Hard Case 12: Climate of Chaos (John Harding)

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Hard Case 12: Climate of Chaos (John Harding) Page 4

by Bernard Lee DeLeo

  “We’ll do it just as you say, Case. I hate dealing with high profile celebrities. This time I have no other option but to halt pursuit.” I didn’t like it.

  “That’s the spirit!” Lynn wanted Pyrus. I could tell. “I have another more subtle approach in mind though, Case. No offense.”

  “None taken.”

  “I like this, Dad,” Kade announced suddenly. “Are…are all of you… together?”

  Lucas reached over to engulf Kade’s hand. “We sure are, Recon Jr.”

  “I…I hope Mom will be okay. Do you think… she’ll be okay, Dad?”

  “She will be if she allows us to help her, little man,” I assured him.

  Lucas leaned back in his seat and sipped his double Beam. “A lot of people may get hurt if she’s not okay.”

  “I sent Jean, Sonny, and Jay emails,” Al said. “I told them I had a little brother now. They thought his name was so cool, they don’t want to give him a nickname.”

  “I’m Kade!”

  His big sister cupped his chin. “You sure are.”

  My life descended then upon us in the form of six huge guys walking into the Tap and directly toward us. I heard sighs of disgust all around the table. Kade perked up, but then cringed under my arm as they came closer. Lora took Kade as the group stood glaring down at us. Lynn took the lead from there as she handed Clint Jr to Amara.

  “Hello there. This is a private party, gentlemen. We have kids at the table. I don’t like the expressions on your faces. They preview ill intent. State your business. Do it politely, and we won’t have trouble. Do it in a non-polite way and we will have a problem.”

  “You talk too much, bitch. I-”

  A split second later, Lynn split his garments all the way from his belt to the man’s throat. Kade clapped his hands in delight as buttons flew everywhere from the intruder’s suitcoat, vest and shirt. Beneath, a slight red bloody line followed the knifepoint. Lynn moved closer, her blade under the man’s chin.

  “My little nephew believes this was a magic trick. I would like to have him keep thinking that. Otherwise, I will put the point of this knife up into the empty place where your brain was supposed to abide. Demonstrate you have a brain… quickly.”

  The big man slowly raised his hands, palms outward, showing surrender. “I…I came to talk with Harding.”

  “You’re not very knowledgeable about approaching strangers. You don’t know us, and we don’t give you and your pussies a thought. My colleague Tommy Sands handles all negotiations concerning John Harding. Is this about the UFC?”

  “Yeah.” The guy knew when to just answer questions without attitude.

  Lynn patted his cheek. “There’s a large table right there that’s still empty. Sit down with hands on the table. Tommy and John will discuss your business there. We won’t warn any of you if something starts up. I will slice your Adam’s Apple out and dance on it, while my colleagues shoot the rest of your crew in the head. Do we understand each other?”

  “Yeah… I understand.”

  “Good. Go sit down and be nice. We’re getting tired of UFC posers interrupting our family time. See to it you never do it again, Betty, or I’ll hold you personally responsible… and baby… that won’t go well for you.”

  Betty got the message. He went and sat down with halves of his clothing flapping around him. His friends followed, seeing only smiling death at our table. Tommy and I excused ourselves reluctantly. Clint motioned for us to go on as Tommy and I glanced longingly at our drinks.

  “I’ll bring fresh ones over, brother.”

  “Thank you… and God bless you sir… you will be remembered in heaven.”

  Clint had to pause a few moments to absorb that remark. He stumbled onward to the bar. I took a deep breath and sat down with Tommy at the outer edge of the table. “This is my partner, manager and friend, Tommy Sands. I’m John Harding… but I guess you know that already.”

  “We… know who you are,” the man with open shirt front said as he applied a few napkins to his red line of blood. “Who are these people with you?”

  “They’re family. All of them are killers. The woman you tangled with is probably the most dangerous woman on the planet. Tommy handles UFC negotiations. We’re listening.”

  Clint delivered the Bud and Beam brothers to grateful thanks. Tommy sipped and began the negotiations. “Who are you, and why would you approach us in such a way? This isn’t a UFC weigh-in.”

  “We have appealed to the UFC for a title shot. My name is Rudo Madaki. I am undefeated in fifteen fights. It would be a good match.”

  “Who have you fought that we would know?” Tommy asked, shaking his head and looking back at Dev and Jess. They both shrugged. “We need an opponent who will be a huge draw for the UFC. This is a business. What did the UFC say about you getting a title challenge? Please don’t make up an answer. I will check.”

  “The challenge is legitimate,” Rudo insisted. “I have not fought the people John Harding has fought, but I have fought ranked contenders.”

  Rudo handed Tommy a paper with his record, both in MMA and UFC ranks. He was undefeated… a rare thing in this business. He had eighteen MMA fights. I could tell Tommy recognized some of the names on the list.

  “I can see why the UFC considers you a legitimate challenge for the belt. You have ranking but how do we promote this fight in a way the UFC considers it a profitable venture? John will take on anyone, but the reputation of the UFC makes it mandatory for you to be a draw in pay-per-view.”

  “I heard John arm wrestles occasionally. Arm wrestle me, Harding. We will record it and no questions will be asked about my drawing an audience when I beat you.”

  Yeah… there would be. Sure, I know someday I’ll meet my better at something to do with strength or striking power. Hell… the Rattler nearly decapitated me… but I broke his jaw only a split second after the final bell. He turned me into the Cheese. I still sport scars from those fights for life. I had a couple belts in me, feeling the buzz. I nodded at Tommy, who was vehemently shaking his head in the negative.

  “Don’t do it, DL! We’ve been drinking,” Tommy thought to remind me of common sense.

  “What the hell… T. If he beats me… it will do what he claims… make this into a profitable night and fan demand for us to fight. These folk having drinks and dinner here won’t mind. Everyone loves a violent confrontation without tables and chairs being thrown.”

  Tommy hesitated, seeking input from Dev and Jess. They shrugged and smiled again. Tommy breathed in deeply. “You have your chosen person record it and I’ll have mine. Fair enough?”

  “Yes.” Rudo turned to me adjusting our table slightly as other diners and drinkers took an interest. “Will this do?”

  “Yep. Play it out as agreed and all will be well. Grab the table and I get nasty.”

  Rudo nodded. “I understand. Such would be my wish. My free hand will remain palm down on the table.”

  “That’s all I ask. You can do something else, but then I will break your arm.”

  My confidence in that statement made Rudo uncomfortable for a moment. He then chortled his amusement. “Good one, John. Let us test the falseness of your bravado.”

  He and I anchored up. I don’t much care how it begins. One day… I’ll meet my match. Today wouldn’t be that day. We jostled around, allowing his man to position us. The guy made me do everything but bend over backwards. Finally, he seemed satisfied with our grip, positioning and stillness. By then, we had enticed a large crowd to see the results as hints at who we are circulated. Rudo’s guy exchanged glances with him while gripping our hands and then fast started us. I grinned at Rudo while he tried to slam me onto the table. Game on. I don’t like cheaters in this game. I learned Rudo was strong. I kept him going until I knew his strength. Then, I inexorably took him down. I slammed Rudo after I forced his hand and arm half way in the wrong direction for him. I leaned in as our audience went wild with applause.

  “You are very lucky
I decided not to break your arm for the quick start. No harm done… take it like a man and show me some dignity in defeat.” I released him. He fled with his men hurrying to catch up. So much for dignity. A handshake and smile would have done him better than flight. Kade jumped up and down on my empty seat, clapping his hands.

  The autograph and picture session, which started immediately, turned into a great time to put Kade in a national spotlight. I announced his entire story, complete with names, mentioning an entity had threatened Kade’s mom into putting him with me for protection. It might mean good cover for both Kade and Julie. With his haircut, Kade looked like my clone, so everyone wanted a picture with us both. I managed to get Lora and Al in some of them when permitted. The Rudo interruption turned into a fun time. We did all sit down again with more food and drink. Kade still seemed wound up, so picking at food and his ginger ale helped him too. Al hovered over him like she was his mom. Lora simply watched the pair in a state of bliss, only glancing at the Cheeseburger occasionally during our festive sip and eat time.

  Lynn leaned toward me across the table. “Clint and I will be staying with Amara, Jonas, and Clint Jr for a few days, Cheese. We have some ideas about handling Pyrus, after you leave, and attention wavers in these public matters.”

  “Don’t take chances, Sis. If the situation looks ugly, send up the bat signal. We can be here within a couple hours.”

  “We know that, Cheese. This will be mostly investigative. If we can’t catch her unawares, we’ll back off and gather info on where she’s going. This is important for all of us. We need to learn what this Illuminati toady knows. She may know how many others want a crack at us.”

  “You’re right,” I admitted. “What about Jonas and Amara flying back with us and Clint Jr?”

  Lynn’s face glowed as she glanced around. “No one will know of this before it’s over. Amara knows we would give her a big wedding. She hated Dannie’s huge ceremony and aftermath. Jonas and Dannie got a marriage license locally. They’re getting married day after tomorrow with Clint and I as witnesses. Those two are like molten lava. Amara wants a done deal and Jonas wants anything she wants.”

  “I don’t blame her. That’s wonderful news.” I matched her whisper.

  “We’ll take Clint Jr with us when we leave. Amara and Jonas can honeymoon here. What about this Rudo guy? Will you fight him?”

  “Rudo ran out of the place so fast, I don’t know whether he’s still interested or not. I plan to take some time off. Hook livened up my training sessions, but I would still need a challenge. Rudo doesn’t deserve a chance at the title. I would fight him if we received enough enthusiasm from the UFC fans. Once a fighter shows intent, the fans begin imaginary outcomes, weaknesses and strengths on the rumor. The UFC depends on fanfare for a fight. We’ll see what happens.”

  “You damaged him,” Lynn assured me. “There will be a hundred thousand views of the arm-wrestling match on YouTube within the hour. I don’t think Rudo has it in him to regain momentum.”

  “I think he’ll need to compete for a couple more years. I’m happy doing this, so unless someone like Rattler beats the crap out of me, I’ll probably keep making matches to keep my belt.”

  “This stuff is addictive. Anyway… I wanted to brief you on our plans. Clint and I hope to end this Smiley Pyrus crap in some way, shape or form… none of it to her liking.”

  * * *

  The next morning, we flew into Oakland International without an incident. We all admitted to having enough of Las Vegas. I didn’t envy Lynn and Clint at all. I knew they worked the investigative business better than anyone in our crew. We rode home by limousine. Kade loved his first plane ride. The flight crew gave him his own Southwest crew badge. Mother Goose Al watched him every second, on and off the plane, as if afraid she would lose her brother somewhere in the mix of people.

  The security fence around our property was finished in our absence. I was happy with the look and sturdiness, along with the electronic features. Lora and I are happy not having a mansion, but we had enough of politicos, gangbangers and protestors showing up at our door unannounced. The evening ended with a pizza delivery, movie and a few sips of refreshment. Kade wandered around the inside of his own room in awe. I established quickly the kid wasn’t afraid of the dark, closet doors or anything else.

  “Can I shut my door, Dad?”

  I tucked him in for the night with Al ready to read him a story. “Sure. Al will close it for you when she finishes the story. You don’t mind if I sit and listen, do you?”

  “No! That would be great.”

  And so went the first night at our house with my son.

  * * *

  Smiley Pyrus went club-hopping in what she thought was a great disguise. Her bodyguards, two formidable looking men, stayed near Smiley, but did not look like professional bookends. They were paid to be there if she needed them, but discreet enough no one noticed they were anything but customers. Pyrus stopped at the Omnia Nightclub at Caesar’s Palace, testing her disguise. As usual, unless she wanted to be noticed, no one gave her a second look. Next was the Lavo at the Venetian. She did some weed and later planned to take her favorite social drug: Molly – the active ingredient in Ecstasy.

  At the Lavo, a fabulous looking woman with the most dangerous looking man she ever remembered seeing, sipped what looked like sparkling wine and moved about the huge chaos as if they owned it. The woman, inches taller than Smiley, slim and voluptuous at the same time in a black minidress, with off the shoulders style, attractively ending at mid-thigh, stepped with delicate grace. The man wore a black tuxedo, better looking than any James Bond character Pyrus had ever seen. Smiley, instantly jealous of the older woman’s natural beauty and elegance, watched the way people noticed the pair. If the couple stopped for even a moment, complete strangers wanted to introduce themselves. Pyrus recognized what most intrigued her - the underlying dangerous aspect in the woman’s aura.

  Escorted by a well over six-foot-tall guy, who looked as if he could kill you with either hand or a look, the woman with him radiated an underlying aspect of danger. They matched each other in a way so subtle, their glide through the chaotic nightclub resembled two panthers stalking through a jungle, so far up the food chain, the entire jungle resonated with their presence. Smiley watched, mesmerized as the two stopped, exchanged greetings and small gestures of sociable interaction without ever being halted for any length of time. At one point, another woman in nearly see through attire of a kind Pyrus often generated attention with stopped them, wrapping around the bemused bad man.

  The deadly looking male creature smiled with accepting grace and then slipped close to the woman with him, their lips brushing in so sensuous an aura, the intruding woman rushed away. Smiley, for the first time in her life, witnessed a bond so deep only death would ever end it. The people around them faded back from the moment. Seconds later, the couple proceeded after a small lascivious look of promised completion rushed over their features. Pyrus noticed suddenly her breath coming in short ragged gasps.

  Smiley grabbed one of her bodyguard’s arms, unusual because he wasn’t supposed to exist. “Go bring those two people over here. I want to meet them. Tell them who I am; and that I wish to buy them a drink. Don’t take no for an answer.”

  The bodyguard saw who Smiley meant to meet and shook his head. “Leave those two alone, Ms. Pyrus. I’ve been around the block a few times. Those two are not to be fucked with.”

  Hearing what his partner said, the other bodyguard grinned and patted Pyrus’s hand. “I’ll ask for you. Be right back.”

  “Don’t do it, Cal,” the other bodyguard warned as quietly as he could in the loud nightclub.

  “I’ll be okay, Frank.”

  Pyrus didn’t reprimand Frank, but turned to watch Cal approach the couple, lounging amidst a mob without a single action of uneasiness or care.

  * * *

  “You are something else,” Clint said. “I say we blow this joint and go put that beautifu
l minidress to horrific action.”

  Lynn stroked Clint’s cheek, having already noted Clint’s response a moment ago when turning away his admirer. “She’s hooked, my love. Smiley tongue-lasher wants to be with us in God knows how many ways. I think we still have the mojo. I know you do because it’s banging against my oh so tight dress.”

  “Not funny, Lynn. Your dress up idea was a stroke of genius. I would like to return the stroke,” Clint whispered. He again caressed Lynn’s lips, only touching, fondling, gripping slightly for a moment.

  * * *

  Frank jerked in surprise. “No! Cal… don’t… oh shit.”

  Smiley watched as the deadly man spun, catching Cal’s wrist in a vise-like grip and driving Cal to his knees. She noted the deadly man kept his drink from spilling.

  “Frank! Do something!”

  “That’s just it, Ms. Pyrus. I can’t. We need to hope Cal won’t press any further. I don’t know who those two are but they sure as hell ain’t a couple of marks out on the town. You’ll need to be patient and wait for this to play out.”

  All Pyrus could think at the moment was she wanted a man like that.

  * * *

  “Clint! Don’t break him.”

  Clint released the grabby-man, allowing Cal to rise into an arm massaging erect position. “I don’t like being handled, friend. You’ve been rude. Tell me why… quickly.”

  Cal glanced at Frank and Smiley on the next tier. Frank was right. “Sor…sorry. Smiley Pyrus would like to meet you both and buy you drinks.”

  The woman smiled at him and then glanced at Clint. “Who?”

  “Smiley Pyrus… you know… the TV star and singer.” Cal believed Clint and Lynn’s utter lack of recognition.

  “We don’t like to be impolite, friend, but we’re not here looking for celebrities. We don’t know your friend, Smiley. Does he know us from somewhere?”


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