Rock the Curves

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Rock the Curves Page 7

by Twyla Turner

  He would be so easy to fall for.

  And that just might destroy her.

  Lyris pulled up to the little guard shack and gate in Studio City. She quickly dug through her purse and pulled out her pass that Jesse had given to everyone in the band.

  “I’m here for rehearsals with Gage Walker,” she said as she held up the pass.

  “Go ahead,” the large man said with a nod.

  Lyris’ eyes moved back and forth quickly as she tried to take it all in while driving. The tour stage had been shipped and put together in one of the soundstages at a major movie studio. They’d spent the last month practicing until they perfected the sound Gage wanted. Now, it was time to rehearse on stage with lights, pyrotechnics, and anything else that was added to the show to make it into something spectacular.

  Lyris found Building E where the soundstage was located. She parked and almost got hit by a golf cart zipping by. She hopped back quickly with a hand pressed firmly to her chest to keep her heart from bursting through it.

  “If you’re not careful they’ll run you down around here.” Gage’s voice came from behind her.

  Lyris whipped around to find Gage grinning at her. “I see that.”

  They’d formed a decent if not shaky friendship over the past month. He kept his distance, but he was still flirty. He didn’t outwardly stare at her anymore, but there were times when Lyris would catch him watching her. The look in his eyes when she did, would set her soul on fire. Kind of like the look he was giving her at the moment.

  “So, today’s a big day. This’ll be your first time on a big tour stage, right?” Gage asked her.

  “Yeah.” Lyris said softly as they started walking towards the soundstage.

  “You’re gonna love it. And just wait until we’re in front of a massive audience. This is going to be great practice for you. I didn’t have a lot of time to practice before I was thrust in front of thousands. I couldn’t even speak to anyone before the concert started. Not even Jesse or the band. Or I would’ve been a stuttering mess.” Gage rattled off happily.

  “You’re not helping my nerves.” Lyris said half-jokingly. Half serious.

  “Oh.” Gage cringed. “Sorry.”

  “I’ve performed in front of large audiences in choir. Concerts. Competitions. Stuff like that. But never quite on this scale,” Lyris admitted.

  “More than likely, the energy will hype you up more than anything. You’ll see.” Gage bumped his shoulder against hers. “You were made for this.”

  Lyris tried not to let his words sink into her soul. They always did anyway. Aside from Serena and Sebastian, Gage was the most supportive of her career than anyone she’d ever met. People either downplayed her talent or ignored it. Outside of her family, it was usually out of envy and wanting to keep her feet firmly on the ground with them. She couldn’t shine brighter than anyone else, of course. Or it was her family trying to keep her from a life of sin.

  But Gage… Gage believed in her. He rooted for her. He encouraged her. And with every word of praise, she melted a little more.

  Could I be any more cliché?

  Girl is awesome.

  Girl knows she’s awesome.

  Girl meets boy.

  Boy notices girl is awesome.

  Boy tells girl what she already knows.

  Girl gets warm fuzzies.

  All of womankind barfs.

  “I’ve known that my whole life. I don’t need you to tell me.” Lyris shook her head and rolled her eyes but with a slight smile.

  “Excuse me for livin’.” Gage raised his hands up in surrender. “I just wanted to remind you in case you forgot.”

  “I highly doubt I’d for…”

  The rest of Lyris’ sentence got stuck in her throat as they walked inside the soundstage. Several people, possibly close to a hundred were working on the enormous tour stage. Hydraulics moved giant screens and parts of the stage. Bursts of fire across the front of the stage were being tested. Bright, colorful lights flashed in every direction.

  Lyris was immediately intimidated.

  “You were saying?” Gage whispered in her ear.

  Lyris gave him a ‘whatever’ face after she finished trembling from the feel of his breath against her skin.

  “It’s overwhelming the first time you see it. I would know. So, trust me, I’m not trying to mansplain your feelings. The scale of it can make you feel…inadequate. At first, anyway.” Gage shoved his hands in his pockets. “After a while you get used to it. Or if you’re like me, it fills you with so much excitement, you feel like you could burst into a million pieces.”

  Lyris looked at him for a little longer than usual. She normally tried to avoid eye contact.

  “What?” Gage said anxiously.

  “You’re just so down to earth. More so than I expected at first.”

  “Never judge a book…”

  “I know. It’s hard not to, though. Especially here in La-La Land where everyone is trying to be somebody. Or think they already are somebody.” Lyris shook her head.

  “Come on, you two! Stop wasting time. Let’s give this beast a ride!” Brandi shouted from the stage as she spread her arms wide gesturing to the massive tour stage.

  “Can we at least wait for pyrotechnics to finish testing the flames?” Gage shouted back. “I’m not trying to start the tour with no eyebrows.”

  Lyris chuckled deeply.

  “Suit yourself,” Brandi called back.

  Gage looked down at Lyris with a boyish grin.

  “I love your laugh. It’s sultry and deep.”

  “So, I sound like a man.”

  “No, you sound like a grown ass woman. Not a woman trying to stay a girl.” Gage lifted a sexy dark brow before sauntering off.

  Lyris just closed her eyes and released a breath.

  I wish this man would get tired of all this panty-melting flirting.

  Lyris reached for the bowl of candies sitting on the coffee table in the green room of the Jimmy Late Night Show. Her stomach gurgled and then flip-flopped in protest. Lyris changed her mind and continued to sip on her hot tea. Her stomach was a bundle of nerves and she’d probably puke if she had anything solid in it.

  “You’ll be fine, Lyris.” Rainey said laying a hand on her leg that was bouncing rhythmically.

  “Yeah, as soon as we start singing, those nerves will calm.” Mack winked at her.

  “I know. I’ve performed before. But not in front of millions on live television.” Lyris expelled a shaky breath.

  “Well, just remember, you’re not alone out there. We’re with you. Right next to you.” Rainey smiled sweetly.

  They all were wearing their required uniform of all black to not stand out over Gage. Mack had on black dress slacks and a black button-up shirt. Rainey wore a cap-sleeved simple little black dress with heels. Lyris chose a black, shimmery bodycon dress. She was in the background, but she still had to be her.

  And Lyris wasn’t anything if she wasn’t confident in the woman she was. Besides, Gage had wanted them to dress to their personalities. The only rule was that whatever they wore it had to be black.

  Neal, Riley, and Brandi were able to wear whatever they wanted. Riley was in jeans and a fitted white t-shirt to show off his burly chest. Neal wore skinny jeans, a black Led Zeppelin t-shirt, and Converse. Brandi had on black, skin tight skinny jeans, a red crop top with matching red combat boots.

  Everyone mingled around the green room chatting and drinking. To Lyris they all looked so relaxed, while she felt like she would explode every which way.

  Gage was M.I.A getting his hair done, changing clothes, or getting his face powdered to be TV ready, Lyris guessed. The door opened and he ambled inside as if he didn’t have a care in the world. Relaxed fit jeans hung low on his hips. His signature black t-shirt fit just right. Loose enough so that no one could accuse him of being a Dude-Bro at the gym, but tight enough to accentuate his muscles. His favorite black boots rounded out his ensemble as well as some b
lack leather bracelets. He ran his fingers through his chin-length dark hair that added to the whole rock star appeal of him.

  “Everybody ready?” Gage said happily.

  Everyone turned to look at him and all greeted him with grins on their faces.

  “Fuck yeah!”


  “Let’s do this shit.”

  They all shouted out.

  Lyris remained quiet. She felt if she opened her mouth the tea she’d drank would come back up.

  Gage’s eyes zeroed in on her erratically bouncing knee. He walked over and plopped down next to her.

  “You alright?”

  Lyris shook her head quickly.

  “Hey,” he said and pressed his index finger under her chin to lift her face up. “Follow my breathing.”

  Gage took in a slow deep breath, held it for a few beats, and released it gradually, before repeating it again. Lyris followed his breathing and after a few minutes found that her jitters had subsided. Her stomach had stopped doing backflips and settled into calmer summersaults. And she was able to form letters into words and words into whole sentences.

  “Woo!” She expelled a breath. “Thank you. I wasn’t sure I was gonna make it for a minute.”

  “I know. Everything you’re feeling is what I felt the first time.” Gage laid a hand on her thigh. She’d been so freaked out, she barely registered when he’d lifted her chin. But this she felt. “It’s actually nice having you around. You’re taking me down memory lane. It’s like experiencing it for the first time all over again. Thank you for the reminder.”

  “You’re welcome…I guess. I’m glad you can find amusement in my time of need.” Lyris rolled her eyes.

  “Oh, you’ll be just fine.” Gage nudged her shoulder with his as he often did when he teased her.

  “I know,” she said with a sigh.

  “We need our customary shots.” Gage looked around until he found who he was looking for. “Hey, Jess! It’s time for the shots.”

  “Coming right up,” Jesse nodded.

  Gage’s manager had been flirting with a young girl who worked for the show. Lyris frowned at him.

  “Before any performance. TV, awards show, concert…whatever. We take a shot of whiskey right before going on. It’s tradition. Plus, it calms your nerves,” Gage said pulling her attention away from Jesse.

  The door suddenly swung open and on the other side was a person Lyris recognized immediately even though she’d never seen her in real life before.


  No need for a last name. Like Madonna or Drake. Everyone knew Natasha by one name only.

  Popstar extraordinaire. The consummate performer. Physically perfect in every way, according to most of the world. And Gage’s ex-girlfriend.

  Apparently, the jealous ex-girlfriend, if the look she gave Gage’s hand on Lyris’ leg was any indication. Gage didn’t move it right away either. He gave Lyris’ leg a gentle squeeze before releasing it and standing up.

  “Hey, Nat.” Gage said with a sigh of resignation.

  “Gage,” the popstar’s voice dripped with contempt.

  Lyris had always really liked Natasha’s music, even if it was super poppy compared to the normal stuff she liked. It was nothing if not catchy. She also respected her hustle and drive. And it was hard not to be in awe of her beauty. But the attitude that dripped from her. The arrogance even in her stance, all was a huge turnoff. It was a reminder to never idolize someone. Especially someone she didn’t know.

  The energy shifted in the room the moment she entered. Brandi looked at her like she’d gladly beat Natasha’s ass if Riley’s arm wasn’t securely around her shoulders. Neal uncomfortably glanced back and forth between Gage and Natasha. Riley looked as if he was holding his breath. And Rainey and Mack tried to focus on each other, but their bodies were held tightly. The tension could be lanced with a blade, it was so thick.

  “I guess the label decided that we should perform together last minute. So, last minute, I wouldn’t have time to try to change their minds.

  Natasha’s demeanor changed before their eyes. Lyris raised her eyebrows incredulously as the superstar softened into a sweet little girl act. Her body relaxed. The toes of her multicolored Swarovski crystal covered stiletto heels turned inward towards each other, she clasped her hands in front of her, and slightly twisted her body from side to side like the stance of a child about to ask for something she knows she can’t have.

  “Oh, come on!” She walked towards Gage. Her super short silver dress shimmered with every movement. “You know it won’t be that bad.”

  Natasha lifted a hand, placed her index finger on his chest, and then flirtatiously swirled her finger across his t-shirt.

  “You know we’re good together.”

  “Yeah, good like a virus and a warm body,” Gage said seriously.

  Natasha pulled back with her bottom lip stuck out in a pout. When she saw that he was dead serious, the look on her face changed to calculating.

  “Fine. Be that way. Let’s get this over with.” Natasha shrugged off his rejection, turned on her heel, and clickety-clacked out the room on her sky-high red bottoms.

  Gage turned and gave everyone in the room a long-suffering look and rolled his eyes. Jesse quickly walked into the room with a tray filled with shots. Everyone surrounded him, grabbed a shot, and held them up. Lyris followed everyone’s lead.

  “To a fantastic performance,” Gage held out his glass.

  “To a fantastic performance!” Everyone shouted back in unison before swiftly downing the whiskey.

  It felt like fire sliding down Lyris’ throat. She sputtered and coughed a bit and the band laughed at her as they all gave her warm pats on the back.

  “Alright, let’s go.” Gage said and jerked his head in the direction of the door.

  Everyone filed out of the room behind him. They walked down a long hallway towards the sounds of a large studio audience clapping and laughing joyfully.

  The producer wearing a headset with mouthpiece attached had them wait at the entrance to the studio. Once Jimmy transitioned to commercial break, she gestured for them to walk out and find their places. The rest of the band would wait where the musical performances were held in the studio, while Gage was interviewed.

  Lyris had no idea where Natasha had disappeared to. But she didn’t have time to question it. They only had a small window of time to get to their places before the show quickly came back from commercial break.

  “Everyone, you know our next guest as the viral sensation that went triple platinum with his freshman album The Only Way. And I’m pleased to announce that as of today his sophomore album Bedroom Beats has gone platinum after only one week on the charts.” Jimmy pulled out from behind his desk a framed platinum album with a placard. “Everybody welcome, Gage Walker!”

  Jimmy stood up and Lyris watched as Gage walked out to the raucous cheers of the audience. He strode up to the desk where he shook hands with Jimmy and took the framed album.

  “Wow! This is amazing.” Gage held up the frame and grinned.

  “Have a seat, buddy.” Jimmy gestured to the grey chair.

  Gage sat and smiled brightly. He waved at the members of the audience and they went nuts.

  “Thanks everyone who purchased the album and are really hyping it up. It means a lot.” He said humbly.

  “So, it’s been a little while since I’ve seen you. You’ve had a big couple of years,” Jimmy said.

  “Yeah, I’ve learned a lot. Done a lot.”

  “Yeah, like winning major awards, like best new artist, and dating super-hot pop stars,” Jimmy teased.

  Gage hunched his shoulders bashfully. “I’ve had a good time.”

  “I bet.” Jimmy grinned slyly before pulling out a vinyl copy of Bedroom Beats. “So, this new album…it’s a bit of a departure from the first album. But everyone is loving it. Can you tell those who haven’t listened to it yet about how it’s different?”

“Sure,” Gage lifted up slightly and rubbed his hands down his jeans, adjusting them a bit. “The album is rock mixed with some Brazilian flare. Many of the songs have that sexy Latin rhythm blended in. A perfect song for…dancing. Horizontally.”

  Jimmy started chuckling and the audience joined him.

  “So, the album is for…let’s say, sexy times?”


  “Well, I listened to it and I have to say the wife was eying me up like a rotisserie chicken,” Jimmy joked to the delight of the crowd. “It probably didn’t hurt that I dimmed the lights, lit some candles, and did the dishes in just my boxers.”

  Lyris, Gage, and the rest of the band laughed along with the audience.

  “Okay, so, you added Brazilian influence. Is there a reason for that? Do you just like Latin style music?” Jimmy asked curiously.

  “Yes, to both questions. But also, it’s because I grew up on it. My mother is Brazilian. She played a lot of her favorite Brazilian artists as I was growing up. We also spent a lot of summer vacations there. She wanted me to know the other half of my heritage.” Gage explained.

  Lyris had to pick her jaw off the floor. This whole time she’d thought he was just a regular old white boy. She’d had no idea he had any spice in his blood. Just when she thought she’d learned all the things about him that surprised her, something else would emerge.

  “Well, it’s an amazing album. Everyone should take a listen when they get a chance.” Jimmy held up the vinyl record. “When we come back Gage Walker will be performing one his chart-topping singles from his new album Bedroom Beats.”

  The audience applauded into the commercial break. As soon as the red light indicating a live recording in session went out, Gage stood up and shook hands with Jimmy. They chatted briefly as Jimmy walked him over to the band.

  Lyris felt the nerves coming back with a vengeance. She began to do the breathing exercises that Gage had shown her in the green room. The shaking in her hands subsided slightly. She focused on Gage as he moved behind the mic, picked up his guitar, and pulled the strap over his head. Watching him steadied her even more.


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