The year of the Inzippillis

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The year of the Inzippillis Page 3

by Quelli di ZEd

  «Uhm» it repeated my father, seeing with what enthusiasm I attacked the food.

  «We have been in the wood» I said.

  It seemed me that if I/you had not told him/it you/he/she would not have ended more than mugugnare. Then, since it seemed me to have surrendered him a point, I added:

  «No Inzipillis.»

  «Indeed?» it said dad, with indifference «you have not perhaps looked in the correct place. Does Robi return today?»

  I made sign of yes.

  «Then I will show you where to look.»

  His/her mother scrutinized dad with the same interlocutory look, but you/he/she didn't say anything.

  In the first afternoon dad wanted to rest a few minutes in armchair, as of habit, but I didn't allow him him; I wanted to see indeed as if you/he/she would be gotten by. To the whistle of call of Robi I threw out my father to strength of house; he surrendered reluctantly to every footstep, he/she greeted Robi tiredly lifting the hand. We entered the wood. I watched my father; it seemed he/she knew her/it long, my doubts they staggered.

  «You see here?» it said, hands in pocket and sure look «in this trunk there is an Inzipillo. It also seems rather curious.»

  Robi and I left half open plain the eyes, assembled, as if indeed the beast were there for there being revealed himself/herself/themselves. Robi held back the breath. It was decidedly gullible person.

  We fixed the trunk, turning around us, more or less to the height of the eyes.

  «So it doesn't go» it said my father «you believe that the Inzipillis feel like making to be seen? You look in low, and they observe you to them from the tall one; you look aloft and their eyes appear among the roots.»

  Robi and I moved in unison there; since we were both bassinis, we brusquely lifted the eyes to the insù looking for among the lowest pitchforks that detached from the thick stem. Now I didn't breathe neanch'io. Up there, to around four meters high, two whites and polishes ocular bulbs detached on the brown one some bark. Two ample you look for blue they aimed verse of us. It was matter of an instant; the time to lift aloft there the look and the eyes disappeared. The irregular profiles of the bark stayed only. I slightly groped.

  «It was up there or are I/you/they imagined him/it to me?» it said placid dad.

  Robi and I scuotemmo the head.

  «Well» it added «we make a stroll for the wood.»

  But I wanted to feel more bark that I was able for making sure I don't even know me me of thing.

  «There is no need to bother him. He won't do more to see.»

  We strolled about among the trees here and there; dad told us some signs that the Inzipillis left on the ground, you/he/she pointed out us other trunks in which someone of them was found and of as you/he/she had discovered these timid and mysterious creatures, of which inexplicably the science didn't occupy him.

  Once Robi sighted by now another pair of eyes, that you/they quickly disappeared as we waited for there. It now seemed that all the sounds of the wood were produced by the Inzipillis. Inzipilli that shook branches, that scratched at the base of the trees, that sharpened the claws under earth, against the deep roots. Inzipilli that the leaves detached, that blew spiteful producing the breeze that disheveled us the hair; Inzipilli that peed even us I set from up there, when fluid drops capriolavano on the leaves to fall and to lick up our shirts. He/she didn't want a lot us because it did dark. Dad worried and we raced homeward all. We passed all near the trunk of the first Inzipillo. Racing, we were so rapid that that you must be takes of surprise; at the base of the tree there were two blue eyes that fixed us. I did for, but at once notaries that the eyes didn't disappear and I felt dad that said:

  «Soon it is about to go out of the tree. Better leaving the wood.»

  The temptation that I had to detain to look me was overpowered him/it by the tension that I had felt in the voice of my father. Robi and I entered kitchen to great falcades.

  We didn't stop telling thing to his/her/their mother you/he/she was happened; the things were always filled with new details.

  More than once I had to take back Robi, shocked, because you/he/she had noticed some things that had passed me unnoticed. We were excited, frightened and had a good time. Then dad told her/it big.

  «Boys, owe to have lost the keys in the wood. I have to take back tonight otherwise her I cannot use the car.»

  And it did for going out again. We practically jumped him I set, also his/her mother. The unbelievable thing was that she shouted as us to the turn of dad, intercalating however numerous bursts of laughs.

  "The women are not able to bear the stresses" memory that I thought. At the end dad went out indeed, leaving us in apprehension until you/he/she had not reentered. After a lot of time.

  «I have found again her in the garden» it quietly said.

  It was too much. We took the pillows from the couch of the stay and we severely punished him/it for his/her lightness.

  When shortly after Robi returned home the wood it was dark, but the road was orange from the last wriggles of sun. Dad phoned the mother of Robi to tell him our adventure. Who knows because, her not if the takings with dad; after all you/he/she had made us take some risk. Perhaps it was for this that at the end of the phone call dad smiled.

  The next day rained the whole day; unable to be to the open one, we went out all and we went to the city with Robi and its mother. We had still been being excited for the preceding day; we spoke for a long time of the Inzipillis, dad was prodigal of information. I tried to ask some questions, but in vain; my mother and the mother of Robi seemed to unite himself/herself/themselves storming my father of the most absurd questions. They seemed to want to put him/it in difficulty. My father answered with the usual calm and at the end the two women they surrendered him. The Inzipillis were a reality, even if you/they had felt only to speak of it.

  The following week departed in special way: I talked of the Inzipillis to school, with my companions. Many didn't want to believe us. Nevertheless some of these knew Robi and in the first afternoon there was a big to phone cross. The last doubts were dispersed in a way that left me amazed; different parents confirmed the existence of the Inzipillis, some vedutis had even them! For the first time some companions asked me to come to my house to study; after having sometimes ended the assignments dad it brought us in the wood and graces to his/her smell we succeeded in discovering a pair of that sly persons that spied us from the top to the trees. The expression of my companions was very satisfactory.

  On following Saturdays were my birthday, and it were fantastic. The time was beautiful, my companions came all and all armed with bicycle. Scorrazzammo in the wood the whole afternoon. We didn't see Inzipilli but it was the same very amusing. My parents also had a good time. Many parents came to the party and they also spoke of the Inzipillis; at times we felt them discuss and to laugh at taste. Some of them as dad, were of the veterans of Inzipilli and they had a good time in front of the trepidation of the initiates. At the end of the day, when he/she knew that we had not sighted of it, dad squeezed us the eye.

  «It was to anticipate himself/herself/themselves» he/she consoled us «the Inzipillis don't love the confusion.»

  It was a memorable day.

  Since then the adventure in the woods became irrinunciabile, shared with Robi and with many of my companions.

  We didn't succeed in sighting Inzipilli anymore, but it didn't care; you/they had reached the purpose.

  It was so that I learned to love my house and my woods.

  Today I am great, I also have some children me. The most greater doesn't love very to wander about as I still do. The adventure in the nature doesn't interest him, he/she prefers the computer.

  But I know whether to do. In the attic I have found something of impolverato yet funzionante: they are two pairs of eyes of Inzipillo. White globules with alive blue iride. There is a mechanism simple able to advance the eyes from their center of some centimeter and ther
e is a remote control that operates him/it. I remember that my father always held the hands in pocket when the Inzipillis appeared.

  I believe that I/you/he/she am time that the Inzipillis make their reappearance. At least for some.


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