Take It All Off

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Take It All Off Page 10

by Weston Parker

  “Well, I guess we’re not having another drink then.” I didn’t know who moved first, but suddenly, my one arm snaked around her waist and hauled her up against me. Her arms flew around my neck to pull my head down while I was already lowering it.

  The next moment, our mouths collided, and I abandoned all pretense of thinking.

  Her lips were soft and warm. She tasted like cherries and crisp white wine. Her vanilla and lavender scent was everywhere.

  When her lips parted beneath mine, I swept my tongue into her mouth and lost myself in it, hardening so quickly and so much it fucking hurt. The kiss was everything I’d been fantasizing about and everything I’d wanted it to be.

  She broke it right as I was getting into it, but it was only to give me a devilish grin and point at one of the three doors on our right. “That one is mine. Elena will be at the club all night. Feel like staying for a bit, or do you have to get to work too early?”

  “I’m not going fucking anywhere,” I promised on a low growl. “Tonight, you’re mine. I hope you know what you’ve gotten yourself into.”

  Chapter 14


  My heart was pounding, my clit was pulsing, and warning bells were blaring inside my head. I’d never felt so much from a single kiss, but Marco had my body firing on all cylinders.

  The sound of his gravelly voice against my ear made my nipples pebble and sent a shiver of anticipation through me. I wasn’t one to be quiet and timid, though.

  “I hope you’re ready to make good on that promise,” I whispered, pushing up on my toes to press a kiss to his jaw. “Because I’m not letting you go fucking anywhere until you do.”

  Marco let out a low, sexy moan in response. His hands fell to my ass, and he lifted me by it effortlessly, like I weighed nothing.

  I hooked my ankles behind his ass and wound my arms around his neck, angling myself so his lips could return to mine.

  As he carried me down the hall, he kept kissing me, his tongue hot and insistent. I returned his kisses feverishly.

  The curtains in my bedroom were open, the streetlights outside softening the hard angles of his body when he laid me down on my bed. The mattress dipped from the weight of him when he climbed on after me.

  Hovering above me, propped up on his elbows beside my head, he was sexier than he’d ever been before. His breath fanned against my heated skin as he lowered his head, his mouth sliding down my jaw to my neck. My breathing hitched with each kiss, my fingers combing through his thick brown hair.

  I’d had some wine, and I was tipsy at best, but I suddenly felt drunk. Intoxicated by him. Everything about him was better than I could have dreamed of. His lips on my skin, his scent in my bedroom, the weight of his lower body against mine.

  Being with Marco like this was amazing. I was burning up, writhing beneath him as I tugged at the hem of his shirt. He lifted his head from my throat, the ghost of a smile on his lips as he reached behind his head and pulled it off himself. “Happy?”

  “Yes.” My breath caught when I took in the absolute perfection that was his bare abdomen.

  Without conscious thought, I reached for the muscles I’d been dying to see. My fingers skimmed the deep indentations of the ridges and valleys of his abs, exploring the cords of muscle almost reverently.

  He sighed and closed his eyes, humming a pleased sound that flooded me with need.

  When he opened them again, they were darker than I’d ever seen them. He ran his hands down my sides, still covered by the fabric of my dress.

  It had ridden up, but it was still there. He didn’t stop touching me until he reached my thighs. When his fingers hit bare flesh, I wasn’t ashamed of the whimper of need that tore out of me.

  Marco sat back on his heels, his eyes raking over me as I lay back on my purple comforter. I imagined I looked like a hot mess with my dress bunched up around my hips and my hair spread out all over the place. My lips were swollen from his kisses and I was pretty sure I was looking at him like I was begging him to fuck me.

  He tutted at me softly, placing a hand on each of my inner thighs and spreading them wide. “Patience, baby. I want to look at you.”

  “Fine, but I’m looking right back then,” I tried to sound sassy, but all I heard was desperation.

  Marco didn’t seem to mind, though. He nodded, lifted his hands away, and went for his buckle.

  Slowly, sensually, he curled his fingers around the loop of leather and pulled his belt free. He held it out to his side, watching me as I watched him.

  Scooting back on the bed, he swung his legs over and stood up at the base of it. He dropped the belt with a delicious smirk on his full lips. “Happy?”

  “No. Not yet.”

  The smirk grew, but he inclined his head and fingered the button of his pants. Almost painstakingly slowly, he slid the disk free and pulled down on his zipper. “How about now?”

  “Nope.” My mouth and throat had gone so dry that the word came out as a rasp.

  Heat flared in his eyes when he heard it, and finally, fucking finally, he kicked his pants off. “Your turn.”

  I gripped the hem of my dress and sat up. Taking my cue from him and wanting to make him sweat just a little, I lifted it enough to expose my panties.

  I stopped then, if only to open my legs a little farther. Marco sucked in a breath before crawling back onto the bed. He placed his hands over mine, then gently pushed them away before taking control.

  I lifted my ass to help, but I doubt it would’ve stopped him if I’d tried to dig it into the mattress instead. The dress disappeared over my head in an instant. Between our heavy breathing, I heard the soft rustling when it hit the floor.

  Marco moaned when I lay back again, this time wearing nothing but my white lacy bra and panties.

  “You’re so damn gorgeous,” I whispered, hungrily taking in every inch of his tanned, olive-toned skin.

  He smirked and ran his hand between my breasts, bringing him closer to me again. I looped my arms around his neck to pull him all the way back down to me. He came willingly, his words punctuated with kisses against my throat, earlobes, and mouth when he replied. “You took the words right out of my mouth, except mine were a little more explicit.”

  “What were you thinking?” I asked as I turned my head so we were face to face, only fractions of an inch separating us. Lowering my hands, I ran them over his broad shoulders and down the muscles in his back, my breathing picking up as I felt the power there. “Or better yet, show me.”

  My hips rocked against his, eliciting a hiss from him when he felt me. Although we were both still wearing underwear, I felt the long, thick length of him almost perfectly against my slick core.

  “I don’t know. I think you might enjoy the words as much as the actions.” His hands skimmed over my ribs until he finally palmed my breasts.

  I whimpered as his thumb brushed over my nipples, tightening both of them to hardened peaks. Marco kissed me again, long and deep. “Wouldn’t you?”

  “Let’s make it a show and tell then,” I bit out as I writhed into his touch.

  He pinched my nipple, making me cry out. It hadn’t been painful exactly, but I’d never been sure of the pleasure and pain combined thing. Looks like you might not have a choice.

  At least when he did it again, I was more prepared for it. This time, it made a moan slip out.

  “Greedy, aren’t you?” he asked. “Wanting me to tell and show you. That’s okay. I’m greedy, too.”

  “You seem way too patient to be greedy. You’re killing me here.”

  “I can assure you I feel the same way.” As if to prove his point, he ground his hips into mine and I nearly fainted from the sudden, delicious bursts of pleasure it sent through me. “First, I’m going to taste your breasts. I want to feel you writhe and I want to hear you when you tell me how good it feels.”

  Without waiting for a reply, he lowered himself down to my chest and did exactly what he said he was going to do. He closed his hot mout
h over my skin, once again making me whimper and squirm.

  His free hand reached around between my back and the mattress to expertly unhook my bra. Then it was pulled free and flung to God only knew where.

  My hips rocked again, seeking out some sort of pressure. I fucking loved what he was doing, but I wasn’t into denial. I needed something to satiate the need spiraling tightly in me. I found it in the form of Marco’s covered but incredibly strong erection.

  He let me grind against him but stopped when my whimpers turned into breathy moans. Lifting his head away from my chest, he grinned up at me while walking his fingers down to the elastic waistband of my panties.

  “Okay, I can take a hint. I’m going to touch you now, baby. I want you to come for me, but not until I say so.”

  “Fine,” I said with absolutely no intention of listening to him.

  All thoughts rushed from my mind when he pushed the fabric aside to run his fingers along my seam. His thumb dipped to brush my clit, and I swore I saw fireworks explode behind my eyelids.

  Trickles of pleasure were already rushing through me, and I bucked against his hand. Marco released a loud, needy groan that made me wetter than ever before.

  “Fuck, Adaline. If you thought I was the one killing you, you’d better think again.” Our gazes locked and the intensity in his was unlike anything I’d ever experienced. He covered my mouth with his, stroking me faster. “Come for me, baby. Just come. Next time, we play.”

  “Yes,” I breathed.

  I would’ve agreed to go to fucking Mars with him if that was what he wanted, so long as he kept going. My hands flew to his shoulders when he increased the pressure on my clit, my nails biting into his skin.

  I was so fucking close I could already feel my toes curling and my inner walls clamping down. “Marco. Fuck. Please…”

  “Let go, baby,” he whispered, changing up his angle and stroking me with expert precision that made every muscle in my body tighten.

  The aching need I’d felt for him since we met overwhelmed me, and with a final brush of his fingers, my orgasm ripped through me. White-hot pleasure pulsed out from my core and covered every nerve ending in absolute bliss.

  Marco kissed me as I came back down, panting and trembling.

  Somehow, I still wanted him. Even more than before.

  “I love watching you come, Adaline,” he said, running one finger along my cheek and my jaw. “I want to do it again.”

  There was physical need burning in his eyes when he looked at me. His muscles were locked tight and his posture betrayed that he needed me as much as I needed him. Probably more at that very moment.

  Our eyes locked again, and the connection was so intense this time that it felt almost tangible. “Do it again, but do it while you’re inside me.”

  “You’re sure? We drank tonight. I don’t want you to regret it.”

  I flung an arm over my eyes and groaned. “Don’t go there. Please, babe? We had some wine. Are you drunk?”

  “No, but—”

  I silenced him with a kiss. “I want you, Marco. I’m not drunk either. I swear it.”

  A wicked, naughty smile spread on his lips. “That’s good to know. It’s also good that I believe you. I want you, too. I’ve wanted you since the first time I saw you.”

  “Same here.” I lifted my leg and bent my knee to pull my panties past it, then opened my legs wide again. “Take what you want. Whatever you want, it’s what I want too.”

  “Condom?” he asked. “I have one in my wallet, but—”

  “Nightstand,” I said. “Second drawer.”

  He leaned over me to reach it, torturing my sensitive flesh by letting his bulge dig into me while he extracted the box. There was a possessive glint in his eyes when he came back with it, an eyebrow cocked. “This box is still sealed.”

  “I know. It’s been a while.”

  “We’re going to talk about that,” he said as he ripped it open. “But not now.”

  Slipping his fingers inside, he withdrew one of the foil packets and tossed the box back on the wooden top of the nightstand.

  He kept his eyes on mine as he sat back, discarded his underwear, and quickly sheathed himself. In only the soft light coming from the street below, he was stunningly handsome and so damn glorious naked that I had the sudden urge to paint him. Maybe that was why there were so many naked men in paintings and sculptures all over this continent. The guys here really were something.

  My stomach clenched in anticipation when he crawled over me again, hovering above me. He leaned his forehead against mine as his cock nudged at my entrance. “I can’t wait to be inside you. I can’t wait to feel that tight, wet pussy around my cock. Are you ready?”

  “Yes,” I whispered against his lips.

  We didn’t break eye contact as he slid inside me, filling me perfectly and stretching me out so he hit spots inside me that had never been hit before. His mouth sealed over mine and I arched my hips at the same time he thrust all the way in. We both cried out when he buried himself inside me.

  “You okay?” he asked, dots of sweat appearing on his forehead.

  “Perfect, you?” I managed between gritted teeth. “Move, babe. Please move.”

  Marco pressed a kiss on each of my eyelids and the tip of my nose. “I think I might have died and gone to heaven. Did we get hit by a car on the way back to your place?”

  “No, but you might die by getting hit with something else if you don’t start moving. Also, did you just give me a line?”

  He chuckled, the sound reverberating from his chest into mine. “Your wish is my command, but just so you know, it wasn’t a line.”

  He started moving with sure, slow strokes that carefully tended to the fire he was igniting in my overheated core. I joined in the rhythm he set, moving my hips along with his.

  Still so sensitive and wanting with my clit still swollen and aching, it didn’t take long before I felt an explosive orgasm building. Marco whispered dirty everythings—they sure as fuck weren’t sweet nothings—into my ear, which sent me hurtling toward the edge even faster.

  When he bit down on my earlobe, the unexpected but tiny burst of pain sent me flying over the edge. I heard him moan my name, and the next thing I knew, his broad cock was twitching deep inside me.

  Afterward, we lay together, breathing heavily and clinging to one another until the haze subsided. Rolling to my side, I flicked on the lamp on the nightstand and was almost afraid to face him again.

  My shoulders stiffened. Before I could even comprehend it, Marco gripped my hip and rolled me onto my back. Then he was on top of me again.

  His dark brows were knitted together, and worry clouded his golden eyes. “What, baby? What just happened?”

  I sighed, lifting my hands to his face and reveling in the slight burn of stubble against my palms. “Nothing really. It just occurred to me that you’re my boss, and we just slept together. Is this going to make things awkward at work?”

  “We’re off the clock.” He planted kisses on my eyelids again, this time ending with a chaste one on my lips. “It’s nothing to worry about. I promise. I’m going to take off, though. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable by overstaying my welcome.”

  I tried to convince him to stay, but it was like he knew I needed some space from him. He declined politely, gave me a final passionate kiss, and left.

  As for me? I managed to hide my smile until he was gone. Then I sprawled out on my bed and grinned at the fan on my ceiling like a sex-obsessed maniac.

  God, that was good.

  Chapter 15


  Children shrieked on the playground at the park where I was meeting Aldo. Parents stood around the kids, talking among themselves.

  In another section of the park, there were younger people lounging on the grass. Painters and performers entertained the people around them while tourists milled about.

  My dark sunglasses shielded my eyes, but I felt the warm rays on my face and
shoulders. I’d dressed down for the occasion, considering that I was only meeting my brother. My shirt had no sleeves, and my shorts felt strange around my knees, but I couldn’t wipe the smile off my lips.

  Last night with Addy had been spectacular. One of the best experiences of my life so far, and that was saying something.

  She gave as good as she got, wasn’t shy to ask for what she wanted, and was just loud enough for me to know she wasn’t putting on some kind of act. I fucking loved how she had checked her inhibitions at the door and really allowed me to see how much she wanted me and what she wanted from me.

  In the bedroom, just like in every other aspect of her life, she was assertive and self-assured. Those qualities were fucking sexy to me. If there was one thing I was certain of, it was that I had to have her again.


  Possibly again after that.

  “Hey! You made it.” Aldo’s voice cut into my thoughts. He came jogging up to me as he came off a paved path that ran around the back of the park. He was dressed similarly to me in a cut-off shirt and shorts, only his sneakers were smeared with mud while mine were still squeaky clean.

  In fact, somehow, we’d managed to almost match. Just in the inverse.

  My shorts were jade green and my shirt a navy blue while his shirt was jade green and his shorts navy blue. We started drawing attention as soon as he came up next to me, still jogging on the spot.

  He smirked when he noticed a group of what appeared to be college girls nearby. “Are you sure I can’t convince you that the old twin switch might be fun after all? I bet we could have some fun with them.”

  “Why? Do you need backup? Can’t get it up by yourself anymore?” I crossed my arms over my chest and turned my back on our audience.

  Aldo lifted the ball cap from his head to swipe at the sweat on his brow, eyes shining with mirth as he dropped it back on. “I don’t need backup. I just thought I’d offer. You’re my brother, remember? We’ve been sharing since before we were born. Literally. You’ve been wound too tight recently.”


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