
Home > Romance > Severed > Page 9
Severed Page 9

by Evangeline Anderson

  Suddenly I had a mental image—a picture right behind my eyes I could tell wasn’t mine. It was the three of us in bed together, just as we were now, only this time no one had on any clothes. Big hands were roving over my body, olive green and deep blue contrasting with my own creamy brown, plucking at my nipples…cupping my pussy…touching me everywhere while I moaned and arched my back, kissing first Drace and then Lucian…and then back to Drace again.

  “Drace!” I exclaimed breathlessly. “You promised nothing sexual!”

  “I said we wouldn’t have to touch you in a sexual way,” he said. “And we aren’t—we just have to replace any bad images with good ones. These are pretty fucking good if you ask me.”

  I privately thought they were pretty good too —or extremely arousing, however you wanted to put it—but I wasn’t about to admit it.

  “We signed a no-sex contract,” I pointed out, wishing my voice didn’t sound so breathless.

  “Are either of us penetrating you?” Lucian asked in a reasonable tone. “Are we touching you with anything less than respect?”

  “Well…no,” I admitted. “But you can send me positive images that don’t involve the three of us, you know…”

  “We can try.” Drace sounded doubtful. “Though the way our bodies react to each other might make it hard.” He shifted in the bed and I felt something hot and stiff brush against my hip. Hard indeed.

  “Allow me,” Lucian volunteered. “I believe I have the idea of how it’s done now.”

  “Be my guest.” Drace nodded at him.

  “All right. Let us all close our eyes,” Lucian murmured.

  Dutifully, I closed my eyes and found myself standing in the middle of a meadow filled with star flowers.

  I don’t mean that the flowers were shaped like a child’s drawing of a star or that they had five points or anything like that—I mean they were actual tiny stars. White and blue and yellow and red burning balls of energy growing from pure black stalks. I had the feeling if I picked them I would singe my fingers but that was all right—I didn’t want to pick them. I just wanted to stand there and admire their beauty.

  “Oh,” I whispered. “This is wonderful!” The star-flowers weren’t the only attraction. The sky overhead looked like a Van Gogh painting—pure cerulean blue with whirling pinwheels of gold and silver.

  “A beautiful scene for a beautiful female,” Lucian said softly.

  “You’re good at this,” Drace murmured, sounding impressed.

  “Thank you—just as you were good at the memory-wipe. It seems we’re surprisingly good at mastering the talents of each other’s Clans.”

  “You’re both amazing,” I said dreamily. “How do you have these incredible mental abilities? I mean, is it just you, or do all extraterrestrials have them?”

  “Each Clan on Denaris is blessed with different talents,” Lucian said. “But no, not all males of the Twelve Peoples have them.”

  “I’m certain our abilities will be nothing to your La-ti-zal powers when they come out,” Drace said. “Though I’ve heard it can take a while for that to happen.”

  I still thought they were wrong about that—about me being special and having special gifts, I mean—so I wanted to change the subject.

  “So this is normal for your people?” I said, the words spilling out before I thought about them. “Two guys and one girl? I mean, don’t you ever get jealous? That would be a big problem for us on Earth.”

  “There is no jealousy between proper bond-mates,” Lucian said. “They both have one goal in mind—to pleasure their shared female.”

  Suddenly I was no longer alone in the amazing field—Lucian came to stand beside me, on my right.

  “In other words, it’s not about them—it’s about her,” Drace rumbled. And then he was on my left.

  “But why?” I asked, looking back and forth. Their faces were incredibly clear in this vision—if I didn’t know we were sharing a dream-fantasy, I would have thought we were really there in that magical star field together. “Why do you always have to have two males to one female? Is it just for preference or custom or is there some biological reason?”

  “It has to do with the predators on Denaris,” Lucian replied. “Back at the dawn of our time, our entire race was nearly wiped out by a carnivorous creature called a kr’awn.”

  “A what?” I asked frowning. “What did it look like?”

  “Extremely large with black fur,” Drace said. “It had no eyes—it hunted entirely by scent. And it had fangs longer than Lucian’s.”

  “Very funny,” Lucian said dryly. “But it was no laughing matter. Now the kr’awn are extinct but back then, in our early pre-history, they were plentiful and very hungry.”

  “They fed only on our females,” Drace continued the story. “Somehow they were able to find them and tell the difference between male and female by scent. So many females were taken our clans began to die out. We didn’t have enough females to repopulate.”

  “That’s awful! What happened?” I asked, interested.

  “Two warriors of one of the early clans banded together, swearing to care for a single female and pleasure her equally with no jealousy between them,” Lucian said. “She agreed to be with them both and they swore to protect her with their lives.”

  “The kr’awn never bothered males, you see,” Drace said. “The warriors found that by shielding their female with their bodies when a kr’awn was near they could cover her scent and keep her safe. When other clans saw this was working, they adopted the pattern too. An Alpha and a Beta join together and then find a female to complete their Triune bond.”

  “Over time we evolved to make it a necessity in more than one way,” Lucian went on. “We no longer have to protect our females from the kr’awn—as I said, they are extinct. But no male of Denaris is able to father a child by himself. It takes the DNA of two males to start a child in their bonded female’s belly.”

  “But how do you do that? I mean do you take turns or…or what?” I could feel my cheeks getting hot and I kept my eyes tightly shut as I spoke. Better to stay in the dream world Drace and Lucian were projecting the three of us into than to open my eyes and see both of them leaning over me with that hungry light in their faces.

  “Are you asking how we make love?” Lucian’s voice was soft and sensual in my ear. In the vision we were sharing, he turned my face towards his and brushed his knuckles lightly over my burning cheek.

  “Well, I mean…yes, I…I guess so,” I stammered, filled with a mixture of shame and intrigue.

  “First of all, we don’t rush it.” Drace was suddenly behind me, one big hand cupping the curve of my waist. “We bring our female pleasure and make her come over and over before we even think of penetrating her.” As he spoke, he brushed my hair away from the side of my neck and bent down to place a hot, open-mouthed kiss on the tender flesh there.

  “Oh!” I gasped, but I didn’t make any move to get away from him. “And how…how do you do that?”

  “Firstly with our hands.” Lucian was facing me, standing in front of me as Drace stood behind. He cupped my breasts through the thin white nightgown (we were wearing the same thing in this vision as we were in real life) and thumbed my nipples lightly.

  “Ah!” I gasped. Though I knew it was just a vision, I swore I could feel his hands on me—and Drace’s too as they slid up and down my sides, stroking my curves while he kissed my neck.

  It’s just a vision—it’s just a dream, I told myself. To reassure myself, I opened one eye and peeked down at myself. Sure enough, we were all three still just lying in bed and the guys were touching my shoulders—nothing else. Nothing sexual.

  That made me feel a little better. This was all a dream…a fantasy. I could do what I wanted to with no consequences.

  I shut my eyes again and breathed, “Tell me…tell me more.”

  “We also pleasure our females with our mouths,” Drace growled softly from behind me. His tongue slid down the side of my
neck until he was standing once more on my left.

  Without being asked, Lucian relinquished my left breast and concentrated instead on the right. Somehow, in that quick, unthinkable way of dreams, they were both kneeling before me. They were so tall their faces were right on the level of my chest—I could feel their hot breath against my tender nipples through the silky nightgown.

  “Wait,” I gasped as Drace began to peel down the top of my gown. “Don’t…not…I don't want to be, uh, bare.”

  “You don't want us to touch your bare skin, baby?” he growled, looking up at me. “You do realize this is all in our heads?”

  “And we’re simply trying to show you how things work with our people—to answer your question,” Lucian pointed out in that deep, smooth voice of his.

  “I…I know. I just…I don’t want…to go too far,” I whispered.

  Lucian shrugged, his broad, bare shoulders rolling. “Very well—this material is thin enough to work through. As I was saying, we use our mouths to pleasure our females, too.”

  Before I could protest any further, he sucked the ripe point of my right nipple into his mouth.

  I moaned breathlessly. Despite the thin fabric of the nightgown between my breast and his mouth, I could still feel the heat and wetness as he sucked on me, could still feel his tongue tracing my aching peak. I even thought I felt the faint prick of his fangs, bracketing the tender point.

  “And we always pleasure our female at the same time,” Drace rumbled. He was watching Lucian suck my nipple with a kind of drugged desire in his eyes. I had the strange feeling that he got almost as much enjoyment from watching the other male lap and taste me as he would get from pleasuring me himself.

  Before I could ask him about it, he had already taken my left nipple between his lips and was sucking hard and long through the thin fabric of the nightgown.

  “Oh!” I moaned helplessly.

  It was amazing how realistic this shared fantasy was—I could swear it was really happening! I could feel their hot mouths on me, teasing me through the silky material of my gown. Lucian was using his tongue to trace around and around my aching right nipple and Drace was using his teeth, tugging very, very gently at my left peak in a way that sent sparks of desire straight from my breasts down to my swollen pussy.

  The current of desire which had started flowing through me the moment they both put their hands on me was growing stronger now. The trickle had turned into a river which was rapidly becoming a flood.

  A flood—that was how I felt—flooded with desire and only a third of it was mine. It swirled around me, that tide of pleasure, teasing my nipples and making my pussy ache and throb. My clit was like a second heartbeat between my legs and I could feel myself getting closer and closer to the edge. It was scary and amazing and intense and I knew if it didn’t stop soon I was going to come.

  Come—I’m going to come so hard if they don’t stop! That thought—the thought of losing control in front of them yet again—snapped me back to reality. At least the last time touching them had made me come, we’d all been dressed (more or less) and standing in a public place which wasn’t conducive to doing anything else. This time we all had on fewer (and thinner) clothes and we were in bed together. If I let them bring me to orgasm again—even in this strange dream-state we were all in—who knew where it might end?

  “Wait!” I gasped, opening my eyes completely so that the scene in the star-meadow with the Van Gogh sky vanished. “Please, don’t! I…I can’t.”

  “Forgive us.” Lucian was once more leaning over me, touching only my shoulder. “You’re so beautiful, ma 'frela, I fear we went too far.”

  “Still, she did ask,” Drace pointed out. “How we make love.”

  “I asked you to tell me—not show me,” I pointed out breathlessly. I couldn’t help looking down at my chest as I spoke. I was half expecting to see two wet spots on my white nightgown, right over my aching nipples. But though my ripe peaks still tingled and throbbed, there was nothing to see—the white fabric was dry and undisturbed.

  Too bad I couldn’t say the same for myself.

  “You see?” Lucian murmured, also looking down at the berry-brown points of my nipples which were extremely visible through the thin nightgown. “We haven’t actually touched you at all, Rylee.”

  “Well, it felt like you did,” I whispered. “I’m sorry I freaked out. I, uh, I’ve never done that. Not with two guys at once, anyway.” My cheeks were hot and I wondered why I had said such a thing.

  To my surprise, Drace shook his head.

  “I haven’t either. Haven’t shared a female with another male.”

  “Nor have I,” Lucian murmured.

  “What?” I frowned at both of them. “But I thought that was how you guys worked—what you did. You just finished telling me the whole reason you have to have two guys to one girl.”

  “Yes, but only when you find the right Beta and then the right female to complete your bond,” Lucian said. “Neither Drace or I have found a male we wish to share a female with.”

  “He’s right.” Drace nodded.

  “You seemed to be, uh, sharing pretty well there in our, uh, dream-fantasy thingy,” I pointed out, still flushed with embarrassment.

  “We did, didn’t we?” Drace looked at Lucian speculatively but Lucian only shrugged dismissively.

  “We were simply answering your question—showing you the ways of our people.”

  “I think I’ve seen enough,” I said, though my whole body was still throbbing with desire.

  “But you still don’t know how we make love,” Lucian pointed out. “I believe your question was do we take turns…”

  “Or do we penetrate our female at the same time,” Drace finished for him, a soft growl in his voice.

  They were both leaning over me, still looking at me. It was a little frightening to be the center of their complete attention—they were both so big and their eyes were trained on my face as though they wanted very much to know what I was thinking.

  “Um…” I bit my lip, not certain if I wanted them to continue.

  “We can tell you without showing you,” Lucian murmured.

  “He’s right—the dream-shield is in place,” Drace agreed. “There is no need to return to our shared image.”

  “All right,” I whispered, my curiosity getting the best of me at last. “Tell me then—how do you manage? And don’t show—just tell.” Which is, of course, the exact opposite of what they tell you in just about any creative writing class. But I wasn’t looking to write about this, I just wanted to understand my guys.

  It didn’t occur to me then that I was thinking of them as “mine.” The thought didn’t even enter my head—it just seemed so natural, so right somehow. The innate possessiveness came and went without making an impression on me—then, anyway.

  “Well, as I said earlier, we begin by pleasuring our female and getting her ready to receive us,” Lucian murmured. “There are, of course, many ways to do this. Often both males will suck her breasts, as we showed you.”

  “Or one may tend to her breasts while the other spreads her legs and laps her sweet pussy,” Drace growled softly.

  “They…they do?” I whispered breathlessly. As I said before, Phillip was never much interested in this particular act. In fact, I’d never dated any guy who was.

  “Mm-hmm. The idea is to make her come and help her open up for what is going to happen,” Lucian told me.

  “What does happen?” I asked, a touch impatiently. “Do you guys take turns, uh, making love to her?”

  “Sometimes,” Drace answered my question. “There are plenty of ways for three people to enjoy each other. But for bonding and breeding purposes, we have to enter her at the same time.”

  “What?” I bit my lip and some of the tingling pleasure that had been pouring through me died down a little. “Both of you at once? In the, uh, same hole?”

  Lucian nodded. “There is no other way. In order to forge a bond or start a
child, both males must thrust to the end of their female’s channel and fill her to the brim with their seed.”

  “Again, at the same time,” Drace emphasized.

  I winced and pressed my thighs together.

  “But…but how is that even possible? I thought you said the females on your planet weren’t much bigger than me?”

  “They’re not,” Drace assured me. “But we have chemicals in our semen and saliva which help a female to open for us.” He frowned. “Of course, they have to be applied in a very specific way…”

  “Which is generally the duty of the Beta,” Lucian went on. “But when done properly, it’s more than possible for a female of a compatible species to open herself enough to take both our shafts deep in her pussy.”

  “I’ll take your word for it,” I said and shivered again. I couldn’t imagine having to have two huge shafts inside me at the same time. Especially since I was betting both Lucian and Drace were on the extra-large side of the scale.

  “You’ll have to,” Drace said, his voice harsh. “Since neither of us is a Beta.”

  “So…you have to have an Alpha and a Beta or it won’t work? The, uh, bonding and breeding, I mean?” I said, still feeling hot and flushed all over.

  “Technically any two males could bind a female to them,” Drace said. “But no self-respecting Alpha would perform the duties of a Beta beforehand.”

  “It doesn’t matter—Rylee isn’t here to bond with us. She’s going to help us break our bond,” Lucian reminded him.

  “Yes, I know.” For a moment I thought Drace sounded almost wistful—as wistful as he could sound, anyway, with that deep, gravelly voice of his.

  “Um…” I shifted a little, still feeling warm and flushed. I was beginning to think I had more information than I needed and it was time to stop talking about this extremely charged subject.

  “Yes, ma 'frela?” Lucian asked, looking down at me. “Are you unwell?”

  “Just tired,” I said, though I had never felt less sleepy in my life. “Maybe…maybe we should try to get some actual sleep now?”


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