Secrets and Spellcraft

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Secrets and Spellcraft Page 37

by Michael G. Manning

  He kept his eyes on the people around him, watching to see if they noticed him. Moving was constantly a risk, as people frequently looked to see what had caught their eye, but as long as he grew still immediately after, they generally gave up and moved on. Staying close to walls and buildings seemed to help as well, while standing in the middle of an open space caused people to glance in his direction more frequently. At one point he nearly dropped the spell to run, certain that a suspicious pedestrian was about to call him out. Fortunately, the man gave up after a minute of confused staring and moved on.

  Since he had no appointment or particular place to be, he wasn’t worried about another ambush, and being nearly impossible to observe made him feel even safer. He continued to wander, and half an hour later he found himself staring at the main entrance to the royal palace.

  He hadn’t consciously made his way there, but seeing the place, he realized it was where he wanted to be. Selene was inside. I’m a fool, he thought.

  The main gate was tempting, but there were four guards posted within the arch. Walking past them would be difficult with no distractions, plus there was the near certainty that at least one magic user would be hidden somewhere close by. Will suspected the flow of turyn around his body would be even more noticeable with two spells active.

  He moved on, heading back toward Wurthaven before turning north along the lane between the two. The goddamn cat had pointed out the best place to cross the wall, and he was determined to try it out.

  The climbing spell made scaling the wall easy, and although a guard happened to walk by as he neared the top, the man never even paused. Will waited until the soldier was almost to the other end, then crossed over the merlons and stepped onto the walkway. He descended to the palace garden immediately after.

  Crossing the wide-open spaces of the garden worried him the most, so he took his time, moving slowly and stopping near bushes to reassess whether anyone was looking down from the wall or from one of the palace windows. It took nearly half an hour to get to the spot directly beneath Selene’s window.

  Recasting the climb spell, he made a slow ascent to avoid drawing the eyes of the guards on the distant outer wall. He found something new when he neared Selene’s window. A warding spell had been placed on the stone around it. He stopped there, unsure how to proceed.

  Will studied the runes woven into it for several minutes, but he couldn’t remember the first ward he had encountered—the one around her tent—well enough to know if it was the same ward. He had inadvertently absorbed that ward without immediately alerting her, but it was possible this magic worked differently.

  He simply didn’t know, and he hadn’t studied wards at all in school. I need to make up my mind soon. I can’t hang here forever. Eventually his turyn would run out from the drain of maintaining three spells at the same time. Then an idea came to him.

  First he prepared the unlocking spell and tucked it away so he could quickly cast it if his idea worked. That done, he held out his free hand and put it close to the ward, so that his skin was just an inch away while he studied the turyn of the ward. Concentrating, he matched his turyn with the ward until he couldn’t tell the difference between them. Then he placed his hand against the stone.

  Nothing happened, and a slow grin spread across Will’s face. Keeping his hand on the ward he cast the unlocking spell, then matched the turyn in his other hand before pushing the window open. Moving slowly, he did the same with his legs as he crept over the sill and entered the room. He shut the window and stepped back before letting the turyn covering his body return to normal, then he dismissed the climbing spell and breathed a sigh of relief.

  The parlor was empty, so he listened intently for a minute to see if she was in the bedchamber. He heard nothing. Walking slowly, he crossed the room and looked in to be sure. He was alone.

  “Well that’s disappointing,” he whispered to himself. “What should I do with myself?”

  He did a slow circuit of the parlor, finding little of interest, though he noted that the sideboard was stocked with both a fresh pitcher of water and a decanter of wine. He poured himself a cup of water and drank it in two long swallows.

  Unable to resist any longer, he went to the bedroom. Not to go through her things, he reminded himself. I’m just curious, that’s all.

  The bed was a work of art. It had four massive posts carved with flowers and vines, while the headboard depicted an idyllic landscape. Gauzy curtains were drawn back at the corners and he wondered if she used them to keep flies out while she slept. He’d never seen such a luxury before, not even on Arrogan’s ornate bed.

  Turning away, he examined the dressing table, which held an array of mysterious objects. The only thing he recognized there were his antidote potions, which held a special place in the center. It surprised him that she hadn’t just put them away in a drawer out of sight. Does she just look at them?

  There were three large wardrobes and two massive wooden chests. He opened one of the wardrobes and glanced inside. As expected, it held numerous dresses and gowns, and while some were what one would expect of a princess, quite a few were of common fabrics and unassuming appearance. Probably because she likes to go out and pretend to be a commoner, he thought.

  He shut the doors and didn’t bother looking in the others. I’m not here to snoop. He turned back to the bed, noting the depression on one of the pillows. It must have been the one she slept on. Mind blank, he took a step toward it, unsure of what moved him.

  He paused as he spotted something on the floor in one corner of the room, a small wooden box. It was lying on its side as though it had fallen there. Will walked over and picked it up, then opened it.

  He drew in a sharp breath as he saw the ring within, a delicate gold band shaped into the form of roses. Set in the center was vibrant, clear stone that sparkled as he turned it in the light. He’d never seen one before, but he was almost certain it was a diamond. It’s huge. Why was it over here on the floor? Not wanting to leave it there, Will closed the box and put it on the dressing table.

  The pillow was calling to him. With two long strides he crossed the room and picked it up, pressing it against his face and inhaling. He could smell her hair, along with a faint scent of lavender. After a few seconds he started to put it back in its place, feeling guilty.

  A loud click from the other room announced the opening of the outer door.

  Chapter 42

  A surge of panic shot through him, as it took a moment for his rational mind to remind him that he was still hidden by the chameleon spell. Will stood still, waiting, and after a moment he saw Selene enter the bedroom. He didn’t say anything at first, wanting to be sure she was alone.

  Her actions confirmed that a second later, when she began removing her dress. As he realized what she was doing he felt the blood rush to his cheeks, and he fought a short but fierce internal battle. His better nature won out.

  “Selene, wait, I’m in here with you,” he said, trying to make his voice as calm and unthreatening as possible.

  Selene’s reaction was far more severe than he had hoped for. The sound that came from her throat was more of a yip than a scream, reminiscent of a puppy that’s had its tail stepped on. She straightened up, fighting to escape the dress that was tangled around her head and arms. Twisting her body to throw it off, she stepped forward and one foot landed on the stool beside her dressing table.

  Will was too far away to catch her, but he called out again. “It’s Will. Don’t panic!”

  She caught her balance somehow, though her rough struggles ripped the seam along one side of her dress. Selene straightened up and managed to get her head back through the neck of the dress to peer in his direction. Despite her ridiculous situation and near fall, she had the dignified air of a cat after an awkward fall. Her demeanor denied the existence of any such event. “Will?”

  “I’m right here,” he answered. He dismissed the chameleon spell and her eyes focused on him.

did you get in here—again?” she demanded, then she noticed the pillow still in his hands. “And why are you holding my pillow?”

  He tossed the pillow onto the bed as though it had suddenly caught fire. “No reason.”

  An evil light appeared in her eyes. “Did you sneak in here to cuddle with my pillow?” she teased.

  “No! I just—I hadn’t seen material like that before. I was curious about the fabric,” he sputtered.

  Walking over to him, she stuck one arm through the ripped side seam and took the pillow from the bed. Lifting it to her face, she sniffed. “Too bad. It doesn’t smell at all. You must have been disappointed.”

  “Lavender,” he retorted, giving her a wink.

  She smiled faintly, then dropped the pillow and poked him in the chest with her one free arm. “Pervert. How did you get in this time?”

  Will’s eyes locked onto hers, and for a moment he forgot to breath. Why are her eyes red? Was she crying again? She betrayed no sorrow or depression in her behavior, but he asked anyway, “Are you all right?”

  Selene blinked. “Of course.” She twirled in place, her free arm sticking out like the stem of some deformed fruit. “Why wouldn’t I be? This is the new rage amongst fashionable dressers.”

  Will laughed at her performance, but he couldn’t help but feel she was forcing herself to be more cheerful than she actually felt. He started to sidle around her. “I’ll go into the other room so you can change.”

  “No need.” Bending at the waist, she shook herself twice then pulled the dress away and dropped it to the floor. Her eyes were challenging as she looked back at him, covered only by a thin, linen shift. “I’m not ashamed to be seen like this,” she added. “Not by you.”

  He kept his eyes firmly on her face. “Your father—”

  “Is not here,” she finished for him. “Are you worried? There’s no one here to protect you.”


  She nodded. “You once accused me of planning to make you into my pet or slave. Something like that. Remember?”

  He grinned. “I know you better now.” Moving to the other side, he tried to get past her, but she moved again, blocking his way.

  Selene glared at him. “Don’t you dare try to run away. Last time we hardly had a chance to speak. I’ve caught you fair and square. You’re my prisoner until I decide otherwise.”

  Will put his wrists together. “Will there be chains this time?”

  “I haven’t decided yet.” Turning away, she went to her dressing table and glanced at herself in the mirror, grimacing when she saw the tangled mess her hair had become. Her eyes looked down, and he saw her spot the ring box. Without saying a word, she opened a drawer and dropped the box into it.

  Something about the way she had held it bothered him, as though she didn’t even want to touch the box. “What was that?” he asked.

  “Something unfortunate,” she replied simply. “I don’t want to talk about it. I’d rather hear how you got into my room again. This is turning into a habit of yours. What is this, the third time?”

  “If you count the tent,” said Will.

  “I do. One second.” Moving to the wardrobe, she opened it and pulled out a thick quilted dressing gown, which she pulled around her shoulders. Then she left the room and went to the outer door in the other room. Opening it, she spoke to the guards outside. “I’m tired and I don’t wish to be disturbed. Tell the maids to stay out. Unless it’s the king himself I don’t even want to hear a knock on this door. Understood?” She closed and locked it then, and not content with just that, she dropped the wooden bar that made it impossible to open from the outside.

  Her orders, combined with the way she had sealed the door, made Will strangely nervous when she returned. “I came in through the window,” he said, to answer her earlier question.

  Selene went and examined it. “The ward is still intact.”

  “I was worried that it might be different from the one before,” explained Will. “So I matched my turyn to that of the ward. I wasn’t sure if it would work.”

  She gave him a disapproving look. “If it hadn’t, you’d be dead. If the lightning shock didn’t kill you, the fall afterward would have finished the job. You’re insane. Was it that important for you to see me?” As she spoke, she was approaching step by step.



  He gazed at her helplessly. “For the life of me, I don’t know. I might have had a reason, but I can’t remember it.”

  Selene removed the dressing gown without looking away, tossing it over the chair beside the dressing table. Will could think of no reason for removing it, unless she was making a statement of some kind. His willpower failed him, and his eyes drifted down, then up again, studying her figure through the linen shift as she walked closer. A hunger was building in him.

  But he knew it couldn’t happen. Shouldn’t happen. He turned his head to one side and tried to warn her, “I know you trust me, but you should put something else on.”

  She stopped, her face just inches from his. Then he felt her arms sliding around his waist, pulling him close. Unable to stop himself, he returned the gesture, crushing her shoulders within his arms, holding her tightly. He was afraid to let go. Given any space, any room to maneuver, he would do far worse.

  “I want you to see me, Will,” she said, speaking into his shoulder. “Do you understand?”

  Yes! “No,” he said stubbornly. “You know that can’t happen. I’m no one.”

  “Let me go,” she said firmly. He did, and she took a few steps back and opened one of the wood chests at the foot of her bed. Will heard the sound of coins, then she straightened and closed the chest. Reaching down, she grasped the hem of her shift and lifted it over her head.

  She was utterly nude, and when her face turned back, he could see that her eyes were glistening. Selene held out her hand. On her palm were six silver clima. “I want a kiss.”

  He never remembered taking the first step toward her, but when he reached her, the coins went flying and a moment later, they fell awkwardly onto the bed, a tangle of arms and legs. They half-kissed, half-wrestled for several minutes, until at last he rolled onto his back and Selene began unlacing his jerkin. He tried to help, but his clumsy fingers only slowed things down; she slapped his hands away.

  The jerkin came off, then she started on his trouser laces while he tugged and pulled to get his tunic off. Once his chest was bare, he paused, staring at her. Selene met his gaze, and he asked, “Why?”

  She blinked, but her determination didn’t fade. “Don’t ask me why.” Then she backed away and jerked at his trouser legs as though they had done something terrible to offend her. A triumphant smile flashed across her face and then he was naked. Climbing back into the bed she settled beside him and their lips met again.

  Youth and passion made them impatient, but before they lost control of themselves, he heard her whisper, “I want you to be my first. It has to be you.”

  The next quarter of an hour passed in a blur. Being the first time, it was frequently awkward, sometimes painful, and yet still poignantly wonderful. Will felt sad and slightly embarrassed that it came to an end so soon, primarily because of him.

  They lay staring at each other for several minutes. “I can’t believe that happened,” said Selene, echoing his thoughts.

  “It was too quick,” said Will sourly.

  “The first time always is,” she responded sagely.

  He gave her a suspicious look. “Where’d you hear that?”

  “The servants. They gossip a lot, and some of it is pretty randy,” she admitted. “Only half my education is from books; the rest is from listening around corners.” Will tried to sit up, but she caught his hair and pulled him back down. “You’re not getting away that easily.”

  He gave her another kiss. “How long do we have?”

  “You can leave tomorrow—maybe.”

  “Tomorrow is Sunday, but I have classes on Monday,” h
e warned her.

  “I know most of your instructors. I’ll see to it that you get extra credit if you aren’t able to make it to class,” she responded, gazing at him with molten eyes.

  Looking at her, he felt the beginnings of a ravenous hunger, as though the he had only imagined their previous adventure. Rolling over, he pinned her beneath him, relishing the smile on her lips. “I’ll do my best to earn it,” he growled.

  “You’d better,” she threatened. “Or you’ll have to retake the test again.”

  “How many times can I retake it?”

  “That depends on you.”

  Chapter 43

  Saturday evening passed like an impossible dream, one Will wished he might never awaken from. They slept in short stretches, waking occasionally to fight new battles and struggle against the inevitable progress of time. Eventually they grew hungry, and Selene went to the door to request a tray of food be brought up.

  Will kept himself camouflaged and hidden each time the door opened, just to be safe, though Selene repeatedly assured him no one would enter without her permission.

  After the food arrived, she returned to the bedroom with a tray in her hands, then stopped to glare at him. He was tugging on his trousers. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m cold,” he complained.

  She put the tray down, tutting at him. “No clothes.”

  “I’ll freeze to death.”

  Selene tossed her dressing gown aside and gave him an arch look. “Don’t be such a baby. You don’t see me complaining.” She glanced around, then went to the wardrobe before returning with a rose-colored housecoat. “This is all you’re allowed.”

  Will laughed, then pulled on the garment. It was too small for him, stretching at the shoulders and refusing to meet at the middle. “I can’t even button it.”

  “Perfect,” she declared. “Let’s eat.”


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