Mr Darcy's Kiss

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Mr Darcy's Kiss Page 18

by Lari Ann O'Dell

  As they approached the front of the house, Elizabeth could see Darcy waiting for them. Elizabeth marveled at the inexplicable joy experienced when reunited with a loved one. It was remarkable how the mere sight of him made her heart race.

  At long last the carriage came to a halt. Darcy practically leapt forward to hand Elizabeth out of the carriage. He brushed a kiss across her hand and said, “It is a pleasure to see you again, Elizabeth.”

  Elizabeth smiled and said, “My sentiments exactly, Mr. Darcy,” as she moved to stand by his side.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner, Elizabeth, I welcome you to Pemberley.”

  “It is a pleasure to be here, Mr. Darcy,” said Mr. Gardiner, clasping his hand.

  “The grounds are just as gorgeous as I remember, Mr. Darcy,” said Mrs. Gardiner enthusiastically. “How happy I am to be back in Derbyshire.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Gardiner. I hope you shall have plenty of time to explore them further. Please, allow me to escort you inside. There are refreshments waiting.” At that, he offered one arm to Elizabeth and the party entered the beautiful house.

  Elizabeth was pleased to discover that Pemberley was not a far grander version of Rosings. The furnishings were neither plain, nor so excessively adorned that they were of no use. Rather, they reflected the good taste of the Darcy family. Elizabeth knew, also, that in a few short months, she would be familiar with these beautiful rooms, and that she would one day come to love the house as much as Darcy did.

  They were escorted to one of the larger parlors of the house, and it too, was tastefully and elegantly decorated. A large and low table was filled with various refreshments. The small party spent the remainder of the evening lounging in the parlor, indulging in delicious fare, and conversing merrily with one another about the first part of their sojourn and the delights of the surrounding areas of Derbyshire,


  One fine day, after three days of touring the sights surrounding Pemberley, Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner decided to venture to Lambton to pay a call to a dear acquaintance. When they asked Elizabeth if she would like to join them, she politely declined, in order to walk the grounds with Mr. Darcy. It had taken a few moments for Mrs. Gardiner to convince her husband that they could be trusted to be alone together. After all, they were engaged. Mr. Gardiner grudgingly agreed, but not before issuing a severe warning to Darcy to not allow anything improper to occur.

  Darcy and Elizabeth set off at a leisurely pace. “I have long considered where I wished to take you today, my love,” said Darcy. “There are many places where I spent a great deal of my childhood at, but there is one place in particular that is my special retreat. I am a very private man as you know, and the place I shall show you is where I have done all of my solitary thinking.”

  “And has this sanctuary led to any great epiphanies?”

  “It did not until the end of last year,” he said, “but I shall tell you of it once we are there. It is a few minutes away.”

  Darcy and Elizabeth proceeded down a path that cut across a fine expanse of lawn. Elizabeth took satisfaction in everything she saw. She knew she would savor exploring every inch of the Pemberley grounds when they were married. For now, she was content to take in certain sights and to finally be alone with her beloved.

  When they reached Darcy’s retreat, Darcy led Elizabeth through an opening in a ring of lovely trees. Elizabeth was amazed to discover a beautiful, clear pond, edged with shining, flat, grey stones. The grass was emerald and soft and there were colorful wildflowers scattered generously amongst the trees. On one side of the pond there was a white marble bench. Already, Elizabeth could picture Darcy sitting in this peaceful place and thinking about the many significant events in his life.

  Darcy led Elizabeth to the bench and they settled close together. “Now, William, shall you tell me about your great epiphany?”

  “After I left Hertfordshire, I spent December at Pemberley. Naturally, my retreat was not quite as lovely as it is in the summer. The pond was frozen, and the trees covered with fresh fallen snow. However, it was here that I realized that I had fallen in love with you, or at least, I realized that my love for you was of a deep and lasting variety rather than a passing fancy. You see, I was gazing at the frozen water, thinking of nothing in particular, when a pair of fine eyes entered my thoughts. I spent the greater part of the next hour in the cold, dwelling on each of our encounters in Hertfordshire, and by the end of it, I realized that I was quite captivated with you.”

  “How shocked you must have been,” said Elizabeth teasingly.

  “Indeed I was,” said Darcy, “but I was not displeased. In fact, going out into the cold and reflecting on our time together became a welcome daily ritual. And by the year’s end I decided that should I ever see you again, I would propose to you.”

  “And all this was discovered where we are sitting now?”

  “Yes, it was,” said Darcy. “I imagined revealing my reflections to you, and I also imagined this.” He took her into his arms and kissed her deeply. Elizabeth melted into his strong embrace almost instantaneously. Darcy kissed her for several more, long, glorious moments.

  “William, since you have so candidly shared your past contemplations with me, I too must make a confession,” said Elizabeth after they broke apart.


  “I find that I am somewhat nervous about what my duties and responsibilities shall be as Mistress of Pemberley.”

  “You have no reason to worry, my dearest,” said Darcy. “I have complete faith in you abilities and your intelligence, and you shall have Mrs. Reynolds to assist you. She has been running Pemberley House flawlessly ever since my dear mother passed away”

  “I do not wish to fail you in any way,” said Elizabeth doubtfully.

  “Elizabeth,” said Darcy seriously, “There is nothing you could ever do to fail me. Believe me when I say this, I do not overestimate your abilities when I say that you shall be as fine a Mistress of Pemberley as my mother was before you.”

  Elizabeth was touched by his confidence in her. “It means a lot for me to hear such kind words, William.”

  “I assure you, they are nothing but the truth, my love.”

  “You are too good for me, William,” said Elizabeth with a smile.

  “I am sure that is untrue, dearest,” he said, brushing a kiss across her forehead. “Perhaps we should return to the house though, your aunt and uncle may have returned by now, and they know more than anyone how much trouble we can get into when we are left alone.”

  “Indeed,” said Elizabeth. She moved to stand up, but Darcy held her back. She turned a questioning glance in his direction. “William, I thought we were to return to the house.”

  “We shall in a moment, but first I must kiss you deeply one more time and prove to you how very much I love you.”

  “We may need longer than a moment,” said Elizabeth cheekily.

  Darcy answered in the only appropriate manner.


  It was an hour or two before midnight, and Elizabeth was restless. She had spent several wonderful days at Pemberley and already she was growing attached to her future home. Every day brought new discoveries and Elizabeth was thankful that they had accepted Mr. Darcy’s invitation to stay at Pemberley. Her initial doubts about becoming Mistress of Pemberley had subsided to a large degree. She acknowledged that she would have a great deal to learn and many things to grow accustomed to, but with Mr. Darcy by her side, and with the assistance of Mrs. Reynolds, the housekeeper, she expected that she would be able to manage her new responsibilities.

  Mr. Darcy had given them a tour of the entire house with the exception of the bedrooms and the master chambers. She knew that propriety demanded that a man and woman not be alone in a bedroom, and with their history, she knew the dangers of what could occur between herself and Darcy if they were in close proximity to a bed. However, she was curious to view her rooms before she set foot in them for the first time as Mrs. Darcy.

he master chambers, she knew, were in the wing opposite of the guest wing. After an additional hour of reading and attempting to fall asleep, Elizabeth had an idea. Her adventurous and mischievous side could not resist the opportunity to explore uninterrupted. With that, she stood up, replaced her nightgown with a white and yellow gown from her trunk, lest she be discovered, and took the lit candle sitting on the nightstand.

  Elizabeth crept through the silent halls for a few moments until she reached the door that led to her future bedroom. She opened the door as quietly as possible, knowing that all that separated her from Darcy’s room was a sitting room and a couple of doors.

  The room was elegant and richly furnished. From a short glance around the room she could tell that Lady Anne had been a woman of excellent taste, and, with some surprise, she acknowledged that those tastes were similar to her own. The four-poster bed was draped with beautiful hangings. The carpet was thick and dark blue, and every piece of furniture was elegant, yet, functional.

  Elizabeth wandered over to the vanity and sat on the small chair. As she gazed at her reflection she could imagine herself sitting here, brushing her hair. She could see her possessions lined up neatly on the shining surface. She could picture this room becoming one of her favorites in the house. As she sat reflecting on the future, she did not hear the adjoining door to the sitting room open.

  Darcy entered his mother’s room and his breath caught as he spotted Elizabeth sitting before the vanity, and for a moment, he wondered if he had conjured her out of thin air, for she had been much in his thoughts ever since he had bid her goodnight. His shock at seeing her lasted but a moment. He was about to approach her when he recalled that he was in nothing but his nightshirt and robe. Quietly, he slipped back into his own room and put on trousers and a silk shirt. He wondered what had brought Elizabeth to the master chambers. The situation was highly improper, but he could not regret that she was sitting there, in his mother’s room, with no idea at all that he was awake.

  Darcy freshened up with a dash of cologne before returning to his mother’s room. Elizabeth was still sitting elegantly before the vanity with a dreamy expression on her lovely face. He almost hated to disturb her, but the fact that they were alone in a bedchamber could not make him forget his fervent wish to take her into his arms, kiss her passionately, and make her his in every conceivable way.

  “Elizabeth,” he said softly, but she did not turn in his direction. Darcy took a deep breath before approaching her. He laid a hand on her shoulder

  Elizabeth stiffened momentarily in surprise, and finally looked up at Darcy. “Mr. Darcy,” she said, trying to keep her voice from shaking. “Forgive me for waking you. It was not my intention.

  “Elizabeth, you have nothing to apologize for. You did not wake me. It was, however, a surprise to see you here so late at night.”

  “I was being adventurous,” she said, “and I was interested to see the room where I shall be spending a great deal of the rest of my life.”

  Darcy smiled in the darkness. “I do love a woman with a bold spirit.” Then he took her hand and pulled her into his embrace.

  Elizabeth smiled archly up at him. “It seems that you are fortunate in your choice, then, sir.”

  “I am the most fortunate man alive, my love,” he said, “for what other man can say that he encountered his fiancée in an empty bedroom in the middle of the night?”

  “I would venture to guess that not many can claim to have that honor,” said Elizabeth tremulously.

  “It is a truly scandalous occurrence, and now I am forced to wonder how I shall take advantage of the opportunity.”

  “You may kiss me, if you wish,” whispered Elizabeth.

  Darcy needed no further encouragement. Their kiss was slow and gentle, for Darcy knew that given their setting, it would not take much for him to lose his self-control. His hands slipped around her waist and he pulled her closer to him. The feel of her was incredibly intoxicating and it only served to enflame him more. How was he to remain a gentleman with a temptation such as this?

  Elizabeth could hardly believe the impropriety of their situation. She had never imagined that in her rash behavior she would find herself alone with a man in an empty bedroom, but being in Darcy’s arms felt so incredible, so natural. Within moments, as Darcy’s lips explored the curve of her neck all rational thoughts left her head, leaving only a fierce, and forbidden, desire to be with the amazing man before her in every conceivable way.

  They passed several wonderful moments before their passion flared enough to make their hearts race. They pulled apart, each breathing hard.

  “William,” said Elizabeth after a ragged breath.

  “Yes, my love?”

  “We must stop this now. We are alone in a bedroom. Nothing further can happen else we risk anticipating our wedding vows.”

  “Elizabeth,” said Darcy, stepping apart from her in order to regain a modicum of his vaunted self-control. “I am not a barbarian. I shall not ask anything of you that you are not willing to give. My desire for you is palpable, my love, especially in this setting, with my bed chamber not ten paces away. However, your wishes are of paramount importance to me. Forgive me if I did anything to make you uncomfortable.”

  “It is not that. I know that you are an honorable gentleman, but we are only human, and this setting for any pair that is to be considered violently in love is far too dangerous. I should not be here. The temptation is too great.” With that, Elizabeth abruptly turned away with the intention of fleeing the room.

  Darcy caught her wrist and quickly pulled her back into his embrace. “Elizabeth, he said in a low, seductive voice. “Please, do not go, at least not without a proper good night.” Then he kissed her probingly without hesitation, exploring and tasting all the delights that her lovely mouth had to offer. When he pulled apart they were both breathless once again. “Good night, my beautiful Elizabeth, “ he gasped.

  Elizabeth looked up at him, her raised eyebrows and impish expression half-hidden in the darkness. “Mr. Darcy, nothing about that good night could be considered proper.”

  He smiled roguishly. “Then perhaps, my love, you should not depart until I have said good night to you as you deserve.”

  “We would be here all night if I were to stay,” said Elizabeth, “and it is yet many hours until morning. We would have very little to do save for the obvious.” Elizabeth finished her little speech with a gasp. She could not believe she had been so forward. She glanced hesitantly up at Darcy, who was smiling at her in his somewhat unsettling, enigmatic manner.

  “That is true enough, beloved, perhaps you should depart immediately so that I can remain a gentleman.”

  “I would gladly do so if you would release me, sir,” she said, playfully in an attempt to mask the fact that she had no wish to be released.

  “Would you?” he asked, his eyes searching hers and discovering the truth.

  “William,” said Elizabeth, hopelessly, knowing full well the danger of their situation. Her resolve crumbled and the fierce desire to be with him in every conceivable way had triumphed.


  Darcy awoke the next morning as if from a dream and it was to his immense pleasure when he realized that last night had not been a dream. Elizabeth was nestled into his embrace, with a contented smile on her face. A wave of pure adoration washed over him as he gazed upon her.

  After what had passed between them last night, Darcy felt a new sense of completion never before experienced, and after a few blissful moments of gazing at the woman he loved more than life itself, the temptation for her kisses grew too great. He slowly began to dust a line of kisses along the elegant curve of her neck eliciting a sleepy sigh from her. At last her eyes fluttered open and she flashed him a radiant smile. “Good morning, William,” she said softly.

  He loved the way she said his name. “Elizabeth,” he murmured before kissing her deeply and waking her completely.

  When they separated, Elizabeth sat up and pulle
d the bedclothes tightly around her exposed body, blushing deeply at the fact that she was completely unclothed. The awkwardness of it had not occurred to her last night, but now in broad daylight, when she could feel Darcy’s gaze burning into her flesh, she felt differently. She turned to him taking some relief from his dazzling smile, which had the effect of lessening her embarrassment. Still, she said, “I should go. The staff will be rising soon, and I could not bear it if we were discovered.” She rose quickly to retrieve her dress. She tried to ignore Darcy’s gaze as she pulled on her now wrinkled gown and tried her best to smooth out the creases. Darcy, too, had gotten out of the bed and was now robed. He came to her and pulled her into his embrace. “My love”, he whispered, after kissing her hair, “please tell me that all is well.”

  “I am perfectly content, William,” she said, choosing not to mention that she was somewhat embarrassed about what had passed between them. She had never imagined that she would ever behave in such an improper manner. Of course, she had no right to feel abashed, as she had willingly accepted him. Still, she was desirous of time to herself to reflect upon her actions. At least for now, it was better to keep him from worrying about her sensibilities.

  Darcy bent to caress her lips once more. “Go through my mother’s rooms, Elizabeth, I shall see you shortly at breakfast. I love you.”

  Elizabeth kissed him quickly once more before hurrying out of the master chambers to the safety of her own rooms. Once there, the guilt about what she had allowed the previous night began to surface.


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