Collecting The Goddess (Chronicles Of KieraFreya Book 1)

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Collecting The Goddess (Chronicles Of KieraFreya Book 1) Page 52

by Michael Anderle

  Skill increased: Acrobatics (Lv 3)

  Congratulations on performing a full triple rotating front flip while falling. Front flips can be quite the crowd pleaser. There are some who make an honest buck performing tricks, like jesters and acrobatic hobos. Welcome to their ranks.

  Bonuses: +5 dexterity

  (NOTE: Increases in skill override any previous bonuses gained from the skill).

  Skill increased: Armed combat (Lv 3)

  You've proved you can handle your sword, now get to the grind and start killing more stuff!

  Bonuses: +3 strength

  Skill increased: Charismatic (Lv 4)

  You've really worked that tongue loose. Now let’s see what you can do with it.


  Bonuses: +4 intelligence

  Skill increased: Cooking (Lv 2)

  You’ve developed something akin to taste buds. Now you can get a little bit more experimental while lowering your chances of food poisoning!

  Bonuses: +2 dexterity

  You've unlocked a new skill: Crafting (Lv 1)

  Those who can craft gain a fair advantage in Obsidian. Create your own armor from leather. Make your own weapons. Or continue paying others to do it, because at this level, your chances are still relatively slim.

  Requirements: Create your first item

  Bonuses: +1 dexterity

  Skill increased: Creature Identification (Lv 4)

  You can now view the HP of your opponents with a simple cast of this skill. Watch their health decrease in the form of a progress bar as you hack and slash your way to victory.

  Bonuses: +6 intelligence

  (NOTE: Increases in skill override any previous bonuses gained from the skill).

  Skill increased: Dark Vision (Lv 4)

  The night is fast becoming your mistress. Dark shapes become more refined, night terrors lose their fuzz, and oh, the pranks you can play as you dissolve into the darkness and lead your friends astray.

  Bonuses: +5 intelligence, +8 etheric potential

  (NOTE: Increases in skill override any previous bonuses gained from the skill).

  You’ve unlocked a new skill: Dual wielding (Lv 2)

  Many don’t understand the diversity of battle style that dual wielding offers. Some stumble across this by chance. Like you. You’re a chancer, right? Now you can combine both magic and the physical in battle. Boop!

  Bonuses: +2 dexterity

  You've unlocked a new (unique) skill: Experimental (Lv 1)

  Your mind works in mysterious ways. In the heat of the moment, you choose to take the path less...well, never traveled. Continue working on this skill, and your experiments will become more successful and less likely to backfire with each level gained.

  Bonuses: +1 intelligence, +1 dexterity, +1 endurance, +1 etheric potential

  You've unlocked a new skill: Fishing (Lv 1)

  See those things in the water? They’re fish. You can catch them. Well done.

  Requirements: Catch your first fish

  Bonuses: +1 dexterity

  You’ve unlocked a new (unique) skill: Hand of the Gods (Lv 1)

  Well, dear mortal, you have earned the favor of the gods. Guiding your hands, the gods can do terrible and wonderful things. Summon the use of this skill when you’re in a dire situation and the gods will lend you aid. The results of this skill may vary.

  Bonuses: +7 etheric potential

  Skill increased: Herb Identification (Lv 2)

  The surrounding foliage is beginning to talk to you. Discover new ingredients for food and potion recipe by experimenting with combinations of Obsidian’s plant life.

  Bonuses: +2 intelligence

  Skill increased: Reckless (Lv 5)

  Riding giant bugs, throwing yourself at mutant spiders. I mean, what?

  Bonuses: +14 strength, +8 endurance

  (NOTE: Increases in skill override any previous bonuses gained from the skill).

  Skill increase: Saddler (Lv 5)

  You've tamed the impossible, finding a way to ride a legendary beast and make it your bitch. Additional experience has been added to this skill to reward your bravery and boost you further on your way as you tame and ride the creatures of Obsidian.

  Bonuses: +5 dexterity

  Skill increased: Sneak (Lv 4)

  Whether ducking from friend or foe, you’re becoming one with the shadows. Keep hopping across darkness puddles, and soon you’re sure to be as invisible as...well, an invisible person.

  Bonuses: +4 dexterity

  (NOTE: Increases in skill override any previous bonuses gained from the skill).

  Skill increased: Swimming (Lv 3)

  Slicker and faster, you’re becoming more streamlined. The water loves you. I wonder what delights you’ll find way down in the depths of Obsidian.

  Bonuses: +3 dexterity

  (NOTE: Increases in skill override any previous bonuses gained from the skill).


  Open Quests

  Quest unlocked: A Fallen Goddess

  The Goddess of Retribution, KieraFreya, has fallen from grace. Her form has been divided and scattered across the land of Obsidian. For eons she has lain in wait, hoping for an adventurer who is brave enough and strong enough to unite the pieces of her armor once more and restore KieraFreya to her former glory.

  Find all [x] pieces of KieraFreya and return her to the gods.

  Difficulty: 10/10

  Rewards: 100,000 exp, + rare items (locked).

  Accept quest: Y/N


  Complete Quests

  Quest complete: Walk the Deathwalk of the Gods

  You’ve done it! You’ve outwitted the trolls, trodden through the realm of fire, swum the unforgiving lake, and emerged victorious through the fractal labyrinth of death. You’ve truly proven yourself—


  —a champion among champions—



  —Carry on, adventurer Untitled, and soar to ever great heights!

  Bonuses: 10,000 experience + Bracers of KieraFreya

  Quest unlocked: We didn’t start the fire.

  Some idiot has lost control of his flames. Help him put out the fire before the whole house is burnt to cinders.

  Difficulty: 1/10

  Rewards: 50 exp

  Accept quest: Y/N

  Quest unlocked: Crossing the language barrier

  There are many in Oakston village who can speak your language. There are, however, also many who can’t, and this might become tiresome for you.

  Unlock new quests and interactions in Oakston by either learning a new language or finding an interpreter. The rewards that you gain will be based on the choices you make.

  Difficulty: 2/10

  Reward (Interpreter): 100 exp

  Reward (Learn a language): FAILED

  Accept quest: Y/N

  Quest unlocked: Where’s the shaman?

  You’ve quite the inquisitive mind. You’ve found the shaman’s house, but the shaman is nowhere to be found.

  Use your powers of curiosity to track down the shaman before the poisonous gas that has been filling your lungs from the Deathbell flowers sends you into your final slumber.

  Difficulty: 4/10

  Rewards: 500 exp, Final slumber potion recipe

  Quest complete: Chasing Nightmares

  You’ve reunited the stableboy with his steeds. Unfortunately, the cost was high, since you lost favor with Jacob. Experience still awarded, but no horses for you.

  Rewards: 1,500 exp

  Quest complete: An unlikely pairing

  Rosaline and Derren are a match made in heaven. Congratulations on uniting them and letting love blossom in this barren world.

  Extra points awarded for copulation within the first 24 hours of meeting.

  Rewards: 1,300 exp, + 500 exp (copulation bonus), + map location unlocked.

  Quest unlocked: A most bloody request

Someone has it out for you. Find the sender of the death note in Nauriel and discover what truly lies behind this request.

  Difficulty: 3/10

  Rewards: 2,000 exp


  Failed Quests

  Quest unlocked: One of us

  The chief has summoned you to her chambers to accept a permanent position as part of the tribe. The tribespeople of Oakston may be basic, but there is opportunity for growth and development here. Learn from local experts, hone your skills under the tutelage of others, and make Oakston your home.

  Difficulty: 1/10

  Rewards: 5,000 exp, Title unlock (Oakston Villager), New language (Tribal: Primitive).


  New spell acquired: Deic Light (Lv 1)

  Thanks to the gods, you have been bestowed with Deic Light. Cast this spell to summon a powerful column of light to dispel enemies who associate themselves with the darkness.

  Requirements: n x 100MP (where n is equal to the number of seconds taken to cast the spell)

  New (destructive) spell acquired: Ice Shard (Lv 1)

  Ice may melt and ice may thaw, but you can guarantee that it’ll do some damage before it fades into oblivion.

  The ultimate spell for stealthy kills, fire an ice shard into your opponent’s heart and watch the baffled faces of the investigators when the shard melts without a trace.

  Requirements: n x 10MP per shard (where n is equal to the number of seconds taken to cast the spell)

  New (restorative) spell acquired: Healing Hands (Lv 1)

  A studious mage would be nothing without a little healing power. Lay your hands upon an injured comrade and help bring them back to health. Lay hands on yourself to fix those bumps and bruises and return to the battle as if nothing had ever happened.

  Requirements: (on others) n x 15MP (where n is equal to the number of seconds taken to cast the spell)

  (on self) n x 18MP (where n is equal to the number of seconds taken to cast the spell.

  Spell power increased: Purple Blaze (Lv 2)

  You’ve just gained your first advance in a spell. Continual and accurate use of a spell will help you grow in etheric potential. Use your additional power to cast two individual orbs of purple flame in each hand for double the damage against your enemies. Or combine with another spell to create a floating orb of light to accompany you down those dark holes of the world.

  Bonuses: +1 etheric potential, reduced cast cost (n x 19MP)

  New spell acquired: Resurrection (Lv 1)

  There are a great many forces at work in this realm. Though many choose to pursue the path of the light, magic can be found in the path of the darkness. While life is sought and clung to with iron claws, death is the inevitability that comes to all.

  Or so it would seem.

  Summon the powers within this spell to bring the dead back to the living. Higher tiers of this spell will allow control of the dark forces of the dead, while lower tiers will allow the resurrection of fallen comrades.

  A note of warning: there are those within the realm of Obsidian who frown upon the dark arts. Be wary of your surroundings before toying with the gods of darkness and snatching away their prizes.

  Requirements: 100% of player’s MP

  (NOTE: The Spell of Resurrection can only be cast once within a 48-hour period)

  New spell acquired: Volt Shock (Lv 1)

  Thunderbolts and lightning, very, very frightening! You can now summon the power of electricity to inflict damage upon your enemies. Find creative, unique ways of using this skill as you develop and grow.

  Requirements: n x 30MP (where n is equal to the number of seconds taken to cast the spell)

  New (mystic) spell acquired: Telekinesis (Lv 1)

  Tap into the etheric, dear mage, and manipulate the world around you with nothing but a thought. Metal bends to your will, rivers stop running, fires stop roaring…

  Eventually. For now, you can tweak the behaviors of small things.

  Requirements: n x 40MP (where n is equal to the number of seconds taken to cast the spell)

  The story continues with Controlling The Goddess, coming July 19, 2019. Pre-order now to have the book delivered as soon as it publishes.

  Pre-order now at Amazon

  What is a billionaire heiress supposed to do when her Lagarde blood is starting to show… with a goddess inside of her?

  Chloe has learned more about herself inside of a video game, than she ever had with her partying friends.

  Now, she has a team of players working with her as she seeks to find the missing parts of KieraFreya.

  The worst part? There are other players looking for the armor.

  Now, there is another god getting involved.

  Chloe is starting to lead with her heart, will she make the right decisions?

  She has a few parts of the armor, she needs more. But, every time she gains a piece, KieraFreya becomes more powerful.

  Can Chloe help KieraFreya, without losing her body to the Goddess of Retribution as well?

  Go up and click Read for Free or Read Now and find out if Chloe Lagarde has what it takes to help a broken Goddess.

  And herself.

  Pre-order now at Amazon

  Creator Notes - Michael Anderle

  June 20, 2019

  THANK YOU for not only reading this story but these Author Notes as well.

  (I think I’ve been good with always opening with “thank you.” If not, I need to edit the other Author Notes!)

  RANDOM (sometimes) THOUGHTS?

  What’s a billion pages between friends?

  Within two weeks of this book being published, my publishing company (LMBPN Publishing) will have crossed the one billion pages read (in Kindle Unlimited).

  This could NOT have occurred without the amazing creative teams of people who work together to publish our books each week.

  The creative team on this project includes story support by Cody Bryan, Art support by Mihaela Voicu, editing by Lynne Stiegler and Judah Raine, and the Beta Reader and JIT teams who (depending on which book we are talking ) might include:

  Angel, Crystal, Dan, Dave, Dorothy, Erika, Jeff G, Jeff E, James, John A, John R, Joshua, Kelly, Larry, Mary, Misty, Micky, Nicole, Paul, Peter, Diane, Sarah, Shari, and Tom.

  I haven’t even begun to touch the Operations / Marketing / VA teams that help us put out these books.

  Then, we have some amazing authors in the GameLit/LitRPG genres who have provided insights for me and others including Dakota Krout, James Hunter, Aaron Crash (no, he is not James Hunter ;-) ) and Aleron Kong, all of whom were kind enough to talk with me on Skype or during lunches and dinners to explain what I thought I knew about the genre…

  And what I needed to know.

  I’ve been blessed to speak with a lot of authors from many different genres and to each of you. Thank you for providing me the insight, guidance, and opportunity to read your books.

  May LitRPG and GameLit be the new genres that take us into unfathomable types of stories my generation (I’m 52) would never have considered a possibility when we were younger.

  Finally, Eric Ugland, get your fingers typing faster… I’m ready for the next book in your series already!


  One of the interesting (at least to me) aspects of my life is the ability to work from anywhere and at any time. In the future, I hope to re-read my own Author Notes and remember my life as a diary entry.

  I’m on the 93 Freeway heading down to Tucson, Arizona, and the drive is very pleasant in the mountains.

  Beautiful scenery everywhere. The green desert makes me wonder what this area would look like with grass all over it (the carpet-grass kind.)

  I’ve learned to love the desert views in Las Vegas, but occasionally I want to see scenes like the mountains in New Zealand (Lord of the Rings stuff. Were the mountain scenes filmed there?)


  $0.99 Saturdays (new LMBPN stuff) and
$0.99 Wednesday (both LMBPN books and friends of LMBPN books.) Get great stuff from us and others at tantalizing prices.

  Go ahead. I bet you can’t read just one.

  Sign up here:


  Review them so others have your thoughts, and tell friends and the dogs of your enemies (because who wants to talk to enemies?)… Enough said ;-)


  Keep turning pages to see some other recent LMBPN books that you might enjoy while waiting for the July 19th release of book two in the Chronicles Of KieraFreya series…

  Ad Aeternitatem,

  Michael Anderle

  You Need A Bigger Sword

  Have you read You Need A Bigger Sword? It’s a Gamelit Fantasy RPG novel and is available now at Amazon and through Kindle Unlimited.

  Turns out, punching zombie bears is fun.

  Who knew?

  Enter the world of Metamorphosis Online, a fully immersive video game where players compete for spots in the Global Top 10—ranks that actually pay you to play the game.

  Gracie doesn't play the game to make money…at first.

  Broke, single, and working a crappy job as a blackjack dealer, Gracie's just blowing off steam and having fun.

  Can playing a new type of immersive game help her overcome real-life issues, or will it cause more problems?

  Before she knows it, Gracie has intervened in a generations-long war between the kobolds and the fae and started a ragtag guild, and her weird math abilities make themselves known in a way that most could not have imagined.

  Can she deal with being pitted against the game developers?

  For the first time Gracie can remember, she has something worth fighting for.

  Available at Amazon

  Witch Of The Federation

  Have you read Michael Anderle’s latest creation, WITCH OF THE FEDERATION? It’s available now at Amazon and through Kindle Unlimited.


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