Black Thorn

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Black Thorn Page 12

by Brandon Killpack

  “Everyone will fight if the time comes, their very lives are at stake, and I will not have the history books write that Humanity was a race that just laid down and died!”

  Her father had said, his words emboldened the fighters and the people alike. Soon most were helping in their own way. The most significant help was from some of the older women, old they maybe their magic had lost none of its potency, and before long they were weaving intricate wards to help repel everything from arrows to spears. Others baked and prepared food for the soldiers, while even more volunteered to venture down to the battle and act as a healer for the army.

  As she watched the battle below from the walls, she was surprised to see a mousey haired youth, in black robes, and carrying a staff amongst the soldiers. She gave a cry as they clashed with an Orc battalion. Fearing that inevitably he would fall under the first stroke of an Orc axe, but surprisingly he survived along with those around him. For the Orcs that would surround him fell in a fury of fire, while the soldiers remained unscathed. Despite his victory, he was yet another person for her to worry about even though she didn’t honestly know him at all.

  C ome midday the battle had started to go very wrong; the fight had come so near that runners could now make it to the line and back in under fifteen minutes. The king and the wolf had called for more horses and had made good work of the healers that Levi had sent to them. They had started sending back the severely wounded back to the keep to be healed. Adam had been stealing his nerves for what he and the king were planning to do. Although they had been forced to lose ground throughout the day, Adam was feeling confident in their plan. Their advantage was the keep; they could be healed and fed and reinforced with fresh soldiers, where the Orc horde could not. True they were great in numbers, but he felt that their advantage would save them.

  Adam drew close to his brother the King who had just returned from a skirmish. He was severely wounded, blood was seeping from his armor.

  Concern crossed Adams' face, but the king waved him off, “nothing the healers won’t be able to fix.”

  “Shall we ride together soon my lord?” Adam asked

  The King chuckled darkly, “We will plow through this horde soon enough, I just need to rest for a moment.”

  While they spoke, the battle raged, neither side giving way. The sky was blackened with rain and arrows, while great fiery streaks crossed the enemy line smashing into the Orc army sending bodies flying. The catapults were now doing their job, sending flaming oil covered boulders screeching through the air. While the archers where sending volley after volley of arrows to fell the ranks of the Orcs, but as one rank fell another would take its place. Although it seemed that they were slowly starting to gain ground.

  Katrina ran down the battlements, sprinted down the stairs and ladders to her brother in the courtyard who was giving instructions to another runner. “Tell them that the horses are being outfitted with armor now and will soon be available. Also, tell them that we are running low on boulders and will not be able to keep up the assault.” The soldier bowed then ran through the gate.

  “Brother the battle seems to be going well, at least we are now more or less evenly matched.”

  Levi nodded and was about to reply when a blood-curdling screech filled the air. This inhuman cry was unlike anything they had heard, and it chilled their blood filling their hearts with dread.

  The Orcs cheered as this new monstrosity joined the battle. Katrina ran back to the battlements while her brother screamed at the men to rally and ready themselves double time. Katrina could just see a black winged figure strolling through the ranks of the Orcs. The beings body seemed to be made of smoke and ash. It had to be at last seven feet tall but wasn’t bulky like the Orcs. The being was more slender and agile. Seeing it filled Katrina with pure dread. This was what Kallen had described to them before he died, this is what attacked Gideon.

  T he roar of the battle was clearly heard as Gideon and company crossed the boundary of trees that marked the end of the forest and the beginning of the valley they saw to their amazement the black, changing landscape, and the mass that caused the destruction. The Orc army was like a giant serpent, and there was the small Human army trying to fend it off.

  “Well friend, it looks like this might be a good day to die?” Gideon said to Harth as he drew close to gaze upon the horde.

  “Yes, but I am not sure I am ready to return to the stone so soon. Something doesn’t seem right though.” Harth said.

  “What do you mean?” Gideon asked.

  “The Orc villages were deserted. Although a large horde was at their capital, this army cannot be the horde we followed its too small.” At these words, Joseph hurried over to Gideon

  “If what our friend says is true then we must find out where the rest is, but I fear you are needed down there. Here take this and allow me to teach you the secret to regaining your power.” He handed Gideon a small vial tied to a thong of leather.

  “Inside that vial is water from the Maker’s pool. Your physical strength is greater than it had been and so is your magic, but you will not be whole until you face the shade and absorb it in this vial here.”

  Gideon tied the leather around his neck, “I thought that you said I had to absorb the demon into myself?”

  Joseph grinned, “That I did, but I wasn’t really serious. I just wanted to make sure you were willing to do anything that was necessary. If you could stomach the thought of that thing in you, then you would do anything. Gideon killing the shade will double if not triple your power, for you will be taking back not only what is yours but also all the power the shade had stored throughout the eons. As for the rest of you, I have a similar spell, as you slay your enemies so too will your power increase.” With this, he passed a vail to Harth, Siegfried, and Asuna.

  “Keep this secret and remember gaining power has its consequences so be sure you seek it for the right reasons. Now prick your finger and let the blood flow into the vial. This will make the spell personal. Remember it and keep it secret.” He pressed a roll of parchment into Gideon’s hand. “Remember, secret.”

  He looked around at them all. “Now I must find out where the rest of the horde is and I expect you to come and find me after this battle is over. I don’t like the idea of tracking a massive horde of murderess Orcs alone. Meet me at the northern slope of the Black Ridge closet to the Elven city of Glenwallow.” With that, he withdrew and sprinted back the way they had come.

  Gideon sighed, “Well shall we join the fray?”

  Siegfried scowled “We shall see just how much a warrior you are now, won't we Human?”

  Harth laughed in glee “Well shall we keep score? I’m betting I can get the most kills here!” Then he turned to his dwarves and bellowed, “We march.” The dwarves cheered and ran on.

  Gideon laughed, “Well even if we die at least it will be entertaining.”

  T he battle had begun going poorly with the arrival of the black figure. Adam had rallied the soldiers, and they had mustered their courage, but the thing was a cunning warrior. Their numbers started to quickly dwindle. They were being backed agents their own walls, Adam knew that they had to do something now before it was too late.

  “My lord its time!” He yelled across to the king. Udda nodded, and they both clamored on to their chargers and readied the twenty men that followed them. Sheathing their swords, they took spears and shields, and with the sound of the hunting horn, they charged the ranks of the Orcs and the black figure. This action took the Orcs by surprise, and their rank temporally broke.

  Before they recovered and doubled their efforts. This gave Adam and the King time enough for two runs with the spears. The plan was working black figure be damned, and the end of the Orcs could be seen. The horde, however, would not die without a fight and the plan soon broke apart. They switched back to swords hacking and slashing their way forward. They were in the middle of the horde now; their retreat cut off. The team of twenty was failing. Warrior after warrior fell
, until only Adam and the king where left.

  Back to back, they fended off the horde for longer than any other warrior could. They were inching themselves back, perhaps if they could get back behind the line, they could charge again. It was not to be, the Kings guard fell, and he was smitten across the neck, his blood splattering Adam’s side.

  Adam roared with fury, Orc after Orc fell before him. He fought until his sword arm burned and shield sagged. He wouldn’t let any of these creatures come close to the king’s body. Disgruntled sounds could be heard close by, and it was this that distracted Adam just enough for an Orc to circumvent his guard. An Orc ducked low and under Adams shield came the steel splinter that would pierce his side. Agony erupted over his body before a numbing cold began to creep in. He fell to his knees and prayed to the Maker that he would spare his children from his fate. With that last prayer, he prepared for death, clutching his brother’s body close to his. When the soldiers rushed forward cheering and rushing to their fallen King and Jarl.

  Adam was picked up and placed on a horse with another soldier as his world started to fall into blackness, his tunneled vision centered on the group charging from the northern plains. There was Gideon, he was alive, and he was whole. With his final breath, he thanked the Maker that he was able to see Gideon one last time. With his last breath passing between his lips he fell from the horse, the soldier grabbing at air, and trying in vain to save the valent warrior. As Adam’s body fell to the mud, the soldiers around him stopped, just for a moment to honor the Wolf.

  T he Orcs were caught unaware as Gideon and company clashed into them. This caused much confusion in their ranks, and Harth could be heard counting off,

  “One, two, three hahaha. Come at me number four!”

  Gideon found that with every Orc he fell a jolt of energy passed from the vial into him. He wasn’t sure if the others were experiencing such a dramatic experience, but he could tell they felt something because glancing over to Siegfried he could see the discomfort on his face after each enemy he felled.

  They pushed and pushed closer to the front of the lines, while in front of them his people pressed forward. He watched as a group rode through the lines, breaking the Orc formation. With this distraction, Gideon, Harth, Asuna, Siegfried, and thirty some odd dwarves pressed forward. Gideon watched as the small band of horsemen dwindled and soon fell, but he was emboldened as the ranks in front of him broke. They were close to the front lines now, the warriors on the battlefield and in the keep had begun cheering as they realized another force had joined them in dispatching the Orcs. It was when they reached the front lines that Gideon saw it. The shade was there.

  As he approached it, the creature turned as if it sensed him. With a screech it dove at him, slicing with a jagged black sword that was tinted red with the blood of his people. There were no words for this moment. This is what Gideon had been working towards this whole time. It was time to finish it and make amends for Kallen. He rolled out of the way of the shades attack, sliced with his sword, twisted out of the way of another attack, and slammed his shield across the shades head dazing it.

  He used this to get a good stab in the creature. It let loose an unearthly scream as it flailed wildly at him. Rolling out of the way of another attack Gideon jumped up for a skyward attack! He landed with his sword finding its mark deep in the demon’s chest. It choked and staggered, Gideon didn’t let it go gently into the void. Using his magic, he summoned a powerful fire over his sword and smote the shade again in the chest setting it ablaze.

  With the shade dead the remaining Orcs courage feel and they began their retreat. Fleeing in a disorganized mass. The men were chasing them only for so long as their strength was spent. The day had come and gone, and as night fell, the people rejoiced. They had lasted the day, better yet they had won.

  Chapter 11 Restoration

  I t was a tear-filled reunion as Gideon found his brother Levi and sister Katrina. He and his companies were greeted by a choir of cheers as they entered the city of Evenstar. Even the Elves who at first had been given a few mistrustful looks were praised for their part in the battle. When Gideon found his siblings, he embraced them and tears of joy fell from their faces.

  They had lived, it was more than any of them had dared to hope. The dwarves were taken into the hall and treated to a well-earned feast, Asuna and Siegfried accompanied them, and no one seemed to mind. At least they didn’t try and stop the surly looking Elves. They enjoyed their hard-earned victory and shed no more tears, at least not for the night. Dawn would come and then it would be time to lament for the dead. After joining with his siblings, Gideon faced the realization that his father, uncle, and cousins had not survived.

  Dawn broke over the grizzly sight of the battle. The crows flocked in mass to the bodies but were beaten off by the people there to collect their dead. They would be buried in the city graveyard while the Orcs were unceremoniously burned in piles that littered the once green valley.

  Gideon, Katrina, and Levi joined the people as they searched for their fallen family. They found their father spread eagle in the mud some thirty feet from his Uncle. It was clear to Gideon that his father and uncle had taken more Orcs with them than most the soldiers. Upon seeing his broken, bloody frame Katrina let out a sob, she felt over his chest and held him. After what felt like a lifetime, for grief has a way of twisting a mass of time into a single moment. The brothers embraced their sister and pulled her off their dead father. A guard of soldiers came, and on their shields, they carried Udda king of Evenstar and Jarl Adam the Wolf to the keep. For they have earned their rest.

  They laid the King and his brother in the hall. Katrina and the remaining Shield Maidens removed their armor and weapons, stripping them bare and began washing the bodies. This was an old custom that had lasted the ages. After the bodies were washed they were clad in white linen. The bodies were anointed with oils and prayed over by the priests. Finally, in a large procession led by an honor guard of Shield Maidens, they buried the King and the Wolf in tombs of marble, deep in the catacombs beneath the city. In the hall of the dead they would slumber and they had certainly earned their rest.

  T he death ceremonies lasted the week as more bodies were discovered. At the end of this Levi was officially crowned King of Evenstar and the lands of Esnela. A bittersweet ceremony, it was brief and to the point for Levi had several vital matters of state to attend to if the people were to recover from this battle. He summoned the wise and battle-hardened to a council. Among these where Gideon, Harth, Asuna, and Siegfried.

  “Although I have taken this crown with a heavy heart losing not only my King but also my father, we must not fall on our swords with grief. Gideon and the dwarves have informed me that this was but a small portion of the horde. Therefore we must plan and prepare. So that the next fight we might stand a chance. We were lucky this time around and that’s all. Next time we may not be.” They were somber words, but the council took them to heart. Their victory had been decided on more luck than skill and Levi was not going to be caught unawares again.

  “Harth, would the dwarves lend aid to us? Would they be willing to join forces against this horde?”

  Harth was quiet for a time; his chin set agents his chest while he chose his words.

  “Mine King would be open to speaking with you I think, as to what he will say I know not, because I do not talk for him. I sent messengers after the battle, but I will send more with any words you may have for him.”

  Levi took these words in stride as if it’s exactly what he expected. “Please send a messenger to your King, telling him that I wish to meet with him here as soon as possible for I am in need of his guidance and assistance.”

  Harth nodded in consent and spoke to one of his people who were busy scrawling on a scroll. “It will be done; mine men will be leaving in the marrow.”

  “Good,” He turned to Asuna and Siegfried, “Now I don’t suppose we could appeal to the Elves for help?” The council erupted in an angry plumb.
The men yelling and accusing, Levi wasn’t having it.

  “Be silent! Old grudges aside, we must put the past behind us and look to unity in our future. We need all the help we can get if we are to out live the next horde. Make no mistake it is coming, now I ask again, can we talk peace and unity with the Elven Empire?”

  It was Asuna who answered, “I cannot speak for my King and Queen. However, we will return to our people with your message.”

  “Good, now I will be sending envoys to each kingdom we are allied to, requesting men and aid. As for our enemies, we will offer them allegiance. Our first priority is filling our ranks with soldiers. Real soldiers, we are not going to win this war with farmers.” There was more discussion about land and resources and how we were going to gather more information about the horde. On that matter, Levi surprised Gideon with an announcement.

  “If it weren’t for my brother Gideon and his companions we would have surely died. We are forever indebted to them. Therefore I declare that Gideon will have full rights as a prince of Evenstar and will sit as a trusted advisor on my council. Also, his companions will be trusted friends and treated like royalty. Furthermore, they will hence be called the Guardians, for their mission should they accept will be to forever protect Rosenkar from its enemies.”

  There was little applause at this and looks of unease from the advisors, but no one made any comment. Sometime later the council broke, and Gideon and Harth met with Levi in the throne room.

  “We need to depart at once Levi. I promised Joseph that I would meet him at the northern point of Black Ridge. We are indebted to him for he is the reason I am whole and he also warned us in the first place.” Gideon said.

  “Although I am not pleased that you are leaving so soon, I understand. I will have my men prepare things for your journey. Heh, my men. Never in a thousand years did I expect to be saying stuff like that.” Levi said with an odd smile.


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