Pragmatic Thinking and Learning

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Pragmatic Thinking and Learning Page 23

by The Pragmatic Programmers


  the way your eye scans and reads a piece

  of paper. Spatial cueing conveys informa-

  tion to you in a way that linear words or an outline can’t; the addi-

  tion of color and symbols adds to the richness of the representa-

  tion. As you go to add a new piece of information, a new thought, or

  13. Thanks to Bert Bates for reminding me about this.

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  Prepared exclusively for Jose Luis Loya


  this copy is (P2.0 printing, January 2009)



  an insight to the mind map, you are faced with the question, where

  does this belong? You have to evaluate the relationships between

  ideas, not just the ideas themselves, and that can be a very reveal-

  ing activity.

  As you start to fill in the diagram, there’s always room for more

  information. You can write smaller (without resorting to a font

  selection box), and you can squeeze things to the edge of the page

  and connect them with lines. You can draw large swoopy arrows

  across the page to connect remote notes that you now realize

  should be connected.

  And then, once you’ve learned from this mind map, draw it again on

  a fresh piece of paper—perhaps fixing some of the placement issues

  and reflecting what you’ve learned since you started. Redrawing

  and retrieving the information from memory helps strengthen the

  connections and may expose additional insights in the process.

  Try using different kinds of paper. Art papers may have more tooth

  than office stationary, and they offer a different tactile experience.

  Markers, colored pencils, and pens all offer a different feel as well.

  Color in particular seems to have a certain inspirational effect.

  Mind Map Enhancements

  Nonspecific, non-goal-oriented “playing” with information is a great

  way to gain insights and see hidden relationships. This sort of men-

  tal noodling is just what the R-mode needs to be effective. But it’s

  important to not try too hard; that’s the “non-goal-oriented” part.

  You want to sort of let go a bit and let the answer come to you

  rather than consciously trying to force it. Just play with it.







  enhancements are not random. They Use non-goal-oriented

  begin to add meaning. Instead of mere “play.”

  decoration, they help coax additional

  thinking and meaning from you. You’re basically asking your-

  self “What information can I add to this relationship or object?,”

  but you’re asking your drawing side—your R-mode—to do the


  Although many fine companies make mind-mapping software,14

  I think that a software tool is more useful for collaboration or

  14. I use NovaMind, for Mac/Windows, at

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  Prepared exclusively for Jose Luis Loya


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  Figure 6.5: Software tool mind map—clean and hyperlinked, but


  documentation—not for brainstorming, studying, or exploratory

  thinking. For those activities, you want to draw the mind map by


  Why is hand-drawing important? Take a

  Writing is as important as look at Figure 6.5. This is a beautiful, col-


  orful mind map I made on the Mac. It’s an

  early form of this very book. Each node is

  hyperlinked to a website, PDF research paper, fragment of a note,

  or other important asset. But as cool as that is (and very handy for

  going back and finding research material), it’s not the same.

  Hand-writing is key, whether it’s plain notes or a mind map. For

  instance, I find that taking notes during lectures really helps me

  retain the material—even if I never read the notes again.

  The most value, I find, is to take the raw notes while listening

  (which helps you stay focused as you extract salient points from the

  lecture) and then transcribe these raw notes into “official notes.”

  Even if I never read these notes again, the act of transcribing the

  raw notes is the most valuable portion of this exercise. You can do

  the same thing with mind maps—start with a rough messy one,

  and redraw it as needed. The redrawing helps form more associa-

  tions in your brain.

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  Prepared exclusively for Jose Luis Loya


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  TIP 30

  Take notes with bothand.

  Try It

  Here’s an exercise to try:

  1. Take a four-to-five-item bullet list that is of importance to you.

  2. Draw a mind map for the items on the list (on paper with pen

  or pencil).

  3. Wait a day.

  4. Now spend fifteen to twenty minutes embellishing the draw-

  ing. Tart it up. Add thick lines; use color; and add little doo-

  dles, pictures, angelic cherubs from a Gothic manuscript in

  the corners, whatever.

  5. Review the mind map a week later. Any surprises?

  Using Mind Maps with SQ3R

  Mind maps are most effective when you’re not exactly sure what

  you’ll find.

  Taking notes from reading a book is a prime example. The next

  time you’re reading a book (trying SQ3R, perhaps), take notes as

  you go in the form of a mind map. You’ll have a general idea of the

  major topics, but as particular details emerge and as you begin to

  see which items are related to each other and how, the map will fill

  in, and a picture of your understanding will emerge.

  Then, when you’re in the review phase of SQ3R, redraw and revise

  your mind map according to your understanding. You’ll be able

  to refer to the mind map to refresh your memory in a way that’s

  much more efficient and revealing than other notes or rescanning

  the book itself.

  Exploratory Mind Maps

  Similarly, if you’re working on a problem and aren’t sure where

  you’re going, mind mapping can help. Whether you are designing a

  new class or a system, debugging an existing one, trying to evaluate

  several commercial products or open source offerings, buying a

  new car, or writing a novel or a rock opera, try using a mind map.

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  Prepared exclusively for Jose Luis Loya


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  Use words as titles; you don’t want any lengthy prose or even full

  sentences. Draw icons to represent key ideas. Make important lines

  large and thick; more tentative associations can be spindly. Dump

  everything you know for now, even if you are not sure where it

  fits in.

  Do the first iteration really, really quickly—almost like an impres-

  sionist sketch. This will help get the L-mode out of the way and

  allow the R-mode unfettered access to the paper.

  Start the mind map, and leave it handy—especially if you don’t

  have a lot of information to add to it just yet (as we’ll see a little

  later, just having a place to put related ideas is a great help). Fill

  in the facts and ideas as you get them. It doesn’t have to be in one

  sitting. Redraw it if needed, but don’t be in rush to do so. Let it be

  messy for a while. You’re exploring a topic, after all.

  If you’re working in an area where you

  Use a mind map to help

  aren’t even sure what the topic is, mind


  maps can be very useful to help gather

  your far-flung thoughts together. Jared

  Richardson tell us, “I use mind maps to reorganize and focus

  myself when writing or coding. It forces me to step back and clean

  up my ideas and always shows me how to move forward.”

  I’ve had the same experience; if I’m stuck in a swirling mass of ideas

  with no clear way forward, using a mind map is a great technique

  to help generate clarity and show the way.

  Collaborative Mind Maps

  You can extend this technique to involve a small group or the whole

  team. Instead of drawing a picture on paper, get everyone up at a

  whiteboard armed with sticky notes, as shown in Figure 6.6, on

  the next page.15

  Everyone gets a handful of sticky notes and a marker. You brain-

  storm, write down ideas on the sticky notes, and place the notes up

  on the whiteboard. After a while, you can begin to coalesce common

  themes and cluster related notes near each other.

  15. See Affinity Grouping in Behind Closed Doors: Secrets of Great Manage-

  ment [RD05] for more information on this and other fun things to do with sticky notes.

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  Prepared exclusively for Jose Luis Loya


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  Figure 6.6: Affinity grouping in progress

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  Prepared exclusively for Jose Luis Loya


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  Since the sticky notes let you detach and reapply, you can reposi-

  tion the notes as needed.

  Once things have settled out, you can draw circles around each

  grouping and connect them with lines. Voilà! Now you’ve got a mind

  map. Snap a digital photo of the whiteboard, and email everyone a


  Next Actions

  ! Make a mind map for the next book you read.

  ! Make a mind map for your career and lifestyle plans or per-

  haps for your next vacation.

  ! Experiment with the effect of color; get some colored pencils,

  and try using color to encode meaning for individual nodes.

  ! Experiment with graphical annotations: doodle on your mind

  maps and see what happens.

  ! Keep iterating. After you think you’re “done,” go back and add

  just one more thing. Now do that again.

  6.9 Harness the Real Power of Documenting

  One of the tenets of agile software development is to avoid needless

  documentation. That is, if documentation doesn’t provide value,

  don’t do it: writing documentation for documentation’s sake is a

  waste of time.

  That’s because it is common to waste a lot of time preparing

  low-level, detailed design documents that become obsolete almost

  immediately. Worse, these sorts of documents generally have no

  audience—they aren’t serving any useful purpose, other than ful-

  filling a checkbox to prove that the team “produced documenta-

  tion.” Because it’s such a wasteful practice, agile teams take a hard

  look at any documentation they are required to produce to ensure

  that there’s a genuine need for it.

  Many people interpret this as “agile developers don’t do documen-

  tation,” which is wrong. Agile developers do create documentation,

  16. Many cell phones and laptops (and most Macs) now come with built-in cameras, so capturing just keeps getting easier.

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  Prepared exclusively for Jose Luis Loya


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  but they use a pragmatic filter to make sure the investment in cre-

  ating any documentation is really worth the effort. It has to have


  That brings us round to this idea: what’s

  the value in producing documentation Chance favors the

  to the writer? Producing low-level design

  prepared mind.

  documents that simply mirror the code

  (and become obsolete almost immediately) don’t provide any value

  to anyone. But other forms of writing documentation may prove

  valuable, even if there is no obvious audience for it.

  Louis Pasteur once said, “Chance favors only the prepared mind,”

  and functional MRIs and EEG tests are proving him correct. A

  recent study17 suggests that mental preparation that involves an

  inward focus of attention can promote flashes of insight, even if

  the preparation occurs well in advance of facing any particular


  Turning your attention inward, as you would do when working with

  a mind map, sets up some condition in the brain that allows for

  happy flashes of insight later in the project. So, it might be that

  documenting is more important than documentation.

  Reader and pilot Derek Wade sent me the following related story:

  I noticed this phenomenon when preparing for an aerobatic routine.

  Sequences of aerobatic maneuvers are often preplanned and

  diagrammed using Aresti notation before being flown. During the

  flight, we should pretty much have the sequence memorized, but

  having a card taped up in the cockpit with the sequence drawn on it

  helps during brain farts.

  There are Visio add-ins that allow people to create very nice-looking

  Aresti cards, but I prefer to hand-draw mine, in an almost ritualistic

  way. I sat down to do so at the airport one day, and the owner of

  the school nudged another student, pointed to me, and said, “Watch

  this, this is cool.” I had no idea why she thought so. I thought I was

  just drawing out my card and taking too dang much time about it.

  But apparently I was also “preparing the mind.”

  Derek Wade

  17. The Prepared Mind: Neural Activity Prior to Problem Presentation Predicts Subsequent Solution by Sudden Insight [Kou06].

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  Prepared exclusively for Jose Luis Loya


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  As I mentioned earlier (in Section 6.8, Visualize Insight with Mind

  Maps, on page 181), taking notes seems to be very important, even

  if you never read them again. In Derek’s case, there may be several

  elements at work:

  • Hand-drawing
the cards emphasizes R-mode processes.

  • The active creation of the notes/cards helps prepare the mind

  for the later activity.

  • Visualizing the sequences and maneuvers can help “groove”

  the mind (we’ll talk more about this shortly in Section 7.6,

  Imagination Overrides Senses, on page 212).

  TIP 31

  Write on: documenting is more important than documen-


  You don’t have to use index cards or even real paper; the back of

  the napkin is just fine or maybe a large whiteboard.

  Or perhaps you might want to take an

  Make a screencast.

  hour to create a podcast or screencast.

  You may find that’s more productive for

  yourself and more engaging for the consumer of the information.

  It’s also probably cheaper than taking a week (and a committee) to

  produce a lengthy document.

  Screencasts are really useful to convey something dynamic: show-

  ing a user how to perform a task using your software or modeling

  the life cycle of an object through a complicated set of processes.

  It’s a cheap and cheerful way to have lots of people (or remote peo-

  ple) look over your shoulder to see what you’re talking about.

  Just think of it as another way of teaching yourself the subject.

  Of course, another powerful learning technique lies in teaching


  6.10 Learn by Teaching

  One of the simplest and most effective techniques to learn some-

  thing is to try to teach it. Teaching in this context doesn’t neces-

  sarily mean grabbing the chalk and heading into the classroom;

  there are several different ways to go about it. You can begin with

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  Prepared exclusively for Jose Luis Loya


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  simple verbal “rubber ducking.” In The Pragmatic Programmer, we

  described the following scenario.

  You’re stuck with a difficult bug. You’ve

  already spent a lot of time on it, and the Talk to the duck.

  deadline is looming. So, you ask a co-

  worker for help. They walk over to your screen, and you begin

  to explain what’s going on—and what’s going wrong. Before you

  get very far into the description, a flash of insight smacks you in

  the head, and you exclaim, “A-ha!” You’ve found the bug. Your

  bemused co-worker, who never had to say a word, shakes their


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