I Never Let You Go

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I Never Let You Go Page 21

by Stefanie Jenkins

  I stand and reach for the button on my jeans. Lauren’s eyes flutter open and darken as she watches me lick her arousal off my lips. She props her arms up, resting on her elbows as I slide down my jeans. There is no hiding the outline of my cock in my boxers, and as soon as I push them down as well, it springs free. I grip the base in my hands and stroke it a few times before lining it up with her entrance.

  I thrust into her, and she gasps. She grips the back of my neck and brings her lips to mine. I know that she can taste herself still on my lips. Does she enjoy her taste as much as I do?

  I pump faster and faster into her, her fingers digging into the skin of my back. Her pussy begins to tighten around my cock.

  “Finn, I’m gonna come.”

  “That’s it, Lo, give it to me. Let me feel you come on my cock.”

  She comes and she comes hard. I swallow her moans with my kisses. With a few harder thrusts, it’s my turn to release inside her. My body falls on top of her, being sure not to crush her as my cock softens inside her.

  As I begin to back out of her, Lauren runs her fingers into my hair and brushes my cheek with her thumb. I am just about to fully free my cock from the grips of her pussy when the last thing I expect Lauren to say comes off her lips.

  “Move in with me.”

  The high of our combined releases fade when I feel his body tense against mine. Did I read this all wrong? I mean, I’ve been thinking about this, but I didn’t mean to say it after getting thoroughly fucked, and his dick still wet with my orgasm. But now that I’ve said them aloud, I don’t want to take them back.

  “Finn?” I push up on my elbows and watch as he fully backs out of me. I bite my lip as I mourn the loss of feeling him inside me.

  I watch his every move as he leans against the counter. He hasn’t said anything yet.

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything.” I look down, avoiding eye contact with him. I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from showing my hurt as I gather up my clothes and slip my panties back on. Before I can step into my pants, his hand reaches out, gripping my wrist. I see his feet planted in front of mine. His firm fingers lift my chin to meet his gaze.

  He walks forward, forcing me to walk backward until my back hits the counter, caging me in, and lifts me back onto the counter.

  “Did you mean it?”

  I stare into his chocolate-brown eyes that have seemed to grow a shade darker, and I try to get a read on what he is thinking. I run my fingers through my hair, though they get caught in the rat’s nest on top of my head, and smile. “Yes. Of course I meant it. Finn, you’re it for me. I didn’t realize just how much I’ve missed you the past few days until I had to go to bed without you. You are already the first thing I think of in the morning and the last thing I think of at night. I want you to be the last and first person I see as well. I want you here, always. So, what do you say? Move in with me.”

  I don’t ask, more telling him to do it. It’s not like he doesn’t basically live here anyways; he spends most nights here. I want his sneakers by the door, work papers scattered on the cable table with my own, and the sheets always smelling like him. I want him to come home from work every day and have dinner as we tell each other all the ins and outs of our days.

  Finn pulls me off the counter, presses me firmly against his chest, and cradles my face. “There’s nothing I want more than to fall asleep with you in my arms and wake up tangled together so we don’t know where you end and I begin, always. To sit on the couch after a long day with you in my arms while you read me more of those sexy scenes”—he waggles his eyebrows, and I laugh—“and to dance with you in the kitchen whenever I want. Yes, I will move in with you.”

  I rise on my toes and press my lips against his. His tongue plunges in my mouth, seeking my own, and when they meet, fireworks ignite. All too sudden, Finn sweeps me into his arms, bridal-style.

  “What are you doing?”

  He presses a kiss to the top of my nose. “I’m going to carry you to our shower.” Oh, I like the sound of our coming from his lips. “So we can get cleaned up and possibly dirty again.” He winks. “And then we’re going to my sister’s house to grab my stuff.”

  “Wait, you want to move in tonight?” My eyes widen in surprise as we make our way from the kitchen to the stairs. I press my hand to his chest to stop him.

  “Hell yes, why wait. I want to start our lives as soon as possible.” The smile on his face makes my heart swell because I know that he means every word.

  I link my hands around his neck. “Well, when you put it that way, what are you waiting for?” And we both laugh as he begins to take the stairs two at a time.

  Finn kept to his word, and an hour and a half later, we are pulling up to Kelsey and Chase’s house. Finn doesn’t bother knocking since he technically still lives here—well, for not much longer.

  “Honey, I’m home,” he shouts, pulling his key out of the front door. We hear giggling from the kitchen just moments before Chase pops his head out in the doorway.

  “Oh, it’s just you. Quick, Kels, put your clothes back on.” Chase turns to where I’m assuming Kelsey stands in the kitchen. I hope that she isn’t, in fact, naked. Maybe we should have called.

  Kelsey brushes past him laughing and slaps his chest. She is fully clothed and even has little Liam on her hip.

  “You’re so dumb,” she shouts over her shoulder at her husband, and he throws his head back in laughter.

  “You love me, anyway,” Chase responds before he disappears back into the kitchen.

  “Hey. I wasn’t expecting you home yet.” She gives us both a side hug.

  Finn scoops his nephew out of his sister’s arms and holds him above his head, “Hey, little man.” My heart swells, watching him interact with Liam. “How is it that you’ve grown so much in just the few days I was gone.” He brings his little body to his face, blowing raspberries on his belly.

  Liam lets out the sweetest giggle, and I think I fall in love even more with Finn. But for a moment watching them together, I wonder if Finn will regret his decision about moving in and being away from his family.

  As if we’re on the exact wavelength, Finn looks over to me and gives me a reassuring smile.

  “Why don’t you guys go into the living room, and Chase and I will be right in.” Kelsey pats my shoulders before spinning on her heels and heading back to the kitchen. I follow Finn and Liam into the living room and sit next to them on the couch. With Liam perched up on his knee, Finn bounces him, and he continues to smile, giggle, and drool everywhere. I reach over and tickle his belly, the same way I do with Emme. Is this what it will be like one day with our child bouncing on his or her father’s knee and me smiling from ear to ear?

  “Do you like it when Auntie Lo tickles you, little man?” Finn asks in the sweetest baby-talk voice. I think my ovaries are bursting on the inside.

  Chase joins Kelsey on the chair across from us. “So, to what do we owe the pleasure of you actually gracing us with your presence, Finn.”

  Finn told me that Chase gives him crap for barely staying here.

  Finn’s chuckle vibrates through my body with our closeness. “Well, I do live here.” Finn adjusts Liam on his lap and links our fingers together and gives a gentle squeeze. “But that’s why we’re here.”

  Chase and Kelsey share a confused look before turning back to us.

  “I’m moving out,” Finn states proudly.

  Chase quirks an eyebrow at the same time the corner of his mouth turns upward. “Hot damn, I can have sex with my wife whenever, wherever I want.”

  “Chase Young!” Kelsey shouts with her reddened cheeks while Finn cringes, and I laugh. “What do you mean you’re moving out?”

  Chase wraps his arm around her shoulder and pulls her closer to him. “Well, babe, I think it means that he’s moving out.” The force of his laughter causes Kelsey’s body to shake.

  She turns her head sharply toward her husband. “I got that, dumbass. You know i
t’s a good thing you’re superhot; otherwise, I might question marrying you.”

  Finn hands Liam off to me, and I cradle him in my arms. He then leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “Kels, I’m not going far. I’m just moving into Lauren’s. You know that if you ever need me, need us.” He looks back at me with that panty-melting smile before turning back to his sister and brother-in-law. “But it’s time. You knew I wasn’t going to live here forever. Hell, I never even unpacked most of my boxes.”

  She laughs, wiping away a tear. “I know, but you were gone for so long, I guess I just got used to you being here.” She and Finn both stand, and he encases her in his arms. I forget how much Finn moving to Seattle affected Kelsey. He not only spent ten years away from me, but he lived ten years away from his family, but from what I’ve been told, they visited often.

  “Jeez, Kels, he’s just going down the street,” Chase teases. “And as he said, most of those boxes were never even unpacked.”

  “I know. I know. Ignore me; I’m just a big—”

  “Softie?” Finn interrupts his sister by using her own words against her.

  Kels sticks her tongue out at Finn, and he does it back.

  “Real mature, guys.” Chase laughs. The banter between the three of them reminds me of our little group. “Now come on, let’s go get your shit.”

  I begin to rise to follow them, and Finn spins around, holding his hand up, stopping me. “Oh no, babe, you and Kelsey stay down here. Chase and I have it.”

  Why is he acting weird? Is there something in his room that he doesn’t want me to see? Is he going to hide porn or something? I shake off the odd feeling as he leans over and kisses my cheek, and he and Chase walk up the stairs but stop when he notices Kelsey take a seat next to Liam and me on the couch. “Umm, you two behave, okay?”

  I smile big while Kelsey dramatically holds her hand to her chest. “Who, us? Of course we will.” She then winks and waves him off.

  “Are you sure you’re okay about this?” I ask nervously. I don’t know why I ask it like that. Finn is an adult and doesn’t need his sister’s permission, but does she think we’re moving too fast? I haven’t even told my siblings yet. I know that Finn being here has helped Kelsey a lot around the house when Chase is at work, and I don’t want her to think I’m taking that away from her.

  She places her hand on my leg. “Lauren, I am so happy for you two for this. If two people deserve a second chance, it’s you and my brother. I know I don’t have to tell you how much he really missed you and beat himself up over losing you.” I gulp loudly, wanting to fight the emotion. What is it about the Reynolds siblings that bring out the emotions in me? “But he loves you, Lauren, don’t you ever doubt it. And we love you too. I hope one day we get to welcome you officially into the family and get you one of those of your own.” She nods toward Liam, who is now playing with my necklace.

  I look down at Liam and smile. Married with a house full of kids sounds perfect to me, but for now, I will settle for this. We haven’t even talked about that stuff since being back together. Honestly, as much as I love Finn, I’m not in a rush. I am just savoring this time with him. “Maybe one day.”

  Less than an hour later, we’re unloading the last of the boxes in the living room. “Wow, you weren’t kidding that you hadn’t unpacked most of your stuff.”

  Finn shrugs, looking the boxes over. “I guess I just always knew I was meant to live somewhere else permanently.” I walk over and grab his hand, linking our fingers. “What are you doing?”

  I give him a sly smile as I begin to lead him toward the stairs. I have other plans for us tonight.

  “Come on, we can unpack these tomorrow, but tonight I want to welcome you home properly.”

  When there’s a knock at the door, I hop up from the couch. Lauren is still upstairs in the shower. My sweatpants hang low on my hips. I look around for a shirt but come up empty. Whatever.

  I open the door to find Kyler and Dani standing there, having a quiet conversation.

  “Do you typically answer the door shirtless?” Kyler asks, quirking an eyebrow at my lack of clothes.

  Dani coughs beside him. “Now, I feel like that’s the pot calling the kettle black.” She gives him a strange look that I’m a little confused about, but he just shrugs her off.

  “That was different. That was my house.”

  I don’t miss the way he says “my,” so I interject. “And this is mine.” I like the way that sounds—mine and Lauren’s house.

  Both of their heads turn quickly to me. I hope neither got whiplash from that movement.

  I smile sheepishly, and it’s my turn to shrug. Oops, maybe Lauren wanted to be the one to tell him that I moved in. It all happened pretty fast, not that I regret a single moment of it.

  “I’m sorry. Come again?” Kyler’s eyes widen, ready to jump out of his head.

  I open the door farther and extend my hand for them to enter. They walk by me just as Lauren is walking down the stairs pulling her wet hair up. “Hey, baby, I invited my siblings over tonight. They should be here soon.” Yeah, a little heads-up would have been nice.

  “Oh, hey, guys, you’re here already.” She smiles when she sees part of the Lawson clan standing with me.

  She pulls her sister-in-law into an embrace and rests her hand on Dani’s stomach before moving on to hug her brother. I swear Dani’s belly gets bigger every time I see her. I keep forgetting that there are two babies in there.

  Lauren joins me by my side and wraps her arms around my naked waist. I don’t miss the way she eyes my torso up and down, clearly enjoying her view. She then turns her attention from me to Dani and Kyler, amused by the looks on their faces. I can’t hide my smile—one, because of Lauren’s proximity, but two, because Kyler seems to be somewhat confused that he was left out of the loop.

  Kyler crosses his arms over his chest and puts his shoulders back. Wow, it’s like he’s channeling Kate or something. “Well, Griffin here—” Kyler extends his hand in my direction.

  Lauren twists and looks up at me, mouthing, “Griffin?” along with a goofy face. I have to cover my teeth with my lips to hide my laughter. I must really be in trouble if I’m getting the full first-name treatment.

  Ky continues. “—was just telling us how this was his house. Care to share something with the class there, big sis?”

  Yeah, I’m pretty sure he doesn’t want all the details, like how after two mind-blowing orgasms, she belted out asking me to move in.

  Lauren gives my waist a gentle squeeze before releasing me and turns around with her back to us. She looks over her shoulder and smiles. “Oh, by the way, Finn moved in two days ago.” She walks away as if what she said was just nothing.

  “Two days ago?” Kyler raises his voice, not in an angry way but shocked. Dani reaches out to grab her husband’s arm, but he brushes her off and stalks past me, following his sister into the kitchen, leaving Dani and me there alone.

  I turn back to face her and give her a small smile with my hands in my pockets. She returns it and rocks back on her feet, running her hands over her belly.

  I jerk my hands toward the stairs. “I’m going to go put a shirt on.”

  She nods and laughs. “I’m going to go check on them and make sure my babies still have a daddy and an aunt by the time they’re done.”

  I race up the stairs, taking them two at a time, and make sure that I’m back down there to help defuse the situation. Is Kyler really that upset over me moving in here? I’m a little confused over it all. I throw on a T-shirt and head back down to join the rest of them.

  Kyler is sitting on the couch with his wife pressed up against him.

  Lauren walks in with a beer in one hand and a glass of wine in the other.

  “Hey,” she greets me with a smile from ear to ear. “Join me?”

  I join her on the chair with her perched in my lap. I accept the beer in her hand. “So someone wanna fill me in on what the hell is going on?”

bsp; Everyone directs their attention to Kyler, who is taking a swig of his beer.

  “What?” He acts all innocently as if he didn’t just throw a little fit moments ago. “Oh, right, that.”

  “Yeah, that,” I sputter, mocking him as Lauren settles in closer to me. I wrap one arm around her waist and trace circles on her hip bone with my thumb.

  “Sorry about that, man. You know I had to try and act all protective of my sister, but honestly, I couldn’t be happier for you two. Honestly, I’m surprised it took you two this long to shack up.” Dani jabs his side, and he flinches. “What! I’m just saying.”

  The man has a point. If I had had it my way, I might have moved my stuff in the night I went after her at Lucky’s. Hell, if we could’ve both gotten our heads out of our asses, we never would have lived apart to begin with.

  “So, that was all just an act?”

  “Yep. No hard feelings?” He cheers his bottle in my direction.

  “No hard feelings.” I hoist my bottle up and gently clink it with his. I bring the bottle to my lips and take a sip.

  “Now, you just have to deliver the news to Kate and hope she is just as nice.” Ah shit. He lets out a sinister laugh, and Lauren must sense the tension in my body.

  She leans up and whispers in my ear. “You okay, babe? What, you’re not afraid of my twin, are you?” She lets out a little giggle, and I pull her tighter to me.

  “You’re enjoying this way too much, aren’t you?”

  She looks up at me, her long lashes framing those beautiful brown eyes and her smile highlighting her cheekbones. Holding her thumb and forefinger just millimeters apart, she laughs. “Just a little bit.”

  I lean down and press my lips to hers. Moving to her ear so only she can hear, I whisper, “You’ll pay for that later.” I wink before focusing back to whatever Kyler had turned on the TV. I can’t hide the smile on my face though as to how Lauren squirms in my lap.

  No matter what wrath I may face when it comes to Kate Lawson, nothing beats this feeling right now.


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