Unlocked (Hell's Throne Book 1)

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Unlocked (Hell's Throne Book 1) Page 9

by M. L. Gabrielle



  Getting out of bed in the morning was a real struggle. I was way too comfortable. I snuggled into my blanket. I could have sworn it smelled like grapefruit.

  Great, now I’m craving grapefruit. I have no time to stop at the dining hall, though. I forced myself to get up and get ready for class.

  It’s days like this when I’m thankful that we have uniforms. One less thing to think about in the morning is a beautiful thing. I filled my backpack, grabbed a granola bar and filled an insulated bottle with coffee from the machine Ab bought for me. Hellfire, I love him.

  I arrived at my Demonic History class, and I took my usual seat next to Nick. “Class was boring last week without you, kitten. I’m glad you’re back,” he said.

  I smiled at Nick and started to unpack my laptop. “It sucks that all that stuff happened to you Eve. We were having a really good time at the party before it turned to shit.”

  I shrugged my shoulder in response. Sorry, but I can’t have conversations this early. I haven’t even finished my coffee yet.

  “I was wondering, would you want to go out sometime? Just you and me?” I literally choked on my coffee. “Like a date?” He smiled and nodded his head.

  “Nick, I like you a lot. I'm not in the right headspace to date, though. I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong impression at the party.” I really do like him but as a friend. I can’t see him leaving the friend zone in the foreseeable future.

  “You know, we could just be fuck buddies. I can help you get over that heir you’ve been drooling over,” he offered with a wink. Nick is hot. Beings can’t walk passed him without doing a double-take. He’s also sweet and funny. I should be jumping all over this, but just thinking about it makes me sick. What is wrong with me?

  “Your offer is tempting, but I have to pass. You’re too good of a friend anyway.” I gave his arm a squeeze. I’m pretty sure Locke ruined me for all other guys. I turned my attention to the professor, who just stepped into the classroom. I tried to focus on what he was saying, but my thoughts kept drifting back to Locke.

  I was walking out of class when someone grabbed my arm and pulled me into a dark alcove. “You aren’t answering my texts.” I narrowed my eyes at Locke, who was pressing me against a wall.

  “Are you that ashamed to be seen with me in public that you have to pull me into a dark nook? What do you want, Locke?”

  He nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck. I squeezed my eyes shut. It feels so good being close to him. “What are you doing to me, little hellion? I can’t get you out of my mind.”

  I know that feeling all too well. Locke squeezed my ass, pulling my body even closer. Hellfire, I can feel exactly what I was doing to him. My arms wrapped around his neck. I’ve never wanted another being this badly.

  Breathing hard, he rested his forehead against mine. His lips were so close. I was dying for a taste. Locke leaned his head back and rocked his hard length against me. Hellfire.

  “I can feel every one of your emotions. I can smell your arousal. It’s enough to drive a man crazy. I bet you’re soaked for me, little hellion. All I want to do is fuck you against this wall and mark you as mine.” Locke dragged his teeth along my neck.

  Yes, please! I let out a moan and circled my hips against him. Wait, what am I doing? This guy has a girlfriend. I immediately pushed him off of me.

  He narrowed his eyes and started to take a step forward. I put my hand out to stop him. I lose all sense of reason when he’s touching me. “What are we doing, Locke?”

  He ran his hands over his face. “Fuck. This connection between us is driving me crazy. I want you so fucking badly, Eve. I have obligations, though. I can’t do this.”

  Ouch, why do I keep torturing myself with this guy? “Is that what you want? To forget about this connection and continue with your so-called duties as heir?” I asked incredulously.

  “It doesn’t matter what I want, Eve. I have no choice. It’s what I have to do.” I shook my head and let out a humorless laugh.

  “Keep telling yourself that, Locke. Go. Follow your orders like a puppet. Don’t hurt that pretty little head of yours by forming your own opinions and making your own choices. I’m out of here.”

  I tried to brush by him, but he grabbed my arm. “I’m sorry, Eve. I wish things could be different.” I pulled out of his grasp and looked at his beautiful face. “There’s always another path, Locke. You’re just too blind to see it.”

  Without looking back, I picked up my backpack that had fallen to the floor and walked out of the building. I wanted to yell at the top of my lungs that I am the princess, but it wouldn’t make a difference. I need someone who wants to be with me no matter if I have a title or not, and from what I can tell, that someone isn’t Locke.

  The next few weeks flew by. Penny and Jacob were awesome and brought me out of my Locke induced funk. We went to the movies, went shopping in town and went to a few small parties. At first, my dad refused to let me go to any party, but I eventually wore him down.

  His one condition was that I had to text him every hour to prove that I was alive. It could have been worse. He could have made me bring a bodyguard.

  I had every intention of avoiding the heir-holes after my run-in with Locke, but it proved to be an impossible task. Those guys were everywhere. Emmett was always in the library when I was studying. He was in the conference room upstairs, banging his girl of the day, but that’s beside the point.

  Miles was always at the gym when I was working out. Unlike Emmett and the library, Miles was in the gym to actually workout. Girls were constantly trying to get his attention, but he always brushed them off. I have to admit, it was pretty entertaining to watch.

  Even though he was a sophomore, Cade transferred mid-semester into two of my classes. They just happened to be classes that I had with Nick, which I found suspicious. I wasn’t about to call him out on it, though.

  As for Locke, I could feel his stares every time I was in the dining hall. I refused to make any eye contact, though. Seeing another Locke and bitchy Barbie make-out session would make me want to throw up in my mouth. Someone likely told the heirs to keep an eye on me, but they were doing a piss poor job of being subtle.

  As much as I wanted to punch bitchy Barbie in the face, I tried my best to ignore her constant snide comments. When she didn’t get a reaction from me, she decided to up her game. In addition to the mean comments, she would practically shove her tongue down Locke’s throat whenever I was around.

  Now, that really pissed me off. It was disgusting and pathetic on Hannah’s part. What made me absolutely sick, though, was that Locke didn’t stop it.

  I’ll admit, he didn’t look happy about Hannah pawing at him. Still, it was hard enough for me to see Locke on campus. I didn’t need to have his relationship with Hannah shoved in my face.

  Locke texted me a lot, but I always deleted his messages. Nothing good would come from reading them. Part of me thinks he knew his messages would always go unread.

  It was almost time for my Combat class, so I quickly changed into my gym uniform. There’s no way I was stepping foot into that disgusting locker room again. I tossed on a hoodie and sweatpants over my joke of a gym uniform.

  It left nothing to the imagination. I huffed in annoyance and started walking over to my class. Zane was evil and made me take off my hoodie and sweats before class started.

  He had the class do a few laps and then picked our sparring partners. “Callum, today you’ll be matched up with Evelyn. Don’t go easy on her,” Zane ordered.

  I took a look at my opponent. This guy towered over me and outweighed me by at least seventy-five pounds. He had broad, muscular shoulders and a narrow waist.

  I heard snickering and turned to see Cade and Emmett with their phones out sitting on the bleachers with Barbie’s minions. Oh, this is wonderful. It looks like I have an audience today.

  “Don’t worry, baby. I’ll take it easy on you,” Callum snickered as we
walked toward the mats. Wow, I didn’t peg him for a douche bag.

  We bumped gloves, and Zane blew the whistle. Callum made the mistake of standing still for a second too long, and I pounced. Within a minute, I had him landing on the mat with a thud. “What kind of Black Widow shit was that?” Callum shouted, slapping his hand against the mat.

  He rose to his feet and started barreling toward me with palms full of hellfire. Talk about a temper tantrum. “Never get your ass handed to you by a girl, Cal?”

  I hate showing any of my cards, but this guy was a joke. Instead of throwing up a shield, I let him hit me with a ball of hellfire. Loud gasps filled the gym.

  I would have been in excruciating pain if I were a normal she-demon, but I’m too awesome to be normal. My body absorbed his hellfire, and I gave him a wicked smile. I was just about to have some fun with when I heard the gym doors bang open.

  I let out a sigh. This connection thing is super annoying. Can’t Locke just leave me alone? “Don’t get your panties in a twist, Locke. I’m just having a little fun with my sparring partner. Right, Cal?”

  Locke must have calmed down once he saw that I wasn’t in any real danger. Instead of approaching, he went over to the bleachers and sat with his friends. I could still feel his stormy eyes on me, though.

  Callum was still fuming over his loss after class ended. He, at least, had the sense to keep his distance from me. I was about to pull on my hoodie when Zane walked over with a big smile on his face.

  He put his hands on my shoulders and squeezed. “You were phenomenal today, Eve.” He’s a very friendly guy, but he doesn’t have much respect for personal space.

  “I’m going to talk to the Dean about moving you to a more advanced class. This one is way below your skill level, although; I’m thinking that a private class with me would be most beneficial for you.” I nodded my head.

  “Sounds good to me. Just let me know what you decide,” I told Zane. Suddenly, I felt exhausted. I must have used more power today than I thought.

  I knew Locke was watching the entire exchange. I didn’t have the energy to talk to him right now. I quickly said goodbye to Zane and walked out of the gym. I heard Locke call my name, but I didn’t spare him a glance.



  It’s been weeks since I’ve talked to Eve. I’ve been trying to give her space, but I’m seriously struggling. My hydra has been no help at all. He’s been riding me hard and pushing me to see her. The distance between us feels so wrong. It’s like I’m resisting something essential.

  The pull I feel toward Eve has only been grown more intense. The fleeting moments that I see her around campus do absolutely nothing to satisfy my need. I’ve resorted to checking up on her at night like a fucking stalker. I keep telling myself it’s just to make sure she’s okay, but I know it’s more than that. It’s during that time where I feel the most at ease.

  Ever since I cornered Eve after class, I’ve been second-guessing everything. She made refusing an order sound so simple. As if I actually had a say in things. Is rejecting the betrothal an actual possibility?

  I’m so fucking conflicted. I want to be with Eve more than anything, but I can’t screw over my brothers. I feel like I’m constantly at war with myself.

  I’ve been trying to talk to Eve about it. I just want to explain why I’m so conflicted. Unfortunately for me, she won’t even open my texts or answer my calls. It’s frustrating as Hell, but I can’t blame her.

  Talking to her in person is impossible. Hannah and her friends are always around, watching my every move. She’s been so fucking clingy. It’s like she knows that I’m one step away from throwing in the towel.

  I don’t even bother hiding my interest in Eve anymore. My eyes are glued to her whenever we're in the same room, and I give zero fucks who notices. Hannah notices. She’s been bitching about it nonstop.

  She’s threatened to tell the king and has called me every name in the book. I couldn't care less as long as her insults and threats are directed at me. I just keep my features impassive as usual and tune her out. It’s easy to do when my mind is always on Eve anyway.

  Hannah recently started to change her tactics in an effort to get a reaction. Now, anytime Eve is around, she throws herself at me. I can handle her putting my arm over her shoulder or holding my hand.

  It’s when she tries to make out with me in front of Eve that makes me feel murderous. Shit like that only hurts Eve, and that’s the last thing I want to do. I’ve told Hannah to knock it off, but this is all just a game to her.

  I met the guys at the gym for some sparring after a long day of back to back classes. I’m typically able to leave my frustration at the gym, but today is not one of those days.

  The guys and I decided to get ready in our dorm before heading off campus for dinner. I walked into my room and came to an abrupt stop.

  Hannah was sprawled out on my bed in nothing but her bra and panties. “I’m glad you showed up. I thought I might have to start without you,” she purred, unhooking her bra.

  What in her delusional mind makes her think that I want to touch her? Just seeing her on my bed makes my skin crawl. Ignoring Hannah, I grabbed some clothes and walked right into my bathroom. I threw some power at the door to make sure it stayed locked.

  After my shower, I towel-dried my hair and got changed. I walked back into my room to see a completely naked Hannah getting herself off. Fuck my life. “I want you so badly, Locke,” she moaned. I rolled my eyes.

  “Clearly. Throw my sheets in the hamper when you’re finished,” I snapped. Leaving the door wide open, I strolled into the common room. The guys started hysterically laughing. I’m glad they enjoyed the show.

  Hannah ran into the room, wrapped in my sheets. “You can’t just walk out on your girlfriend!” My hydra was dangerously close to the surface. He was begging to turn this girl to dust, and I am seriously thinking about giving him the green light.

  “For the last time, you’re not my girlfriend. On second thought, just keep the sheets.” I didn’t bother to mask the look of disgust on my face. I grabbed my phone off of the counter and walked out with the guys.

  We sat down at our usual table and placed our order with the waiter. “I heard Hannah talking with her friend about getting your attention back. I guess that was her big plan,” Miles huffed.

  I shrugged as Cade let out a humorless laugh. “She’s getting desperate. Locke’s been even colder than usual, and it’s probably driving her crazy.” He’s right about the crazy part.

  “That would have been hot if it were literally any other girl. Hannah probably would have had better luck if she dyed her hair blonde and got some curves,” Emmett snickered.

  I punched his arm. The guy has no filter. “Enough out of you, Emmett.” He gave me a crooked smile. He loves it when he strikes a nerve.

  Hannah’s not going to let up. I need to get out of this betrothal. Maybe I can talk to Archangel Michael about it. There has to be another option that I’m not seeing.

  The guys and I finished up at the restaurant and were about to head back to school. I told them to go on without me. There was somewhere I needed to go first.

  I popped over to Hell and immediately shifted into my hydra form. It was perfect timing. Groups of trespassers were trying to get by the gates and take down Cerberus. There had to be at least one hundred of them.

  This is the second large-scale attack that I’ve helped him with over the past few days. Cerberus mentioned that they’ve been happening more frequently than usual. He can easily handle this group himself, but I wasn’t about to let anything happen to Eve’s best friend.

  Our beasts gave each other a knowing nod, and we went to fucking town. We took them down in less than five minutes. It would have been much quicker, but we had a little fun with the last few beings.

  While Cerberus feasted on their souls, my hydra torched all of the bodies to ash. We both shifted back once we finished with the cleanup. Lucifer is a neat freak a
nd can’t stand when Cerberus leaves remains around the gate.

  “Thanks, man. It seemed like you needed to get some of that rage out,” he said. I sighed and leaned against a stone wall.

  “You have no idea. Everything is so fucked up. Do you think Michael would mind if I gave him a call to talk about some successor stuff?”

  Cerberus was busy checking his phone. “Why not just talk to her dad? I thought you guys have been texting anyway.”

  I nodded my head. “Yeah, he checks in with me here and there. I know Abaddon’s close with the Archangels, but I don’t know how clued in he is with the heir stuff.”

  He gave me a confused look and sighed. “Right. I’m sure Mike won’t mind you giving him a call.” Good, it’s at least a start.

  I talked with Cerberus for a while. I wanted to ask him about Eve, but I decided against it. Instead, I helped him with a few straggling trespassers and then popped back to my dorm.

  Everyone was already asleep when I got back, so I took a quick shower and popped into Eve’s room. Instead of sitting on her couch, I took off my shoes and laid down next to her.

  She looks so peaceful. I opened myself to our connection and sent her some calming and comforting feelings to help keep any anxieties away.

  I’m well aware that this is next-level crazy, but I can’t stay away. I don’t want to stay away. The only thing I want is this girl.

  As if she heard my musings, Eve shifted and burrowed herself against me. I couldn’t help myself. I carefully wrapped my arms around her and breathed in her vanilla scent.

  Hellfire, she’s perfection. Staying away isn’t an option anymore. I need to figure out a way to make Eve mine.



  The next morning I woke up ridiculously early. I don’t think I’ve ever slept so well. I breathed in the citrusy scent that lingered on my bedding and stretched my arms.


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