Pragmatic Thinking and Learning

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Pragmatic Thinking and Learning Page 8

by The Pragmatic Programmers

  pen is great; it’s the kind that can write even upside down

  in a boiling toilet, should that need arise.5 The notepad is a

  cheap 69-cent affair from the grocery store—skinny, not spiral


  Folks also recommend the Zebra T3 series; see for both a pen and mechanical pencil version.

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  bound, like an oversize book of matches. I can carry these

  with me almost everywhere.

  Index cards

  Some folks prefer having separate cards to make notes on.

  That way you can more easily toss out the dead ends and

  stick the very important ones on your desk blotter, corkboard,

  refrigerator, and so on.


  You can use your Apple iPod or Touch or Palm OS or Pocket

  PC device along with note-taking software or a wiki (see Sec-

  tion 8.3, Manage Your Knowledge, on page 228 for more on

  this idea).

  Voice memos

  You can use your cell phone, iPod/iPhone, or other device to

  record voice memos. This technique is especially handy if you

  have a long commute, where it might be awkward to try to

  take notes while driving.6 Some voicemail services now offer

  voice-to-text (called visual voicemail), which can be emailed

  to you along with the audio file of your message. This means

  you can just call your voicemail hands-free from wherever you

  are, leave yourself a message, and then just copy and paste

  the text from your email into your to-do list, your source code,

  your blog, or whatever. Pretty slick.

  Pocket Mod

  The free Flash application available at http://www.pocketmod.

  com cleverly prints a small booklet using a regular, single-

  sided piece of paper. You can select ruled pages, tables, to-do

  lists, music staves, and all sorts of other templates (see Fig-

  ure 3.2, on the next page). A sheet of paper and one of those

  stubby pencils from miniature golf, and you’ve got yourself a

  dirt cheap, disposable PDA.


  For larger thoughts and wanderings, I carry a Moleskine note-

  book (see the sidebar on page 66). There’s something about

  the heavyweight, cream-colored, unlined pages that invites

  invention. Because it feels more permanent than the cheap


  Remember to use your hands-free device per local laws :-).

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  Figure 3.2: Disposable pocket organizer from

  disposable notepad, I noticed a tendency to not write in it until

  a thought had gelled for a while, so I wouldn’t fill it up pre-

  maturely. That’s bad, so I started making sure I always had a

  backup Moleskine at the ready. That made a big difference.

  The important part is to use something that you always have with

  you. Whether it’s paper, a cell phone, an MP3 player, or a PDA

  doesn’t matter, as long as you always have it.

  TIP 8

  Capture al ideas to get more of them.

  If you don’t keep track of great ideas, you will stop noticing you

  have them.

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  Moleskine Notebooks

  A very popular style of notebook these days is made by

  Moleskine (see These come in

  a variety of sizes and styles, ruled or not, thicker or thin-

  ner paper. There’s a certain mystique to these notebooks,

  which have been favored by well-known artists and writ-

  ers for more than 200 years, including van Gogh, Picasso,

  Hemingway, and even your humble author.

  The makers of Moleskine call it “a reservoir of ideas and

  feelings, a battery that stores discoveries and perceptions,

  and whose energy can be tapped over time.”

  I like to think of it as my exocortex—cheap external mental

  storage for stuff that doesn’t fit in my brain. Not bad for ten


  The corollary is also true—once you start keeping track of ideas,

  you’ll get more of them. Your brain will stop supplying you with

  stuff if you aren’t using it. But it will quite happily churn out more

  of what you want if you start using it.

  Everyone—no matter their education, eco-

  Everyone has good

  nomic status, day job, or age—has good


  ideas. But of this large number of people

  with good ideas, far fewer bother to keep

  track of them. Of those, even fewer ever bother to act on those

  ideas. Fewer still then have the resources to make a good idea a

  success.7 To make it into the top of the pyramid shown in Fig-

  ure 3.3, on the next page, you have to at least keep track of your

  good ideas.

  But that’s not enough, of course. Just capturing ideas is only the

  first step; you then need to work with the idea, and there are some

  special ways we can go about doing that to be more effective. We’ll

  talk about this in depth a bit later (see Section 8.3, Manage Your

  Knowledge, on page 228).

  Get something to take notes on, and keep it with you.. . .



  If you doubt this, just ask any venture capitalist.

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  Figure 3.3: Everyone has good ideas; fewer go further.

  3.3 Linear and Rich Characteristics

  Of course, there are quite a few differences between R-mode and

  L-mode beyond R-mode’s unpredictability.

  If you’ve ever said, “I’m of two minds about that,” you were probably

  more literally correct than you thought at the time. You actually

  have a number of different processing modes in the brain. Each

  one has unique characteristics that can help you just when you

  need it most.

  The fastest processing modes are the muscle-memory sorts of

  responses that don’t even travel up to the cortex itself.8 Piano play-

  ers don’t think about each and every note and chord in a fast

  passage; there isn’t time. Instead, the muscles involved more or

  less just tackle the problem on their own without much conscious

  involvement or direction.

  Similarly, that instinctive slam on the brakes or quick dodge on the

  bicycle doesn’t involve any CPU processing—it’s all in the periph-

  erals. Since lightning-fast typing and similar physical skills aren’t

  of too much interest to us as programmers, I’m not going to talk

  too much about these non-CPU modes and responses.


  The cortex, which comes from the Lat
in word for tree bark, is the outer layer of folded gray matter and is key to conscious thinking.

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  There is of course plenty to talk about with these two major modes

  of thinking and consciousness, R-mode and L-mode, and what

  they can do for you.

  In the 1970s, psychobiologist Roger W. Sperry pioneered the

  famous “split-brain” studies, where he discovered that the left and

  right hemispheres process information quite differently from each

  other (and just to add a little street credibility, he won the Nobel

  Prize for this work in 1981).

  First, here’s a little something to try. While seated, lift your right

  foot off the floor, and make clockwise circles. Now, while doing this,

  draw the number six (6) in the air with your right hand.

  Notice that your foot will change direction. It’s how you’re wired.

  Cut the wiring, and two things happen: you’ll have some very odd

  experiences, and famous researchers get a chance to learn a lot

  about the brain.

  Sperry’s research took patients who had an operation such that

  their left and right hemispheres could no longer communicate or

  coordinate with each other. The connections were simply cut right

  out. This made it relatively easy to see which hemisphere was

  uniquely responsible for specific behaviors and capabilities.

  For instance, in one experiment, these split-brain patients were

  shown a different image in each eye at the same time. If asked to

  name the object they saw, they’d report the image seen in the right

  eye (using the primarily verbal left hemisphere). But if asked to

  identify it by touch, they’d report the image found in the left eye

  (which is attached to the nonverbal right hemisphere). Figure 3.4,

  on the next page, shows what was going on.

  It was Sperry who originally assigned these different capabilities

  purely on a hemispheric basis and added the terms left brain and

  right brain to the modern lexicon. As it turns out, that’s not entirely

  true, as described in the sidebar on page 70, so I’ll refer to these

  modes as linear mode (L-mode) and rich mode (R-mode).

  Sperry, Jerre Levy, and subsequent researchers identified the fol-

  lowing characteristics as being associated with each mode.9


  As described in The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain [Edw01].

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  Figure 3.4: Split-brain subjects showing sensory preference

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  Left Brain vs. Right Brain

  There’s really no such thing as left brain and right brain

  thinking per se; the various lobes of the brain and structures

  at different levels cooperate in a highly distributed fashion,

  from the older, reptilian-like mechanisms up to the more

  recently added neocortex. But despite that cooperation,

  you still have these two different cognitive styles—our CPU

  #1 and CPU #2.

  These different cognitive styles are known by many names.

  In the pop psychology lexicon, they are still simply known

  as left-brain and right-brain thinking. But that’s a misnomer,

  because the dance of neurons is quite a bit more compli-

  cated than that, so various other terms have emerged.

  Guy Claxton, in Hare Brain, Tortoise Mind: How Intelligence

  Increases When You Think Less [Cla00], refers to these as

  d-mode and the undermind. The d in d-mode stands for

  “deliberate,” and undermind emphasizes that the CPU #2

  processing occurs at a preconscious level.

  Dan Pink, author of A Whole New Mind: Moving from the

  Information Age to the Conceptual Age [Pin05], refers to

  these two as l-directed and r-directed.

  Dr. Betty Edwards, of Drawing on the Right Side of the

  Brain [Edw01] fame, was the first to break out of the

  right/left brain mold and referred to these simply as L mode

  and R mode.

  To help clarify the nature of each of these cognitive

  modes, I will refer to them in this book as linear mode and

  rich mode, abbreviated as L-mode and R-mode.

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  Characteristics of L-mode Processing

  L-mode processing is comfortable, familiar, geek turf. L-mode gives

  you these abilities:


  Using words to name, describe, and define


  Figuring things out step-by-step and part-by-part


  Using a symbol to stand for something


  Taking out a small bit of information and using it to represent

  the whole thing


  Keeping track of time and sequencing one thing after another


  Drawing conclusions based on reason and facts


  Using numbers as in counting


  Drawing conclusions based on logic (theorems, well-stated



  Thinking in terms of linked ideas, one thought directly follow-

  ing another, often leading to a convergent conclusion

  This is clearly the motherhood-and-apple-pie of the white-collar,

  information-worker, engineering kind of life. These are the abilities

  we are tested on in school, use on the job, and fit in nicely with the

  sort of computer systems we’ve enjoyed up to now.

  But as Pablo Picasso famously observed, “Computers are useless.

  They only give you answers.” What would make him say such a

  heretical statement?

  If “answers” are useless, then that would imply that the question

  is more important. In fact, that sort of opposite view of things

  seems to be a hallmark of R-mode thinking. To those of us firmly

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  entrenched in the L-mode way, the R-mode traits may sound a

  little strange, fuzzy, or even acutely uncomfortable.

  Characteristics of R-mode Processing

  In comparison to L-mode, R-mode gives you the abilities shown

  in Figure 3.5, on the next page. These are all important, as we’ll

  see, but note right off the bat that intuition—the hallmark of the

  expert—is over here.

  This side of the house is nonverbal. It can retrieve language but

  can’t create it. It favors learning by synthesis: putting th

  together to form wholes. It’s very concrete, in the sense of relating

  to things just as they are, in the present moment. It uses analogies

  to evaluate relationships between things. It likes a good story and

  doesn’t bother with timekeeping. It’s not bound by rationality in

  that it does not require a basis of reason or known facts in order to

  process input—it’s perfectly willing to suspend judgment.

  The R-mode is decidedly holistic and wants to see the whole thing

  at once, perceiving the overall patterns and structures. It works

  spatially and likes to see where things are in relation to other things

  and how parts go together to form a whole. Most important, it’s

  intuitive, making leaps of insight, often based on incomplete pat-

  terns, hunches, feelings, or visual images.

  Overall, though, this is far less comfortable territory. These traits

  seem more appropriate for artists or other weirdos. Not engineers.

  Not us.10

  And what about “nonrational”? That borders on insulting. Many

  programmers would rather be accused of murder than be accused

  of being anything less than completely rational.

  But many very valid thought processes are not rational, includ-

  ing intuition, and that’s OK. Are you married? Was that a rational

  decision; that is, did you list the pros and cons or make a decision

  tree or matrix to make that decision in a logical, rational manner?

  Didn’t think so.

  10. They aren’t even measurable. HR can’t measure or reward most of these skills, at least not as easily as they can the L-mode traits.

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  Figure 3.5: R-mode attributes

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  There’s nothing wrong with that; just because a thought process is

  nonrational or nonrepeatable doesn’t mean it is unscientific, irre-

  sponsible, or inappropriate in any way.

  Did the discussion of the Dreyfus model make you uncomfortable

  because it’s not an event-style theory that can be proven? If so,

  that’s your L-mode bias showing.

  There’s a lot of value in R-mode processes

  Power is going to waste.

  that we’re not using; a lot of power is


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