My dad never mentions my mother. She passed away soon after I was born, so I don’t have any recollection of her. I don’t get the impression that my dad was close to her. I think he just wishes that I could have had a mother growing up. I’m sure it would have been great to have a mom, but my guys are more than enough for me.
The doors were thrown open, and Cerberus stormed into the room. His long brown hair was pulled back into a man bun, and he was wearing a performance t-shirt and joggers. A wide smile stretched across his handsome face as soon as he spotted me. Hellfire, I’m going to miss him.
Cerberus pulled me away from my dad and held me close. “I miss you already,” he whispered in my ear. I really don’t want to leave him.
Abaddon clapped loudly. “Okay, that’s enough. We have work to do. I gave it some thought, and I think we should put the rune on the back of Evelyn’s neck. This way, we can discretely touch the rune and recharge it.”
Dad and Mikey agreed and began working their magic. They were using their combined power to lock away the bulk of my power. The rune can be thought of as a lock. The binding took no time at all.
Cerberus took a picture of my neck and showed me. Surprisingly, the rune was cute. It looks like a small floating feather. Anyone who saw it would assume it was a tattoo. It’s going to take some time to get used to not using all of my power, but at least I can still feel it coursing through my body.
Clearing his throat, my dad brought me out of my musings. “While the binding will limit your power, you need to remember that someone can feel how powerful you are by simply touching the rune. You should probably keep your hair down to not draw attention to it; although, the rune is quite beautiful. Another thing that you need to remember is to keep your wings hidden.”
Only members of Hell’s royalty have pure black feathers, so the jig would be up if someone saw my wings. “Okay. No necking and hide my wings. Got it.”
My dad narrowed his green eyes at me. “Damn right, there won’t be any necking! Evelyn, I will end any man that dares to touch you.” I couldn’t help but laugh out loud.
“Sorry, that ship sailed a long time ago.” Suddenly, a purple-faced Cerberus was being lifted off of the ground. “Oh my hellfire, Dad! It wasn’t Cerberus! Gross! He’s like a brother to me. Let him go right now!”
My dad dropped Cerberus and glared at me. “I need a name right this instant, Evelyn.” Oh hellfire, he’s officially going to lose his mind. Reaching up on my tiptoes, I kissed my dad on the cheek.
“I love you. As much as I’d love to keep chatting, I really need to go. I’ll text you later tonight.” I looked over to Abaddon, who was adjusting the cuffs of his custom-tailored three-piece suit. The guy never dresses casually.
“Let’s hit the road, Dad.” Abaddon muttered something under his breath, which made me snicker. He held my hand, and within seconds we were outside the gates of my new home for the next four years.
Abaddon tossed his muscular arm around my shoulders as we made our way through the main gates of Trutina College. The campus is breathtakingly beautiful. The main walkway leads you from the gates to a beautiful small sized lake that’s centered in the middle of a quad. Five expansive stone buildings sat to the left of the quad. That’s most likely where I’ll have class.
Clusters of smaller buildings, of a similar gothic style, were to the right of the lake. I bet they’re the dorms. A large building with a clock tower is situated directly behind the lake. As if reading my mind, Ab explained that it’s the library.
I couldn’t take my eyes off of the building. Something about it called to me. Ab squeezed my shoulder, bringing me out of my trance. “Let’s go check-in and get the key to your dorm.”
Abaddon led me over to a large table by the dorms. It was like the parting of the Red Sea as we went to check-in. There isn’t a soul in Heaven or Hell that doesn’t know Abaddon.
Beings gave us a wide berth and avoided any sort of eye-contact with him. There’s a well-known legend that Abaddon can steal your soul with just one look. He most likely could do that, but giving someone a merciful death really isn’t his style.
The female angel standing behind the table looked at us nervously. “May I have your name?” I gave her a smile in hopes of making her a little less terrified. “My name is Evelyn, daughter of Abaddon.”
Avoiding eye contact, she began looking through her list. “Yes, it’s v-very nice to meet you. I’m Sara, and I’ll be showing you to your dorm.”
I simply nodded my head as we followed her lead. The poor girl was practically sprinting to the dorm. Good thing Ceb wasn’t here. She was totally his type, and he loves a good chase.
Sara led us directly to the first building. She handed me my key and told me that my room is 5A on the fifth floor. There better be an elevator. I grabbed Ab’s hand, practically dragging him to the building. “Thanks, Sara! Come on, Dad. I’m dying to see my room.”
If it wasn’t so funny, I would have almost felt bad for the clueless family that got on the same elevator as us. I could pinpoint the moment that they felt Abaddon’s presence. They all turned white as a ghost and completely stopped talking. I’m pretty sure they were holding their breath until the elevator stopped on the third floor.
As soon as we stopped, the family practically fell out of the elevator. Abaddon and I looked at each other and started cracking up as the elevator doors closed. We calmed down by the time we reached my floor.
I opened my door and was relieved to see that I didn’t have a roommate. That wouldn’t have gone over well. The room was surprisingly spacious for a dorm, and it even had a private bathroom.
“I made sure that you had a single. I know you hate sharing.” I jumped into Ab’s arms. “Thank you! It’s perfect.” He gave me a squeeze.
“Start unpacking your luggage, and make sure you eat before the dining hall closes tonight. My credit card is already in your wallet. No limit. Call me if you need anything at all. I love you, Evelyn.”
Before I could beg him to stay, he kissed my head and popped back to Hell. Damn him. He knows me too well.
Thankfully, it only took about three hours to unpack all of my stuff and make my bed. The soft pink sheets, tufted white comforter and pink accent pillows looked pretty cute. Using my power, I lifted the furniture in the room and laid out a soft accent rug.
Then I hung a few posters and string lights on the walls. I loved the final product. I just wish I could have brought some pictures of my dad, Ab and the guys. Grabbing my phone, I took a quick selfie and sent it to them.
All of that manual labor made me sweaty and hungry. After a quick shower, I dried my long blonde hair and got changed. I slipped on a pair of black yoga pants, a simple white tee and a jean jacket. With one last look in the mirror, I went in search of the dining hall. I’m sure it won’t be that hard to find.
Luckily, I was right. I just followed a heard of hungry college kids to the building. The dining hall was immense with cathedral style ceilings. One of the walls was lined entirely with windows, which gave a beautiful view of the quad and lake. Numerous tables of various sizes were scattered throughout the room.
I made my way over to the food stations. Unfortunately, the food selection was very underwhelming. I paid for my dinner and found an empty table by the large window.
A cheerful voice interrupted me as I was texting with the guys. I looked up to see a petite she-demon with short ebony colored hair. If there were such things as pixies, she’d be their poster child. “Excuse me, would you mind if I sit with you? My name is Penny.”
I took one look at her tray and couldn’t help but laugh. She had it loaded with food. Her tray must weigh about ten pounds. “Have a seat. I’m Eve. Are you planning on feeding the football team?”
She smiled and sat down. “I get a serious case of the munchies when I’m nervous. Don’t get me wrong. I’m excited about school, but I wish I could just fast forward through the first day.”
I nodded in agreement and took
a second to look around the dining hall. Oddly enough, most beings were staring at our table. I quirked an eyebrow at Penny as she let out a humorless laugh.
“I heard a bunch of beings gossiping about your dad. I can’t figure out if they’re in awe of you or just terrified,” she explained with a shrug. I just can’t help myself. “And which camp are you in?”
Penny rolled her eyes. “I couldn't care less who your dad is, Eve. I like to form my own opinion about people, and you seem like a cool chick so far. We’ll be besties in no time.” She happily chatted for the rest of our meal, and we then headed back to the dorm.
It turns out that Penny is on the second floor in my building. “I’ll meet you right outside of our dorm tomorrow morning at seven. Remember, sophomores, juniors and seniors are back tomorrow. We’ll need to get to the dining hall early to get a good seat.” We exchanged phone numbers and went our separate ways.
Locking the door behind me, I looked around my room. It’s kind of strange that this will be my home for the next year. Is it bad that I miss my dad and Ab already? I reached for my phone and called my dad, who put me on speakerphone.
I filled them in on my first day and told them all about Penny. I could tell that my dad and Ab missed me, but they wouldn’t dare say it. They both know I’d start begging to sleep at home for just one more night. I reluctantly said goodbye, and I got ready for bed.
For two solid months, my brothers and I had the entire campus to ourselves. We trained in the gym, chilled by the indoor pool and hit the bars in town without interruption for two solid months. It felt fucking amazing to escape the petty bullshit that comes with being an heir.
Beings weren’t around to constantly kiss my ass or throw themselves at me. Best of all, I didn’t have to deal with Hannah’s shit. It was my first taste of what I imagined normality to be like, and I lapped it up. At least I enjoyed it while it lasted. Now, it’s back to reality.
Cade, Emmett, Miles and I were immediately brought to Terra after being chosen as heirs. We grew up together in a boarding school, where expectations and responsibilities were drilled into us. It was brutal at times, but at least we had each other. These guys are like brothers to me.
Together, we were educated by the finest teachers, trained by the most skilled warriors and taught etiquette by some major pricks. As heirs, we were taught to “emanate confidence, intimidation and superiority.” We were basically given the green light to be complete assholes.
Despite the bullshit, I take my responsibility as a successor seriously. I technically was handed this opportunity, but I want to prove that I was the right choice. For that reason, I put a lot of pressure on myself to excel in all aspects of my role. I study and train my ass off to ensure that I’m at the top of my class.
The social aspect of school never held any importance to me. I go to parties with my brothers, but it’s not my scene. I’m not here to make friends, which is good since I’m about as approachable as a pissed off hellhound.
I only let my guard down with my brothers. They’re the only friends I need. That’s why I took one for the team and agreed to take Hannah off their hands. Much to the guys’ relief, she’s had her sights set on me since we met last year. Hannah may be hot, but she’s a fucking nightmare.
Today is our last day of freedom, so the four of us are going to relax and enjoy it. We skipped our workout, slept in and went out to breakfast in town. Now, we’re chilling on the library steps and watching the freshmen move onto campus.
Resting my elbows on the steps, I leaned my head back to soak up the warmth of the sun. “When is Hannah coming back to campus? Has she texted you, Locke?” Miles asked.
Why did he have to bring her up? Miles is the level-headed one of the group. If Miles isn’t with us, then he’s at the pool. I swear the dude’s part fish.
He tends to be on the quiet side, but that’s because he’s taking in everything around him. Nothing gets by Miles. I also think it may have something to do with one of his gifts. Angels and demons tend to be pretty tightlipped about their powers, especially newly developing ones.
I slipped on my sunglasses and let out a frustrated breath. “When doesn’t that girl text me? I probably have ten new texts from her.” Seriously, the girl blows up my phone nonstop.
Emmett popped a piece of gum into his mouth. “I don’t understand why she’s so obsessed with you. You’re such a dick to her. Well, you’re pretty much a dick to everyone. She probably thinks that she’ll be the one to melt your frozen heart.” My lips tipped up. He’s probably right.
Emmett smirked. “Hannah’s a psychotic bitch, but at least she’s easy on the eyes. Just keep her mouth busy. That’s what I’d do.”
I grunted in reply. That would be a great plan if I could fucking get it up for her. Hannah does absolutely nothing for me.
A redheaded angel walked by the library steps, catching Emmett’s eye. He’ll have fucked at least half of the freshmen girls by next week. He’s been rebelling against all of this heir stuff ever since he had his heart ripped out last year.
After beating the shit out of his ex’s side piece, Emmett found out that she was using him to raise her family’s social standing. Unsurprisingly, it made him loathe his role as an heir.
Cade huffed. “Hannah needs to stay clear of me. I had enough of her shit last year.” Don’t let this guy’s preppy exterior fool you. He’s one of the most brilliant sword fighters I’ve ever seen. He’d give Archangel Michael a run for his money.
Cade can be an asshole, but he has a big heart. He just uses his sharp tongue to keep beings, especially Hannah, out of his business. There are things that he doesn’t even share with us, like how he sneaks off to an underground fighting ring every week.
I’m not sure why he doesn’t want us to know, but the three of us go every one of his matches. We’re his silent supporters. I was about to say something to Cade when I zeroed in on a blonde girl that just walked through the campus gates.
She was with a guy, most likely her dad, whose power was so immense that I could feel his presence from across the quad. I abruptly stood up and started walking in her direction. I stopped dead in my tracks as soon as I got a closer look.
She gave her dad a blinding smile, and I almost fell to my knees. Fuck me. This girl is the single most beautiful being that I have ever seen.
She has bright green eyes that sparkled with mischief, long blonde hair and curves for days. A simple t-shirt and yoga pants never looked so good. She’s naturally gorgeous and completely unaware of her magnetism.
I was never drawn to another being this way. What the hellfire is happening to me? This isn’t good. I can’t afford a distraction right now. With that thought in mind, I spun on my heels and walked back to the guys.
My brothers started laughing hysterically when I sat back down on the library steps. Emmett shook his head. “What the fuck was that, Locke? Here I thought a magic pussy was just a myth. You’re so fucked.”
I ran my hands over my face. Emmett’s right; I’m royally screwed.
“Man, you better rein it in when Hannah’s around. If she finds out that you’re interested in this girl, Hannah will have you by the balls and will make that girl’s life a living nightmare,” Cade warned.
Miles looked in the blonde girl’s direction. “Did you see who was standing with her? It’s the fucking Angel of the Abyss. Abandon is the most dangerous demon in all realms. Believe me - you don’t want to get involved with her. That guy will skin you alive.”
I tilted my head back and groaned. “Guys! Fuck off. I’m not getting involved with her. I just wanted to get a closer look. There’s nothing more to it.” Keep telling yourself that, asshole.
Emmett slapped me on the back. “Don’t worry about it, man. I’ll take this one off your plate. I know you don’t like sloppy seconds. Problem solved.”
I was on him in a blink of an eye. “Stay the fuck away from her, Emmett.” I was seething. Mi
les pulled me back. “Locke, you need to stop this shit right now.”
Cade shook his head at me in disapproval. “I don’t know what’s gotten into you, but you need to stay away from that girl. She’s trouble, Locke. It’s like she’s the ultimate test to prove your loyalty to Hannah. Don’t fuck it up.”
As I walked away, Cade’s words were repeating over and over in my mind. He’s right. This girl has to be a test. I never show my cards, and here I am, losing my cool over some girl. A girl I’d like to know in every way possible. Fuck. No, this has to end now. I need to keep my distance from her.
Waking up at six in the morning blows. If I don’t have a cup of coffee soon, I’ll make Lucifer look like a kitten. Note to self, order a coffeemaker for my dorm room. I took the fastest shower possible, dried my hair and put on some mascara.
I opened my closet to pick out something to wear when I spotted about eight uniforms lined up in a neat row. They were definitely not there yesterday. I stomped over to my phone and dialed daddy dearest. He obviously was expecting my call since he answered on the first ring.
“Wearing a uniform will not kill you, my love. They’re supposed to level the playing field and allow you and your classmates to focus on more important things. You know, like learning. I have to get back to my meeting. Please text me later, so I know that you didn’t burn down the school.” I know a brush off when I hear one.
“I make no promises. A heads up would have been appreciated, Dad. I’ll text you later.” I threw my phone on my bed. I begrudgingly put on the navy and white plaid skirt, white button-up shirt and navy blazer.
If they make us wear name tags, I’m out of here. I gave myself one last look in the mirror, grabbed my backpack and met Penny outside of our building.
Unlocked (Hell's Throne Book 1) Page 2