Live Bait

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Live Bait Page 2

by David Archer

  “So, all we really know is that she was taken out of her room sometime after the middle of the night. Does McCabe have any particular suspects?”

  “No, he never believed anything like this could happen,” Thomas said. “I can tell you it’s made me think more about protecting my own kids. We get pressured into things at times, too. There is no way I could ever handle letting my kids be used as a pawn against me.”

  “Well, if we have to avoid any police involvement or publicity, we’ll have to be pretty careful. I’m guessing the housekeeper is in on the secrecy aspect?”

  “Yes.” Ron leaned forward, putting his elbows on the table. “I warned you, this is a rough one. I hate to throw you into it, but you’re the best shot we have at a mess like this. If you and your team can’t do it, then I don’t think anyone can.

  “One thing did occur to me,” said Ron. “We could give you an additional intelligence specialist, just for this mission. How would you feel about taking Indie along?”

  Sam stared at him for several seconds. “Indie? She’d definitely be an asset, and to be honest, I’m sure she’d like to get out of the house for a while. Let me give her a call, and I’ll get back to you in a few minutes.”

  “I wasn’t sure how you’d feel about it,” Ron said. “I know the last few missions have been rather dangerous, but I suspect this one is going to be more down the track and trace line. What about your kids, though?”

  “They have grandmothers,” Sam said, “a pair of them. Trust me, they would jump at the chance to play babysitter for a few days. Give me a few minutes and I’ll have an answer.”

  Sam stepped out of the conference room and went to his office, then took out his cell phone and called his wife.

  “Hey, babe,” she said as she answered. “How’s it going today?”

  “We got a new case,” Sam said. “It’s in Atlanta, and might take a few days. Ron just suggested that we might take you along, you and Herman. How would you feel about that?”

  “Really? I get to go out with you? Heck, yeah, I’m in. Let me call Mom and make arrangements for the kids. When do we leave?”

  “They actually want us to fly out tonight. I’m supposed to meet with the client first thing in the morning, but you might want to know that this is an abduction case. A teenage girl was kidnapped, apparently to try to force her father into a business deal he doesn’t really want. You and Herman could probably come in handy, but you need to know what you’re getting into.”

  “If there’s a kid in trouble, I’m doubly in. Let me call our mothers and get that set up, then I’ll start packing for both of us. You said Atlanta? It’ll be warm there, right?”

  Sam chuckled. “Yes, babe, it’ll be warm. It’s July, for crying out loud. It’s warm everywhere, at least on this side of the planet.”

  “Oh, hush. I’ll be ready when you get here, don’t worry. Oh, Sam, this is going to be exciting!”

  Sam hung up the phone and went back to the conference room. “Okay, she’s in. I had a feeling she would be.”

  “Excellent,” Ron said. “Jade, that doesn’t let you off, though. I have a feeling Sam will have plenty for Indie to do.”

  Jade stuck her tongue out at him, a rather comical sight because it made her eyes bug out. Of Asian descent, she was usually considered a ravishing beauty. “Up yours, Ron,” she said. “I know my job, and I do it just fine. I’ll give you a report on Ethio’s potential for involvement within the hour.”

  Denny waved a hand in the air. “What do we know about the kidnappers themselves? Anything at all?”

  Ron shook his head. “Not yet. Mr. McCabe is reluctant to really say much of anything over the phone, on the theory that someone could be listening in. He actually contacted me on a phone that he stole, because he figured it was the safest way to be able to communicate. He just doesn’t want to take the chance that either the kidnappers or whoever is behind them will find out that he’s asked us to help.”

  “Then I guess that’s pretty much everything I wanted to ask,” Sam said. “Anybody else got any questions?”

  No one had anything else to ask, so Sam nodded for Ron to continue with the briefing.

  “I’ve arranged a Gulfstream for the flight,” Ron said. “It’ll be ready for you at the airport by six p.m. That should put you in Atlanta around nine, maybe a little later. You will be staying at the Marriott Hotel near the airport.”

  Sam smiled and inclined his head. “No problem.” He turned to Steve. “Steve, you let me know if Walter needs anything.”

  Steve nodded. “He’s good,” he said, “aren’t you, Walter? You ready for another trip?”

  “I’m ready,” Walter said. “I’ve been getting bored. Ready to go back to work.”

  Sam grinned at Walter. “Glad to hear it,” he said. “We’re definitely going to need you on this one.”

  Denny and Summer nodded their agreement, and Steve smiled. “He’s the best,” he said, “and everybody here knows it. Nobody can read a crime scene like Walter.”

  “One more thing,” Ron said. “Your personal news crew, Wendy Dawson and Harvey Riley, will be going along with you, but they’re fully aware that there is to be no news release until the situation is over.”

  “Oh, come on,” Sam said. “How am I supposed to keep them from calling it in?”

  “You won’t have to. CNN contacted us after your last case with them, and we’ve entered into a contract. They’ll be going with you on every major case, but we have absolute control over what stories they report. We can’t make them report only what we want, it’s all or nothing. If we say they have to sit on a story, then they sit on it until the case is completely closed.”

  There still didn’t seem to be any more questions, so Sam turned to Ron. “Anything else before we go pack?”

  Ron and Jeff looked at each other, and Jeff nodded. Ron turned back to Sam. “Actually, yes. You see, we thought about the fact that there may be foreign intelligence involved in this thing. Ethiopia isn’t a major threat to the United States, but McCabe Electronics makes a few things that can’t even be shipped to parts of Africa. If the partnership goes through, they’re going to get access to patents and blueprints and technology that our government doesn’t want them to have. Now, theoretically, the contracts will prevent them from using any of that information, but we all live in the real world. This partnership they’re trying to force could end up interfering with national security at some point, so we decided to send Rob Feinstein and some of his people along with you. We’re giving you a full squad, but Rob thought it might be a good idea if you stop by the armory and pick up a few weapons of your own.”

  Sam’s eyebrows rose. “Weapons? I carry my own, a Glock. Are you suggesting we might need more than our usual handguns?”

  “Let’s just say that I’d rather you have them and not need them than need them and not have them. You all know where the armory is, at the back of the building, but talk to Rob. He’ll have some suggestions for you, I’m sure.”

  Sam and his team left the conference room and found Rob Feinstein waiting in the hall. Sam grinned at him.

  “Rob, I heard something about you trying to turn us into soldiers,” Sam said. “What’s that all about?”

  “When I heard that there could be an Ethiopian involvement in this case,” Rob said, “I just thought it might be a good idea if your people were as well armed as mine. Come on, let me show you to the candy store.”

  “The candy store?” Summer asked. “Ooh, I like the sound of that.” She had actually used her weapon to kill someone for the first time only a few weeks earlier, but the natural bravado of the private investigator was already helping her move past it.

  The armory was set up like a tactical gun store, with many kinds of weapons on display. There was a number of firing ranges in the back of the building, where all of the personnel could take weapons to test them or get the feel of them.

  “Wow,” Sam said. “I knew this room was here, but I’d ne
ver been in it before. I’m impressed.”

  Rob grinned at him. “Just look around,” he said. “Ron says you are authorized to draw any of these weapons, all of you. Take what you like, just to have it on hand if you were to need it.”

  “I’m not even sure what some of these guns are,” Sam said. He watched as Darren, Summer and Jade looked over the selection and picked out a couple of surprisingly small machine guns. The girls struck a pose with them, and Sam couldn’t hold back a laugh.

  “Should they take those to the range and try them out?” he asked.

  “If they like,” Rob said. “I’m pretty sure both those girls have fired full auto before, so I think they can handle them. Hey, if you ever feel like it, we have a combat course set up outside of the city. It actually shoots back at you with paintballs, so it’s a great place to hone your combat skills. Denny and Jade have been out a couple of times, and they love it.”

  “Holy crap,” Steve said, interrupting them. “This is incredible! What in the world would you do with half of this stuff?”

  Rob chuckled. “Oh, nothing serious, maybe just take over a third world country or start a revolution. That kinda sounds like fun, doesn’t it?”

  Steve grinned at him. “Depends on the country,” he said. “And don’t ask me which one I’d prefer, because I don’t want to end up in some federal nuthouse.”

  They each chose a couple of items, and Sam even grabbed a machine pistol himself. As an afterthought, he picked up a second one for his wife, though he hoped she’d never need to use it.

  Denny and Summer appeared only a couple of minutes later, with Summer holding a pair of Kimber mini-45s, while Denny had a fifty-caliber Desert Eagle automatic in his hand. Each of them got some extra magazines and ammunition as well, and then they all headed back to their own offices and cubicles.

  Sam sat down at his computer and pulled up the case file, which wasn’t very big. He read through the statement they had taken from Mr. McCabe, but didn’t feel that it really gave him any insight. From there, he looked at a series of articles and reports about McCabe Electronics, trying to get a feel for the type of business Mr. McCabe actually ran.

  Thirty minutes later, true to her word, Jade walked into his office with Summer in tow. She handed him a folder and the two of them sat down in the chairs in front of his desk.

  “This is what I found on Ethio,” Jade said. “Summer went over it with me, but I can’t see any real connection, Sam. The company is not very big, and none of its officers or directors have any serious government connections. They certainly don’t have the kind of money it would take to pull off an international kidnapping operation.”

  “I agree this definitely seems to have power behind it,” Sam said, “and that kind of power doesn’t come cheap. Did you come up with any ideas why someone else might want to force McCabe to accept the partnership?”

  “I can think of a couple of reasons,” Summer said, “but I won’t necessarily say they could be good ones. I mean, it’s always possible there is a stockholder who wants to see the company make a lot more money, right? Or maybe there’s a whole different company that would stand to benefit if Ethio suddenly had to buy more parts or supplies, something like that.”

  Sam chewed the inside of his cheek for a few seconds. “I suppose any of that could be possible, but I’d expect some sort of obvious connection to pop up. On the other hand, unless something else seems to indicate their involvement, we can avoid wasting time and resources on them. Good job, ladies.”

  Jade shrugged. “I just wish we had been more help.”

  “Don’t worry,” Sam said with a grin. “This job ain’t over yet.”

  A short time later, they all drove home to get packed and Sam insisted that they all gather at his place. Since Indie was going along on this trip, that would let them all ride out to the airport together. Roger Bowman, a former mercenary who had lost a leg during an operation a year earlier and now served as one of the company’s drivers, would come to pick them up in a van when it was time to go.

  Indie was waiting as promised when Sam arrived, with bags packed for both of them. “Our moms came a half hour ago to pick up the kids,” she said, “and all four of them seemed excited at the prospect of having some time without us.” She looked at him as he flopped into his recliner. “What? Aren’t we ready to go?”

  “I told the rest of the team to meet us here,” he said. “We’ll all drive out together, that way. Our news team will meet us at the airport.”

  Denny and Darren were the first to arrive, showing up only a few minutes later. Sam wasn’t surprised, since the former SAS commando and the former FBI agent each had a habit of keeping a travel bag ready all the time.

  “Come on in,” Sam said, “and make yourselves at home. There’s soft drinks and beer in the refrigerator, maybe some iced tea. Choose your poison. We’re already packed for the trip tonight, so we’re just waiting for everybody else to get here.”

  “Thanks, mate,” Denny said. “A glass of tea would taste pretty good about now.”

  Indie shook her head at Sam, then motioned for both of the men to follow and walked into the kitchen, where she opened a cabinet door. “The glasses are in here,” she said, “and you know where the refrigerator is. Help yourselves, guys.”

  Denny smiled, then opened the refrigerator and took out a pitcher of iced tea. He poured a glass for himself and another for Darren before he put it back, then both of them went back into the living room and sat on the couch. Sam and Indie were curled up in the big recliner, but Indie got up when another car pulled up out front.

  “It’s Steve and Walter,” she said, holding the door open for them. “Come on in, guys.”

  The two of them came in and took seats. Darren moved over on the couch so Steve could sit beside him, while Walter took another chair. Indie went into the kitchen and returned a moment later with two more glasses of tea that she handed to them.

  “We see who rates,” Denny said with a grin. “She made us fetch our own.”

  “You’re younger than I am,” Steve said. He turned to Sam. “You had any further thoughts on this case?”

  Sam shook his head. “Nothing to speak of,” he said. “Until we get the story from McCabe, I don’t even know where to start. Since the police have not been involved, we won’t even have their preliminary investigation to look at.”

  “If there really is an international espionage component,” Darren said, “that could turn out to be a good thing. Local police, even in a city like Atlanta, aren’t going to be aware of how to deal with things like that. I’d much rather let Walter see the crime scene just as it is. He sees more than anybody else, he always does.”

  “I absolutely agree,” Sam said.

  Summer and Jade pulled in together a few minutes later, and then Roger showed up just after that. Sam decreed that it was time to go. They all walked out and got into the van and talked among themsleves as they headed out for the airport.


  “Here they come,” Harvey said. He and Wendy Dawson were sitting on a bench near the charter area, and started gathering their bags and equipment when the van came into view.

  “Hi, Sam,” Wendy said, “hi, gang.” She gave Indie a broad smile and shook her hand. “Indie, it’s great to see you again.”

  “You, too,” Indie said. “You sure you guys won’t be bored on this trip?”

  “Oh, no,” Wendy said. “We’ll get footage whenever Sam has time, but none of it will go back to the studios until he gives us the word. I’m just excited about being able to go along again.” She glanced at her cameraman. “And Harvey’s just happy to be going along with his girlfriend.”

  Harvey blushed and Summer shot him a grin. It was no secret that they were dating, though it seemed to be hard on Harvey at times.

  It only took them a short time to get on the plane, and then the flight attendant told them to strap in. They were in the air moments later, winging their way east.

Their plane landed at Atlanta International Airport at twelve minutes before nine p.m. local time and they went directly to the car-rental desk. Sam used a Windlass corporate credit card to secure four vehicles; one for himself and Indie, one for Steve and Walter, one for Denny and Darren, and another for Summer and Jade. Rob Feinstein was also there, renting a van for himself and his soldiers, while Harvey used a CNN corporate account to get an SUV for himself and Wendy.

  They’d had dinner served to them on the flight, so they headed directly to the Marriott and checked in. Since only Sam, Steve and Walter were going to meet with McCabe the next morning, all three of the girls announced that they were planning to sleep in until they got back.

  When morning came, Sam got quietly out of bed and took a quick shower, then headed down to get breakfast. The hotel had a nice restaurant, but they had set up a buffet breakfast, as well. Sam elected to help himself to scrambled eggs and sausage from the buffet, rather than take the time to sit down in the restaurant.

  Steve and Walter joined him only moments later, but they were almost finished by the time Denny and Jade came down. The two of them looked at the buffet, then walked directly into the restaurant.

  “I hope those two never have to rough it,” Steve said. “They’d be lost.”

  “Buffet is better,” Walter said. “You get to eat quicker and you don’t have to talk to anybody. And you can go back for more.”

  Sam and Steve both chuckled, and then the three of them headed out the door toward the parking lot. Since they were all going to the same place, they all climbed into Sam’s Cadillac for the ride to the McCabe home in the Buckhead area of Atlanta.

  Buckhead is known as the Beverly Hills of the East, and is home to a large number of wealthy people. Singer Elton John and movie producer Tyler Perry reside there, along with literally thousands of other affluent residents. Sam wasn’t surprised to see a billionaire like McCabe living in such an upscale location.


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