Book 3 - Sol Strike
Book 4 - Bandits Engaged
Book 5 - Iron Hand
Echoes of War
Book 1 - Fight the Good Fight
Book 2 - Strong and Courageous
Book 3 - So Fight I
Book 4 - Gates of Hell
Book 5 - Keep the Faith
Book 6 - Run the Gauntlet
Book 7 - Finish the Fight
Breach of Faith
(With Gary T. Stevens)
Book 1 - Breach of Peace
Book 2 - Breach of Faith
Book 3 - Breach of Duty
Book 4 - Breach of Trust
Deception Fleet
(With Steve Rzasa)
Book 1 - Victory’s Wake
Book 2 - Cold Conflict
Book 3 - Hazards Near
From Daniel Gibbs -
I want to thank first and foremost, Gary – for dealing with me the last year as we worked through four novels worth of ideas and characters in the Breach of Faith series.
As always, there’s a small cast of folks out there that have helped me along the way – especially David VanDyke and his constant support and encouragement. To everyone else – you know who you are; thank you.
Finally, to the men and women of the US Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Army, thank you for your service. It remains the highest privilege of my life to support you.
From Gary T. Stevens -
My thanks again to Dan Gibbs for the opportunity to create characters, worlds, and stories in his universe. We don't always see eye to eye but he's been very gracious on these matters… and on the word count thing. Definitely on the word count thing.
To Uncle Tim, who continues to patiently await the day a book appears with my real name on it. A day this work has brought closer to fruition.
And finally, I'm grateful to the close friends who've tolerated my prolonged distractions while producing this work and the books to follow, and to all of those who've expressed their support for my efforts.
Coalition Defense Force Boxed Set: First to Fight Page 90