by Gene Mustain
flashbacks of, 57, 69–70, 79–80, 122, 133
screenplay about, 391–92
Waring, Peter, 224, 399–400, 438
Weather Underground, 379–80
Wendling, Joseph, 176–77, 325, 368, 453
described, 328
LaFroscia and, 177–82, 240, 241–42, 305–306, 307, 316
Quinn’s murder and, 177–82, 240–41, 306
Westchester Premier Theater, 73–74, 125, 280, 303, 343, 440
fraudulent bankruptcy of, 172–73, 198, 208, 218, 220–21
Westies, 144–48, 156, 157, 335, 394, 402, 439
counterfeiting and, 215–16
Stein murder and, 146, 159–62
Winnick, Jeffrey, 372–75, 382
Witness protection program, 380
Dominick and family in, 383–94, 418–19, 421–23, 446, 447, 455–56
Freddy and family and, 371, 398–99, 408, 409, 414–16, 431
Zappa, Frank, 61
Zinderneuf, Fort, 176–77, 306, 311
At age seven, Anthony “Nino” Gaggi poses for his first Holy Communion portrait. (Courtesy of Dominick Montiglio)
After becoming a “Soldier of Christ,” Dominick, age ten, poses with his godfather, Uncle Nino. (Courtesy of Dominick Montiglio)
In 1949, two-year-old Dominick does the candle thing while his grandfather Angelo and parents Marie and Anthony hold their breath. (Courtesy of Dominick Montiglio)
The gang’s all there for little Dominick’s birthday party, about 1950. That’s Uncle Nino showing off his chest hair, and Mary and Angelo Gaggi flanking their grandson. (Courtesy of Dominick Montiglio)
Dominick Montiglio, 1965 high school grad.
Dominick the Green Beret, back home from the war. (Courtesy of Dominick Montiglio)
In 1978, nadir of his Studio 54 era, black-shirted, gold-chained, hung-over Dominick gives camera the evil eye.
Acting as the bait, Texas-born model led her pal Dominick into a Big Apple trap. Right: Danielle Deneux’s jailhouse layout.
The Gemini Lounge was just an ordinary neighborhood bar, but many who entered the side door next to the protruding air conditioner never left—not in one piece anyway.
JoeyTesta, mugging for the camera.
Anthony Senter, the taller Gemini twin.
Henry Borelli, dandy and randy.
Chris Rosenberg, a.k.a. Chris DeMeo.
Roy DeMeo, the would-be doctor.
Joseph Guglielmo, a.k.a. Dracula.
Anthony Gaggi, accompanied by devoted wife, Rose, on his way to court in 1984. (New York Daily News Photo)
The boss, Paul Castellano, under arrest in 1984 and escorted by Detective Joseph Coffey (left) and Detective Kenneth McCabe. (New York Daily News Photo)
In 1982, concrete-filled barrel containing remains of Joseph Scorney is hoisted to dock.
Beneath the chandelier lays an important body (1983).
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