Edge of Revelation

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Edge of Revelation Page 3

by David John West

Umberto emoted to Joe.

  Joe was comforted by Umberto’s reassurance but was not so sure about the conclusion. Joe was aware he was more rehearsing a future inquest into his actions with the Worders than responding to Umberto’s message of support.

  They passed these thoughts to and fro until all three had reached mutual understanding. They would attempt to divert the Worders’ enquiries away from the abduction of the Omeyn. They would attempt to use this leverage on their return to planet Earth to extract Kyra from her imprisonment in Braganza on the Spargar home world. They would focus on the immediate matter of the completion of their main mission: that of connecting their colleagues and supporters in Professor Kitteridge’s group on Earth with the great span of worlds associated to the Gayan Empire and most of all protect Earth from the ravages of a coming Spargar invasion.

  intoned Rafaello.

  Joe had time to smile thinly at his friend’s remark and the Maria sprang forward through the warp node just as he was in the process of relaxing his neck muscles. The warp tube they travelled through swarmed with blending pulses of light through the bridge where space folded to touch the warp node off planet Chamarel more than 10,000 light years distant. Soon they arrived there, the warp tube dissipated and surrounding space resolved itself again to the wondrous host of the Pleiades star cluster and Maria sprang out from dark matter into the Gayan home range of planets. Particles of space dust that had accompanied them through warp burst around Maria in a spectacular shower of startled energy and reflected starlight.

  Rafaello messaged soul-to-soul, full of pleasure at returning to the much-loved region of stars that was his soul home.


  Ghazan, Worder of Gaya, one of the group of three with special responsibility for the Enlightenment mission to planet Earth, stood by the open picture wall of the chalet with its long views down the gentle slopes of meadow grass dotted with perspectives of alpine flowers down to the lake shore. He reflected on the natural beauty of planet Chamarel, chosen to be the home of the Gayan Worders, where momentous decisions were made regarding the manyfold planets supporting human life across the known galaxy protected by Dawn of Gaya. Chamarel needed to provide a contemplative home for the Worders as well as providing the nearest example to Nirvana that could be raised up for all of living humanity to asp1

  ire to. It provided the ideal balance of rest and recuperation for all returning Travellers of Dawn as well as providing the crucible of collective learning for all Gayan projects at any given time.

  Ghazan pondered on the nature of their lead Pointer on the planet Earth project. He stared out, barely blinking, as he considered the nature of Joe’s abilities in the context of the other Travellers of Dawn on planet Earth. The mission was a delicately poised state of affairs with Dawn’s long-cultivated campaign for Enlightenment on Earth set against the chaotic recent inroads of the alien greys whom they knew to be Zarnha agents of the Spargar Empire. Ghazan recalled the concerns he had about the proposed elevation of Joe from Pointer of Dawn to the first rank of Worder should he succeed in integrating planet Earth into the Gayan Empire. Joe was unaware of these discussions but he must know that he was due for promotion with his above-average record in the most challenging of recent campaigns. Ghazan recalled he had not been much different back then to how Joe was performing right now. He had been a Pointer himself in those days and had relished the sense of achievement and clear contribution to Enlightenment that came from owning projects to bring new planets to the Gayan Empire as a Pointer of Dawn. Ghazan had been reticent about the move to the more executive level of Worder. The highest level of Gayan nobility had always seemed distant to him and too far removed from the real action somehow. Staring across the lake, he regarded these thoughts with mild amusement; the role of Worder was much more rewarding in a subtle way than he had ever realised. Of course there were times when he still missed the singularity of purpose of the Pointers and their adventures across the broad range of the emerging planets. Being a Pointer was busy work but so much simpler than setting strategy and governing progress from afar. Ghazan knew now the fulfilment and gained satisfaction through the success of their Travellers and the peoples of the worlds they were helping.

  The bucolic scene sweeping down through alpine meadows to the long lake with ramparts of high mountains beyond was close to perfection. The sunlight of Chamarel was ideal, filtered through the clean atmosphere of the planet, which had never suffered the blight of industrial pollution. The occasional tiny clouds that punctuated the blue vault of the skies each suggested a fleeting resemblance to something or someone; Ghazan would never lose his fascination for this view, this planet.

  Ghazan narrowed his attention onto a great fish eagle flying low over the lake on a glide of leisurely pumping wings, the long narrow fingers of the pinion feathers pressing on the air to remain aloft. He saw that the great bird had lost a long russet flight feather from the left underwing, presumably in its daily pursuit of the tarnfish that humped the mirrored surface of the water in the course of their own hunts for small fry. In his inner eye, Ghazan replayed the approach of the eagle to the water’s surface when it lost that one feather: the reaching talons and spread braking wings of the fish eagle’s final approach as it poised and hung briefly in the moment of imminent action. The wickedly curved points of its steely talons would pierce the old tarnfish’s black humpback in opposing rows of piercing points. Ghazan could feel the exquisite agony of the old tarnfish as it cramped the long muscles of its back in a flurry of response to the talons embedded in its muscles. The tarnfish thrashed the water’s surface and tried to drag the eagle into its watery domain. The eagle responded by thumping its broad wings wildly on the water’s surface to balance and attempt to get aloft. but this particular fish was too large for even the massive eagle to drag airborne. The eagle decided there was no way to win this battle and relinquished its clasp in the tarnfish’s back. It reached for the skies with raised wings and a single feather broke free from its insertion on the right wing and looped airily down on to the lake surface. The eagle and tarnfish would go their own ways until their next such encounter.

  In the present moment the eagle passed over the lake margin and climbed to a perch in a nearby pine. Ghazan continued to gaze out over the lake. A pastoral musical theme of Chamarel played in his mind. Presently, a further descant engaged this theme and announced the arrival of his colleague Lykke, insubstantial as she was manifest solely-soul. He did not need to turn to see her to know that she had arrived to his rear, sharing the view and engaging his attention.

  The Worders for Earth greeted and then turned their attention to the matter of today’s consideration: their lead Pointer Joe’s state of mind and competence to manage their operations on Earth at this crucial time. It was common for Worders to categorise and compare a person’s mindset to the three ages of man: youth, maturity and old age. The Worders considered that each phase of life could be further subdivided into the same three stages again: early, mature and late. Hence they considered Joe was developing into the older age in his term as a Pointer of Dawn, but that this old age could be subdivided into early, mature and late stage, before there could be a case for his promotion to first-stage Worder. This ‘early’ old age of a Pointer could well be dangerous, especially in the case of Joe who had been adventurous to the point of recklessness as Joe in his prior physical lifetimes. Joe believed himself so experienced he almost required no Worder supervision in the everyday tactics of fulfilling his missions and was known to abandon authority and go it alone under pressure. This
was potentially dangerous as this self-confidence was growing in Joe and he was increasingly taking decisions on his own.

  Lykke introduced the conversation, “The danger of the early part of old age as a Pointer is that Joe could become blasé, overconfident in his skills and abilities. He may take too many risks, more than he would have done in his mature phase where he would do more listening. This would be of little matter normally but the stakes in our situation are set high in our campaign for planet Earth. We know Joe has a big personal quest to retrieve his missing wife and that is understandable but may not be in perfect alignment with his leadership and success on planet Earth. We must watch carefully in case conflicts arise that could destabilise all our plans.”

  “Joe has my confidence,” replied Ghazan. “The pressures on him are considerable and yet he has coped well so far. In his situation I am not sure how I would have fared myself. In many ways this is the ideal practical exercise in his progression to early Worder. He will learn much about himself and will be tested by events more complex than any training exercise we could devise.” A bright silver point emerged over the furthest purpling mountains, crowned in snow trails, filtered dusky blue by distance. The point grew to star size where no star of the Pleiades had been positioned previously. It grew brighter still then moved towards their position and dropped over the massed pines of the lake’s far shore. It flew on towards the Worder chalet growing brighter and eventually larger in size as it approached at treetop height over the waters, a long navy-blue shadow on the water’s surface indicating the length of Maria’s fuselage behind the oncoming prow. “Here he comes now,” said Ghazan. “We must finalise plans for the first contact ceremony with the people on Earth as our absolute priority, but no harm in evaluating Joe as part of his career progression at the same time.”

  Lykke inclined her head in agreement as Maria came to a halt below them and landed on the long grassy slope punctuated by meadow flowers. There were no external markings on the prow of Maria, just the curve of the broad silvered nose with the long body stretched behind. Maria was supported by the loading bay that had rotated down to keep the craft horizontal in aspect against the angle of the slope. Joe deplaned with Rafaello and Umberto down towards the view across the lake before turning back up the gentle slope towards the Lodge and the waiting Worders.

  Chiara, third and final Worder responsible for Earth mission, entered the room with the lake view and approached her fellow Worders. Chiara was wearing a scarlet dress of silk material decorated with cream fruit blossom, which flattered her figure and complemented her dark flowing hair and tawny complexion. Lykke turned and caught herself momentarily envious of the substantial life force Chiara carried as the only embodied person of the three in the physical peak of her current life.

  “You look lovely today, Chiara,” Lykke said, and Chiara beamed a big smile to her, knowing that is exactly what Lykke meant. Lykke and Chiara had known each other for so many generations that an untruth would sit as improperly as a stool in a fruit bowl, and besides, Lykke was of a Nordic disposition that precluded obfuscation.

  “Thank you so much, Lykke. You solely-souls always look your best manifesting as your favourite appearances. I see that Joe and the brothers Pantucci have just arrived,” Chiara replied. “I have arranged for refreshments to be served while we have our meeting. The boys will be famished after their travels.”

  Shortly Keeran, Rafaello and Umberto were shown into the elegant room where the three Worders waited. Umberto was feeling all hands and thumbs as they embraced their far superiors. The Worders always appeared stylish beyond recognition to a Cavallo; Umberto was glad his vocal contribution to this meeting would be of military reporting only.

  “Welcome and well met, Travellers of Dawn from Earth,” Ghazan welcomed them formally in his deep soul voice while invoking images soul to soul with the newcomers, highlighting the beauty of Earth from space, and famous landmarks of the blue planet.

  “Greetings from your Travellers to our Worders for Earth,” Joe completed the salutation, proud of the recognition of the prize planet he had devoted so many lifetimes to help develop.

  “Please sit,” Chiara said. Elegant stewards delivered trays of exotically presented sweetmeats with intriguingly coloured drinks. Umberto tucked in with gusto hoping the others were distracted and would not notice his eagerness. You just could not get these kind of Gayan delicacies away from the home range worlds and they were irresistible. And he had not eaten for ages to his certain knowledge.

  Joe sat feeling perched and uncomfortable in front of the low table supporting the food-as-artwork that served as their refreshments. Umberto’s appetite was a welcome and amusing distraction as he made serious inroads into the platters. Joe ate frugally. Rafaello took a middle road, disapproving of the eating habits of his brother but unable to voice his thoughts in the company of Worders. The Worders themselves surveyed the Travellers from Earth; they would discuss the meaning of the body language of the three men at length during the meeting analysis afterwards.

  “You have achieved much and fared well,” Lykke congratulated the Travellers and spoke for all three Worders.“Conditions on Earth have been difficult and as always we regret that you have to perform your duties with fewer resources than we would ideally like to provide.”

  The Pantucci brothers continued to eat while nodding in agreement. They would leave the speaking to Joe though Rafaello was always ready to contribute if called upon.

  “Indeed the moment is at hand,” Joe said. “All is poised at the present juncture and cannot be delayed without us being overwhelmed by Zarnha forces and serious risk to our human friends and assets on the ground.”

  “We are in agreement there,” said Ghazan. “You have succeeded over the generations in coaching individuals we needed for Enlightenment. Now is the time that we turn to the whole civilisation on Earth and attempt Revelation for the whole population. Remember none of us underestimates the risks of moving from enlightening a single individual to the whole population of a world, but that is the essence of what we do, and nothing is more vital to us than this moment when all our work reaches fruition.”

  Chiara interjected, “Are you certain all is well with our plans, Joe? You have had more than your fair share of personal tragedies that could get in the way of our work. You never quite know when soul burnout can catch up with you in our line of work.”

  Joe was unprepared for this line of questioning and was in no mood to accept his private life could compromise the Gayan mission. “Thank you for your concern, Chiara. None of us is without personal pain, and pleasures, in the succession of our lives, but we live and learn. Separating our personal lives from our work duties is a core competence of all of us who travel to other worlds to do our duty.”

  “Quite so, Joe. So let us move on to your recommended course of action that will lead to our ceremonial arrival on planet Earth?”

  “Briefly, our plan is to educate our friends locally to raise a warp message communication that targets the Pleiades amongst other logical targets of interest for alien contact as seen from Earth. This makes sense as the Gayan range in the Pleiades star cluster we know so well has been established over centuries as an intriguing font of legends on planet Earth and is a more interesting star cluster than the Hyades. The Hyades will also of course be a target of the warpwave messages from Earth. Despite the Spargar home range being in receipt of the message, we will arrange to send the message over our own warpwave technology so it will arrive with us immediately. Once you receive this message here and on Gaya then we can respond to Professor Kitteridge’s team before you journey to Earth for the formal contact ceremony. Our friends in Cambridge are ready and will facilitate this process, led by Professor Kitteridge.”

  “Then we will arrange for the small task of revealing ourselves and the widespread human races across the galaxy to the people of Earth and embark on their integration with the rest of huma
nity. No small matter of course for the people of Earth, but a well-trodden road and a proven introduction to our culture across our Planets of Influence,” Chiara replied with a twinkle in her very dark brown eyes.

  “And how is our team getting along with the local people of interest?” Lykke asked, looking closely at Joe. “You know, how are they doing at a human level? How is Professor Kitteridge holding up if he is to take such a vital part in our plans?” Ghazan and Chiara noted the Pantucci brothers exchanging a quick look.

  “Fine…fine,” Keeran replied a little too quickly to start with and reaffirmed by repetition with more emphasis. “We all get along very well, I couldn’t be happier with our resources on Earth and the locals are coming through well especially after being tested seriously by aggression and conflict with the Spargans. Professor Kitteridge’s health is stabilised and Daniel is responsible for his welfare until he chooses to take his rest. Right now he is highly motivated to see our project through to success. It is the essence of his life’s work.”

  “There are no other issues we should be aware of that could influence our success?” Lykke continued.

  Keeran paused, unable to prevent slight frustration clipping his diction. “No other issues I can think of pertaining to our campaign on Earth. There can be no guarantee of success of course but I would say that we have the best of chances at the present time.”

  “The best of chances being…?”

  “I would say sixty to seventy percent as we stand right now,” Keeran replied to Lykke. “Better if we can move things on at a pace now before Spargar get the chance to regroup and interfere with our schedule. In fact I am anxious now to return and keep things focussed on that first communication to Gaya from the Cambridge group. I am sure I can rely on you to be ready to complete the formal contact and greeting ceremony?”


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