Alaska, With Love

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Alaska, With Love Page 8

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  “No shit, huh?” Patrick laughed out loud and lightly punched Josh’s shoulder. Josh smiled down at Mark and pulled his face up gently with his fingertips. “Yes, Mark shocked me, that’s for sure.”

  Lance coughed and stood up, smiling. “I thought it would be a big breasted chick with no brains. Glad to see I was wrong.” Lance held out his hand out to Mark. “Good to meet you Mark.”

  Wendy watched Josh and Mark together and winked. “You guys here for some food? We got sandwich fixing’s.”

  “ That sounds awesome, Wendy. Just point me in the right direction.” Josh took his jacket off and helped Mark with his.

  Mark sat down as Josh left to get the food. He could feel the trio’s eyes on him as he watched Josh’s ass walking away. He felt a hand on his and looked up to see Wendy smiling at him. “What?” Mark blushed.

  “ He looks so happy. I’m glad you put a smile on his face.” Wendy sat back and sipped her hot chocolate. “I would’ve never figured Josh as gay though, big surprise there.”

  Mark shifted in his chair and bit his bottom lip. “I don’t think Josh even knew.” Josh came back with bread and various cold cuts, putting them on the table. He grabbed the jar of mayo sitting in front of Wendy and sat down, pulling four pieces of bread out of the bag. “So what do you want babe? Ham or roast beef?”

  Mark blushed at the term ‘Babe’ and smiled, taking Josh’s hand. “I can make my own. Go make your phone calls and I’ll make you a sandwich. What do you want on it?”

  Josh leaned over brushing his lips across Mark’s. “Whatever you want to make, I’ll eat.” Josh stood and looked at the three other people sitting at the table, mouths dropped. “Oh stop, you guys act like you’ve never seen two guys kiss.”

  Wendy almost choked on her hot chocolate. “Oh I have, just not you, Josh. Give me a minute to process “Josh is gay” then I’ll be okay.”

  Josh waved his hand in the air, dismissing Wendy’s last statement. “Whatever, I’ll be right back. Keep an eye on my man, please.”

  Mark watched Josh’s tight ass walking away and then turned his attention to making his sandwich. It was quiet at the table and finally, after five minutes, Mark looked up at the three people staring at him. “Okay, what?”

  Patrick smiled and took a bite of his sandwich. “You tamed Josh Montgomery. I never thought I’d be alive to see the day.”

  Mark raised an eyebrow. “Tamed?” “ Are you kidding?” Wendy’s eyes went wide. “Josh is the ultimate fuck em’ and leave em’. You are one special man, Mark.” Wendy winked and took Marks hand. “Josh is off the market for good.”

  Mark felt his cheeks heating. “Really? You think so?” Lance sat forward and clasped his hands in front of him. “Oh yeah, Josh is so far gone. Just the way he looks at you says it all.”

  Mark tried to hide the excitement in his face and went about spreading mayo on his bread. Was Josh falling for him? God he hoped so. He’d been falling for Josh from the moment he’d laid eyes on the man. “If you guys say so,”


  Josh finished his phone calls a half hour later. He’d called James and told him about Raoul. James assured him that they would pull up anything and everything they had on Raoul Rodriquez. Josh told James to check the hospital’s camera footage as well. Better safe than sorry. He sat down and looked at the sandwich Mark had made him and smiled. The wheat bread lay open on his plate, with two pieces of ham on one side and two of roast beef on the other, and just a dab of mayo. It was just how he liked it. Josh leaned in and kissed Mark’s lips, licking a small dab of mayo off the corner.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” Mark felt his pulse racing. The way Josh looked at him. It was so sexy. “ So I figure once we’re done here, I can take you out to Wonder Lake. We won’t have a lot of daytime left, so we’d better hurry it up.” Josh bit into his sandwich and groaned. God, it was so damn good.

  “You guys want to take the 4 wheeler back?” Wendy stood up and searched in her pocket for the keys. “ That would be great. Mark had enough of the great outdoors last night.” Josh squeezed Mark’s thigh under the table.

  Patrick’s eyes went wide, looking at Mark. “You were the tourist? Wow, we thought for sure you died out there.”

  “Trust me I thought Iwasdead for a while.” Mark

  sipped the hot chocolate Wendy had given him and warmth spread throughout his body. “When I first woke up, I thought I was in heaven.”

  “I would too if I woke up to Josh.” Lance laughed and got a good natured smack from Josh.

  Mark’s eyes were wide looking at Lance. “You’re gay too? God, my gaydar is off.”

  Wendy cracked up and patted Mark’s hand. “Don’t worry; I thought he was straight for the longest time.” “Yes she did. Until I hit on a tourist and fucked him on the kitchen floor.” Lance kissed Wendy’s cheek. “ And on that note, Mark and I are out of here.” Josh grabbed the keys from Wendy and turned to make sure Mark had his jacket zipped. “If any calls come through for me, patch them into my radio will ya?” Josh took Mark by the hand and led them back out to the lobby. He double checked Mark’s jacket and gloves and pulled Mark’s hat down over his ears.

  “ Josh, I’m not going to be able to see if you keep bundling me up.” Mark muffled through the scarf that was wrapped around his face.

  Josh pulled the scarf down and gave Mark a quick kiss on the lips. “That’s what I’m here for.”

  ~~ They took the 4 wheeler back to the cabin, and walked the rest of the way. When they finally reached the lake, Mark gasped. The hike had been worth it. With the sun setting, Mount McKinley looked as if lava was flowing from its peak. The sky was lit up orange and Wonder Lake held a perfect reflection of the mountain above it. The sheer beauty of it had Mark speechless.

  “ It’s beautiful isn’t it?” Josh wrapped his arms around Mark’s waist and rested his head on his shoulder. “There were so many days I came out here and just stood looking at it. I’d wonder where you were. What you were doing. If you were thinking about me as much as I was thinking about you.”

  Mark turned his head and met with Josh’s lips. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you. The way you kissed me, touched me, it was all I ever thought about, Josh.” Mark felt Josh’s lips flowing over his softly. Mark closed his eyes as Josh turned him around and covered his mouth with his own. The kiss was soft and Josh’s hands moved up Mark’s back. One hand twined itself in his hair, the other settled on his lower back, putting Mark in a state of euphoria. He loved the feel of Josh’s lips on his and the gentle pressure of Josh’s fingers in his hair, pulling Mark into the kiss, deepening it, until Mark felt like his body could just melt right into Josh’s.

  Mark wanted to pinch himself and make sure it was really happening. Josh’s tongue explored his mouth, slicking the sides and rubbing his teeth. Mark let out a muffled whimper. He forgot about all the beauty around him except for the beauty of the man standing with him. Mark’s legs were going out from underneath him as Josh’s arm pulled him in closer, and their hard pricks rubbed through the fabric of their clothing. Josh broke the kiss and was looked in his eyes. All Mark could see was a slight ring of green around black blown pupils. “Josh.”

  “ We need to go.” Josh adjusted his raging hard on and took Mark’s hand. “Too bad someone wasn’t out here to take a picture of us kissing against this backdrop.” Josh was uncomfortably hard and seriously leaking precome in his underwear. They needed to get back to the cabin. The walk back seemed to go faster, seeing as how they both wanted to finish what they started. Josh helped Mark over the bigger drifts of snow and then finally, the cabin was in sight. Josh stamped his boots on the front porch and opened the door for Mark.

  “ It’s so warm.” Mark felt the blast of heat hit his face and warm his cheeks. The fireplace glowed as Mark added another log to get it going again. Mark turned and saw Josh looking at him. The black eyes looked Mark over from head to toe and Mark got hard in seconds flat.

  They ran at each other colliding and clothes were coming off. Josh’s mouth covered Mark’s sending a wave of pleasure down Mark’s spine and tingling into his toes. They were pulling and pushing at each other trying to get their clothes off. Mark slipped Josh’s shirt over his head and ran his hands up his muscular chest feeling every ridge on his way. Mark’s mouth found a hard nipple begging to be licked and took it in his mouth running his tongue around in circles biting gently.

  “ Oh fuck,” Josh groaned and grabbed Mark’s ass pulling him flush with his hips. Josh pulled Mark’s pants past his hips and slid his hand over Mark’s ass as he undid the button on his own pants and slid them down with one hand all while Mark stayed attached to his nipple. The biting and sucking was driving Josh fucking crazy and he pried Mark off his nipple taking Mark’s mouth. “I want your skin on me Mark.”

  Mark walked backwards towards the couch with Josh’s lips on his. Mark’s shirt came off and then Josh was on his knees pulling Mark’s pants off the rest of the way. Mark laid back on the bed naked watching Josh’s face. “Do you want me Josh?” Every part of Mark was afraid of the answer even though he knew what it was. The look in Josh’s eyes was the same it had been the night of their first kiss, full of want and need. Mark watched as Josh took the remainder of his clothing off and stroked his own cock.

  “ Fuck yes I want you. I want you every day from morning until night. I want you in my bed and in my life.” Josh crawled up Mark’s body leaving light kisses up his inner thigh as his hands rubbed Mark’s stomach. “God I love how you smell Mark.” Josh ran his cheek across Mark’s hard leaking prick and buried his face in the crease of his groin. “I love everything about you.”

  Mark’s hand fumbled for Josh and he pulled him up to his lips bucking his hips in need. He wanted Josh’s hot fucking skin on him. Josh’s cock left a trail of precome up Mark’s leg as he inched his way up kissing and licking Mark’s stomach then chest. Little teasing bites around Mark’s nipple and then Mark felt Josh’s tongue lapping at it, sucking in one nipple while he tweaked the other one. “Fuck,” Mark arched his back as Josh continued to suck and bite his nipples as his cock rubbed up and down Mark’s thigh. “I want to feel your dick on mine.”

  “ Mmm,” Josh pulled his lower body up and felt the silky skin of Mark’s cock glide across his own. Slick with pre ejaculate their pricks glided effortlessly over one another and the fucking heat was driving Josh crazy. His whole body screamed to get closer to Mark as his body continued rocking, rutting their pricks together. If Josh had ever thought he couldn’t get off just rubbing pricks with a guy he’d have been wrong. His sensitive cock was a mess of nerves and his body shook as his ass clenched when thoughts strayed to Mark fucking him. Marks’ fingers threaded into his hair and then he was being pulled into Mark’s hot wet mouth and then Josh lost his fucking mind.

  He grabbed Mark and wrapped his arms around him as his hips jerked and bucked, rutting their cocks together harder dragging sweet friction and heat over their pricks. God he couldn’t stop. Josh wanted to cum screaming Mark’s name. His balls drew up uncomfortably close to his body and Josh’s ass muscles clenched then the spark hit behind his eyes. He felt Mark’s body shudder below him and then warmth spread across his stomach. His eyes rolled back and his toes curled as he shot spurts of spunk all over Mark. Josh’s body jerked and he collapsed on Mark breathing hard. Jesus, if rubbing pricks together felt this good he could only wonder what it would be like to have Mark’s cock in his ass. “Fuck. Mark.”

  “ I know,” Mark tried to regulate his breathing but holy hell. Every fantasy he’d ever had about Josh just got blown out the window by reality. Mark’s body was still processing what just happened. He’d had sex before but this, this was better than anything and they hadn’t even been inside each other. It’s was frightening and alluring all at the same time. Mark was starting to wonder if they’d explode when they finally did have sex. “Are you alright?”

  Josh ran his nose through Mark’s hair and kissed his forehead. “I never thought it could be like that you know? I mean being with a woman just doesn’t compare to being with you Mark and for so many fucking reasons. With the women it was just fucking, mindless just getting off fucking but with you…” Josh lifted his head and looked into Mark’s eyes, eyes that at that moment understood everything Josh wanted to say without having to say it. He was going to say it anyway. “The second I saw you I don’t know…it was like a bolt of lightning hit me. I couldn’t think about anything else but you Mark.” Josh ran his fingertips over Mark’s forehead and down his nose then traced his lips. “I’ve never felt like this with anyone.”

  “ I haven’t either and it’s scary but exciting at the same time. I always wondered if I’d know when I met the right guy. Like there’d be this Ah ha! Moment but when we met I was so worried I’d had that Ah ha moment for the wrong guy. I mean you were straight and I was…well not. That complicated things because I wanted you so much Josh, the night you kissed me I wanted so much more.”

  Josh took Mark’s face in his hands. “I did want you then and I want you even more now. I don’t think I’m ever going to stop wanting you Mark. Not ever.”

  Mark closed his eyes as Josh kissed him again. Soft gentle strokes of Josh’s tongue thoroughly licking the inside of his mouth. Mark felt like there were butterflies in his stomach. His palms were sweating as Josh pulled him in closer deepening a kiss Mark didn’t think could get deeper. His whole body was on fire as Josh’s hand slipped up Mark’s thigh and gripped his ass. Mark whimpered again and broke the kiss, breaths ragged, cock hard as a rock. “We have to stop, Jesus I’m going to cum again just from kissing you.”

  “ Oh thank God it’s not just me.” Josh chuckled and dropped his head into the crook of Mark’s neck. Josh pulled the blanket over them and rolled Mark into his chest. He kissed Mark’s forehead and dropped a kiss on his nose. “Night Mark,”

  “Night Josh,

  ~Chapter Seven~ Josh didn’t know how hard it was going to be to take things slow with Mark until a week into their stay. He had arranged something to do every day just to keep his mind off of sex and at the same time showing Mark what Denali had to offer. As it was, it was the longest he’d ever been with anyone without jumping into bed with them. Josh was watching Mark outside playing in the snow with Dakota. Mark was grabbing Dakota’s tail then running and Dakota would give Mark a head start before grabbing a pant leg in his teeth and taking Mark down. As soon as Mark was down he’d wrestle Dakota onto his back and tickle his belly. Josh chuckled watching Dakota’s surprised face, if he had to take a guess Dakota wasn’t used to being tickled.

  Josh’s radio was crackling to life and Mateo’s voice came over loud and clear.

  “Yo Montgomery,” Mateo chuckled.

  Josh grabbed the radio and smiled. “Hey Mateo, got any news for me?” “ You’re not going to like it. We found info on Raoul Rodriquez, James and I looked over countless hours of hospital video and guess who we saw sitting in the corner of the cafeteria watching Mark with his coworkers?”

  “ Son of a bitch, I fucking knew it!” Josh grabbed the counter and squeezed. “He watched him, played him, Jesus Christ.”

  “ Oh that’s not the worst part. That mansion you blew up in Peru, Manuel’s? Yeah, Raoul paid cash for it and put it in Manuel’s name.”

  Josh felt the bile rising in his throat. Raoul had been responsible for everything Mark had endured and what was worse was Mark had told the man he was going to Alaska. “You get a fix on him now?”

  “We’re watching every means of travel. I’ll let you know as soon as I do.” Josh could hear Riley in the background and Mateo was shushing him. Josh watched Mark outside and he knew he wasn’t going to hold out for long. Mark had been through enough though. Josh was going to have to bottom. “Um Mateo? Can I ask you something kinda personal?”

  “Shoot,” “ What does it feel like you know when… well you know?” Josh heard silence on the other end and thought they had
been disconnected. “Mateo?”

  “Yeah, I’m sorry I thought I heard one of my best friends ask me what it felt like to have a dick in his ass.” “Jesus Christ Mat,” “ Look, it fucking hurts like hell the first time, like someone is shoving a bowling pin up your ass fat end first. Then the need to shit takes on a whole new meaning.”

  Josh rolled his eyes. “That’s just great Mat, thanks.” Josh could hear Riley fighting for the phone and then Riley was on the line.

  “ Josh, don’t let Mateo scare you okay? Look Mark has done it before so he would know how to make you feel comfortable.” Riley lowered his voice. “If I were you though I would start fingering my own ass with as many fingers as I could take.”

  “ Gee thanks Riley, I’ll remember that.” Josh sat down and looked at the bottle of vegetable oil on the counter. Would that work as lube? “Any other thoughts you’d like to share?”

  “Yes, if Mark is as good as I think he is you’ll get a rim job.” “ Okay, what the fuck is a rim job? How did we go from sex to cars?” Josh heard Riley’s high pitched laugh. “Dammit, what is so funny?”

  “ Never mind Josh, Mark will take excellent care of you. Mateo says he’ll call back when they have a fix on Raoul.”

  “ Okay, thanks Riley talk to you guys later.” Josh switched the radio off and turned to see Mark looking at him. “Hey.”

  “What about Raoul?” Mark sat down at the table and looked at Josh.

  “Mateo and James are tracking his movements.” Josh tried to look anywhere but at Mark.

  “Why would they be tracking him? He’s an ex.” Mark narrowed his eyes at Josh. “Tell me Josh.” Josh pulled Mark into his lap and took Mark’s face in his hands. “Raoul is behind everything. I’m so sorry Mark.” Josh saw Mark’s face go pale and then he was up in an instant running for the bathroom. Josh ran after him and found Mark shaking over the toilet. “Oh god, there’s just no way to sugarcoat it.” Josh grabbed a wash cloth and wet it running it over Mark’s forehead. “He watched you Mark, all your movements, where you went, what you did. He knew where you were going in Peru.”


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