Cardinal: The Affinity Chronicles Book 1

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Cardinal: The Affinity Chronicles Book 1 Page 7

by K Kelly

  “Can I have your body?” he asks.

  “Yes. You can have my body. Take me now!”

  His cock rests at my entrance for a moment as he looks down at me. Janardan smiles, then rams into me. The orgasm hits me instantly, but it’s different from before. I feel my body stretch and something within feels like it’s snapping. Janardan cries out, his eyes wide as he too must feel this sensation. His fingers link with mine as he moves in and out. A red glow emanates between us, and as my orgasm reaches its peak, the light becomes so bright, it’s blinding.

  An electric shock goes between us, and then I’m falling.

  Everything goes black, and I feel safe and cocooned with Janardan inside me.


  I wake up, and I’m lying half on Angelica, half on the bed. Her face is peaceful, and there’s a small smile on her lips. Carefully, I move off her, and Angelica stirs but does not wake. The clock on my bedside table says eight fifteen. I look out my bedroom door, and sunlight bathes my apartment.

  I look back at Angelica, and guilt washes over me. I haven’t tasted innocent blood in a very long time. I close my eyes and center myself, and I don’t feel any different. The blood of an innocent normally gives you a feeling of euphoria like a drug you have to have more. I lean down and inhale her scent, my fangs don’t extend, and my jaw doesn’t ache. I kiss her lightly on the forehead and walk out into my apartment, pulling on pants as I go.

  My phone is on the kitchen bench. I pick it up and move toward the windows to look out over the park. The sun warms me, and I realize I’m not burning. I’m standing in full sunlight, and I’m fine. I stare up into the sun’s rays and feel them warm my face. It’s been so long, I had forgotten how good it can feel.

  I scroll through my phone until I find Levi, the head of my clutch’s phone number. I hit dial and wait as it seems to ring for a long time.

  “This is the phone of the sire of the clutch, state your business,” says a woman in a bored tone.

  “Hello, I’m Janardan, is Levi available?”

  “Our sire is most busy and does not take calls unless you have an appointment.”

  The line goes dead. I stare at the screen and realize she’s hung up on me. I hit redial.

  “Don’t hang up on me. Tell Levi who’s on the phone, and he will take my call. My name is Janardan.”

  I hear her shallow breathing and then hold music blares into my ear.

  Abruptly, it stops, and she says, “Putting you through now, sir.”

  She sounds contrite, and frankly, I don’t care. I will find out who she is later.

  “What do you want, Jan, it’s early,” says Levi.

  “Your secretary hung up on me. I’m not amused.”

  “Did you say who you were?”

  “Well, of course, I did,” I let out a growl. “Levi, I only called you to get Abigail’s phone number.”

  “She’s no longer High Priestess. It’s Evie.”

  “I’m aware of that,” I reply impatiently.

  “Why do you want to speak with a witch?”

  “Levi, can you just give me the number?” I frown and let out a sigh. I do not want to tell him that the vampire race may be in a position of power. He already has far too much of it as sire of the clutch.

  “You missing your old flame? I have to tell you she doesn’t look like she once did,” Levi chuckles.

  “I know.”

  “You know? Why? Have you been in contact with the witches? Is it because of the prophecy?” Levi’s tone is urgent and demanding.

  “Yes, it was because of their stupid prophecy,” I say in a bored tone so as not to spark his interest.

  “What did they say?”

  “Levi, you know what they said. The same thing they always say. The chosen one is among us. Something, I might add, that you should have forewarned me about.”

  Levi chuckles. “Did you kill anyone?”

  “No,” I laugh. “Although Evie could do with a good bleeding.”

  The sound of Levi’s laughter filters down the line. “Yes, yes, she could. Very intense, that one. Why do you want Abigail’s number?”

  “She’s not well. I left her some of my blood, and I want to make sure she has enough.” A truth mixed in with a lie. Hopefully, he can’t tell.

  “Old age is a bitch. Fine, I’ll text it to you.” I can hear him breathing on the other end.

  “Is there something else, Levi?”

  “Do you think they’ve found her?”

  “The chosen one? No, the witches haven’t found her.” To try and divert his attention, I ask, “What would you do if you found her?”

  “Claim her. As a race, we would become unstoppable.”

  I laugh as I look down on the humans walking along the streets.

  “It’s all about power for you, isn’t it?”

  “Is there anything else?”

  “Sleep well, Levi, and don’t forget to text me.”

  I hang up and stare at the brightness of the day. I had forgotten how beautiful everything looks in the sun.

  Angelica comes up behind me. I can hear her quiet footsteps. She wraps her arms around me and rests her head on my back.

  “Are you all right?” I ask.

  “Mmm… I feel wonderful. But I am hungry.”

  I twist in her arms and place mine around her. “I have food. What would you like?”

  “A grilled cheese?”

  I laugh and walk her toward the kitchen.

  “Your wish is my command.”

  “So, all the things about vampires aren’t true?”

  “What do you mean, angel?”

  “Angel? Hmm… I think I like the way you say that.” I smile and get a block of cheese out of the fridge. “You know they don’t eat, you can’t walk in the sun, and all that. Can you eat garlic?”

  I chuckle and begin to slice the cheese. “I haven’t walked in the sun for over a thousand years. Yes, we eat. Not a lot of garlic as it makes digesting blood harder, something to do with an enzyme. It’s an unpleasant feeling.”

  “Wait, you haven’t been in the sun for a thousand years? But you were just at the window.”

  “I think it’s you, angel. Your blood, and the fact you let me claim you. It’s the only thing I can think of.”

  “So, I’m like a superhuman?”

  I chuckle. “It would seem you are the chosen one.”

  “What does that mean exactly?” Angelica’s brow is furrowed, and she chews on her bottom lip.

  “It’s prophesied that you will unite the races.”

  “How many races are there?”

  “I will answer any of your questions, but I believe we need to take you to the Council of Witches. And to the best of my knowledge, there are eight races.”

  Angelica tilts her head to the side, and I hand her a slice of cheese. She nibbles on it and looks thoughtful. “Why did you say to the best of your knowledge?”

  “Some races are believed to have died out and have not been seen for a long time, but there are some that believe they are waiting in the shadows for you.”

  “What makes me so special?”

  I continue to make her a grilled cheese as I answer.

  “Who were your parents?”

  Angelica shakes her head. “I don’t know. I grew up in foster homes.”

  I hit the coffee machine and grab two cups out of the cupboard. “That must have been hard.” I take in what she’s wearing and realize it’s one of my dress shirts. “Nice shirt.”

  Angelica blushes and looks coy. “I hope you don’t mind, I couldn’t find my clothes.”

  “Oh shit,” I mutter as I walk to the main bathroom. Sure enough, her clothes are still in the damp pile we left them in.

  I pick them up and take them into the laundry room. When I return to Angelica, she’s made us both a coffee and is eating her grilled cheese.

  “This is good.” Angelica smiles widely at me.

  “I’m glad.” I take one of her hands an
d bring it to my lips, the need to touch her is unsettling. Angelica links her fingers with mine and sighs. “Do you feel it, too?”

  “Yes, I feel so much better touching you.”

  Reluctantly, I let her go and drop to my knees.

  “Janardan, what are you doing?”

  Looking at the floor, I say, “I’m so sorry. I’ll never again put my needs before yours. You will always come first…” I pause, searching for the right words to say. “What I did to you last night can’t be forgiven. I only ask that you trust me enough to know I will defend you with my life.”

  Angelica’s hands touch my face, and she slides off the chair and onto the floor in front of me. “Nothing that you did last night was bad. It all felt amazing. Even you feeding off me was…” Angelica shakes her head. “The only word I can think of is amazing. But, it was so much more than that. Janardan, I wanted you last night as much as you wanted me.”

  I meet her eyes, and I know she’s talking the truth. Leaning in, I kiss her lightly on the lips.

  “We need to get you to the witches. Best we do it today. Now. After you’ve had enough to eat, of course.”

  “And clean clothes?”

  I chuckle as she throws her arms around my neck. “Yes, and clean clothes.”


  With her hand firmly entwined with mine, we make our way through the streets of New York City. I take her down the alley that Baracus took me down, except it feels like a million years ago. I told Abigail that I had no intention of being mated, and now I can’t imagine my life without Angelica. My every thought is to take care of her and make sure she is protected.

  When we get to the end of the alley, I look at Angelica’s beautiful face and stop our progression.

  “Don’t let the witches confuse you or believe anything they tell you about me. If you have questions, I promise I’ll answer them, but perhaps not here. Can you do that?”

  “This is going to sound totally insane, but somehow, I know you’re telling me the truth.” Angelica holds up our hands. “Tell me a lie.”


  “Tell me a lie,” repeats Angelica.

  “You’re the ugliest woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

  Angelica gasps. “Way harsh! But I know you’re lying, it’s so weird.”

  I chuckle and pull her into me. “Ready?”

  “Yep. Let’s do this.”

  I open the door, turn left, and find the trap door. I open it, and Angelica peers inside.

  “Where does it lead?”

  “To the witches’ coven. Don’t break our bond,” I say, holding up our hands.

  “Okay. How do we do this? Do we climb down?”

  I raise my eyebrows, pull her into me, and say, “Do you trust me?”

  “With my life.”

  I smirk at her, tighten my grasp, and fall into the open trapdoor. Angelica screams, and after ten seconds, she stops.

  “What the fuck?”

  “The witches way of checking us out. It’s a spell. We feel like we’re falling but in actuality, we’re about a foot off the floor. They are checking us out, seeing what we are made of.”

  “It’s weird.”

  I chuckle. I keep her hand in mine but let her go. “Does it not feel like we’re flying?”

  Angelica gives me a half-smile and looks at me sideways. “Yes, it’s kind of cool.”

  Suddenly, we hit the floor. I move quickly to make sure Angelica does not fall over.

  “Liberator, I see you’ve come to visit us again?” says Evie as she looks at us quizzically.

  “Evie,” I reply curtly. “Are your witches watching us?”

  “Of course.”

  “Ask them what they see.”

  Evie motions for us to follow her, the floor lights up as she navigates through the dark hallways of her coven.

  “How did you get here through the day, Janardan?” asks Evie.

  “We walked,” replies Angelica.

  Evie laughs. “Fine, don’t tell me. Abigail and some of the others are in the library. Perhaps you will answer all our questions then.”

  “We really did walk. It’s a beautiful day.”

  Evie smiles at me, shakes her head, and continues. She does not ask us another question until we enter the library with Abigail, Gloria, and Patricia.

  “Why are you here, Janardan?” demands Evie.

  “Evie, this is Angelica. I believe her to be the chosen one.”

  Evie looks at the other witches who say nothing, but all appear to be staring at us avidly.

  “Their auras are white,” says Abigail as she shakes her head. “What do you see?” asks Abigail to Gloria and Patricia.

  In unison, they say, “White.”

  “Well, there you go. She can’t be the chosen one, it should be red.”

  “Unless he’s claimed her. If he’s done that, then their auras could change,” replies Abigail.

  Angelica looks up at me. “Maybe I’m not what everyone thinks I am.”

  “Who else thinks you’re the chosen one?” asks Evie as she pours herself a drink.

  “Chris, he’s an elf and the king’s son.”

  “Eruaphadion?” asks Evie skeptically.

  “I only know him as Chris. He says it’s the English translation of his real name.”

  “She speaks the truth, Evie, that’s his English name.” Abigail stands and walks toward Angelica, holding out her hands. “Grab hold, child, and let’s see what you are.”

  Angelica looks up at me, and I nod, releasing her hand. Hesitantly, Angelica puts her hands in Abigail’s.

  Abigail gasps and stares at Evie. “Oh, no! There’s still so much to teach you. I’m sorry, my sweet girl, trust in yourself. Trust Jan. I’ll always be with you.”

  Angelica screams and tries to let go of Abigail. There’s a blinding flash, and before my eyes, Abigail begins to turn to dust.

  “Take care of her Jan, she’s the one,” whispers Abigail before she disintegrates.

  Angelica screams and throws herself at me. Evie drops to her knees at what is left of her grandmother on the carpet, and the other two begin to chant. The ring on my finger burns and I double over in pain.

  Angelica drops to her knees in front of me. “Janardan, what’s wrong?”

  I hold up my hand, and the ring is glowing, it looks white-hot. Without hesitation, Angelica grabs the ring and wrenches it off my finger. As soon as it is no longer on me, I feel normal and hiss at the witches, both of whom back away from me.

  “Why didn’t you just take it off? It came off easily,” says Angelica.

  “I couldn’t. Only the chosen one can remove it.” I glare at the witches who were chanting, and they’ve gone quiet, fear in their eyes.

  Evie has her hands in the dust that was once Abigail and is silently crying.

  “What just happened?” asks Angelica.

  Evie looks up at Angelica. “You are what happened.”

  I put myself between the two women, keeping Angelica’s hand firmly within my grip and stare down at Evie’s tear-stained face.

  “We didn’t know this would happen. I thought you said it would be a month before Abigail left.”

  Evie stares at me nodding, unable to speak

  “It’s because they touched. Abigail must have felt it as soon as they held hands,” says Gloria. “Oh, Evie, I’m so sorry.”

  Evie stands as fresh tears flow. I hold out my hand to steady her, and as she puts her hand in mine, a jolt goes through my system, and I find myself stretched up and levitating off the floor. I look to my right, and Angelica is also off the floor, arched back, eyes rolled back in her head. Gloria and Patricia are in front of me, shock across their faces. Both fall to their knees, holding hands looking desperately at us.

  “Do something,” I hiss.

  “We can’t. It’s up to you three. The energy in this room is almost suffocating. You need to ground them, Janardan, and do it now!”

  Not knowing what they mean, I try
to break the connection with Evie but am not able to do so. It’s like my muscles have a mind of their own. I pull Angelica closer, and her hand strikes out and grabs Evie. There’s a bright flash of light, and we all hit the floor hard. Evie falls on her ass, but I manage to keep Angelica and me upright.

  “Janardan?” whispers Angelica, fear lacing her tone.

  “It’s okay, it’s okay, You’re safe.” I pull her into my arms and move away from the witches.

  Evie stands, and she’s staring at her hands. A smile creeps across her face, and she looks to her companions. “She’s the chosen one. I feel Abigail’s magic within me, and I can feel Angelica’s power from here. Do you feel it?”

  Both the witches nod, and all stare at us. I protectively move Angelica away from them.

  “What just happened?” I demand to know.

  Evie ignores me and moves around the room, trying to get a better look at Angelica.

  “Don’t come any closer, or I will end you.”

  Evie shakes her head. “I mean her no harm. Angelica, how do you feel?”

  Angelica looks up at me. “I feel like I’ve been zapped with energy like I could run a marathon, but at the same time, my mind feels as though it’s had a download of information, and it’s hard to think straight.”

  I watch Evie carefully. She’s nodding, and her smile turns into a grin. She’s circling us, and I don’t like it. Angelica looks at Evie and screams. I snarl at the witches and move Angelica further away from them.

  “What is it?” I ask.

  “Their faces! Can you not see their faces?”

  I stare at the witches and slowly move my mate further away from them. I don’t know what Angelica is seeing, but I know she’s terrified.

  Evie holds up her hands. “Angelica, it’s not our faces you’re seeing but our auras. Calm down, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and then try to look at us again.”

  Angelica is shaking. I press my lips to her temple trying to calm her. “Do it, angel, I promise they won’t hurt you.”

  With a shuddering breath, she does as she’s told.

  Evie takes a step toward us, and I hold up a finger, my fangs extend, and she quickly retreats.


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