Black Thorn

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Black Thorn Page 16

by Brandon Killpack

  Gideon and Siegfried looked at each other, a feeling of foreboding coming over them as they were led into the dark entry hall.

  They were led along a winding staircase up many flights in the near darkness. The only form of illumination came from ghastly red lamps that where sparsely dotted throughout the corridors. The hair on Gideon’s neck was standing on end and it wasn’t long until he realized the cause of his unease. This tower had no windows and possibly no terrace, which meant there was no means of escape, save the door that led them here in the first place.

  All his senses were going off, but he still didn’t have a grasp as to why. The adrenaline rushing through his body sent his nerves on overdrive and body trembling, yet none in the group noticed this.

  They were led into a large gathering hall, filled to the brim with several more dracken. At the end of the hall was an eerie mosaic depicting a dragon in near-Human form and an Elven woman in the throngs of some primeval mating ritual. Gideon noticed Siegfried staring at the mosaic. His face screwed up in disgust. He placed a comforting hand on his friend, calming both their nerves.

  Beneath the mosaic, there was an altar and in front of that another dracken. This one had a long black and red robe, with sleeves that nearly came to the floor. He was visibly different from the rest by appearance; he had two short, thick horns protruding from his head. The dracken looked up as they drew close to the head of the hall.

  He raised his arms out wide in a welcoming gesture, smiling kindly, but that kindness did not reach his eyes which held a look in them that Gideon could not decipher.

  “Welcome, honored guest. I am Legion, the mouthpiece for the collective. I welcome you and trust your stay will be long and pleasant.” Legion said with a smile.

  Gideon approached the altar, his hand resting on the pommel of his sword.

  “With all due respect, we will not be staying. We are simply here for the sage Joseph. If you can take us to him, we will be on our way, for we do not wish to be delayed any longer than we have to.”

  The dracken stepped down from the alter bowing slightly.

  “Of course, of course, master Gideon. We understand your need for haste, for the enemy you hunt is near at hand. I am afraid however that the sage does not wish to leave until tomorrow. Rest while you have an opportunity and tomorrow be on your way.”

  Gideon stepped forward closing the distance between them,

  “This is unacceptable. I wish to see Joseph now and explain the situation.”

  The dracken Legion bowed again and smiled showing his pointed teeth.

  “That simply is not possible. The sage had barred his door, commanding that none may disturb him. If you stay for dinner then perhaps we will be able to coax the sage from his room. We will hold a large banquet in your honor, for it has been long since we have had a visitor and even longer since we have had such enchanting ones at that.” His eyes rested upon Asuna and Katrina.

  Gideon stepped in front of him blocking them from view. A flicker of annoyance flashed upon Legion’s face, but when Gideon looked more closely it was gone, replaced by that toothy grin.

  “We will wait until tonight, but no longer.” Gideon bolstered his aura, filling the room with his power sending several of the dracken cowering.

  “Pray you are not trying to deceive us or it will not end well for you.”

  Again the grin and the bow, “We would never attempt such a thing. Now I will have this one,” he indicated the dracken on his right, “Show you and your companions to your rooms, I am sure you will want to bathe before we feast.”

  Gideon gave him one last piercing stare and then allowed “this one” to lead them to their rooms. It wasn’t until they had left the room that Gideon wondered how Legion had known his name.

  They went up several more flights of stairs and along a dark hallway. This one motioned to the rooms on his left and right,

  “These shall be your resting places.”

  Asuna and Katrina moved to go but before they parted Gideon seized them gently by the arms, drawing them close to him and embracing them both. This caught them both by surprise, but Gideon put his head at their ears and whispered,

  “Keep a dagger on you at all times and do not let your guard down. There is something foul amidst this place.”

  Katrina rolled her eyes and gave him a placating stare, “I’ll do as you wish, but nothing is going to happen to us here Gideon. You are starting to act paranoid.”

  She broke apart from Gideon and entered her room giving him one last sympathetic glance before shutting the door behind her.

  Gideon realized that his arm was still around Asuna’s waist and removed it quickly taking half a step back looking both embarrassed and self-conscious, a pink tinge appearing on his cheeks. He dropped his gaze staring at the ground.

  Asuna pretended not to notice and stooped down to look Gideon in the face, bringing her face close enough to his that he could smell the sweetness of her breath.

  “My dear friend I do believe you have allowed Siegfried’s prejudices to rub off on you. I am not so close minded to believe creatures of different birth would wish us ill and I do not sense any ill coming from our host. “

  She gave him one last in-depth searching look then she too crossed to the room and shut the door.

  Gideon prickled with emotion, was he cracking up? He shook the thought from his head and walked to where Siegfried and Harth stood watching the exchange and looking confused. Gideon gathered his two friends in the same embracing gesture and whispered in their ears so as not to be overheard by the waiting dracken.

  “The girls think I’m paranoid, but I swear to you that something here is not right. Don’t get too comfortable, bathe if you must but keep your pack at the ready as we will move swiftly at the first sign of trouble.”

  “I am with you Gideon!” Siegfried said.

  “You don’t have to tell me, lad.” Harth said “Did you see how he looked at the girls? The damn creature gave me the willies.”

  “Thank you, Harth, that makes me feel so much better now,” Gideon said then shook his head and took a deep shuttering breath. “Just be ready for anything.” They parted for their rooms without a second glance at the dracken that still lingered in the hall.

  Gideon looked around at the lavishly spacious room that he had been given. There was enough silk in here to fill most the rooms in the palace in Evenstar. A large feather bed dominated one corner; it too was covered in silk. The same black and red pattern Gideon noticed that the dracken called Legion wore. Various screens blocked off the edge opposite the bed and when Gideon when to investigate it he found a large tub carved out of the stone floor. The walls and floor were covered in animal skins and rugs so lavish that the sheer wealth this room boasted would surly humble most kings.

  Gideon went to the tub and was amazed to find that the water that came out of the tap was hot and shown no sign of being heated by magic or fire nor did he see any boiler room during his climb to his room. This was undoubtedly a wondrous, if not a strange place. As the water filled the tub, a calming scent wafted up with the steam and Gideon was soon compelled to strip down and soak in the water.

  As he soaked all is unease left him and he was soon letting his mind wander to thoughts much more pleasant than some dark plot by the drackens. He found his thoughts steered to Asuna and how soft her skin had been agents his arm and the minty forest smell of her perfume that reminded him of Elden, of home. Most of all he dreamed of that final searching gaze she had given him. She was so close he could almost taste her breath. She was so close and yet so distant. Even though they had traveled together for a long time now, he realized in his dreamy state that he knew almost nothing about her. Her moods and how she reacted were very foreign to him, though he reasoned that may just be her Elven nature. So entranced with his thoughts and so at ease in the water Gideon didn’t feel himself drifting off until it was too late.

  G ideon jerked awake, sending cold water splashing around him. He f
elt disoriented and confused and even a little frightened. The room around him was now pitch-black and he was unsure just what had waked him. One thing he was sure of was that he had been out for several hours as the water was now ice cold and his skin had become pruned. Calming his nerves he sent swirling balls of white light around the room illuminating even the darkest corner. He found his clothes and pack where he had left them, but his sword was nowhere to be seen.

  Dressing swiftly he opened his pack and from its depths grasped a dagger hidden among the folds of cloth. Armed as he was, he hoisted his bag from the floor and extinguished all but one of the lights, willing the lone ball to follow him as he entered the deserted hallway. By instinct he went to his sister’s room, it was locked, after knocking and receiving no word he kicked the door open causing a reverberating racket that rang down the hall. He found her clothes and pack inside, but she was nowhere to be seen. The same was true for Asuna’s room, clothing and pack lay neatly on the floor, but other than that, the room was empty showing no sign of being used.

  When Gideon returned to the hall, he found Siegfried and Harth standing looking lost and bewildered and soaking wet as if they dressed without drying. Harth’s long bushy red beard hung in dripping wet tangles.

  “What in the devil is going on? One minute I’m soaking in a steaming bath the next I’m waking up to what sounded like a battering ram.”

  “It seems some plot is afoot. I too drifted off in the scented water…” Siegfried began but Gideon cut across him,

  “The girls are missing.”

  Gideon watched as all the blood drained from his friend's faces.

  Chapter 15 Unwelcome Surprise

  K atrina awoke in a dark room, and her head was pounding as if someone had knocked it around a bit. She rolled over stretching out on the soft silk sheets. She was on a bed, and she was naked?

  There was movement beside her, and she recoiled, falling off the bed pulling the sheet with her. She stifled a yelp as her bare skin touched the icy stone floor. Her heart started pounding, making her headache all the worse. Then a familiar voiced called out from the darkness instantly calming her.

  “Is that you Katrina?”

  A blinding light illuminated the darkness revealing Asuna sitting on the feather bed looking confused and trying and failing to cover her sizeable assists with her hands. A twinge of jealousy touched Katrina before she squashed it. Now was not the time to compare herself to the Elf.

  “Do you have any idea where we might be?” Asuna asked, clearly still dazed.

  Katrina shook her head gingerly. “I don’t know. Last I remember I was sitting in the bath in my room, and I don’t even remember drifting off to sleep.”

  Clarity flooded Asuna’s face, and she stood up fast, causing her to sway and hold her head. Katrina watched as Asuna seized a sheet from the bed, then with a mighty rip, she rendered the sheet in two. Binding her breast as best she could with one of the halves she said,

  “Cover yourself as best you can with that sheet.” Then she made a skirt with the other half. Katrina followed her example, although the sheets did not rip nearly as easy for her as they did for Asuna.

  Alert and covered the girls began searching for some way out. They circled the room, feeling along the walls.

  “There must be some way out of here.” Asuna said as she inspected a wall with her hands. Katrina was doing likewise, examining every inch. Finally, it occurred to Katrina where they really were.

  “Asuna, look for a trap door!” Katrina said, and after a few seconds of flinging rugs across the room, Asuna cried.

  “It’s here, I’ve found it.”

  The trapdoor lay open, and they stared down the dark hole. They couldn’t see past the fifth rung of the ladder. Asuna directed her light over the door and with a sigh of relief they saw the familiar floor of the tower.

  “I’m going to find the creep who did this and teach him why I’m a captain in the Elven army. As Harth might say, I’m going to smash some skulls.” Asuna said with murder in her eyes.

  Katrina laughed, “Yes he’ll rue the day he messed with us.” Then what Asuna said hit home. “Oh, gods, what do you think happened to the boys?”

  Asuna’s eyes widened, “Let’s not waste any more time, come on.”

  They slid down the ladder and after a moment decided on a direction and ran down the deserted corridor.

  “It’s odd that everything seems so empty,” Katrina observed.

  “They are probably in the gathering hall performing some ritual. I really don’t like to think what they might have had planned for us. I mean did you notice what was depicted in that mosaic?” Asuna said.

  Katrina shuddered. “Oh, gods I don’t want to imagine it... Oh, gods no.”

  Asuna stopped to stare at Katrina. “What is it?”

  “You know we’re going to have to admit to Gideon that he was right,” Katrina said.

  Asuna looked miserable. “Let’s focus on getting out of here first, and then we can make it up to him.”

  “Oh, he is never going to let us live this down.” Katrina said, “I remember one year when we were children…”

  Asuna stopped her, “Now really isn’t the time Katrina.”

  Katrina nodded, “You’re right, sorry lead on.”

  After a bit of searching, they found the immensely long stairways. They were up too many flights to count. They ran down, taking two stairs at a time. They had made it down four levels when they literally ran into Gideon, Harth, and Siegfried. This sent the group snowballing down the current flight of stairs, landing with a reverberating crash on the landing. The unfortunate Harth was at the bottom of this pile of companions. Their weight plus the weight of their luggage reminded Harth of the time he’d been in a cave in, although that had hurt a lot less. Siegfried and Katrina lay sprawled directly on top of him their bodies twisted in odd angles and Gideon and Asuna on top. Gideon had somehow gotten hold of Asuna in the tumble and shielded her from most of the fall paying dearly with a bloody forehead.

  A fter several minutes of untangling each other, they got up groaning, holding various places they had banged about on the ride down. Asuna helped Gideon to his feet, and he immediately turned a dark red as he examined her frame under the thin sheet. With downcast eyes, he handed over their clothes and packs. Then he and the other two wondered a little ways down the hall and busied themselves with searching the rooms.

  It turns out that searching the rooms was the right thing to do as they opened a door they found a dracken, a treasure chest, and Joseph.

  After beating the dracken to death, (Gideon had to drag Asuna and Katrina off of the creature.) Gideon quickly went to Joseph, who was laying on a cot in a deep sleep in a cell that was carved into the room. Gideon roused him by pouring the water from his water skin on his face.

  “What in the blue blazes!” Joseph exclaimed looking around utterly lost and confused.

  “Are you okay old man?” Katrina asked him. He focused on her, understanding coming slowly to his face. The realization dawned visibly as Josephs' eyes widened then narrowed and anger colored his cheeks.

  Harth broke the silence exclaiming to himself, “Ho ho, I seem to have found our missing equipment.” Seizing his axe and kissing its blade, “Did those nasty lizards hurt you, love?”

  Joseph got to his feet, “We must leave and leave swiftly.” They gathered their things and ran to keep up with Joseph. Gideon filled him in on the events as they traversed more endless stairways.

  “I was on the return journey when I was drawn in by these snakes. Honored guest indeed, more like marinating meat.” He said shaking his head in disgust.

  “You mean they were going to eat us?” Katrina asked wide-eyed.

  “Oh no my dear, I fear they would have had a worse fate for you.” But he did not elaborate, and Katrina was already guessing what he meant was thankful.

  They flew down the remaining stairs until they found themselves in the gathering hall and who should they
find, but none other than Legion and he was all alone.

  “You!” He shrieked, “You’re supposed to be asleep!” Panic blanching his features as Gideon charged at him. The snake narrowly escaped the first swing of Gideon’s sword. The second attempt, however, struck home. The dracken howled in pain as Gideon pushed the sword deeper.

  “Fool,” Legion coughed as blood began pouring from his mouth, “The necromancer knows you’re here. He is coming for you, in fact, he should be here soon.” Gideon ended his babbling with one smooth stroke of his sword sending Legion’s head bouncing down the hall.

  Joseph grabbed Gideon by the arm. “It’s time for us to fly before the collective realize he’s dead. Come, we must get to Elden, and we have little time. The necromancer is coming, and I know who he is!”

  They escaped through the large doors and made their way down the path. As they ran Gideon looked over at Asuna and Katrina and with a cocky smile, he said, “I told you something wasn’t right.”

  Katrina glared at him, “Oh shut up!”

  Chapter 16 The Heretic’s Hearing

  L evi scowled at his teacup he had let the damn thing go cold as he pondered the predicament set before him earlier in the council meeting. If running a county and preparing for war wasn’t hard enough, the priest Michael was causing trouble. He had barged into the chamber and started throwing accusations.

  In his rantings, he claimed that a local mage was a heretic who was dabbling in the taboo and poisoning the population with his lies and vicious slander. This was a serious accusation as any practice of the taboo was a crime punishable by death. The thought of putting someone’s head on a pike for an offense that was difficult to prove turned Levi’s stomach.

  “Not to stop your brooding, but what the bloody hell are you going to do about this mess?”

  Levi looked up to find Jarvis easing himself into the chair across from him.

  “Honestly Jarvis I have no idea. Do your people have any information on this Felix character? Are their accusations grounded on any fact?” Levi asked.


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