Unlocked (Hell's Throne Book 1)

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Unlocked (Hell's Throne Book 1) Page 5

by M. L. Gabrielle

According to the Dean, the hellhound was created by a powerful glamour to test our guards’ response time. We were to return to class right away. Giggling, I forwarded the email to Cerberus.

  My stomach rumbled as soon as I set foot into the dining hall. I sat down at a small table by the window and popped some cereal in my mouth. A tingle ran up my spine. “Did you forget milk for your cereal?” I looked up to see Locke taking the seat across from me.

  I smiled at him. “I like my cereal dry, but I’m guessing you aren’t here to talk about my eating habits.” Locke ran his fingers through his dirty blonde hair. He’s too good looking for his own good. His gray eyes softened. “You saved Miles.”

  I smirked. “Technically, I saved all of you.” He tilted his head back and let out a throaty laugh. Of course, he has a sexy laugh. I shoved some cereal in my mouth before I did something stupid, like jumping across the table and crashing my mouth to his.

  As if reading my thoughts, his eyes dipped to my lips. “Putting a glamour on our table was a smart move last night. You were taught well, but I guess that’s not surprising considering the company you keep.”

  So, this is why he’s here. He didn’t want to thank me for saving Miles. Locke just wants to try and figure me out.

  “Your father is a king in his own right, you’re friends with an Archangel and your boyfriend is the only mythological shifter in existence. Next, I’ll find out that Legion braids your hair.”

  I let out a laugh and added another packet of sugar to my coffee. “Best friend.” Locke looked at me in question. “Cerberus is my best friend. He’s not my boyfriend.” Why did I feel the need to clarify that?

  Locke’s eyes narrowed. “Does he know that? He couldn’t stop pawing at you,” he snapped. I looked down, trying to hide my blush. I need to get it together; he has a girlfriend.

  I cleared my throat. “I’m not sure that you’re really in a position to criticize when bitchy Barbie was practically dry humping you at dinner last night.”

  Locke ran both hands over his face and then slapped them against the table. “You’re right.” Ouch, I never thought two words could burn so badly. I bit my lip and looked away. He let out a frustrated breath.

  “Listen, you need to stop disrespecting Hannah. The princess has a problem with you, which means that you’re my problem too. We need to focus on keeping the students in line, and your constant rebelling is causing too much of a distraction.”

  My head snapped up. “Princess? What exactly is bitchy Barbie the princess of, Locke? Malibu?” I watched as his icy mask slipped back in place. His entire demeanor changed. He’s obviously done playing nice.

  “I find it very difficult to believe that didn’t already know this, Eve. Hannah is Leviathan’s daughter. She’s the Princess of Hell and most likely my future wife. That’s why you need to back the Hell off.”

  I narrowed my eyes. Is this some sort of joke? Does he seriously think that Hannah is the Princess of Hell? I don’t even know how to respond. I collected my trash and stood up.

  “Well, this conversation has been enlightening. I don’t want to distract you from lording over the dining hall, so I’m heading out.”

  I need to get away from Locke. I practically sprinted out of the building. So many different emotions are hitting me at once. Jealousy. Anger. Confusion. Regret. Pain. Why do I feel so hurt? He’s been nothing but an asshole to me. I should be grateful that he wants to marry his phony princess.

  I should have skipped my next class. It was a complete waste of time. I was so lost in thought that I missed the entire lecture. Hellfire, I couldn’t even tell you the name of the professor.

  I somehow ended up in the library, which works out since I need to work on my Demonic History paper. First, I need to give the guys a heads up. I reached for my phone and started a group text.

  Me: Word on the quad is that Leviathan’s daughter, Hannah (aka. bitchy Barbie), is the Princess of Hell.

  Dad: My love, this girl is clearly delusional. Don’t give it a second thought.

  Mikey: Hold on. Did she tell you this herself, or did you hear it from someone else?

  Me: One of the heirs just told me as if it was common knowledge. The five of them are apparently thick as thieves. I’m a distraction.

  Ceb: I knew I should have killed those fuckers this morning.

  Raphael: You did enough damage, Cerberus. I had to heal about ten people this morning. Eve, I’m sorry I missed you.

  Ab: Leviathan is clearly up to something. I don’t like it.

  Dad: I agree with Ab. I’ll discuss it with Legion. I think Leviathan is trying to draw Evelyn out. My love, I need you to be on high alert.

  Gabe: Spider monkey, you are the best type of distraction. Stop pouting. You know what they say. The best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.

  Ceb: What the fuck, Gabe?

  Dad: Don’t you dare listen to Gabriel, Evelyn.

  Uriel: Baby girl, let’s do lunch tomorrow.

  Me: It’s a date, Uri. Text me tomorrow.

  Hopefully, Uriel will pick somewhere off campus for lunch. His groupies tend to come out of the woodwork. With his warm brown eyes, contagious smile and flawless dark chocolate skin, it’s easy to see why girls flock to him.

  I honestly don’t know how his girlfriend puts up with it. They’ve been dating for years, so I guess she’s just used to it by now. I’m well aware that Uri set up a lunch date because he’s worried about me.

  Of the four Archangels, he’s always been the most perceptive. Uriel is my sounding board. He’s not only a great listener, but he gives fantastic advice. I guess that’s why he’s known as the Angel of Wisdom.

  I put my phone away and took my laptop out of my backpack. I was about to research the prophecy but decided against it. I know Professor Blackburn wanted us to interpret the prophecy, but I’m going to take a different approach. I’m going to write about what I want it to mean.

  With that in mind, I started on my rough draft. I was almost finished with my paper when I realized that it was nearly time for my combat class. I packed up my things and hurried across campus to the gym.

  The locker room was empty, and it took all of two seconds to understand why. The room smelled so disgusting that I thought I was going to pass out. Note to self, change in your dorm before class.

  Holding my breath, I quickly squeezed into a white tank top and blue short shorts. Thankfully, I remembered to pack a sports bra. Why did the school have to pick the skimpiest gym uniform possible?

  I was almost out of the godforsaken room when bitchy Barbie and her minions blocked the doorway. I can’t catch a freaking break. Could she at least gang up on me in the hallway? Hannah looked at me with pure and utter hatred.

  “The heirs are off-limits. You need to stop bothering Locke. He’s taken, honey. I’m his girlfriend. I’m his betrothed. I’m his future. Believe me - Locke has zero interest in slumming it with you. I suggest you find a way to end this little crush that you have him. It’s absolutely pathetic.”

  One of the girls stepped next to Hannah. I immediately recognized the succubus from the library. “Everyone’s talking about how you ran out of the dining hall today after Locke told you to back off. We all had a good laugh, so I guess you are good for something,” she sneered.

  Hannah laughed and then focused back on me. “This is your only warning. Stay away from my boyfriend.” I watched the girls make their exit and swatted away an angry tear that escaped.

  Screw bitchy Barbie and her harem of heirs. She can have them. From this point on, they’re nothing to me but background noise. I took two more seconds to collect myself and walked into the gym.



  Our combat teacher, Zane, had the class run a few laps around the gym before breaking us off into pairs. He explained that we’d be sparring for the first few weeks with random partners so that he could assess our skill level.

  Today I was matched up with a slip of a she-demon with bounc
y red curls. We touched gloves, circled each other a few times and then I pounced. The girl was on her back within a minute, which was a gift considering my current mood. I helped her up as Zane approached.

  “Excellent form, Eve. I’ll match you up with a more challenging partner next week. This way, you won’t have to hold back.” He gave me a knowing smile before walking over to the next pair of students.

  I wasn’t ready to face reality yet, so I decided to do some more laps after class. You know I’m having a shitty day when I choose to run. “I’m surprised you’re not curled up in bed after the day you’ve had today,” Zane called out from the bleachers. I had to take a minute to catch my breath before responding.

  “It’s just a day in the life of Eve.” Zane laughed, shaking his head. “I almost didn’t believe that you took on a hellhound this morning, but then I saw you spar. You were taught well.” I smiled and sat down next to him.

  “I didn’t actually take it on. I just calmed the hellhound down before it made puppy chow out of the heirs and torched the campus. I’m actually shocked that the Dean hasn’t given me the boot yet. Although, the day is still young.”

  He bent forward, resting his elbows on his legs and looked over at me. “So, why are you hiding out in here? Do I have to kick someone’s ass?” That made me laugh out loud.

  “Nothing gets passed you, huh? I just wanted to escape for a bit.” Zane patted my thigh as he sat up straight. I had to fight back a yawn. I didn’t realize how tired I was.

  “You’re welcome to seek refuge in here anytime, Eve. I’m here if you ever need to talk.” He gave my leg a squeeze and left the gym. It felt a little awkward being so close to him, but I shrugged it off.

  Holding my breath, I ran into the locker room and grabbed my stuff. There was no way that I was showering in the locker room. I could barely keep my eyes open by the time I reached my dorm. I took a quick shower and passed out on my bed.

  After what felt like the shortest nap imaginable, I stumbled to my closet and got dressed. I would love to just hole it up in my room for the rest of the day, but I refuse to let these jerks tear me down.

  My hair was still wet, so I opted for a messy braid. It looked pretty cute. I gave myself one last glance in the mirror before meeting Penny and Jacob in the dining hall.

  Penny’s tray was piled high as usual. I honestly have no clue how she stays so tiny. The girl eats like it’s a competitive sport.

  Jacob and I placed our cheeseburger and fries on the table and sat down. I dodged about a million questions from Penny about my breakfast with Locke this morning. She started to open her mouth when I cut her off.

  “Penny, I love you to death, but you need to drop it. My day has been absolutely craptastic, and I just want to forget about it. For the love of God, stop bringing it up.”

  Jacob, being the angel that he is, changed the subject immediately. “Nick told me that there’s a party tonight in his dorm. We should go and at least check it out.”

  Penny clapped her hands in excitement. “Count me in! Eve, you have to come. We can get you hammered so that you can forget all about today.” I was about to respond when I caught a glimpse of Locke with his arm around Barbie’s shoulders. I stiffened in my seat.

  I need to get Locke out of my head. I turned my gaze to my friends. “I’m definitely in.” The heirs were sitting down at their table just as we were getting up to leave.

  “Man, what did you say to that girl? It’s the second time she ran from you today, Locke,” Cade boomed. The entire table broke out into laughter. Fuck this guy.

  As I walked out, I discretely used my power to spill his drink onto his lap. Was it childish? Yep. Did it feel good? Definitely. It was still early, so we decided to meet at my room in a few hours and walk over to the party together.

  After taking another quick nap, I decided to bite the bullet and get ready for the party. I pulled out my braid and shook out my hair for a wavy look. Makeup has never been my thing, so I put on a bit of mascara and lip gloss.

  I slipped on a simple black crop top, skinny jeans and a pair of black wedge booties. Looking in the mirror, I was happy with the result. Who knows, maybe I’ll meet someone tonight?

  Penny and Jacob showed up just as I was putting my phone and ID in a small crossbody bag. One look at Penny and I knew that I was severely underdressed. She was wearing a short black bandage dress that left very little to the imagination - more power to her.

  At least Jacob wasn’t decked out. He looked cute in a vintage concert t-shirt, zip-up hoodie and jeans. I smiled, eyeing his hoodie. Now, I know who to hunt down if I get cold tonight.

  “Pregame shot!” I yelled. I pulled out a bottle of demon brew and three shot glasses. “Ceb warned me that stuff is strong, so one shot should give us a good buzz.” We downed our shot and started to walk over to the party.

  Penny started giggling. “Holy hellfire, I’m already feeling it.” I rolled my eyes. That girl gets a half a shot next time. We linked arms and followed Jacob into the party, which was in the basement of a dormitory.

  I took a second to look around the jam-packed room. Splatters of glow in the dark paint covered the walls, and twinkle lights were hanging from the ceiling. Music was blaring from huge speakers.

  Jacob pointed to the left side of the room. “There are a few smaller rooms, a bathroom and a kitchen down that hallway.” He grabbed my hand and led Penny and me directly to the makeshift bar, which was next to a few couches that have seen better days.

  “Three cups of angel juice,” he shouted to the demon manning the booze. Jacob handed us our cups and nodded to a beer pong table in the corner. My eyes lit up. “Hell, yes! I’ll tell them that we want to play the winner.”

  I started to walk away when Penny grabbed my arm. “I’ll find you guys later. I’m going to say hi to some people from class.” I gave her a quick hug and squeezed my way through the crowd toward the beer pong table.

  One of the guys stopped mid-throw to check me out shamelessly. I rested my hands on the table and leaned close to him. “You can look all you want when I’m kicking your ass next game.” He grinned. “Bring it, blondie!”

  I smiled at Jacob, who finally took his place next to me. A few girls tried to talk to him on his way over, but he brushed them off. I nudged him with my elbow.

  “Not one of those girls caught your eye? I didn’t know you were so picky.” He let out a laugh and yanked a strand of my hair. “They are definitely not my type. Let’s kick some ass, Eve.”

  Jacob and I destroyed the first two teams, but we’re currently getting our butts kicked. I’ll blame it on the angel juice. I was about to take a shot when I felt a tingle run down my spine. Without even looking, I knew that Locke was near.

  Jacob handed me his cup of angel juice. “You’re going to need this.” I bumped his hip with mine and downed the drink. Our reign as beer pong champs finally came to an end, so Jacob and I went back to the bar. We were getting another round of drinks when Barbie strolled up with Locke and Emmett in tow.

  Hannah looked gorgeous in a black skater dress and insanely high stilettos. I hate to admit it, but it’s easy to see how any guy would fall at her feet. Why couldn’t she be as ugly on the outside as she is inside? I made eye contact with Locke but quickly looked away.

  Hannah started snickering. “Looks like they forgot to take the trash out.” Very original. I was about to walk around them when she pretended to trip and spilled her entire drink on my shirt. “What the actual fuck?” I shrieked. She leaned in close. “That was for the stunt you pulled at dinner. Watch your back, little girl.”

  Locke opened his mouth to say something but snapped his mouth shut. He stormed off in the opposite direction of Hannah. Jacob gave my arm a squeeze. “Do you want to go back to your room and change?”

  I shook my head. “No, it’s okay. I’m going to try and wipe it off with water. I’ll find you in a few minutes.” I didn’t wait for a reply. I made a beeline to the kitchen.

Putting my drink down on the counter, I wet some napkins and angrily wiped my shirt. I can’t believe that just happened. What. A. Bitch. Leaving the party is so tempting, but I refuse to let them ruin my fun.

  I downed the rest of my drink and walked right into a solid chest. I looked up at the smirking incubus and threw my arms around him. “Nick! Dance with me!”

  He smiled down at me and tucked my hair behind my ear. I ran my eyes over Nick’s face. He’s really hot. Why couldn’t my body react to Nick the way it does when I’m around a certain stormy-eyed jerk?

  “Hey, why the frown?” Nick asked, tilting my chin up. I forced a wide smile. “Want to dance?” He laced his fingers with mine and led me over to the crowded dance floor. Nick started dancing behind me and nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck.

  “You look beautiful, kitten,” he whispered in my ear. I could feel his arousal behind me as his hands gripped my waist. I was trying to lose myself in the music, but everything about this feels wrong.

  I stepped out of Nick’s hold as soon as I felt his lips on my neck. I have to put some space between us. An awesomely bad eighties song came on just as he tried to pull me back to him. I escaped his attempt by doing the shopping cart dance.

  Nick started cracking up and then did the running man. We were making such asses of ourselves, but I couldn't care less. My cheeks literally hurt from laughing so much.

  I was about to ask Nick if he knew where Jacob and Penny were, but I couldn’t get the words out. I couldn’t get any words out. I began to panic. I threw my hands up to my neck, looking around the room franticly. “Eve? Eve? What’s the matter?” Nick asked in alarm.


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