Rarity's Charity

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by G. M. Berrow

  “We have work to do!” Charity echoes. “Rarity, wait up!”

  Chapter 9

  Rarity lifts up a finished dress. “Another one down!”

  “Another one down!” echoes Charity, smiling. “Do you need anything else?” she asks eagerly. “Some more tea? A back massage?”

  Rarity sighs. She remembers Twilight’s warning that Charity might be getting carried away in her admiration for Rarity. Maybe Rarity and Charity need to have some time apart.

  Charity looks tired, and her mint-colored mane is becoming a little wild.

  “Charity, you’ve done more than enough. Please go and do something fun!” Rarity passes Charity a list. “Just run these errands, and then the afternoon is yours.”

  “Are you sure?” Charity asks. “I could organize your fabrics again!”

  “No, no! I won’t hear another word about it. Go on, shoo!” Rarity pushes the pony out the door, then breathes a sigh of relief.

  When Charity has run all the errands on Rarity’s list, she wonders what to do with her free time.

  She catches her reflection in a window as she passes. Her mane looks awfully frizzy. “An untidy mane equals a plain Jane, as Rarity would say.” Something has to be done!

  Suddenly, she notices a building with a purple roof. The sign out front has a picture of a mare with a beautiful, flowing mane and tail. Charity eagerly trots over. Maybe they can help with her bad mane day!

  Inside, Charity is greeted by a pink pony with a slicked-back blue mane.

  “Welcome to La Ti Da Spa,” she says. “What can we do for you today?”

  “I need something for my mane,” says Charity. She smiles. Rarity is going to be so impressed. “Do you ponies do mane coloring here?”

  Chapter 10

  “Voilà!” Rarity announces as she finishes the final dress. “And I still have time for a hooficure before the choir costumes need to be delivered.”

  Rarity scribbles a note for Charity:

  Dearest Charity,

  Beauty emergency—I’ll be back soon to bring the outfits to the concert.

  Hope you had fun around town!



  Charity arrives at the concert an hour before showtime, completely out of breath. The choir dresses were much heavier than she had guessed. But Rarity will be so proud that Charity has delivered them. And with her newly-dyed purple mane and tail, she looks just like her idol!

  “I’m here! I’m here!” Charity shouts.

  “Thank Celestia!” says Golden Harvest. She calls to the other choir members. “Rarity’s here, everypony! Costume time!”

  “Oh, I’m not Rar—” Charity starts to say, but she is interrupted.

  “Wow, Rarity! You’ve really outdone yourself this time.” Lyra Heartstrings hugs her dress. “I want to wear it every day!”

  “Such attention to detail, Rarity!” adds Twinkleshine, admiring the expert hoofiwork.

  Charity knows she shouldn’t take the credit, but it’s wonderful to hear everypony singing her praises!

  “Oh, thank you so much, everypony,” Charity beams. “I just felt so… inspired by your gorgeous voices!”

  “They look stunning!” says Golden Harvest. “Say, Rarity, something’s different about you. But I can’t quite put my hoof on it.”

  Charity gives a nervous laugh and tosses her mane. “Whatever do you mean, darling?”

  Chapter 11

  Rarity stands in her boutique, sobbing uncontrollably. Her friends are with her, trying to calm her down. “The choir costumes have been stolen!” she howls in dismay. “All that hard work down the drain. And my reputation—ruined!”

  “Are you sure?” asks Rainbow Dash.

  “Yes, I’m sure!” Rarity sniffs. Where is Charity when she needs a tissue? “But I must face this like a true professional,” Rarity declares. “I must go and tell Golden Harvest.”

  “Ten minutes to showtime, everypony!” Rarity hears Golden Harvest call as she arrives backstage.

  Rarity smooths down her mane and takes a deep breath as she steps through the curtain.

  “I regret to inform you all that there will be no costumes! They have been stolen,” Rarity announces. “Please accept my deepest apologies.”

  Her words are met with giggles. The choir is standing in front of her, wearing their specially-designed outfits. But how?

  “Rarity, you’re a hoot!” says Twinkleshine, smoothing down her skirt.

  “What? I thought that they…” Rarity says slowly. “Where did you get these?”

  “You brought them, of course,” says Golden Harvest.

  “I did?” Rarity feels a bit faint. Is she losing her mind?

  Tippy Tappy puts a hoof on her shoulder. “Rarity, are you okay?”

  “I’m perfectly fine,” Rarity lies, backing away. On her way out, she hears somepony call her name.

  “Yes?” Rarity says, peeking back through the curtain.

  “Yes?” says another pony nearby at the same time. “Did somepony need something from moi, Rarity?”

  “I just wondered if you could redo my bow tie, Rarity,” a stallion asks the pony.

  Rarity’s eyes grow wide with shock.

  The other pony giggles. “Anytime, darling!”

  Rarity cranes her neck to get a better view and tumbles straight through the curtain into the back of the stage!

  “Rarity!” Charity cries, running over to her. “Are you all right?”

  All Rarity can see is purple. Is she looking into a mirror? No, she is looking at an imposter—Charity!

  “Take off those wigs this instant!” Rarity screeches.

  “They aren’t wigs.” Charity looks down. “I dyed my mane and tail. I thought it would look fabulous.”

  “Well, it does,” Rarity admits. “But only on me! Did you steal the choir costumes?!”

  “No! I brought them over because you were running late,” Charity explains. “I wanted to make sure your beautiful work arrived on time.”

  Rarity softens. “Oh. Well, you shouldn’t do things like that without telling me first, okay?”

  Charity nods as the show starts on the other side of the curtain. Rarity and Charity peek through the curtain to watch.

  Golden Harvest steps forward. She twirls, and the beautiful dress billows out.

  “My dresses are amazing!” Charity says, completely mesmerized.

  Rarity raises an eyebrow. She is beginning to wonder what sort of show Charity is putting on.

  Chapter 12

  The next day, Rarity calls her friends for a secret meeting to ask for their help. “I’m afraid there is a crisis,” Rarity tells them.

  “What is it?” asks Applejack.

  “Charity is trying to steal my life!” Rarity cries.

  Twilight sighs. “This is what I was trying to tell you at the picnic. Charity thinks that if she copies you, she’ll become the type of pony she looks up to.”

  “This is the worst possible thing!” Rarity moans. “How would Charity like it if somepony copied her?” Suddenly, Rarity has an idea. “Oh! That’s it!” She races off.

  “Wait! Where are you going?” Rainbow Dash shouts after her.

  “I’m just going to have to show Charity how great it is to be herself,” Rarity calls back.

  Back in town, Rarity finds Charity with Spike, searching for gems. She adjusts her mint-colored wigs and smooths down the light-green dress from Charity’s suitcase. She’s ready.

  “Here you are!” Rarity calls, trotting over with a grand flourish.

  “Wow, Rarity!” Spike says. “You look amazing!”

  “Hey! That’s my design!” Charity cries. “And your mane! You dyed it?” Charity touches her own purple mane. “But I thought purple was in.”

  “I thought I’d try something new,” Rarity explains. “You don’t think it’s fabulous?”

  “Well, yes, but…” Charity says. “It’s like you’re trying to look like me!” Charity frowns.
“Or how I used to look… before I started trying to be you.” Charity slumps. “Oh.”

  Rarity smiles. “I can hardly blame you for copying my style. But, Charity, darling,” she says, taking off the wigs, “I would never dye my mane.”

  “Oh, Rarity, I’m so sorry!” Charity exclaims. “I’ve been the worst apprentice in all Equestria.”

  “I haven’t been the best teacher, either,” Rarity admits.

  “Are you kidding?” Charity exclaims. “This experience has been incredible. You’re the greatest fashion designer of all time, Rarity.”

  Rarity gets a little choked up. “You’re well on your way, too. This gown is simply stunning!”

  Charity gives Rarity a hug. “Can we start over?”

  “Absolutely!” Rarity sticks out her hoof. “Hi, I’m Rarity.”

  “And I’m Sweetmint.” Sweetmint laughs, head held high. “Want to go to the spa? I need to have my mane redone.…”

  “Only if we work on your fashion line after!” Rarity says.

  “Deal!” Sweetmint nods.

  Chapter 13

  Sweetmint adjusts an aqua gown. “Does it look better now, Rarity?”

  “Up a little higher on the left,” Rarity says. “Make sure everypony can see the shells on the neckline.”

  Sweetmint adjusts the dress then steps back to look at it. Her “Sparkling Sea” fashion line is inspired by the magical world of Seaponies. The dresses are beautiful.

  “I still can’t believe we’re here at Sacks! With a fashion line that I designed—I mean, that we designed.” She giggles.

  “No, darling, this was all you,” Rarity says, smiling. “Personally, I think the inspiration came from all those Bluedazzle berry tarts I made you eat.”

  Sweetmint winces. “Rarity, I have a confession,” she says. “I absolutely detest Bluedazzle berries!”

  “I know, darling,” Rarity replies with a wink and a smile. “I know.”

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