Courteously Seduced By An Enigmatic Duke (Steamy Historical Regency Romance)

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Courteously Seduced By An Enigmatic Duke (Steamy Historical Regency Romance) Page 9

by Scarlett Osborne

  Did that mean she wasn’t seen as a part of the gentry before she came here?

  Her expression gave little away as she continued. “My parents didn’t hand me over to Miss Jolley and forget about me, though. As a matter of fact, I barely saw Miss Jolley until Lady Rosamund was born.”

  “Something tells me you ran from her like you run from your maid.”

  She looked at him in surprise, an equally shocked laugh slipping out. “It’s a lot more fun than it looks, Mr. Albertson. I promise you that.”

  He smiled without thinking.

  Rowland didn’t realize that he did until her own smile fell. She was staring at his lips and so he stared at hers, too, unable to help it. They were open, still in surprise. He wondered how much pinker they would get if he had the chance to nibble on them just a little bit.

  “You have a wonderful smile, Mr. Albertson,” she whispered.

  Why is she whispering? Is she feeling that, too? The heat in the air?

  Rowland couldn’t come up with a decent enough response. All sane thoughts flew from his head. He tried pulling his gaze away from her mouth but he couldn’t find the power within him. Every inch of his body was begging him to step closer, to have her body pressed against his.

  Will she let it happen? Just one kiss?

  He wanted to try, just to see. He was normally a curious man. He could say he was simple trying to test something. He was quite fine with lying to himself like that.

  Rowland didn’t get the chance to. There was a hasty knock on the door and before either of them could comprehend it, the door opened and Rowland saw Lady Hannah’s maid, Lily, rush in.

  “M’Lady!” she blurted out before putting a hand to her lip, as if shocked she had spoken so loudly.

  Lady Hannah didn’t step away in guilt, having been caught red-handed standing so close to him. She only sighed slowly and turned to look at the newcomer. “Lily,” she said, her tone forced. “You found me.”

  “M’Lady, I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”

  “I was thinking of finding something new to read,” she said, making her way to the door. “And I happened to run into Mr. Albertson.”

  Rowland could have sworn Lily shot him a scathing look but it was so quick that maybe he imagined it.

  “Did you find something, M’Lady?” Lily asked.

  “I didn’t,” Lady Hannah said unapologetically. “Well, now that you’ve found me, I suppose it’s time to go.” She looked back at Rowland, who still hadn’t found the energy to move. “I enjoyed our little talk, Mr. Albertson,” she said.

  “As did I.” He was surprised at how true that felt.

  She gave him a faint smile and then left. Her maid went behind her, staring up at him from beneath her lashes. He didn’t get a good sense of whatever that look was meant to convey.

  He stared at the door long after they were gone. He released a breath, sagging against the bookshelf next to him.

  He desperately hoped neither of them had caught sight of how aroused he’d been before Lily walked in. That wouldn’t bode well at all.

  Chapter 13

  “M’Lady, you must allow me to accompany you!”

  Lily was adamant, her eyes so wide that Hannah was afraid they would fill with tears any moment. That wasn’t something she’d like to see.

  “You are unwell, Lily,” Hannah said, trying to be stern. It was difficult. “The dewy air is bound to make you feel worse.”

  “On the contrary, M’Lady,” Lily said. Hannah looked over at her, hearing the cough she was desperately tried to hold in. She watched as Lily swallowed a little, as if that would help, and then spoke again when she thought she could. “I think the morning air would do a lot for me. Being cooped up in bed is only going to make me feel even sicker.”

  “Perhaps tomorrow when you’ve had some soup in your system and you’re feeling a little better,” Hannah told her. “But until then, you’re to stay in your room and rest. I’ll go to Karla after I’m done with the ride and see if she can make you something that will help.”

  “M’Lady…” Lily sighed, which only ended in a terrible sounding cough.

  Hannah got to her feet and approached her. She knew she should maintain some distance, lest she grew sick as well, but Hannah didn’t care. She grasped Lily by her shoulders, taking a good look at her. Lily’s nose was bright red and swollen. “I’ll be fine, Lily. Don’t worry. I’ll find someone else to accompany me today. But please, ease my mind and take to bed already.”

  Lily looked defeated. “If you insist, M’Lady.”

  Hannah watched with satisfaction as Lily left her bedchamber. Somehow, between the day prior and this new morning, Lily had gotten sick. Hannah wouldn’t have been surprised if Lily had felt it coming on and chose to say nothing. The girl would rather suffer than to make herself a burden to Hannah.

  Though, she couldn’t figure out why not being able to accompany her on her morning ride with Mr. Albertson was being a burden. Hannah supposed it was simply because Lily still didn’t trust Mr. Albertson. Lily had spent the better part of the previous evening listing all the reasons she thought Hannah should stay away from him. Hannah found it all incredibly amusing.

  Once Lily was gone, Hannah wandered back to the window. She worried for Lily. Of course she did. But at the same time, she couldn’t deny what a great opportunity this was. If they went back to the stream, she’d be alone with Mr. Albertson. Truly alone.

  Will he finally kiss me?

  If he didn’t, she would be disappointed, but to spend time with him alone was already more than enough. She felt drawn to him in a way that wasn’t just physical, that wasn’t rooted in curiosity. Though at first, she had wondered about the sheep farmer who was set to be the next heir to the dukedom, now she wondered about Mr. Albertson himself, the man underneath. Layers of his walls kept peeling away, showing just how alike they were.

  Hannah couldn’t contain her excitement at the thought and she rushed out of the room. The manor was just starting to wake up, though most of the servants had already started their duties. She knew the proper thing would be to find someone else to accompany her. Perhaps her mother. But Hannah didn’t know when she’d be offered a chance like this again. She had to take advantage of it.

  The fog was heavy just like it had been the first time but Hannah spotted Mr. Albertson easily. He was waiting in his usual spot, his horse to his left and her horse to his right. She couldn’t help the excited smile that spread her cheeks.

  “I hope I haven’t made you wait too long, Mr. Albertson,” she said breathlessly, not caring if he realized that she had run here.

  “Not at all,” he said, his tone light. “I just got here myself.” Then he looked behind her and frowned. “Is your maid not joining us today?”

  “Unfortunately, she fell ill. She was much too sick to do so.”

  “Ah, I see.”

  Hannah frowned a little.

  Is that disappointment I hear in his voice?

  “Then I suppose we should postpone this until she gets better.”

  “There’s no need for that,” Hannah said with a shake of her head. She took the reins from his hands. “I know my way around the fields without Lily, you know.”

  “But, My Lady…” Mr. Albertson glanced behind him at the stable hands moving around. Hannah looked as well. She caught a few looking their way but she had no doubt in her mind that they were unsurprised by this behavior. “Are you sure?” he asked finally.

  “Quite sure, Mr. Albertson. Now,” she swung onto the horse, hiding her smile at his hesitation, “are we going to stay here and jabber on, or do you plan to really go riding with me this time?”

  Hannah set off, simply trotting at first. The possibilities at hand made her feel lighter than air, especially when she looked over her shoulder to see that he had decided to follow her.

  “It’s too bad about your maid,” he said once he caught up. The air was so cold that his breath appeared and disappeared before

  “She’ll be all right. After this morning’s ride, I plan to go visit her. I’m thinking of bringing her some soup from the kitchens. That should help her feel a little better, don’t you think?”

  “I don’t know,” he said musingly. He easily kept up with her pace. Hannah wondered if he noticed that she was steadily speeding up. “Whenever I got sick, hot soup didn’t do much. If I had a bad fever then I would just wrap myself in as many blankets as I could until I was as hot as a furnace.”

  Hannah let out an indelicate laugh. “Why in heaven’s name would you do something like that?”

  “My father’s steward told me that it was the best way of getting over it. I never once questioned it, especially since it worked every time.”

  “If someone were to suggest that to me, I would think they are making an attempt on my life.”

  Hannah was even more surprised when Mr. Albertson was the one who laughed and said, “Linton is by far the most intelligent man I’ve ever had the honor of knowing. He would laugh at what you’ve said if he was capable of showing feelings at all.”

  Hannah stared curiously at him. She couldn’t help herself and she gave into it easily. It was proper distraction from the fire in her belly that was steadily growing hotter every time she looked at him.

  He speaks of that man with such warmheartedness that I can’t help but feel it myself. I wonder what it would feel like to be cherished by him?

  She could nearly imagine it and she couldn’t help but smile.

  The familiarity with which he spoke about his steward, and the way his eyes softened at the mention of him, told her a lot of what she needed to know. Yet still, it opened up more questions she wanted to ask him. And there was still that very pressing one about his reasons for heading into the woods so late at night.

  Focus on the questions. Save the intense attraction and the tingling feelings for later.

  Which was easier said than done but she tried her best, nonetheless.

  Hannah realized silence had settled between them. He seemed content with it, but Hannah didn’t feel like sitting still. Not today. For today, she was unburdened with the pressures of a chaperone and she planned to take full advantage of it.

  “Mr. Albertson?”

  “Yes, My Lady?”

  “Do you remember the stream we went to the morning before?”

  He hesitated for just a second and Hannah decided not to view that as anything substantial. “Yes, My Lady.”

  “Do you remember how to get there?”

  “I believe I do.”

  “Perfect.” And without warning, she took off.

  The effect was instantaneous. When Hannah first invited Mr. Albertson to go riding with her, she had wanted to show him just how great it was to ride so early in the morning. The brisk wind that battered her face as she flew across the grass. The happy laughter bubbling up her throat at the freedom in her limbs. The powerful beast beneath her, taking her wherever she wished.

  Hannah didn’t know if she could put into words just how magical this feeling was, so she wanted Mr. Albertson to experience it himself. When she looked back, she was ecstatic to see that he was hot on her heels, grinning from ear to ear.

  She couldn’t contain her laughter and she looked ahead, pressing her thighs into her mare just as Mr. Albertson shot past her. Hannah took that as the challenge it was and raced after him.

  He was a vision on a horse. Despite everything, Hannah could still take note of that. She loved the way the wind attacked his hair like it did hers, the joy on his face. Hannah had never seen him smile like that and she wanted to see it more. She came to his side, shooting him a grin to which he responded in kind. He was in a very good mood, she noticed. It made him even more attractive to her.

  In fact, Hannah was a little relieved when they finally made it to the stream, at the spot they had been at last time. Mr. Albertson came to a halt first, jumping off his horse. He went straight to the stream like she had and proceeding to splash the cold water on his face.

  Hannah used that as her chance to bring herself under control. She could easily blame her rapidly beating heart on her sudden sprint, but she knew that wasn’t entirely the case. Nor was it for her flushed cheeks.

  It had something to do with the gentleman before her, who had lowered his guard whether he realized it or not. Seeing him atop a horse, the power in his legs as he controlled the steed, the way he had bent forward while he dashed past her...she couldn’t help but wonder what it would feel like to have all that raw energy focused on her.

  Chapter 14

  “Are you not hot?” Mr. Albertson asked, looking over his shoulder at her. Hannah straightened, snapping back to attention. Her thoughts had drifted to naughty areas without her realizing it.

  “O-oh, yes.” She went over to the stream, annoyed with herself at being caught off guard. She bent and ran her hand through the water, trembling a little at its coldness. She chanced a glance at him, feeling his eyes on her and her heart skipped a beat. “What is it?”

  “I didn’t know you could ride like that,” he said. His gaze remained steady on her, his tone musing, his voice slightly curious.

  Why am I nervous all of a sudden?

  “Riding is one of my favorite pastimes,” she said, looking away. “It would be shameful to say that and not be good at it, don’t you think?”

  “I suppose you’re right about that,” he said on a chuckle. He rose and made his way over to the fallen logs, sitting. After a moment, Hannah chose to join him, sitting on the opposite one. “I love to ride, as well.”

  “Well, seeing that you’re here with me so early in the morning, I thought as much.” And they both laughed, what nervousness she had left clearing under the air of comfort.

  “You must be close with the servants,” Mr. Albertson said suddenly.

  “Pardon me?”

  “Your maid,” he said. “You speak to her as if you two are friends. And you speak very fondly of the cook, as well.”

  “Well…” She couldn’t understand the question. “That’s because we are friends.”

  “Interesting. It’s refreshing to see the barriers between master and servant can be broken down in a society like this.”

  “What exactly do you mean by that?”

  “I’ve read it in books,” he went on. “There is a strict separation between the two. At the very most, servants like Lily can only hope that the master they serve is a kind one. But after watching you for a while, I’ve come to realize that you aren’t just kind to her. You treat her as if she’s your equal.”

  Hannah tried to ignore the fact that he said he had been watching her, and focused on the true nature of the conversation. “It is true that I am fond of her. I am fond of all of them, really. But at the end of the day, she is my lady’s maid.”

  “She is your friend, is she not?”

  “Yes,” she said without hesitation.

  “And yet you two play your roles brilliantly despite that. How interesting.”

  Hannah frowned. “Why is that so interesting to you, Mr. Albertson? From the way you were speaking, I would have thought you treat your steward the same way.”

  “Oh, I’ve tried to,” he responded, his voice taking on a mirthful lilt. “But Linton is as stubborn as a mule. He’s determined to maintain what he deems a proper relationship between steward and master.”

  “I’m sure he’s as fond of you as you are of him.”

  “I believe so, too. But it’ll take a lot of convincing for him to admit it.”

  Hannah chuckled. She noticed suddenly that she was filled with happiness. She loved being here. And being here with Mr. Albertson topped her list of best moments. She rose, excited energy running through her body. “Would you like to play a game, Mr. Albertson?”

  “A game?” he asked, intrigued.

  “Yes, a game. It’s a very simple one. All you have to do to win is…” Hannah looked around until she found a perfect stone and picked it up. “
Toss this to the other side of this stream.”

  He frowned. “That sounds incredibly easy.”

  Hannah grinned devilishly, holding up her index finger. “Using only one finger,” she explained.

  Realization dawned on him and he grinned. He got to his feet. “What do I get if I win?”

  “You get to ask me anything you want and I promise to answer.”

  “Why do I get the feeling that you are doing this because you want to ask me something and you want to make sure that I answer you?”


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