Lucky Forever: Texas Knights MC, Book 3

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Lucky Forever: Texas Knights MC, Book 3 Page 4

by Cee Bowerman

“Oh, my God.”

  “He locked us in the bedroom and refused to let us go to the emergency room to get her treated. I had been preparing for a time when I needed help and so I’d had a phone installed in my room while he was away on a business trip. I waited until he was sleeping, then I plugged the phone in and called 911. I told them I was being held prisoner and what he had done to my daughter and what he’d done to me before that. The cops busted into the house to rescue me and they took him to jail.” Sierra sighed. “He was out on bail before Lexi and I were released from the emergency room.”

  “Connections,” Marcus nodded his head. “Family in government?”

  “Lexi’s grandpa was a senator.”


  “Yes.” Sierra smiled sadly and then shook her head. “Thankfully he’s dead now. Boating accident while he was out at sea with his mistress.”

  Reagan chuckled and it sounded very dark and wicked.

  “But the mom has all the money and her Jackson can do no wrong. Every time he finds us, I report him. He’s arrested and then he gets right back out. Some day, he’s going to do something that she can’t cover up and we’ll be able to breathe finally. I just hope that he doesn’t kill me or hurt Lexi for that to happen.”

  “We’ll make sure you’re safe,” I told her. She might not understand it quite yet, but that was a promise I would keep. “He’s not going to hurt either of you again.”

  “Damn right, he’s not.” Marcus reached over for his phone and started typing out a text. “You ever met my brother?”

  “No, sir.” Sierra shook her head.

  “His name is Lout. He is a member of the Texas Kings - the other motorcycle club you’ve seen around town.”


  “He’s a force to be reckoned with and so are the rest of the men in his club. With your permission, I’d like to share this information along with the name of your husband and mother-in-law.”

  “He’s not my husband anymore,” Sierra said quickly. “He had to serve some time because he assaulted a police officer. I pulled together every dime I had and got a lawyer. She believed my story and worked her ass off to make sure the divorce went through while he was locked up. Then she helped me hide in plain sight. I never left that town, just laid low while she left a trail to another town.”

  “How long have you been on the run from him?” I asked her.

  “Since Lexi was three years old. So, almost eight years.”

  “How many times has he found you?”

  “Three times. The first time we were in a public place and I yelled for help. The second time was a year or so later and he tried to get Lexi out of daycare. They called the police and that’s when he got arrested for assaulting the officer and I got my divorce. I made sure that he had no rights in the divorce since he wasn’t her biological father; that way if he tried again it would be kidnapping.”

  “Good job,” Marcus nodded his head. “And the last time?”

  “The last time was two years ago when Lexi was nine. I have no idea how he found us, but he was waiting inside our apartment when we got home that evening.” Sierra tried to dry her eyes with her hand, but the tears were coming too fast. Marcus reached into his pocket and pulled out a linen handkerchief and handed it to her. “He held us there for three days. I didn’t show up for work on Monday and one of the women I worked with brought her husband to my apartment to help her get inside and see what was going on.”

  “And then what happened?”

  “He escaped. They were so busy getting an ambulance for Lexi and I that they didn’t pay attention to him and he was gone with the wind. He’s still wanted for keeping us hostage, raping me, beating Lexi, and all the other stuff - we haven’t seen him since. My friend who was my lawyer for the divorce gave me Kari’s information and called ahead so she had a place for us to stay when we got out of the hospital. We’ve been here for a little over a year now.”

  “And if you claim the lottery winnings, your name is going to be all over the news.” Marcus shook his head. “It’s a hard decision to make. Have all this money to fight him, maybe even find him and make sure he’s put in prison or have all this money to disappear in a way no one would ever find you again. But you’re risking him trying anyway and getting through your defenses.”

  “I can think of a few more things that money like that could buy and none of those things end with him breathing,” Reagan huffed and took a sip of his wine. Marcus shook his head and patted Reagan’s hand. “I know, blah blah blah, uphold the law, blah blah blah, don’t tell everyone what you’re going to do or it can be used against you later, blah blah blah.”

  Sierra laughed and dried her eyes one final time.

  “So, you see my dilemma? It’s like the grand prize is right there in front of me, but I risk exposure if I reach for it.”

  “Marry me,” I blurted out.

  “What?” All three heads snapped in my direction as they all asked that same question.

  “Marcus knows what I’m up against. He told me just the other day that if I was married and settled down in a nice house that Leia’s mother wouldn’t have a chance in hell. If we get married, we can make a contract that says all the money is yours, but we’ll stay married until Leia is 18, no matter what. I can turn in the lottery ticket, your name will never come up, you’ll get your money and stay safe, and I’ll get to make sure my little girl is safe with me.”

  “Safe from who?” Sierra asked quietly.

  “My monster is nowhere near as scary as yours, honey. That’s a story for another time.”

  “Are you serious?” Sierra whispered, her eyes wide.

  “I have another good reason. If we get married, we can adopt each other’s daughters. That way if something happens to either of us, the other will raise both girls as their own. Lexi’s mother won’t have a leg to stand on and neither would your ex in-laws or your parents if they tried.”

  “So it would be an arranged marriage?”

  “I have been thinking of it all afternoon and I’ve already come up with some stipulations.”

  “Okay,” Sierra tilted her head, but she hadn’t shut me down completely yet so I went on.

  “I don’t want to be married to you in name only. If we get married, we act like a married couple so much so that even our kids don’t realize what’s going on. I don’t want to live a lie. I want a wife in all ways and that includes the bedroom. I’m not a man to stray, so even if you and I didn’t agree to become married in all ways, I wouldn’t cheat on you.” I took a deep breath and finished, “You and I fell head over heels in love when I carried you out of that store and couldn’t wait to get married. Then, lo and behold, I won the lottery and we’re living the dream life together.”

  “What if we hate each other?”

  “I’ve already seen what kind of mom you are to your daughter and heard the lengths you’ll go through to protect her, so I know you’ll do that for my Leia. You don’t know me well at all, but I can produce some character witnesses as to what kind of man I am, what kind of father I am, hell even what kind of boyfriend I am. I’ve dated a few women over the years and I am still friends with every single one of them.”

  Sierra laughed and then put her hands over her mouth with a gasp.

  “You’re thinking about it, at least; I can tell by the look on your face.”

  “Honestly, it doesn’t sound like a bad idea. Marriages have taken place for worse reasons through the years. This will protect Sierra and Lexi in case something happens, it will protect Rowdy and Leia in case some judge loses his fucking mind and hears Leia’s mother’s case, and it would give both of those little girls a mom and a dad to come home to.”

  “And Lexi and Sierra will get a huge, ready-made family when they marry Leia and Rowdy,” Reagan threw in. “And the kind of family and friends Rowdy has are the kind that a woman in your position needs in her corner, sweetheart.”

  “You two leave the girls here and go talk it out. Be here
in the morning for Sunday breakfast and we’ll hash over the details while Reagan takes the girls out to do something or the other.”

  “Nails. Holly’s manicure is horrible and I know she needs another pedi by now,” Reagan chimed in before he took a sip of his wine. “Lexi and Leia can join us and get pampered while the grownups decide their fates.”

  “I guess… umm… yeah, let’s talk about it tonight?” Sierra asked uncertainly.

  “Okay,” I agreed. “We’ll say goodbye to the girls and then head out for the night. I have the perfect place for us to talk without interruption.”

  “I’ll talk to Lout, give him some details about what’s going on, let Chandler know what to look for online, the usual. Rowdy, you might want to give Sam and Zeke a head’s up, too,” Marcus suggested. “How about I give them a call tonight since you and Sierra will be hashing things out?”

  “If you don’t mind, I’d appreciate it.”

  “Okay, that settles it then. Until tomorrow.” Marcus stood up and walked toward the kitchen while Reagan went to the bottom of the stairs and called for the girls.

  After goodbyes were said, cheeks were kissed, and Marcus and Reagan walked us to the front door, I found myself alone with Sierra for the first time since dinner.

  “You ready?” I asked her as I put my hand out.

  “Shit, I don’t know.” She chuckled and grabbed my hand.

  We walked together to my truck in silence, both of us wondering just what we were about to get into.



  “Where are you taking me?” I asked Rowdy as he turned off the highway down a dirt road.

  “I’m going to introduce you to my other women.” Rowdy smiled at me and then looked back at the road in front of us. It was almost dusk and the sun was close to the horizon to the right of the big truck we were riding in. “My girls have been with me through thick and thin and it’s only right that they meet you, too.”

  “Okay.” I had no idea what he was talking about, but I knew he wasn’t stupid enough to take me out in the country to meet some random women. I didn’t know him well at all, but I didn’t get the vibe that he was a moron.

  We drove just a little further and then he turned right onto a narrow drive. He jumped out of the truck to open the gate, then got back in so we could continue driving.

  “I’ve seen enough on television and movies to know that a good country girl will jump out and get the gate. You should have said something.”

  “Well, this being our first date and all,” Rowdy laughed, “I thought I’d be a gentleman.”

  “Aww, thank you.” I laughed with him and then caught my breath when he came over a hill and I saw where we were headed. “Are those your horses?”

  “Sort of,” Rowdy hedged. “Nicole owns them, but I’ve taken care of them for years now. She doesn’t ride and only knows how to treat the horses, not how to love them day in and day out. We’ve had a few get adopted, but these girls stay no matter what.”

  “They’re beautiful,” I whispered as I got out of the truck. I met him at the center of the hood and felt comfortable when he took my hand and led me toward the horses. The six large animals were moving toward the metal rail as if they knew he was here to visit them. “Will they bite me? Or kick me?”

  “They shouldn’t, but just follow my directions and you’ll be fine. Marilyn is the white one and she’s still really skittish. She’s only been with me for a year or so and came from a shit life. She was half-starved and covered in cuts and sores from abuse and neglect when she came to me. It was a long road, but she’s doing great now, it just takes a bit for her to trust new people.

  “Do they understand English?” I whispered.

  “Never been around horses before?” Rowdy chuckled.

  “No. I’ve never in my life been this close to a horse.”

  “Well, there ya go. I’m already expanding your horizons.” Rowdy put his hand up between Marilyn’s eyes and scratched. She blew out a breath and stomped one of her hoofs. “Marilyn, sweetheart, do you understand me when I’m talking to you?”

  The horse didn’t move at all, but her eyes were on his face.

  “Can you say yes and then give me a sweet kiss?” The horse nodded her head twice and then put her lips up toward Rowdy’s head and nibbled on his ball cap. “That’s my girl.”

  “That’s awesome,” I whispered. “What about the others?”

  “Marilyn is kind of a drama queen, so they give her time for the first pat down or she’ll nip at them. I think she gets jealous.” Rowdy patted Marilyn’s neck and then pushed her to the side just a bit until she walked away.

  The other five horses crowded together at the rail, pushing each other around so that they could get closer to Rowdy. He murmured to each one and gave them all rubs and scratches, in different places on each horse as if he knew their preferences.

  Suddenly, Rowdy ducked through the metal rails and was on the other side, surrounded by the large beasts. I was terrified that he was going to get trampled, but he just nudged them out of his way as he spoke to them.

  “Ready to take a ride?” Rowdy asked as he turned around to smile at me.

  “Me?” I squeaked out. “Are you nuts?”

  “It’s time to put the girls in for the night and I thought you and I could start our talk while I work. But to do that, you’ve got to join me in the barn.” He pointed his thumb over his shoulder toward the big building behind him. “You can drive my truck around or you can take a chance and trust me.”

  It didn’t take me long to decide and before I knew what I was doing, I nodded my head and got closer to the fence.

  “Come here, Pat,” Rowdy said to one of the brown horses and I noticed this one had a white stripe down her nose. He pushed her so that she was parallel with the rail and I saw that she had moved so that she was almost touching it, standing very still and patiently waiting for more instructions. Rowdy moved between her body and the fence and stepped on the lower rail with one foot so he could throw the other leg over the horse. I saw that she stayed still, waiting for his direction before she moved away. “This is Pat Benatar. She was a wild one with a bad reputation when she came to us, but she’s mellowed some in her old age. Climb up the outside of the fence and give me your hand.”

  I did as Rowdy told me to do and before I knew what was happening, he had me sitting sideways across his lap on the back of the horse. I didn’t know what to do, so I threw my arms around his neck and held on tight.

  “Relax, baby, I’ve got ya. Pat here is a sweetheart and she’ll take us home nice and slow.” Rowdy reached around me and grabbed a handful of the horse's mane and then made a clicking sound with his mouth at the same time I felt his legs move. Suddenly the horse was in motion and we were slowly walking toward the barn, leading the other animals home for the night.

  “Relax, Sierra. She knows where she’s going,” Rowdy whispered close to my ear.

  “We’re up so high!”

  Rowdy chuckled and used his hands to pry my arms away from his neck. He maneuvered me so that one of my arms was sitting in my lap and the other one was wrapped around him at his waist.

  “Just relax and roll with her motion. She knows what she’s doing and I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  I smiled up at him and then peeked around him to see the other horses close behind us.

  “Does Leia come out and ride with you?”

  “She comes out with me at least twice every day to take care of the horses.” Rowdy told me. “We don’t always ride, but we come and let the girls out to pasture every morning, clean up their stalls and get them ready for the evening. Sometimes on weekends, we’ll saddle a few of them up and ride for a while, but we don’t get to do it nearly often enough to suit us.”

  “Lexi is going to shit when she finds out you have horses.”

  “She likes them I take it?”

  “She’s that little girl that asked Santa for a pony every single year.”

  “Well, maybe someday we can get her one. I have my eye on one for Leia right now and if I can, I’m going to buy her and board her here with Nicole’s girls.”

  “If you marry a millionaire, you can buy both girls a pony.”

  “Yeah, we’ll have to talk about that money thing, sweetheart. I’m not going to be a kept man.”

  “I didn’t suggest that at all, I just think it will be great to be able to give my daughter - and yours, too - some of the things I’ve never been able to afford before.” I sighed. “Like a house where she can paint the walls of her bedroom whatever color she wants and a dog and a cat for pets. And somewhere with an attic that we can store Christmas ornaments so we can decorate and have traditions every year that she’ll remember when she’s older.”

  “Are you sure you’re not talking about what my daughter and I want, because it sounds an awful lot like my dreams for us.”

  “Hmmm, imagine that,” I mumbled, knowing that I was already falling down the rabbit hole and dreaming about what I could do with that much money. “I want to do so much for her.”

  “I hear ya, sweetheart.”


  “You live here, too?” I asked Rowdy as we got back into the truck. We had finished ‘bedding the horses down for the night’ as he called it and then walked hand in hand to his truck.

  “Yeah,” Rowdy started the truck and motioned toward a small house further up the drive. “We can go there to talk if you’re comfortable with it; if not, we can go have dessert at Martha’s Diner and talk there.”

  “Would it be too much if I said I’d like to do both?” I laughed. “If it’s too far to drive back and forth, I understand.”

  “Not too much effort at all, Sierra.” Rowdy turned the truck around in the grassy area beside the dirt drive and we headed back in the direction of town. “Tell me something about yourself that a fiancé should know.”

  “Are you my fiancé?”

  “We haven’t really decided yet, have we?” Rowdy shrugged. “Tell me something anyway.”


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