “Jake’s Java Hut is open.”

  Edward’s eyes widened. “You have an ice cream parlor here?”

  “And a wing place, a fancy restaurant called Malcor’s Melting Pot, a grocery store, bank, and all kinds of places to get out and have fun.”

  It felt as though Phoenyx was trying to pitch Serenity City to him. “But…” Edward bit his lower lip. “There’re demons out there. What if they attack?”

  Phoenyx’s smile faded. “There are good and bad, just like there are good and bad humans. Most of the people walking the street just want to live their lives. And you’re safe with me, squirt. I promise.”

  “Can you stop calling me squirt and shorty? I know I’m only half your size, but talk about giving someone a complex. I might have only one feeling, but it can be hurt.”

  Phoenyx’s smile returned. “And what one feeling do you have?”

  Horny. “Ice cream?”

  “Jake also makes the best shakes. You’ve gotta try one.” Phoenyx got up and pulled Edward to his feet. The touch was electrifying, making Edward snatch his hand back. It hadn’t actually been electrifying. It had just felt that way. Like they had sparks between them.

  “My treat since I kidnapped you.” Phoenyx headed for the door.

  “You didn’t technically kidnap me.” Edward followed him. “I hitchhiked on your arm when I grabbed it.”

  “I’m still treating.”

  Which was good since Edward was flat broke. He wasn’t even sure if the demon realm took human currency. He guessed he was about to find out.

  They were heading down the stairs when Edward tripped over his own feet and crashed into Phoenyx’s back.

  “If you wanted to ride on my back, that was all you had to say.” Phoenyx grabbed Edward’s legs, over Edward’s loud protests, and laughed as he jogged the rest of the way down.

  Edward held on for dear life, considering Phoenyx was so freaking tall. When they exited the building, Edward kicked his legs and slapped Phoenyx on his shoulder. “You better let me down. Everyone will think I’m a loser for riding on your back.”

  “Sorry, can’t hear you back there.” Phoenyx placed his hands on Edward’s butt to keep him steady, and Edward forgot what he’d been saying. Instead of holding Phoenyx’s shoulders, he slid his arms around the guy’s neck, letting them dangle as Phoenyx walked down the street.

  “How come there aren’t any cars here?”

  Phoenyx shrugged. “Most people like walking, and some can transport to where they need to go. I like getting the exercise.”

  Edward wasn’t going to ask him to elaborate on the transporting thing. He simply rested his head next to Phoenyx’s and pretended they were a couple out having a good time.

  “Here we are.”

  “That was fast.” Edward looked at the shop and grinned. He wasn’t sure what he’d been expecting, but the place was a gem. The shop was sleek and modern, with two sofas and plenty of tables and chairs. What caught Edward’s attention were the treats behind the display case beside the counter.

  “Hey, Jake,” Phoenyx said. “Give me two scoops of your peach delight.”

  “And what does the growth on your back want?”

  “Put me down,” Edward whispered into Phoenyx’s ear.

  With a dramatic roll of his eyes, Phoenyx bent down so Edward could jump off his back. He then looked at one of the employees. “Hey, Dillon, when am I ever going to get a free drink like you promised when you first started working here?”

  “When you own the joint,” Jake said. “No freebies.” He winked at Edward. “But since you’re new here, your drink is on the house.”

  Edward looked over his shoulder when he heard a low growl. Phoenyx was staring daggers at Jake. What was that about? The owner was just being nice, and Phoenyx looked as if he wanted to kill the guy.

  “Quit your growling, Phoenyx. I’m not looking to score with your mate. I’m just being friendly.”

  That was the second time someone had called Edward Phoenyx’s mate. He might’ve been tipsy when Drake had said it, but Edward had heard it.

  “I’ll take a butterscotch scoop in a cone and an espresso,” Edward said. “Please and thank you.”

  “I’m gonna love this guy,” Jake said. “He has manners.”

  Phoenyx placed his hands on Edward’s shoulders and steered him toward one of the sofas. What was with the possessive attitude? Edward wasn’t sure what was going on, but when they were alone, he was going to ask Phoenyx about the whole “mate” thing.

  * * * *


  “Mate,” Edward growled. “It’s a simple word and stop repeating it every time I say it. Just tell me what it means.”

  They were still at Jake’s, and they were fairly secluded on the couch, so Edward had decided to ask. He wished that Phoenyx would stop acting plumb dumb. Edward pinched his lips together, narrowed his eyes, and then pushed from the couch.

  He gave Phoenyx a hard smile. “Fine, I’ll find out one way or another.” Edward stomped to the counter. There was a lull in customers, so he waved at the short, skinny blond behind the counter. Hadn’t Phoenyx called him Dillon?

  “Did you want something else?” Dillon asked.

  “Yeah, for you to tell me what a mate is. Phoenyx is being stubborn, and I want to know why you called me his mate.”

  Dillon’s blue eyes widened as he reached down and scratched at his calf. His gaze darted from Edward to Phoenyx then back to Edward. “I’m so sorry. I just assumed… Damn it. Rainerio is gonna kill me. He’s warned me time and time again about running my mouth.”

  “Oh my god!” Edward threw his hands up. “Will someone just tell me?”

  “I have no idea.” Dillon gave a nervous chuckle. “I have no clue that it means two people who fate handpicked to be together. That a mate will protect you with his life and that your souls bind together for all of eternity. That demons don’t know who their mate is until they sleep with them. I don’t know any of that.” Dillon jerked his head from side to side as if looking for someone. “I’m coming!”

  No one had called him.

  Handpicked by fate? Souls bound together? Sex? Edward was getting tired of his mind being blown. If demons didn’t know who their mate was
until they slept with them, why did Phoenyx act as if they were attached at the hip? Twice he’d rescued Edward, but it should’ve been Edward who’d acted that way since Phoenyx owed him nothing.

  Edward rubbed the heel of his hand against his forehead. What the hell was he supposed to think?

  Okay. No. He was going to prioritize this craziness. First, he needed to deal with Lyle, the vindictive fairy. If Edward dealt with that, then he could get Anton off his back. He just didn’t know how he was going to pay Lyle back.

  Then there was Phoenyx. God, Edward was always suckered in by charming men. It was his kryptonite. And Phoenyx was gorgeous, with pretty jade-green eyes, flaming-red hair that only made him more handsome, and that smile. Ugh.

  “Should I take you somewhere private so you can implode?”

  And that deep, masculine, alluring voice. Edward’s cock twitched just hearing it. “No, I’m compartmentalizing my meltdowns to happen one at a time. Sorry, you’re not first on my list of things to freak out about.”

  No. No, no, no. Edward was not going to implode. He was going to pull his big-boy straps up and deal with all the revelations that had punched him in the gut and left him breathless.

  Lyle would have to wait.

  Anton would have to wait.

  He could duck and dodge those two for a while.

  Phoenyx? That was the more pressing problem, because no matter how much Edward protested him in his life, he could tell by the guy’s clinginess that he wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon.

  “Take me home.” That was the first order of business. “I can’t check on my grandma from another realm. I need to get some sleep before I have to go over there tomorrow.”

  Oh, Edward did not like the look on Phoenyx’s face. “Well, time works differently here.” Phoenyx looked at his phone. “I’m guessing it’s already morning in the human realm.”

  “Stop blowing my damn mind!” A tic started under Edward’s eyes. “Just get me there.”

  Nope. He didn’t handle pressure too well. Not at all. Edward ignored the need to curl into Phoenyx’s arms, to escape from everything, to soak up his strength and feel as if his world wasn’t falling apart.


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