A Father's Insistence (Dark Sovereignty Book 3)

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A Father's Insistence (Dark Sovereignty Book 3) Page 12

by Anna Edwards

  Nicholas continues, “Your father is no longer Viscount Hamilton. He desires a greater title. My own. One which my death would lead to under the terms of a treaty he and my father signed before my father’s death.” Nicholas takes the paper from Tamara and thrusts it into my hands. I look down at it. The words blur, and I struggle to read them, but gradually the truth finally sinks in. My father is the man behind all of this. He’s lied to me from the start. Nicholas Cavendish never abused my wife. He never had her, but my father did all along. The words become clearer on the page, and I’m able to see my name identified as the current incumbent of the title of Viscount Hamilton.

  “I’m the Viscount?”

  “Yes.” Tamara nods. “I’ve checked the documentation twice and had a friend check it as well. It’s all legally binding.”

  “I don’t understand why? If he’s after your title, why give me this and not tell me?”

  Victoria wraps her arms around me, and I allow her sisterly affection to calm the confusion I’m feeling.

  “He’s setting you up, brother. He’s given you his name to take the fall for everything.”

  I open my mouth to speak, but I can’t.

  “Do you know where he is, Theo?” Nicholas asks me, and all I can do is nod. “Then you need to go to the police and tell them.”

  “I’ll come with you,” Victoria offers.

  “I will as well,” Tamara also confirms.

  The shock of everything finally overwhelms me, and I drop to the floor. Victoria comes down with me and cradles me in her arms as I struggle to get breath into my lungs. I’m trying to understand everything I’m hearing. From the foggy haze of my brain, only one thought emerges though. If Nicholas Cavendish didn’t rape and abuse my wife, who was it? I don’t really need to ask myself that question though for I already know. It was my father.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I know the instant I wake Theo isn't in the bed with me. He’s gone to see Victoria. I’m sure of that. Part of me is terrified at the thought of him finding out the truth, but the other part rejoices in the fact we could be at the end of the torment. Is it possible to dream of a life outside of the dictatorship of Viscount Hamilton? Could it be a reality? What if Theo doesn't believe his sister? What if the words my father spoke about the apple not falling too far from the tree are true? Have I been blindsided all along, and Theo’s in league with his father? My heart aches at the thought of that. I don't want to believe it as the truth. I’m a good judge of character. Surely, he’s the kind and protective man I’ve fallen in love with. The thought I might have got him wrong sends a shiver down my spine, but I dismiss it as quickly as I think it. No, I trust my husband. He’ll come back and save us from the nightmare we’ve found ourselves engulfed in. A war between members of a society we know little about. How can it be that an agreement made between a group of gentlemen in the eighteen hundreds has defined my future in such a violent way? Did the men who signed up truly understand what they were condemning future generations to suffer? I know little of Nicholas Cavendish, who’s coming of age was the catalyst for my torment, but what I’ve seen and heard from his wife, suggests he really is trying to change the future for generations to come. Will it be possible in a society where there is such deep-rooted malevolence, and where there are members who still believe they have a right to behave as their forebears did? Theft, abuse, lies, it’s all second nature to the generation my father belongs to. Can our generation, Nicholas, Victoria, Theo, William, Tamara, and I really change it, or is it a dream which will end in defeat and stricter rules for the future to prevent an insurgency again?

  I shift from the bed and wrap a dressing gown around myself, despite the warmth of the last few days, there is a chill in the air this morning. Perhaps it’s the first frosts on the way, or a sign of impending doom bearing down upon us at a frantic pace. I can only pray for the first option.

  My breath hitches when I notice the gun beside my bed. Theo must have left it there for me to protect myself, I don’t even want to question how he came to have it because I know it must be illegal. The thought chills me to the bone that in order to ensure my safety when alone in this house where I’m supposed to be mistress I need a weapon capable of bringing death. It’s not right. I open the drawer and put the gun inside. I won't be scared in my own home. I need to find the strength within me to help Theo end this.

  I pick a change of clothes out of my wardrobe and head into the bathroom. A quick shower refreshes my senses, and I’m feeling a lot more relaxed than before. It’s a new day, and a new start. Everything will be all right.

  With a yawn and an exaggerated stretch of my arms, I blow away the final cobwebs of sleep and head downstairs for breakfast. The house is quiet. It’s normally a hive of activity with staff milling around doing jobs to make sure everything runs properly. I was brought up believing a woman’s place was to run the household. I’ll have to speak to Theo about taking on some of the responsibility. I call for his butler, but nobody comes. An eerie feeling passes over me. This is not normal. Maybe Theo had his butler travel with him to see Victoria? No, he would’ve had him stay here to protect me. I tentatively push the door open to the dining room and am greeted by the horror of Theo’s butler lying unmoving on the floor with a bullet hole in the centre of his forehead.

  “Did you really think you’d get away with pulling a stunt like that against your own father?” The deep voice from behind me chills me to the bone.

  “It wasn’t a stunt.” I turn and drop to my knees. The words leave my mouth when I know I should be silent. “I had to give Theo something, and it was the only thing I could think of.”

  Viscount Hamilton steps forward with several men flanking him on either side. I recognize the majority of them. They are members of the society. Men who were there the night I was purchased. He pulls me to my feet and pushes me hard against the wall.

  “Lying little bitch.” He whacks his hand hard across my face. My ears ring with the force of it, and my head spins. “Your father came to me, barely alive. He was one of my biggest allies, but after my son did a number on him, he was questioning whether this is all worth it. I couldn’t have that.” The Viscount’s lip curls up at the corners in a demonic smile. “Well, Lady Hamilton, now Countess of Linton, I hope you’re happy? You caused the death of your father.”

  I try to feel guilt at the death of the man who was supposed to love and protect me, but I can’t. He gave me away to a monster for money, and I’m unable to grieve for him. All I can do is wish him a speedy passage into hell. Another punch comes to my face, and my legs struggle to hold up my failing body.

  “You’ve spoiled my son. He was supposed to be strong and a great leader, but you’ve made him weak. He wasn’t supposed to take the photo to Nicholas. He was supposed to lead a riot against the Oakfield Society’s current leaders with it. Get them sent to prison where I could finish them off. But no, you made him into a fool. Why would I want Victoria back? She’s shown her true colors. I can’t believe she succeeded in becoming the Duchess and making Nicholas a wimp at the same time. The women around me are conniving little bitches. They’ll all get theirs though. A Duchess will fetch a good price.”

  The laugh that comes from the Viscount scares me more than the thought of being raped by him again. I can deal with that. I can shut my mind away from his torment because I know he’s the one who is inadequate and wrong, not me. But to hear him talk of his own daughter in a way that describes her downfall brings bile to my throat. The ends of my hair are pulled hard, and I’m dragged across the room and thrown to one of the men who accompanied the Viscount.

  “Take her to the car. She’ll fetch a good price as well.”

  I’m handed over to the other man, and he wraps his arms around me, over my breasts, with his filthy digits digging into my flesh.

  “Remember, Joanna, what happens now, you started. We end Nicholas and William Cavendish tonight. My daughter will be sold, and Theo…he di
es. He’s served his purpose and has now been misguided by his willful whore of a wife. I made an error marrying you to him. I thought him stronger than to fall for your sorrowful eyes and magical pussy, but I was mistaken.” The Viscount sneers at me. He’s talking about selling his own daughter and murdering his son. This man isn’t human. He’s a devil, walking the Earth. I can’t take in what I’m hearing. The person holding me lowers one of his hands down to the cleft between my thighs.

  “Can I sample this magical pussy while we wait?”

  As he heads toward the stairs the Viscount replies.

  “Do with it what you want. Don’t break it though. That’s my job.”

  The man who’s haunted my nightmares since he bought me disappears, and I’m dragged out of the house and toward the back of a waiting car. I try my hardest to free myself. I can’t believe this is happening again. I want the nightmare to end.

  “Theo!” I scream, willing him to appear, but I know in my heart it’s a miracle that won’t happen. If I’m to stop this chain of events, I need to save myself.

  The man holding me slaps his hand over my mouth to prevent me from screaming. I bite down into his flesh until I taste blood, and he yelps in pain.

  “Fucking bitch.” He throws me onto the ground and sends a kick into my stomach. I curl instantly up into a ball and groan as an explosion of agony cascades through my body. Think Joanna, I tell myself. You need to be sensible and strong.

  The man kicks me again, this time in my head. I see stars, and the pain in my body is bordering on the limit of what I can cope with. He lowers himself to the ground before flipping me over, so I’m on all fours, and pulling me back against his hard length.

  “I was going to let you have it in the softness of the car, but I think a gravel driveway is better for you.” He lifts the skirt up I’m wearing and fumbles to remove my underwear. Strength Joanna, strength. He leans over me, and I sense an opportunity. Throwing my head back, I connect with his face. I hear his nose crunch, and he loosens his grip and falls to the gravel. I may have just killed him, but I’ve no time to think about that. My entire body hurts, and I need to get away. Thinking quickly, I search around in his pockets for the car keys. Finding them, I rush to the car and start the engine just as one of the other men comes out and sees what’s happening. I don’t have time to think. I’ve not driven in so long, but it all comes back to me, thankfully. I push my foot down on the accelerator and speed down the driveway. The second man rushes at the car in an attempt to stop me. I don’t stop, though, not even when he goes flying over the bonnet. I speed out of the driveway and onto the road.

  Think Joanna…Police? I need to go to them. No, I can’t. I have to warn Theo and Victoria. I have to get to Oakfield Hall. I’ve only been there once, but I remember the journey and how to get there. Trying not to draw attention to myself, I keep my driving as normal as possible. There must be a large dent in the bonnet of the car where I hit the man, so I drive sensibly. It’s still early, but the roads are starting to get busy with yet another commuter rush hour. I take a few wrong turns on the way with my hands shaking violently on the wheel, and my eyes flicking into the rear-view mirror every few seconds to make sure I’m not being followed. I don’t know how long it takes me to make the journey, but eventually I make it to the Cavendish’s house and slam to a halt in the middle of their driveway. Nicholas appears at the front door with William behind him. Both have a look of concern on their face. As I get out of the car, all the adrenaline I’ve been feeling dissipates, and I fall to the ground as my tears start to fall.

  “Theo!” I shout at them as they both run to my side. Nicholas picks me up and carries me into the house while William calls for hot water, brandy, and bandages.

  “Joanna, what happened?”

  “Where’s Theo?” I ask again.

  “He’s gone to the police with Victoria and Tamara?”

  “No.” I break down in heaving sobs again. “You have to find him.”

  William hands me the brandy brought in by the butler, and Nicholas moves back to allow a maid to step up and start cleaning my wounds.

  “Speak slower. What happened?” Nicholas questions.

  “You have to go after them. The Viscount came for me. He’s going to end this today. He’s going to destroy you and William, sell Victoria and Tamara, and kill Theo. Please, you have to save him. Save everyone. I want this to end.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  The car is silent for most of the journey. All of us are lost deep in our own thoughts. I’m struggling, and I’m not afraid to admit it. The man I grew up worshipping as my father is nothing but a fraud and a liar. I don’t know for certain if it was my father who hurt Joanna. I’ve not heard it directly from her lips, but my heart already tells me it was. I don’t know how I can ever make it up to her or rid her of the pain she must be feeling. Does she even really want me as a husband? A constant reminder of the man who abused her. I can’t think about that, now. As we draw nearer to the police station, Victoria nestles in closer to my side. Tamara rubs at her stomach.

  “How are you feeling?” I nod at where her hand rests upon the baby growing inside her.

  “Is it that obvious? I’d be fine it it wasn’t for William fussing over me all the time.” She rolls her eyes.

  “William is a little over protective of her at the moment,” Victoria adds. “You’d think she’s made of glass and could break at any moment.”

  “He’s a good man. He’s just looking after you.” We all become silent again at my words. “So’s Nicholas.” I kiss the top of my sister’s head. “I’m glad you both found the two of them.”

  “We wish it were under other circumstances, but I wouldn’t be without Nicholas,” Victoria responds.

  “Nor I without William,” Tamara adds.

  I reach out for my other sister, how strange that sounds, and squeeze her hand.

  “I’m just glad you’re both married, and I don’t have to worry about the two of you out partying together.”

  “Protective big brother,” Victoria teases, but the smile on Tamara’s face is what I really notice. She’s gone from having no family to being in a loving relationship with her husband and the middle child in a sibling sandwich between me and Victoria.

  “Don’t you know it, sisters,” I reply before turning to look out the window as the streets of London flash past. I look back at Tamara. “I’m really sorry about your mother. She was a special person in our household. I’ll miss her.”

  Tears pool in Tamara’s eyes, mourning the loss of a woman who, I now know, had to deal with so much but came out the other side still fighting for her daughter.

  “She’s at peace, and I’m going to continue her legacy. Victoria is as well.”

  “Yes, we are.” Victoria smiles at her best friend and sister. “Nicholas is changing the society. We’re going to be looking to do more philanthropic work. Nicholas is in the process of setting up the Elsie Bennett fund to provide grants for children to study art.”

  “That sounds a fantastic idea,” I reply with enthusiasm. It’s something I’ve always been interested in doing but have been hampered by my need to learn how to be a Viscount. A title, which I’ve found out today, I’ve been the holder of for a few months. It’s just another thing to take in. I wonder where it’s all going to end?

  The car suddenly screeches to a halt, and we all jerk forward in our seatbelts. I manage to stop myself from banging my head on the seat in front of me, but Victoria isn’t so lucky and rubs her head in a daze. Leaning forward, Tamara begins to open the partition between our compartment and the driver’s. Suddenly, a blood curdling scream comes from her, telling me something is seriously wrong.

  “Run!” she shouts as she frantically tries to undo her seat belt, but her hands are fumbling against the release button. I undo mine and set her and Victoria both free. We jump out of the car, but before we can run anywhere, guns are pointed directly at our heads.

“You had to allow your cock to do the thinking, didn’t you, son?” My father gets out of one of the vehicles surrounding our own. A bullet hole has broken the glass of our windshield, and behind the shattered mess is the bloodied face of our driver. Now I know what Tamara was screaming at.

  “What is going on, Father?” I decide to try and play dumb until I can formulate a better plan. My father is obviously a dangerous and volatile man. To hold up a car in daylight with people around is a sign of desperation, and a last resort.

  “Don’t play dumb. I know the little whore of yours has told you everything.”

  “What?” I screw my face up trying to feign confusion. “I’ve just collected Victoria and Tamara from Nicholas. I’ve got them back. He’s taken Rose somewhere, but I’m working on that.”

  Victoria must catch on to what I’m doing.

  “Please, Father. He has my daughter. I don’t know where he took her. You have to find her. He’ll hurt her I know it.”

  My father hesitates for a minute, his eyes narrowing as he tries to make sense of the scene unfolding before him. I can see the questions as to the validity of it running through his head.

  He motions with a wave of his hand and his men step up to us and search us. My phone is removed from my pocket. Victoria’s and Tamara’s are taken as well. They are handed to my father who drops them onto the ground before smashing them with his feet. Victoria and Tamara both scream.

  “What was that for?” I protest.

  “First lesson, Theo. Nicholas doesn’t give up anything easily. He’ll have them tracked.”

  I lower my head to show deference to his superiority and acknowledge my mistake.

  “I’m sorry, Father. I was just so glad to get them away from him. Joanna has told me things about what he’s done to her. I couldn’t bear to think of him hurting my sister in that way.”


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