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Severed Page 14

by Evangeline Anderson

  I opened my eyes and saw that, sure enough, I was still wearing my long, white nightgown. Drace and Lucian also had on their sleep trousers. They were lying on either side of me, their big hands placed chastely on my bare shoulders. Absolutely nothing else was going on…in the real world.

  But when I closed my eyes and went back to the dream-world, things were different. Very different.

  “Feeling better?” Drace asked, grinning at me. Naked, he and Lucian were every bit as muscular and mouthwatering as I had thought they would be. They were also extremely well endowed.

  “Do you like what you see?” Lucian asked and I realized I’d been staring at their naked bodies for way too long.

  “Is…” I bit my lip. “Is it real? I mean are you guys really this, uh, big in real life?”

  “Hmm…” Lucian frowned and looked down at his dream-body. “Actually, I believe that Drace has shorted me a bit.”

  “Don’t blame me,” Drace growled. “I haven’t exactly been paying attention to what you had between your legs, bond-mate—been too busy imagining what Rylee might have between hers.”

  “Ahh…you appear to have an excellent imagination,” Lucian murmured. He cocked an eyebrow at me. “Well, Rylee? Does my bond-mate have you pictured correctly? And can we see for ourselves?”

  I realized I was covering my breasts with my arms and keeping my thighs tightly closed to hide myself. Should I let them see me?

  Well, it is only a dream body, I reminded myself. Sighing, I relaxed my stance, putting down my arm to show my nipples and opening my thighs. It felt naughty to show myself to my guys—especially both at once. But it was sexy too. And it was only a dream, so it must be okay. Anyway, that’s what I told myself.

  I heard a sharp intake of breath from Lucian and Drace gave a low growl of approval.

  “Gods, you’re beautiful, baby,” he murmured.

  “Stunning,” Lucian agreed. “But tell us, has Drace done you justice? We have seen you naked once before, when we first chose you from the Alien Mate Index. But as I gave you my undla to wear, we didn’t really get to, ah, admire you as we would have liked.”

  “Actually…” I looked down at myself and felt my cheeks getting hot. “It’s pretty accurate,” I admitted. “Except for the fact that I have a little birthmark that’s lighter than the rest of my skin, right under here.” I pointed to the underside of my left breast. “It’s shaped a like a heart.”

  “I’d love to see that birthmark firsthand instead of just imagining,” Drace growled.

  “Now that would be going too far,” I said lightly.

  “Perhaps,” Lucian said. “So other than the birthmark, Drace has drawn an accurate image of you?”

  “Well…” I looked down at myself again and let out a little gasp.

  “What is it?” Drace frowned. “Did I get something wrong?”

  “Only if you really think I’m growing a freaking forest between my legs.” I eyed the massive bushy growth Drace had imagined at the juncture of my thighs. To say it was big would be an understatement—it was seventies porn big—like a particularly fluffy cat had decided to curl up and take a nap between my legs big. It was huge.

  “Hmm…” Lucian frowned. “That does seem to be…excessive.”

  “So it’s too much?” Drace asked.

  “It’s way more, uh, hair than I have there,” I said. “I usually keep up with the landscaping pretty well. Honestly, I—”

  I stopped abruptly. The bush between my legs had disappeared completely, leaving my pussy mound bare and smooth. To my embarrassment, the button of my clit could be seen peeking from between my plump, naked pussy lips.

  “Is this better?” Drace murmured.

  “I…um…” Suddenly I realized I was lying there between them with my thighs spread wide and my naked pussy on display. Quickly I started to close my thighs, but Lucian stopped me with a hand on my knee.

  “Please, ma 'frela,” he said softly. “Let us see you. Even if it is only a dream, you are beautiful.”

  “Well…” There it was again—the fact that this was only a dream. Reluctantly, I let him press my knee back against the sheets, opening me even more.

  “So perfect,” Lucian murmured. “So gorgeous.”

  “Such a pretty little pussy.” Drace’s voice was hoarse again. “Is that how you really look, baby? Did I get it right this time?”

  “Yes,” I admitted in a soft voice. “Only…only you made my, uh, clit a little too…visible. It’s not usually that prominent unless I’ve been, um, touching it.”

  I could feel my cheeks heating as I spoke but I kept my legs open anyway. It made me feel hot to be on display for the two of them—hot and incredibly sexy. And still safe, since it was only a dream.

  “Like this, you mean?” Lucian murmured. Reaching between my legs, he cupped my mound in one big, warm hand.

  “Lucian…” I whispered in protest, but I didn’t try to close my legs or stop him.

  “It’s all right, baby,” Drace said softly in my ear. “Let him pet your pretty little pussy…stroke your clit a little so I can see what you’re talking about. I want to get all the details right next time.”

  I knew I shouldn’t, but somehow I couldn’t seem to ask them to stop.

  “All…all right,” I whispered as Lucian spread my pussy lips open with his index and ring fingers. Then his long, middle finger slipped down into my inner folds and began to stroke and explore, sliding along the side of my tender clit in a way that made my breath catch in my throat.

  The thing was, even though it was a dream, it felt so real. I swore I could really feel the big alien’s hand on me, his fingers exploring me and stroking my swollen clit until I could barely breathe it felt so good.

  “Gods, look how wet you’re getting baby,” Drace growled softly. “Am I getting that right? Would you get all wet and hot for us if Lucian was really touching you?”

  “Yes,” I admitted softly. “I…I don’t think I could help it. Ah—that feels so good!”

  “It could feel better,” Lucian said. He looked at me, his eyes blazing. “Let us take your nipples in our mouths again, ma 'frela—this time with nothing in the way.”

  “Lucian’s right—we can make it even better for you if you let us suck your sweet nipples,” Drace growled.

  I’m ashamed to say I didn’t even think of saying no this time.

  “Yes,” I whispered. “Yes, do it.”

  “Our pleasure,” Drace murmured. Leaning forward, he captured the tip of one thrusting breast between his lips and began to suck in long, hard pulls that made my nipple tingle and sent chills of desire straight down to my pussy.

  Lucian did the same on the other side, taking my right nipple into his mouth and nipping very lightly before circling the sensitive tip with his tongue.

  For a moment I looked down at myself, unable to believe this was happening, even in a dream. Here I was, lying naked on my back with a huge, muscular alien on either side of me. Both Lucian and Drace were sucking me, tasting and teasing my nipples with their hot mouths, while Lucian continued sliding one careful fingertip around and around my aching clit.

  I was the picture of decadent, kinky sex—at least I fit the picture that came with that description in my own head. I could feel my pleasure building, the tingling sensations that shot between my nipples and pussy were soon going to be too much.

  And then Lucian released my right nipple for a moment and looked at Drace.

  “Fill her pussy with your fingers, bond-mate,” he said, his deep, usually smooth voice ragged with lust. “Fill her and fuck her while I stroke her clit.”

  Drace stopped sucking for a moment too.

  “With pleasure. If Rylee agrees?” He raised an eyebrow at me.

  “Yes,” I breathed, unable to stop myself. “Do it.”

  “My pleasure, baby. “ Drace reached under Lucian’s hand, which was still stroking and teasing my clit, and guided two long, strong fingers deep into my hungry pussy.<
br />
  I felt him filling me, pressing hard against the end of my channel and another jolt of sensation ran through me. I gasped and bucked my hips, unable to help my reaction as my pleasure jumped even higher. Oh God, I couldn’t believe I was doing this but I couldn’t seem to stop—couldn’t even seem to want to stop. It felt too good, too right to be between them, their two big bodies bracketing mine.

  “Gods, you’re beautiful, baby,” Drace growled. “Ride my fingers. Let us make you come.”

  “Yes,” I whispered, completely shameless now. “Yes, but suck me again. Please.”

  “Love to suck your sweet, ripe breasts, ma 'frela,” Lucian assured me.

  He and Drace re-captured my nipples and started sucking again—hard—as they continued to stroke and pump my pussy in a rhythm that felt impossibly right. How they could be so in sync with each other when it came to making me feel good, I had no idea. I only knew they were doing it so, so right and I was about to come harder than I ever had in my life.

  The heat between us built and built and built until suddenly it was too much and I felt myself coming…coming so hard I could barely breathe. My back arched, my toes curled, and my fists clenched at my sides.

  GodohGodohGod…so good! So good!

  “Drace…Lucian…ahhh!” I moaned breathlessly and threw back my head.

  They stayed with me, riding out my orgasm, stroking and petting and sucking me as though I was the center of their entire universe and my pleasure was the only thing that mattered.

  It made me feel like a goddess to be the center of so much attention. It was intoxicating…dizzying. I recognized, through the haze of delicious sensations, that it was a dangerously addictive feeling.

  Don’t get used to it—it’s just this once, I told myself as the pleasure at last began to ebb.

  At last, after what seemed like forever, the two of them withdrew and I lay there, panting in the bed, trying to get my breath. I was feeling sleepy and languorous but also kind of guilty. I definitely hadn’t been raised to behave the way I just had.

  “Um…” I looked back and forth between them, not sure what to do. “That was…really amazing,” I offered at last, wondering if they would expect me to return the favor. “What now?”

  “Now we get some sleep,” Lucian said. “We can rest without fear.”

  “True. I would say the dream-shield is definitely set now,” Drace said dryly.

  “But…” I raised up on my elbows, frowning at them. “Aren’t you guys feeling kind of, uh, unfulfilled? I mean you just gave me the best orgasm of my life but you didn’t get to…you know, come yourselves.”

  Lucian frowned and Drace looked genuinely surprised.

  “What happened between us was never about our pleasure, ma 'frela,” Lucian said.

  “Lucian’s right—just sharing you between us was the greatest pleasure.” Drace leaned over and kissed my cheek. “Thank you, baby. You have no idea how much it means, being able to share a female with a bond-mate.”

  “Drace is correct—even in the dream realm, sharing you was exquisite,” Lucian murmured.

  I looked at them, still trying to wrap my head around it.

  “Sharing is really that important to you? I mean, don’t you guys ever have sex with just one guy and one girl?”

  “It’s possible.” Lucian made a taste. “Just not…preferable.”

  “It feels wrong,” Drace said bluntly. “Like something’s missing.”

  “Like someone is missing,” Lucian said and they shared a glance. “Here and now with the two of you is the first time I’ve ever felt…complete,” he told us quietly.

  “Me too,” Drace offered. “And it feels fucking amazing.”

  It was on the tip of my tongue to ask why they didn’t just put their pride aside so they could stay together and find some nice girl to marry if it felt so amazing and wonderful to share a woman. But I didn’t say it.

  Two things stopped me—first, I had been able to observe first hand at the beach that day that there were more things than just their pride and very different personalities keeping them apart.

  The second thing that made the words stick in my throat was the idea of them finding someone besides me to share. I knew it was ridiculous but I was beginning to get really attached to both of them. Our contract would be up and they would take me back to Earth soon enough—until then, I wanted to enjoy our time together.

  Speaking of enjoying myself, I was feeing warm and contented and extremely sleepy just at the moment.

  “I’m glad you guys had a good time,” I told them and yawned. “Just as long as you know I would never, you know, do this kind of thing in real life.” Because I wouldn’t, I told myself. I really wouldn’t. That would be going too far—doing too much.

  “We understand, ma 'frela.” Lucian kissed me gently on the lips. “Thank you for allowing what you did.”

  Drace kissed me too, his mouth lingering sweetly on mine. “Go to sleep, baby,” he murmured, when he pulled back. “You look tired.”

  I yawned again. “I am. Long day today.”

  “Another long one tomorrow,” Lucian reminded us. “Hiking through The Sands of Death is apt to be somewhat unpleasant.”

  I wanted to laugh at his understatement but I yawned again instead. With a sigh, I turned on my side and snuggled down between my guys. I felt them draw closer and soon I was enveloped by the heat of their big warm bodies, one pressed against my front and the other against my back. Their mingled scent—sharp and clean and warm and spicy—swirled around me, making me feel safe and cherished and protected.

  It’s all right, I thought irreverently. Everything is going to be all right.

  Then I closed my eyes in the dream world as well as the real world and slept.

  Chapter Fifteen


  As it turned out, sneaking into the huge city of Y’brith by way of the deadly desert was more than a little “unpleasant.”

  It was getting near sunset by the time we parked Lucian’s ship as close to the city gates as we dared and set out. Despite the late hour, the bluish-white Denarin sun was still way too hot and bright for my taste. And this is coming from a girl who lives in Florida—the freaking “Sunshine State”—so you know it was bad.

  At least I was dressed for the desert—I’d traded in my flirty red sand-dress for a silver-tan, light-reflecting blouse and a billowy pair of lightweight trousers that gathered at the ankles and tucked into sturdy dune-shoes. The shoes were ludicrously wide in the toes, making it look like I had duck-feet, but they were uniquely suited for walking through the shifting sands. Also, they were way better than the ridiculous protective boots Lucian had tried to get me to wear.

  The boots were made from thick, dirt-colored leather material with clumsy looking Frankenstein soles and they were thigh-highs. Not sexy, Pretty Woman thigh-highs, though—more like wading boots. They literally would have laced all the way up to my inner thighs if I’d put them on.

  I had stared at the boots askance when Lucian held them out to me, fresh from the clothing sim. To my eyes, they looked unnecessarily hot and heavy—not to mention they were what my friend Zoe would have called “butt ugly.”

  I had taken one look at those boots and demanded to know if we were going to be wading through nests of rattlesnakes or pits of scorpions—I couldn’t imagine any other reason to wear such ugly, heavy gear.

  “Seriously, Lucian, is the sand we’re walking through full of poisonous predators or something?”

  “Well, no…” He frowned. “There are no dangerous creatures above the sand. Below it is a different matter.”

  “And are we going below the sand?” I asked.

  He shook his head. “No, but—”

  “Then I’m not wearing those.” I shoved the long, ugly boots away. “I’d sweat to death in them trying to walk through the desert.”

  “They’re for your protection, ma 'frela,” he insisted.

  I crossed my arms over my chest. “Th
en why aren’t you and Drace wearing them?”

  “I have a natural immunity to anything that creeps or crawls through The Sands of Death because I am of the Fang Clan,” Lucian said patiently.

  “Oh, I get it—and Drace gets your immunity because you two are bonded, right?” I asked.

  Drace frowned. “Not really because our bond isn’t sealed.”

  “Sealed?” I frowned. “This is the first I’m hearing of this—what does that mean?”

  Lucian and Drace exchanged a look. “Members of our race form a psy-bond—usually early in life—that is binding in almost every way,” Lucian said.

  “But until they share a female, the bond isn’t sealed,” Drace finished for him. “That’s why we thought breaking our bond would be possible—because we haven’t shared a female.”

  “Um…” I couldn’t help it—my cheeks were getting pink because I was thinking of the “sharing” we’d done the night before.

  “I know what you’re thinking, ma 'frela,” Lucian said quickly. “But everything we three have done together has been in the dream realm.”

  “And even if it wasn’t, there’s no way Lucian and I could seal our bond—and bond you to us to form a Triumvirate—unless we both entered your sweet little pussy at the same time,” Drace assured me.

  “O-kaaaay.” I lifted my chin and took a deep breath. It was time to stop talking like this—it made me picture what it would be like to be between them—for real this time. And I couldn’t afford to start thinking like that. “So back to the butt-ugly boots,” I said firmly. “Tell me again why Drace doesn’t have to wear them, if he doesn’t have your immunity, Lucian?”

  He frowned. “Drace has on his leather trousers and the strength and abilities of the Claw Clan which are considerable. You have your La-ti-zal powers but…”

  “But so far they haven’t been very useful. Exactly the opposite, I know,” I said quietly. “I really am sorry about that, you know.”

  “It is not your fault,” Lucian said quietly. “Drace and I do not blame you for it.”

  “I know you don’t and I appreciate that.” I lifted my chin. “I’ll still do anything I can to help you guys get this taken care of, you know. Tanta Loro seemed to think we needed to stick together, so we will. I’ll stay with you until we get the job done—I swear.”


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