The Heartstone Saga

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The Heartstone Saga Page 37

by Archibald Bradford

  Reading the dark urge, the demon was happy to accommodate him.

  “I can be your bitch, if that is what you need.” Evadne cooed as she licked the mess of saliva and cum from her lips; “You are my bond-mate. Act like it and claim me. I won’t resist. I can’t resist.”

  Physically, the demon still felt nothing from the act. It was simply a chore that needed doing in order to keep a crucial asset motivated.

  As for Evadne... she was mentally cracking walnuts, numb and indifferent. She was aware of what was happening, but all of her reservations had been burned away by the demonic entity within her.

  Jonathan wanted to finally master his bond-mate, but everything that he was master of amounted to dust.

  A pitiable existence, if anyone could forgive his crimes long enough to pity him.

  Once his cock was rigid again he pulled her to her feet, his emaciated strength barely able to do so.

  “Bend over the table, bitch.” He panted.

  There was a crash of plates as she did as he asked.

  “Oh yes, mount me!” She groaned.

  Meanwhile her snake tail began to coil around him once he was in position behind her, its cool scales rasped faintly against his skin and made him shudder as his cock hardened even more.

  “C-Call me master. I am your master.”

  “Whatever you want, Master.”

  Internally the demon was still laughing at the fool who actually believed the words to be true.

  Jonathan meanwhile grunted as his cock, wet with her spit and his spunk, thrust inside of her pussy to the hilt.

  It was better than he had ever imagined.

  With his hands gripping her hips as tight as he could he drove into her mercilessly, his cock making wet noises against her flesh with each thrust as he selfishly claimed what he believed to be his.

  The snake hissed, its head now resting on his shoulder, its tongue darting out to kiss at his cheek and neck. The weight of the massive serpent tail slowed his thrusting somewhat, but its cold embrace urged him onwards.

  So much of Jonathan’s life had been about Evadne denying his sexual urges, and so he unleashed them on her now without restraint.

  As his cum flooded inside of her, the Chimera’s body moaned and thrashed like he wanted, but inside of it Evadne still felt nothing.

  And as the demon grew bored of the event it began to fantasize with her about all of the different ways they could hurt him.

  Even when he pulled his cock out of her and forced her to the floor again to lick and suck it clean, he remained unaware of her innermost fantasies.

  Because despite Jonathan’s powers as an Empath the demon hid the thoughts away from him so that all he felt was the false desire to pleasure him.

  As for Evadne: she had no more pride, nor qualms about being soiled by a human, nothing except her mission.

  To destroy all life.

  One day soon, that would include Jonathan’s.

  Chapter 42:

  Enduring Hope

  The morning after the attack, Nameless was holding Milly close; he and his girls had slept in one of the temporary shelters erected the day before, with their apartment gone it was their only option.

  The nightmarish events of the previous day made Nameless fear sleep, and indulge in little of it when it finally came, but now that morning had come he really didn’t want to get up.

  He drew in a deep breath of Milly’s familiar scent, his face buried deep in her cleavage.

  Where it belonged, in her opinion.

  As he exhaled, again into her breasts, he felt her strength as she held him tight.

  He never felt more at peace than when he was in her arms.

  Sharing in Volka’s mind could bolster his willpower and shield him from the emotional carnage within the minds of the Tenebrae, but he could not dwell in her thoughts forever, especially not now, not with her occupied coordinating the combined forces of the Aegis and the monster girl volunteers in the city.

  “Better?” Milly asked quietly.

  “Better. Thank you.”

  He drew in another breath, before turning his head to one side to kiss at one of her breasts.

  She lowed gently and rubbed at his back.

  “If you keep kissing me like that I’m going to misbehave.” She warned in a weak jest.

  No way did they have time for that.

  His chin lifted so that his muddy brown eyes could meet her baby blues, a sad smile on his face.

  “Later baby. Always later.”

  Together they got out of the uncomfortable cot, but once they were dressed she pulled him close again, leaning down to press her soft pink lips against his for a moment.

  “My master, before I met you I didn’t know what I was meant to do, or to be. I do now. We’re here to save as many as we can. Like that Katje, Neru. And that poor Lambda before, the one with the glasses.” She sniffed suddenly and he was surprised to see her eyes wet with sudden emotion; “And like those poor girls yesterday. And Erica and Nina.”

  “Milly, I’m-”

  “I don’t remember if I ever thanked you Master.” She whispered suddenly as she blinked back her tears; “Thanked you for saving my sister.”

  Nameless laughed suddenly, causing her to flinch before he put both hands on her cheeks, his thumbs gently grazing below her eyes to wipe away the moisture.

  “You thanked me, just by being in my life you thanked me.”

  As he stood on his toes for another kiss his hands shifted from her cheeks to the sides of her head, cupping her floppy ears and stroking them gently as they made out with easy intimacy.

  When they broke apart once more his hands fell from her face, briefly pausing to give her massive tits a hearty grope through her shirt before he stepped away from her.

  “When this is over. We’ll go back to our cottage in Kettering, I’ll start in on that garden like Ophelia wanted, and spend my days watching you in the field. Grazing and basking in the light with your bond-sisters.”

  She smiled, knowing full well that he was telling her a lie, or at best a hopeful fantasy of the life they both longed for.

  “That sounds nice. Erica is really good at basking. It might take some doing with Nina though.”

  “We can teach her together.” He promised.

  Her fingers intertwined with his and, refreshed once more, Nameless and his loyal cow stepped out into the city, ready to face whatever was to come.


  “Aegis Holt! You are a hard woman to find amidst this chaos! We have been searching for you since yesterday!”

  Miranda’s head snapped up at hearing her name, her eyes scanning the bustling street for the source.

  When she found it, her jaw dropped.

  “Alcaia! What the hell are you doing here? Did Escrya get word to you?”

  The warleader had come with Adrian and Olena along with a half-dozen of her people, and together they closed the distance quickly.

  She was frowning though by the time she stood before Miranda.

  “I was not aware that she was looking for me.”

  The gruff Aegis operative scratched at her chin as she measured the group of monster girls, until her brow furrowed when she saw the scruffy-looking man in the midst of them.

  He let out a sigh, understanding her confusion.

  “Miranda Holt?” He extended his hand to clasp hers; “Adrian Shaw, with the ordinance disposal unit.”

  She had shaken the man’s hand out of reflex, but with his unshaven face and unwashed state, she nearly didn’t recognize the tattered uniform he wore.

  “Right. You are way overdue. And I think you lot have a story to tell.”

  “From the irate Ogre we met when coming into the city, not to mention everything we have heard since, I think so do you.” Alcaia responded pointedly as she and her warriors took in the ever-present signs of destruction.

  Miranda slowly nodded.

  “We’d better get you to the Bastion.”

  The building had at last been pronounced sound, and so the Aegis had reoccupied it.

  A short while later, Adrian and the others were standing in front of the provisional Aegis council, though out of respect for the dead they weren’t meeting in the usual council chamber.

  Booker was still part of it; despite his injuries and Juni’s strident objections the stubborn man was hobbling around on a crutch and glaring at anyone who tried to help him. Meanwhile Theo Holbrook had taken Margaret Bloom’s seat as headmaster of the academy, while Commander Dawn Morrow was spearheading the Aegis response to the crisis under the leadership of Volka, with Tiana serving as a representative of the monster girls that had already been following the Valkyrie.

  “Tristan Grove. Bethany Sinclair’s ex-husband and business partner.” Miranda noted with grim satisfaction when Adrian and the others had finished their tale; “The last big question-mark left over after the machine shop in Algrade.”

  “It seems that you and Aegis Holt had been working two sides of the same case.” Booker observed, but then he let out a heavy sigh; “The whole team is gone?”

  Wearing a fresh uniform for the first time in months, Adrian simply nodded.

  “This is... a blow. I knew Derrick Killian since he was at the academy.”

  Juni reached out with one wet hand and rubbed at his shoulder to console him.

  So many friends, gone.

  Booker patted her finger and shook off his melancholy as he turned to face the dark haired woman standing next to Adrian.

  “And you? Olena, correct?”

  “I’m afraid it must be.” The Witch said placidly.

  “How are you involved with this? We reached out to the covens months ago to help combat Evadne’s magic but haven’t heard anything from them since.”

  Olena frowned.

  “That is not unexpected. There is a reason I stand alone. After the devastation their magic caused during the war the covens vowed to protect themselves and their bond-mates above all others. If what you have told me is true and entropy is spreading across this world, I think it unlikely you will receive much aid from them, not until they themselves are under threat.”

  “How about you? Can you help us?” Miranda asked.

  The Witch looked long into her eyes, neither of them blinking.

  “I do not know. Entropy is one of the primal forces that govern our world, it exists to balance the light of creation. It is dangerous beyond words and shouldn’t be meddled with. Beyond that I cannot say.”

  Dawn Morrow shook her head.

  “Maybe you can’t help us against Evadne’s magic, but surely you can use yours to help restrain the Tenebrae Jonathan has created!”

  “I’m not one for crusades.”

  “We’re not asking you to join a damned crusade.” Booker snapped; “We’re asking you to help stop one.”

  The Witch lifted one eyebrow as tension mounted in the room.

  She moved towards Booker and he let out a grunt as her bone needle jabbed him in the forearm.

  Adrian rolled his eyes.

  “Not this again.”

  Olena stepped back as the surprised Aegis councillor held his bleeding arm, the Witch tapping the end of her bloody needle against the rim of a vial she had produced from nowhere.

  “The emotional nuances you humans carry in your blood is invaluable for-”

  A big gob of water splashed into the side of Olena’s head, cutting her off; twin coils of more water flowed above an enraged Juni as she glared at the Witch.

  “Stab my man again and I’ll drown you in your own blood!” The normally effervescent girl snarled.

  Blinking away the wet, Olena looked down at her vial, swirling now with a mixture of blood and Juni’s water.

  With a huff the Witch upturned the vial.

  “Useless now.”

  “Serves you right.” The elemental growled as Booker patted at her arm placatingly.

  Olena tilted her head to one side and twisted her mane of thick dark hair to get the water out of it.

  “If my people had ever found a way to harness the power in an elemental’s blood we would have won the war. Such passion.”

  Before Juni could retort, Miranda stepped in.

  “Look lady, I get that you have this whole aloof and mysterious shtick going for you, but everyone in this room very recently lost a lot of friends. So either get your head out of your ass and help, or get the hell out of here before I start force-feeding you knuckles.”

  Olena bit her lip, a flash of remorse coming across her features as she spotted Miranda’s clenched fist.

  “My... apologies. I have lived most of my life in the wilds, having only encountered a handful of humans in that time. I am not used to being around so many at once.” With her hair as dry as she could make it she righted her posture and nodded her head; “Yes. Of course I will help. I didn’t save Adrian’s life just for him to die here.”

  “Why am I dying all of a sudden?” He mumbled.

  Though she was frowning at the Witch’s behaviour, Tiana chose not to comment on it, instead she address Alcaia.

  “Warleader, I am Tiana of Brael, and I have spent a great deal of time with some of your people. I can direct you so that you might speak with your second.”

  The Saenga leader nodded.

  “I came here to ensure that Adrian and these weapons were returned safely. Now I must see to the safety of my warriors, and I am most eager to see my daughter again.”

  After she spoke though, Tiana adopted a pained look, causing the Amazon leader’s eyes to narrow.

  The council had many things that they had to do, and bickering with Olena simply wasn’t one of them, so after Tiana and Alcaia left the meeting soon broke apart.

  Shortly thereafter, the Saenga leader was standing beside the cots where two of her warriors were recovering, having a serious talk with her second.

  “I had assumed that you and the others were enjoying your time away from the village, an adventure to further the growth of the younger ones like Kaylee and my daughter.”

  “We were, at first.” Myrina shook her head mournfully; “But then this evil awoke, and we sought to aid the Aegis in combating it.”

  “You should have sent word to me Myrina!” Alcaia rebuked her sternly; “If I had known I would have led all of the Saenga to your aid!”

  Myrina hung her head in shame, but Volka came to her rescue, having sought them out after learning of Alcaia’s arrival.

  “Do not be over harsh with Myrina, Warleader.” The Valkyrie declared as she picked her way amongst the many injured people in the tent; “We cannot see all ends, and the Chimera is something none of us could have predicted. Ever has Myrina sought only to keep my husband safe.”

  The reaction of Alcaia and the Amazons she brought with her served as a reminder that the last time she’d seen Volka the Valkyrie’s soul was still trapped in her shield.

  Once she had recovered her composure, she shook her head.

  “I dreamt of adventure and war when I was a girl, as we all do. But now I stand before a Dominar of the Valkyrie and long for nothing but peace.”

  “Such are not the complaints of a warleader!” Volka chuckled, the warmth of her mirth causing the people and monsters recovering around to perk up; “Peace will come again, though we shall have to fight to obtain it.”

  It was a statement she was getting a lot of use out of.

  “I will follow you.” Alcaia promised immediately; “I wish I had more of my people though. And I wish I knew where my daughter was.”

  Myrina had since informed her of Escrya’s quest, and she was greatly troubled by it.

  “We all have wishes. I wish I did not need to send her out as I had.” Volka admitted.

  “Helena and Kaylee are with her.” Myrina assured them both; “Kaylee is not much older than Escrya but she is already a canny warrior, and Helena is wise enough to keep them out of trouble.”

  Alcaia bit her lip, but accepted it, l
eaning over to kiss one of the wounded Amazons on the brow.

  Though the medics appreciated the presence of the Valkyrie and her soothing aura, the press of bodies from their conversation was much less desired, so they stepped outside.

  “There is something else that we must discuss.” Volka began; “Something of some import, Alcaia.”

  Myrina brought her hand up to cover her mouth and hide her smile, knowing what was coming.

  “What is it?” The warleader asked.

  But she blinked in surprise when Volka pulled her into a hug, shuddering as the softness of her feathered wings wrapped around her.

  “By human custom, you would now be considered my mother in law, and it is only appropriate that I greet you as such.”

  Their hug broke apart, the Amazon as confused as before.

  “Mother in- what does that...” Alcaia trailed off as her mind worked through what Volka was saying and how it might relate to the smirk on her face; “My daughter has bonded?!”

  “She has.”

  “T-To the Valkyrja-datta?” She demanded with voice shaking from emotion.

  “To my Husband, Nameless.” Volka corrected; “I appreciate you venerating him with the lofty title, but given that you are his family now, it would be better that you use his name. I know that he would prefer it.”

  Alcaia readily agreed, and was quick to follow the Valkyrie, but paused as Volka caught sight of Adrian.

  The Aegis technician had been directed to the medics for a checkup after his injuries in the wilds and afterwards he lingered outside, uncertain what to do with himself.

  Olena had given up on him, and he had no real connections with anyone anymore, at least none that he could lean on.

  And that hollow feeling within his chest was impossible for the angel to ignore.

  Seeing her approaching the wounded man, Alcaia drew back discreetly to give them a moment.

  An ordinary Valkyrie, if an angel could ever be called that, would see to the root of Adrian’s distress, but a Dominar had the power to do something about it.

  “Outside of the fear of yesterday, people will still laugh in the streets, while their children will make light of things they don’t understand.” Adrian looked up in surprise, his mouth falling open slightly at the unexpected address; “And all of it galls you. It isn’t fair that they should be smiling while she no longer can.”


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