Lord of the Apocalypse

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Lord of the Apocalypse Page 14

by Michael Sisa

  My two subordinates approached my direction. I approvingly nodded the moment we were face to face.

  “Well done,” I said to them.

  They were obviously pleased by this. They grinned at each other, then at me. Although these two were monsters, I was starting to find them quite adorable.

  I heard a grumbling sound. Since we were inside the tunnels, the sound was really audible.

  “You’re hungry, huh?” I looked at Uno. “We’ve been hunting nonstop after all.”

  I looked at the direction of one of the Goblins. The one that was continuously hit by my fireballs.

  “Bury the body of that one,” I said to them, pointing at the Goblin killed by my Earth Spike. “After that, we’ll eat.”

  For some reason, the two of them wore grim faces. At first, it was hard to notice the subtle differences in the expressions of Goblins, but after spending time with these two, I was now capable of differentiating between primary expressions.

  The two of them began burying the body upon my order. I approached the scorched body of the other Goblin. I’ve tried it out before, and it tasted a bit better than eating it raw. If a comparison was needed, I could say that cooked Goblin meat tasted like chicken meat that had been rotting for two days. Disgusting, but edible enough.

  I sat next to the corpse. Without minding the expression of my prey, I took out my knife and began cutting its arm. Like fried chicken, I began biting the flesh. I chewed then swallowed.

  Sometimes, I wondered what Minotaur meat would taste like. I could not really eat human flesh, since that would make me a complete monster. So lately, I’ve began wondering what other things I could eat aside from Goblin meat.

  Minotaurs were a cow, or a bull, or something like that. They resembled livestock, right? So maybe, they would at least taste better than these pesky Goblins. I was really curious, but killing one of those seemingly immortal monsters would be impossible right now.

  Uno and Dos had finished burying the body.

  “Here’s your share. Eat,” I said.

  The two of them stiffened, their eyes glued at the scorched body before them. I had finished eating the flesh of the goblin’s right arm, and only bones remained.

  “You’ve eaten them yesterday, right?” Using my knife, I cut the left forearm of the dead goblin then handed it to the two. “We’ll resume hunting after this. Eat.”

  The hand of Dos that took the meat I offered was trembling. They have eaten a cooked goblin yesterday, so they should have been used to it by now, right?

  It took some time, but the two of them eventually started eating. Their bodies were quivering as they ate, and I could not understand the reason why. Well, this tunnel was a bit cold right now, so that’s maybe why.

  After the two had finished eating, I ordered them to bury the body on the ground. So far, we have successfully hunted a lot of Goblins in this place. I did not know if it was some stroke of luck, or maybe it was because the Goblins could not really care enough about their other members, but we still haven’t been found. There was not even an attempt to try and find the missing Goblins. Well, we always made sure to bury the dead bodies, so that’s probably why.

  I stood up then fixed my clothes. I was about to lead my men towards our next prey when the Mine shook. A shockwave blew past us. Dust and detritus fell down the ceiling, and the ground groaned and creaked. For a moment, I was struck by fear that the Mine would collapse.

  The Werewolf Lord has declared war on the Goblin’s Paradise.

  You have been struck by the Werewolf Lord’s Roar!

  HP Regeneration Rate has been reduced by 200%

  Mana Regeneration Rate has been reduced by 200%

  You have been inflicted by the Fear Status: There is a 75% chance of your Spells failing

  You have been inflicted by Paralyzing Shackle: Movement Speed has been reduced by 50%

  You have been inflicted by Shockwave Fury: Attack Speed has been reduced by 50%

  What the fuck.

  What was happening?!

  The shockwave that shook the entire Mine had stopped, but these absurd negative status effect continued affecting my body. I could hardly move, and my entire body felt heavy. I looked at Uno and Dos and saw that the two of them were lying on the ground. They were still breathing, but they could clearly not move their bodies.

  Although feeling weak, I went towards the two.

  “Are you alright?!” I said, worried. “Hey!”

  The body of the two were trembling. But still, they tried looking at me and utter a wordless reply. I have grown a bit attached to these two, despite them being monsters. Somehow, it pained me seeing them like this.

  My mind was filled with questions on what was happening, and as though on cue, a notification popped out in front of me.

  The Goblin Leaders have issued their orders!

  All Special Class Goblins are to proceed to the War Room.

  An indicator appeared within my mind, showing me the place where I was supposed to go to.

  If I remembered correct, Special Class Goblins referred to the Goblin Warriors, Mages, and Spearmen. It seemed that we were being summoned by the Goblin Leaders. Definitely, this had something to do with the werewolf notification from before.

  I looked at Uno and Dos. It seemed that they would be fine for now. They should probably stay here and rest.

  “I’m being summoned to the War Room,” I said to the two Goblins lying on the ground. They had become really weak. They could not even move their bodies. “The two of you should rest here for now. I’ll try to find something I could use to heal you guys. I promise I’ll be back.”

  A low, groaning sound came out the two. Although they have become really weak, for some reason, they were able to move their hand and grab the hem of my clothes. Their eyes clearly told me not to accept the summons.

  “It’s just a summon,” I said, frowning. I really wish these two would get well soon. “I won’t die, so don’t worry too much.”

  I could probably find out what caused the negative status that crippled these two if I went to the War Room. My instinct was telling me that.

  After one last look at my subordinates, I went out from the Mine and went towards the War Room. Along the way, I saw the thousands of Goblins sprawled on the ground, heavily breathing and groaning. It was a surreal sight.


  The War Room was a place I have never been to before. It was surprisingly large, enough to fit hundreds of Goblins in, with enough room to spare afterwards. The ground was flat, and a large round table was placed right at the center of the room. On the walls, glowing plants resembling turnips were latched.

  Currently, almost a hundred Special Class Goblins were gathered in this place. I did not know that there were this much Warriors, Mages, and Spearmen. They all stood in attention as the five Goblin Leaders at the very front made their speech.

  “The Chieftain is not here, so we’ll be the ones giving the commands,” said a Goblin Leader. Its voice was loud, almost reverberating, and it clearly reached my ears even though I was at the rear.

  “Listen,” the Goblin Leader said grimly. “The werewolves have began attacking us. The guards outside are currently fighting their army, but it’s only a matter of time before they invade this place.”

  So, the Werewolves and the Goblins were enemies? I did not know that.

  “The werewolves invading the Paradise number in the hundreds. Right now, only those of you here are in good enough condition to fight. The Roar of the Werewolf Lord has paralyzed the weaker Goblins. With that skill alone, that bastard has effectively reduced almost all our fighting strength.”

  There was rage within that statement, and within those wrath-filled words, I could feel helplessness.

  “I have made contact with the Chieftain, and he clearly told us to hold our ground for now. It seems that as long as we defend this place, reinforcements from the Anubis Clan would soon come.”

  I remembered the absurdly high-l
eveled monsters: the Anubis. So, those guys would come to our rescue, huh? It was comforting to know that, but I have this feeling that things would not be as easy as it seems.

  “As you all know, those damn Werewolves are against the opening of the Portal. They seem to like the humans and they are against killing those inferior creatures. That damn clan, along with their ally, the Gryphons, are a disgrace to Muhar ‘Tava!”

  The Special Class Goblins around me roared after that statement. I was probably the only one unmoved by that speech. Actually, after hearing that the Werewolves were against killing Humans, a part of me started cheering for their invading army. But still, if they did successfully invade this place, I would eventually end up dead. I cannot allow that to happen.

  Werewolves and Gryphons. I engraved the name of those two clans within my heart. At the very least, I have come to know that not all Clans in this monster-infested world were savage beasts.

  “What about the Minos?” the Goblin Leader next to the one that made the speech asked.

  “They’re on their way. Luckily, the skirmish of the Minos against the Gryphons in the north have been finished. They’ll probably arrive at the same time as the Anubis Army.”

  “And the Naga?”

  “I have not received a response from their side. The Chieftain said that there’s a high chance that their army wouldn’t come to aid us.”

  I was really learning a lot from this conversation.

  The Goblin Leader turned to us. With a booming voice, it shouted, “We shall defend this place until the reinforcement comes! We shall defend our land until our dying breath! Goblins of the Paradise! Move out!”

  Everyone roared their battle cry. I felt like puking on the ground.

  Defend the Paradise!

  Defend the Goblin’s Paradise from the invading Werewolves!

  Reward: Optional

  You can choose from the following rewards:

  1500 Exp

  A Basic Weapon

  A Basic Skill Book

  3 Meat Fruits

  Deserters will be executed after the war.

  I didn't even say that I was participating in this suicide. I guess this was one of those called “mandatory” quests, huh? I could not even say no.

  With a grim face and a body filled with negative buffs, I started moving out.

  Chapter 16: Stepping Stones Part I

  Upon going outside, a scene that one would only normally see in movies greeted my eyes. Hundreds of Goblins were marching towards the west, towards the direction of a large mountain range. Since the Goblin’s Paradise was a vast and barren plain, it was easy to see the innumerable green monsters. Goblin Mages, Warriors, Spearmen – an absurd amount of those special class monsters were gathered before my very eyes, and all were going clash against the supposedly invading Werewolves.

  A Goblin riding a boar approached our group. After dismounting, it approached the Goblin Leaders and delivered its report. One of the Goblin Leaders nodded, and although there was not much change in its facial expression, I could tell that it was satisfied of what was reported.

  In the direction where the mountain range was located, the sound of rocks splitting apart reverberated. From this distance, it was really hard to see what was going on, but I was pretty sure that the clash between the Goblins and the Werewolves were already occurring in that place.

  At the corner of my eyes, I saw two of the Goblin Leaders cast their spells. Moments after, particles of light enveloped our army – the army of Goblins working in the Slaughterhouse.

  You have received the Blessing of the Ancestral Goblin Mother.

  HP regeneration rate has increased by 120%

  Mana regeneration rate has increased by 120%

  Movement speed has increased by 45%

  Attack speed has increased by 45%

  Due to the effect of the Werewolf Lord’s Roar, the Blessing of the Ancestral Goblin Mother has been reduced.

  HP regeneration reduction has been decreased from 200% to 80%

  It is now possible to use Healing Potions

  Mana regeneration reduction has been decreased from 200% to 80%

  It is now possible to use Mana Potions

  Fear Status has been nullified

  Paralyzing Shackle has been nullified

  Shockwave fury has been nullified

  The heavy feeling I got after being hit by Werewolf Lord’s roar had dissipated. I saw the look of relief in the faces of the Goblins around me. I stretched my limbs. My body felt quite light right now.

  Although it seemed that we were still affected by the reduction in HP and Mana regeneration, this was a lot better than before. What worried me the most was the Fear Status before. The Roar of the Werewolf Lord was a great hindrance to magic casters, giving us a 75% chance of failing in our spells. Thankfully, the Goblin Leaders have managed to remove that curse somewhat.

  After the signal of the Leaders, our army marched towards where the battle was taking place. Just like before, this barren plain reeked of the word ‘dead.’ Dried, withered trees were seen everywhere. The ground was parched, as though it had never seen rain for the past ten years.

  As we went nearer the battlefield, Goblins kept joining our ranks. These green monsters were like ants, and there were no signs of their numbers decreasing by this time.

  The Goblin Army from the Village of Ruktia has arrived.

  The Goblin Army from the Village of Malbeus has arrived.

  The Goblin Army from the Village of Herkeun has arrived.

  It was somehow motivating seeing the Goblin Army growing in size. As we went nearer the rocky mountain range, we passed by numerous villages. The Goblins in those places immediately joined our ranks, drastically increasing our numbers.

  I have not really gone to this place before since the Oasis was in the other direction, but the villages of these Goblins were an amazing sight. The houses resembled huts, with larger ones resembling a cabin every now and then. There were no fences, but I once saw a small watchtower in one of the villages.

  Another sound in the mountain reverberated. From this distance, I saw a large rock falling down the mountain tip. Battle cries echoed, and the ground we were standing on momentarily shook and rumbled.

  I could feel the heat of the battle even from this distance. Damn it. Why did that Werewolf Lord have to wage war now, out of all times? It should have rallied its army during the time I was not here.

  “Wait, a Goblin Worker?”

  Now that I had taken a good look, I could see Goblin Workers here and there. Also, there were several Goblin Spawns too. I was pretty sure that those monsters came from the villages we passed by along the way.

  “So, not everyone was hit by that terrifying Roar, huh?”

  It was the conclusion I came to.

  But the villages here were nearer to the Battlefield. If that was the case, why was it that the Goblin Slaughterhouse was hit by the Roar, while these Goblin Villages were left untouched? It was a question I had difficulty answering, and I decided not to ponder too much on it.

  I was starting to see the battlefield at the foot of the mountain. Fear crawled through my body when I saw the numerous corpses on the ground. The image of a werewolf in my head was the same as the ones rampaging in this battlefield. Humanoid canines with black furs. Their entire bodies were the very definition of carnage. Even from this distance, I could feel their lust for blood and flesh. Although the Goblin Army numbered in tens of thousands, my instinct was screaming at me that it would only be a matter of time before the Goblin Race was wiped out. After all, no matter where I looked, it was a one-sided massacre in the hands of the Werewolves.

  The Goblin Leaders signaled our group to stop, and amazingly, everyone halted in their tracks. A Goblin, wearing a full leather armor, approached us. On his sides were Goblin Warriors and Spearmen, serving as escort.

  Goblin Leader (Chieftain Candidate)

  Lv 19

  “Chieftain Candidate,” said one of the Le
aders. “We have gathered the army in the villages near the Slaughterhouse. Your orders, please.”

  The average level of a Goblin Leader was around ten. This particular individual was quite a high level. I heard that the Goblin Chieftain was currently not here in the Paradise, so this Chieftain Candidate must be the temporary supreme commander of this army.

  The Chieftain Candidate have a complicated expression on its face.

  “It’s obvious that those guys are aiming for the life of the Ancestral Goblin Mother,” said the Chieftain Candidate. “If the Mother dies, the entire Goblin Race will perish along with it. We cannot let that happen.”

  I remembered the overly bloated monster that resembled an ant. It was in a different cavern from the Slaughterhouse. The same monster that mass produced Goblin Spawns one after another. That monster was colossal, probably the size of a football field, and even if I stabbed it a thousand times, it probably wouldn’t die. That was the impression it gave me when I saw it. But if it were these Werewolves, they may be able to actually kill it.

  “Even if we all die here, as long as the Ancestral Goblin Mother is safe, the Goblin Race will be able to rise once again,” said the Candidate.

  Hey, hey. This Goblin was spouting some dangerous things right now.

  Although the deafening sound coming from the battlefield before us echoed, the words of the Chieftain Candidate was surprisingly loud and clear. The Goblin Army nodded at its words, and I could feel the vehement will within their eyes to protect the Ancestral Goblin Mother.

  That colossal monster was the one that gave birth to Uno and Dos. I did not really hate it, but if I were to choose, I would rather have it die by the hands of these werewolves.


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