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Meet Me In Monaco: A Steamy Standalone Instalove Romance

Page 12

by Flora Ferrari

  I set my briefcase down on a side table as I pass, entering the kitchen through the open doorway and moving up behind Liliana, who is working at the stove.

  “Hey, Mommy,” I tell her, planting a kiss on the back of her head before she moves.

  “Hey, Daddy,” she replies. She turns and fixes me with that dazzling smile of hers, wiping her hands on the front of her apron before turning her face up to kiss me again. “How was work?”

  “Oh, you know,” I say, setting Nicola down on the floor so she can continue to toddle around as she likes. “Nowhere near as good as coming home.”

  “Is anything ever?” Liliana teases.

  I lean back against the table as she turns back around, tending to the bubbling pots on the stove. “No, nothing is. What can I say? I should be a stay-at-home Dad.”

  “You know, you can,” she says. Her tone is light but serious. “Just tell Henri to take over everything. He’s capable enough.”

  “That much is true.” I lick my lips a little as she bends further over the stove to reach a pot right at the back, pushing her ass out towards me. “There would be one downside, however.”

  “What’s that?” she asks, distracted by her cooking and clearly not aware of the trap she’s walked herself into.

  I can’t resist. I reach out and cup the two perfect globes of her ass, running my fingers across them. “I might not be able to hold back my insatiable urges if I’m home all the time.”

  Liliana momentarily stiffens in surprise, but then she relaxes – and pushes herself even further back into my hands. “And what would make that a downside?” she asks, her voice syrupy sweet and sending a jolt right to my crotch.

  I groan, reluctantly letting go. One of the things that come with family is extra added responsibility, and that has to be taken seriously. Before Nicola came along, I would have had no problems with putting Liliana on her back on the table, making her lose her mind, and then ordering takeout to replace the ruined dinner. But now we have someone who will get very crabby if they don’t eat on time, and besides, no babysitter to watch over her while we enjoy ourselves.

  “You’re going to ruin me, woman,” I tell Liliana. It’s become a favorite joke of ours. We both know that she has done the opposite, she has made me. Before, I was only half a man. Now, I’m whole and strong, and my family enjoys the benefit of that as much as my colleagues do.

  She only chuckles. “Why don’t you get Nicola set up in her chair?” she asks. “This won’t be long.”

  I head to the far side of the kitchen to scoop up our daughter, who is currently engaged in tugging on Louie’s ears. She mumbles more nonsense and taps on my chest with her tiny hands as I carry her over to her chair and strap her in, ready to eat.

  We sit down for a dinner of delicious food, lovingly prepared by my wife. Next to me sits my beautiful daughter, and our dog sits in the corner chewing on a bone, here in this home that I always hoped would have a family to fill it. What more could I ask for?

  Liliana doesn’t touch her own knife and fork. Instead, she reaches for the spoon that Nicola is ignoring and lifts it up to begin feeding her bite by bite, letting her own food go cold. A wave of love comes over me, reminding me how lucky I am even to be here.

  “I’ll do that,” I say, putting down my cutlery after taking only one bite. “You enjoy the food.”

  “It’s alright,” Liliana says, glancing at me. “You had a long day at work.”

  “I want to,” I tell her, smiling warmly. Two parents arguing over who gets to be the one to feed her Nicola is never going to feel like she is lacking in love, for the whole of her life. “You should take a break. You made all this delicious food, so I want you to enjoy it.”

  Liliana hesitates before handing the spoon over to me. “Alright,” she concedes. “Thank you.”

  I only smile and shake my head. “You don’t have to thank me for looking after my own child,” I tell her. “You know, you’re right. Maybe I could take a step back. The business doesn’t need me as much as it used to.”

  “You could probably manage to give Henri a promotion and a pay rise without it affecting the bottom line too much, don’t you think?” Liliana says. She watches me carefully for a moment as I spoon food into Nicola’s mouth and then, satisfied, begins to eat her own meal.

  “Most certainly,” I say, and smile. “What’s the difference in a few hundred thousand every year, when we’re making millions?”

  “Well, then,” Liliana says as if it’s settled. “You should try it for a few months, first. Call it a sabbatical, or something. Make sure it’s what you want.”

  I smile at her and shake my head. “How did you get to be so wise?” I ask.

  “I think I was born with it,” Liliana laughs.

  Nicola burbles along with us, spraying sauce down her own chest and across her chair. My arm takes some of the shrapnel, too, making me shake my head in amusement.

  “First order of business,” I say. “I’m putting all my suits into storage and bringing back all those easier-to-clean shirts I was wearing when she was born.”

  “That’s probably a good idea,” Liliana says, biting her lip to keep from laughing at me, and I can only shake my head and grin.




  “This is a lot bigger than the last time we were here,” Dad says, standing on the edge of the deck and staring down the side of the boat as if he knows anything about sea-faring vessels.

  “We needed more space for the kids,” I say, depositing Leo in his life jacket in the middle of the deck. He’s only toddling around, but at two he has developed a strong sense of curiosity – one that only rivals his sister’s. At five, she is a lot more dangerous. We’ve come up with a system of not just the life jackets but also a bungee cord firmly attached to the cabin so that they can’t run themselves right off the side of the boat.

  I have the uneasy feeling that one of them is going to find a way to do it regardless, but at least there are enough adults here to make sure that someone has eyeballs on them at all times. Between me and Nico, my dad, mom, and mom’s new husband, it all works.

  Which is great, because I have my hands full with baby Cal, who is remaining firmly in his baby carrier. I definitely don’t want to take any risks with him – and we even invested in a baby carrier with built-in flotation devices, just in case the worse should ever happen. If the boat was sunk in a flash, Callum would float right on back to shore – we never go out far enough to hit the strong currents anymore. We sail sideways instead, up the coast, to one of the quieter spots that are still in view of the houses facing outwards.

  “I think it’s a lovely upgrade,” Mom says, hanging onto Patrick’s hand as they stand near the bow, watching the world flash by. Nico is at the helm, which leaves Dad at somewhat of a loss, I suppose.

  “Will you take Callum for me?” I ask, taking pity on him. He doesn’t seem to have a problem with Patrick, or with the fact that Mom has remarried. He even attended the wedding, although he sat at the back. I think he just feels a little lonely sometimes.

  I think about the friends that I’ve made in Monaco, the people we spend our time with. A lot of them are young and beautiful, but there is the one divorcee who managed to hang onto her Monaco apartment in the settlement. Maybe I can set him up with her or one of our friends.

  “It’s such a shame we have to go home,” Mom sighs, pulling my attention as I hand the baby carrier to Dad. He’s already looking down into it with that sheepish kind of expression I’ve noticed that grandfathers get, absolute love and adoration for this tiny little being.

  “You’ve enjoyed the trip, then?” I ask, settling on the railing next to them. Just the lightest spray of water kicks up from the sea, making me feel refreshed on this warm day. I keep one eye on Nicola and Leo, who are playing with a set of sea creature-shaped toys on the deck.

  “Oh, it’s been lovely, darling,” Mom says. She rests her hand on to
p of mine for a moment and squeezes. “Honestly. Every moment we get to spend with you and the kids is just wonderful. I wish we could be here all the time.”

  “Well…” I hesitate, glancing at Patrick. “You’re both retiring soon, aren’t you?”

  “In a few years, yes,” Mom says. “Why?”

  “You could come to live here,” I say. Words rush out of me then, tumbling fast. “I mean, it wouldn’t be like living at home, I know. You’d have to give up the townhouse, and you wouldn’t have as much room. And the kids won’t be as young – they’ll be in school already. But, you could think about it. Your pension won’t cover everything, but Nico and I – we could help out with the rent.”

  “Oh, we couldn’t ask you to do that,” Mom says, shaking her head quickly.

  “You wouldn’t have to. We would volunteer.”

  Mom looks back at Patrick, and I see some uncertainty in both of them. Maybe I brought it up too soon, but I wanted them to have the chance to think about it. And they have a few years, after all.

  “Anyway, it’s just a thought,” I add quickly, not wanting to ruin the atmosphere that we’ve been enjoying so much. “Dad, the same goes for you, too. If you want to retire out here, we can support you.”

  “I’ll think about it,” Dad says, completely distracted still by shaking a rattle at Cal. I laugh, and the conversation goes back to flowing smoothly, no awkwardness between us all.

  When we’re settled in the spot where we can stay for a few hours, I go back to join Nico in the cabin area downstairs, making drinks for everyone. It’s a moment to ourselves, while we hear the laughter and conversation of my parents playing with our children up on the deck above.

  “I’m looking forward to tomorrow,” Nico says, sighing and rolling his shoulders back.

  I smile and rub my hand across his back for a moment. “They aren’t that bad.”

  “Not at all,” he says, pouring out a newly-mixed mock-tail. “I just can’t wait for some peace and quiet again. Well, the relative peace of three children. You know what I mean.”

  I laugh. “I do. Not having to play the host all the time.”

  “That’s it.” Nico sets down the glass and turns to me, encircling me in his arms. “But it’s not that they’re not welcome. I heard your idea, earlier. It’s a good one.”

  “You think so?”

  “I wouldn’t have to pay for a babysitter ever again,” he says, nibbling on my ear teasingly.

  I giggle and push him away – but only far enough so that I can kiss him on the mouth. “You’re silly. But also right.”

  He reaches down and pulls me against him by my hips, putting our bodies flush against one another. He gives me a slow and leisurely kiss, taking his time to explore my mouth. “Speaking of babysitters,” he says. “Should we hire one for tomorrow night?”

  “Where would we be going?” I ask.

  “No, I was thinking they could take the kids somewhere,” Nico says. I feel the curve of his smile against my neck as he nuzzles me. “We could enjoy the house to ourselves for the first time in a couple of weeks.”

  I have to admit that it sounds tempting.

  “You know, we could just put the kids to bed in the far end of the house,” I tell him with a teasing smile. “Set up a blanket fort and tell them it’s a camping trip. They wouldn’t come out and disturb us.”

  Nico makes a face. “Callum would. He’s still not sleeping through the night every time. I bet you he would choose the exact moment to start crying. We need a break.”

  I can’t help but laugh. All three of our children have previously displayed a talent for needing our attention right at the most inopportune times.

  “Alright,” I agree. “A babysitter. But maybe the day after tomorrow. The first thing I need is a lot of sleep.”

  “You’re not wrong there,” Nico sighs. I notice that there are dark smudges under his eyes that aren’t usually present. Playing host to three extra adults, making sure they are entertained day in and day out, and dealing with all their interpersonal politics takes a lot. It’s just one of the reasons I love my husband that he never objects to having my parents visit, even when it takes a lot out of him.

  “We can build up our energy,” I tell him, winding my arms around his neck for one more kiss. “Then we can really make the most of the empty house.”

  “New plan,” Nico says, nipping lightly at my lower lip before pulling away. “We have a babysitter look after the kids in the house. You and I come out here, to the boat. We don’t have to sail out from the marina, but… we haven’t christened this place yet.”

  I cast my eyes to the side, down the narrow corridor to where the space opens out a little. This boat has a lovely big bed space, with the option to put in dividers to split it up for the kids. But if you don’t put in the dividers at all…

  “That sounds like my kind of plan,” I agree, my eyes sparkling. I kiss him one final time and move to pick up the tray of drinks we’ve made. “So. Do you think there’s any way we can get rid of them sooner?”

  Nico only laughs as he follows me up the stairs, to serve my family and enjoy more laughter with our children in the sun.

  My love. My life. It couldn’t be more perfect.


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  Book 1: Baby Lust

  Book 2: Veteran

  Book 3: Built

  Book 4: Bambino

  Book 5: Rescued

  Book 6: Leader

  Book 7: Professor

  Book 8: Burned

  Book 9: Worldly

  Book 10: Pistol

  Book 11: Policed

  Book 12: Driven

  Book 13: Lucky 13

  Book 14: Lumberjacked

  Book 15: Protector

  Book 16: Carpenter

  Book 17: Italian Stallion

  Book 18: Gardener

  Book 19: Budapest Billionaire’s Virgin

  Book 20: Billionaire’s Babysitter

  Book 21: Cocky CFO

  Book 22: Fireman’s Filthy 4th

  Book 23: Mechanic

  Book 24: SEAL’s Secret

  Book 25: Police, Pooch, and Smooch

  Book 26: Fireman’s Fake Fiancée

  Book 27: Billionaire’s Virgin Ballerina

  Book 28: Bitcoin Billionaire’s Babysitter

  Book 29: Veterans Day Daddy

  Book 30: Cowboy’s Christmas Carol

  Book 31: Police Officer’s Princess

  Book 32: Statham

  Book 33: Bodyguard

  Book 34: Greek God

  Book 35: Billionaire Single Dad's Babysitter

  Book 36: Mountain Man

  Book 37: SEAL’s Justice

  Book 38: Royal Romance

  Book 39: Doctor Mountain Man’s Special Delivery

  Book 40: Crocodile Dan D

  Book 41: Mountain Man’s Secret Baby

  Book 42: Doctor Bad Boy’s Secret Baby

  Book 43: Cop’s Babysitter

  Book 44: Nanny for the Cop Next Door

  Book 45: Small Town SEAL’s Saving Grace

  Book 46: Cop’s Fake Fiancée

  Book 47: Billionaire’s Nanny

  Book 48: Cowboy’s Babysitter

  Book 49: Steamy

  Book 50: Brother’s Best Friend

  Book 51: Possessive Professor

  Book 52: Firefighter’s Babysitter

  Book 53: Soldier’s Secret Baby

  Book 54: Ward’s Independence Day

  Book 55: Doctor Next Door

  Book 56: Possessive Policeman

  Book 57: Coached by the MMA Fighter

  Book 58: Boss’s Babysitter

  Book 59: Virgin in New York

  Book 60: Rock Star’s Baby

  Book 61: Possessive Protector

  Book 62: Possessive Australian
r />   Book 63: Best Friend’s Brother

  Book 64: Possessive Cowboy

  Book 65: Summer Romanced

  Book 66: Possessive Prince

  Book 67: Lovers’s Enemy

  Book 68: Cop’s Best Friend

  Book 69: Possessive Firefighter

  Book 70: Football Next Door

  Book 71: Doctor December

  Book 72: Possessive Canadian

  Book 73: Blue Collar Billionaire

  Book 74: Possessive K-9 Cop

  Book 75: Possessive Brazilian

  Book 76: Hockey Obsession

  Book 77: Possessive Boston Irish American MMA Fighter

  Book 78: Halloween Next Door

  Book 79: Possessive Russian

  Book 80: Baseball Mine

  Book 81: Cop’s Caribbean Captive

  Book 82: Instalove Island

  Book 83: Dad’s Best Friend

  Book 84: Thanksgiving with Dad’s Boss

  Book 85: Possessive Italian Neighbor

  Book 86: Possessive Portuguese

  Book 87: Possessive Christmas Cop

  Book 88: Russian’s Obsession

  Book 89: Possessive Doctor’s Christmas

  Book 90: Possessive Parisian Pilot

  Book 91: U.K. Boxing Day

  Book 92: Jealous Russian Stalker

  Book 93: Italian Mountain Man

  Book 94: Aggressive Russian

  Book 95: Possessive Valentine

  Book 96: Possessive Hunter

  Book 97: Dad’s Russian Mafia Friend

  Book 98: Russian Teacher

  Book 99: Australian Obsession

  Book 100: Russian Next Door

  Book 101: Dad’s Irish Friend

  Book 102: Nanny for the Russian Mafia

  Book 103: Best Friend’s Dad

  Book 104: Basketball Babymaker

  Book 105: Possessive Veterinarian

  Book 106: Brother’s Fireman Friend

  Book 107: Brother’s Canadian Cowboy Friend

  Book 108: Summer Vacation with Dad’s Best Friend

  Book 109: Dad’s Italian Mafia Friend

  Book 110: Dad’s Irish Mafia Friend

  Book 111: Dad’s Football Friend

  Book 112: Possessing His Dancing Queen


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