Unlocked (Hell's Throne Book 1)

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Unlocked (Hell's Throne Book 1) Page 18

by M. L. Gabrielle

  Abaddon crossed his arms. He was glaring at my father. “Any other secrets that you’d like to share, Lucifer?” My dad mirrored Ab’s stance. “I did what I had to do to keep you all safe.”

  Ab let out a humorless laugh. “Of course, how noble of you.” He stood up and started for the door. My dad’s eyes flashed red. “Go ahead. Walk away, Abaddon. It won’t be the first time.”

  Abaddon was in my dad’s face in a flash. “Fuck you and your assumptions, Luc. You weren’t the only one who was visited by an Oracle. I knew what had to happen. Forgive me for not wanting a front-row seat.” My dad reeled back. “It looks like I’m not the only one with secrets, Abaddon,” he snapped.

  I squeezed my eyes shut in an attempt to hold back tears. I always thought that Ab loathed titles, but maybe he just never wanted to be my dad. It never even crossed my mind that he may not have wanted me. Locke’s arms tightened around me. “You need a breather?” I nodded into his chest.

  Locke popped us outside. He didn’t ask if I wanted to talk about it. He didn’t try to make it better or offer advice. Locke simply held me close, and I couldn’t have been more grateful. Unfortunately, our time alone was short-lived.

  “Evelyn…” I reluctantly turned to face Abaddon. There was so much sadness in his eyes. He ran his hand over his short beard. “I am so incredibly sorry. I was upset and didn’t choose my words wisely. I never meant to hurt you, Evelyn.”

  Ab stepped closer and put his hands on my shoulders. “Having a family of my own never crossed my mind, but my world was forever changed once I held you in my arms. My love for you is immeasurable, my daughter. There will never come a day that I won’t be there for you. You’re stuck with me forever.”

  I kissed his cheek before wrapping my arms around his waist. “I love you too.” I felt a hand on my shoulder and immediately knew it was my dad.

  “No more secrets,” he said. Abaddon pressed a kiss on top of my head. “No more secrets,” he agreed.

  I felt lighter when the four of us walked back into the warehouse. I know things aren’t perfect, but at least my dad and Ab aren’t at each other’s throats.

  Locke gave my hand a squeeze before turning to the guys. “I think it goes without saying that we need to keep this to ourselves. Eve and I need some time to digest it all. Let’s plan to meet here tomorrow after dinner,” Locke suggested. We said our goodbyes and popped back to my room.



  By the time Locke and I got back to my dorm room, it was almost time for dinner. My hair was still damp from my shower, so I grabbed my brush and pulled out my hairdryer. I don’t know how to process everything we learned tonight. It’s all so overwhelming.

  I caught Locke’s gaze as he leaned against the wall. I know my mind isn’t the only one that’s whirling. “Eve, I think we should skip the dining hall and just order in tonight. We have a lot to talk about, and we still don’t know who posed as me.”

  He is unbelievable. Setting my brush down, I turned toward Locke and let out a humorless laugh. “That’s funny; it almost sounds like you want to hideout in my room. Newsflash, if everything that my dad said is true, then there is always going to be a threat.”

  Locke let out a frustrated breath and began picking our clothes up from the floor. “Fine. We’ll go to the dining hall. I’m going to get changed. I’ll be back in a few minutes, baby.” He kissed me and vanished. I finished drying my hair and quickly slipped on a pair of jean shorts and a white tee.

  Locke popped into my room as I was putting on my shoes. I checked that it was the real Locke through our bond and smiled at him. “Perfect timing. I just need to grab my phone.”

  He looked me over and licked his lips. “Come here, little hellion.” He pulled me close once I was within reach.“You look beautiful.”

  He held my face and ran his thumb across my lips. I took his thumb into my mouth, and he rewarded me with a groan. Locke slipped his thumb from my mouth and used it to wipe away the makeup concealing his mark.

  “Now, you look perfect.” He kissed my neck and nipped at the mark. I put space between us and narrowed my eyes at him. “You’re lucky that I love you, Locke.” Pulling my hair to the side, I walked out of my room with a chuckling Locke in tow.

  As soon as we entered the dining hall, I made a beeline to the grill. I cringed when I overheard a few of side conversations about the wave of power Locke and I accidentally unleashed. I didn’t catch any of their theories, but they didn’t seem overly concerned.

  I was dying for a burger and fries. I was debating whether or not to get chicken fingers too when I was bumped from behind. I turned to glare at the person. Jacob gave me a knowing wink.

  “Oh, thank hellfire, it’s you. Is it bad that I want to get a burger and chicken fingers?” He looked at me strangely and laughed.

  “Of course not. I’ll order our usual plus chicken fingers, and you can get our drinks and dipping sauces. I want extra barbecue sauce tonight.”

  I gave him a salute and headed toward the soda fountain. I was getting so many odd looks that it was seriously giving me a complex. I waited for Jacob, and we walked over to our usual table. My mouth was watering over the sight of the burger. I took a big bite and let out a moan.

  I went to say something to Jacob when I realized that everyone at the table was giving me a strange look. “Do I have something on my face?” I asked.

  Miles licked his lips and shook his head. “Something is different about you, Eve. I can’t figure out what it is. Is it your hair?” Emmett asked.

  You just had to give me sex vibes, didn’t you, Aphrodite. As if that’s a helpful gift. “Yep, it’s definitely my hair.” I took another big bite of my burger. “Well, you look…I mean, it looks beautiful.” I gave Emmett a quick closemouthed smile.

  “What was up with that wave of power? I heard it was felt in both Heaven and Hell,” Miles said before taking a bit of his cheesesteak.

  I stiffened as Cade shook his head at Miles. “Do you ever check your email? The council already sent out a message explaining that it was a glitch with the wards that link all three realms.” Locke gave me a wink, and I instantly relaxed.

  Thankfully, Penny made her way over to the table with her ten-pound tray of food. She sat down and gave me a curious look. Gasping, she and leaned over the table. “Oh. My. Hellfire. You totally took a ride on Puff the Magic Dragon!” Penny whisper-yelled. I groaned and leaned into Jacob.

  “Where’s her mute button?” He laughed and pushed me away. “I’m with Penny on this one. Tell us everything.” I threw French fries at both of them. “You two are insane if you think I’m telling you anything. This topic is off-limits.”

  I looked over to see a smug-looking Locke. Ugh! He probably heard everything considering Penny and Jacob have the biggest mouths ever.

  Once I finished my chicken fingers, a plate with a cheeseburger on it slid in front of me. I gave Locke a blinding smile. “Best boyfriend ever,” I said, digging in.

  My appetite is rivaling Penny’s tonight. I’ll blame it on Aphrodite. Locke sat down beside me and put his hand on my bare thigh.

  “How can she be that dumb to think that he wants her? It’s pathetic. Have you guys seen his texts to Hannah? He obviously still loves her,” a group of Barbie’s minions snickered from the table behind us. I dropped my food onto my plate and tried to hold back my anger.

  Locke squeezed my thigh, bringing my attention back to him. “Don’t give them the satisfaction of getting a reaction. You are the only one I will ever love, little hellion. Come on. Let’s get out of here.”

  We got back to my room, and I cringed when I saw the mess. Locke picked up all the clothes off the floor earlier, but he legit just threw everything on top of the bed. “Don’t even think about sitting on that bed. I need to make it first,” I warned as I dumped the pile of clothes in my hamper.

  “Why make the bed now? We’re just going to lay in it anyway.” Rolling my eyes, I grabbed a tank top and sleep
shorts. “I don’t know how you and Hannah did things, but I’d rather not sleep on sex sheets,” I clipped before going to the bathroom to change.

  Okay, so maybe I’m still miffed about what Barbie’s minions said. It just sucks having to see his stupidly beautiful ex and cronies each day. I never thought of myself as a jealous being, yet here I am, giving way to the green-eyed monster. What is happening to me? Sighing, I brushed my teeth and washed my face.

  Walking back into my room, I couldn’t help but smile. Locke was trying to put a new fitted sheet on my bed, but the one side kept slipping off. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have snapped at you. It just kills me that she was with you that way,” I admitted.

  I went to the other side of the bed and helped him with the sheet. Locke rested his hands on the bed. “I can’t change my past, Eve. Listen, we’ve both had an intense day. I’m going to give you a break and go back to my room for a bit.”

  I nodded as he vanished from my room. It felt abrupt, but I’m not going to overthink it. Nope, I’m not going to think about the fact that he didn’t kiss me goodbye.

  We’ve been through a lot and found out some pretty insane stuff. We both would probably benefit from having some alone time. Right? I let out a frustrated breath. Okay, I’m not letting myself think about thinking about Locke, bitchy Barbie, and the prophecy anymore tonight.

  After making my bed, I decided to work on a paper that I’ve been putting off. I sat at my desk and pulled my laptop from my backpack. I miss studying in the library. Hopefully, we can take care of the Zane and imposter Locke situations soon.

  Exhaustion hit me a few hours later. I had every intention of waiting up for Locke, but I could barely keep my eyes open. It wasn’t long before sleep claimed me.

  The next morning, I ran my fingers over the pillow next to me. It was cold. Disappointment washed over me. Locke never came back last night. I sighed and caught a glimpse at my alarm clock. Well, this is just great. I overslept. I decided to skip breakfast so that I can take my time to get ready for class.

  After a quick shower, I dried and straightened my hair. My blonde hair always seems so much longer when it’s straightened. I whipped out my makeup bag and found the heavy-duty concealer that I ordered.

  This mark on my neck has to go. It looks like I got attacked by some beast, which I guess is kind of true. I finished my look with some mascara and lip gloss.

  I slipped on my uniform and looked myself over in the mirror. I don’t look half bad. I was going to wait a few more minutes for Locke, but I don’t want to be late. Decision made. I grabbed my backpack, locked the door and hurried to my Latin class.



  I went back to my room and immediately changed into some gym clothes. I knew we should have ordered dinner tonight. Everything was great until Hannah’s friends started running their mouths. It just set Eve off.

  I understand that she hates my history with Hannah, but she refuses to see that I never had feelings for the girl. I never even liked Hannah. How much longer is Eve going to hold my past against me? All I wanted to do was bend Eve over my knee and give her a very thorough reminder of who I want.

  I had every intention of staying the night, but it was obvious that she needed a break. I could honestly use a break too, but I don’t mean from Eve. I just need some time to wrap my head around everything that has gone down. I laced up my trainers, grabbed my backpack and popped over to the gym.

  There were only a few beings there, which was a nice change. Grabbing my earbuds, I put my backpack in a locker and headed toward the weights. The guys and I tend to draw an audience when we’re lifting, so our workouts are always rushed. Tonight, I plan to take full advantage of the practically empty gym. I’m going to take my sweet time and enjoy my work out for once.

  I tried to clear my mind, but I couldn’t stop thinking about everything that’s gone down over the past few days. Being with Eve was incredible. She is so fucking sexy.

  She’s my version of perfection. The way she looked laid out before me is a sight that I will never forget. Eve looked like a goddess, and now I come to find out that she was blessed by one.

  Out of all of the goddesses, why did she have to be blessed by Aphrodite? Eve is already beautiful; she doesn’t need to be giving off sex vibes too. I swear it’s going to be the end of me. She was turning heads all night. Not that Eve noticed. My girl is entirely oblivious to her appeal, which is one of the things I love most about her.

  My brothers were practically salivating at dinner, and it wasn’t over the food. It took every ounce of my strength not to kill them on the spot. There has to be a reason why that specific goddess blessed her. I’ll have to look into it.

  I don’t want to believe that the prophecy is about Eve and me, but there are too many coincidences to ignore. A prime example is the part of the prophecy that talked about a baby cloaked by a fallen star. Lucifer was the one who found me and kept my identity hidden. His name literally means “morning star,” and he just happens to be a fallen angel.

  Then there are the tattoos. It’s hard to grasp that I was blessed by the god of the Heavens and the god of the underworld. I’m not a mythology expert, but I do know that Zeus and Hades have a brother. Poseidon is the god of the sea. Part of me wonders if he gifted me my hydra. From what I’ve read, Hydras are technically sea monsters.

  There’s no way that I’m about to share that thought with the Lucifer and Abaddon, though. Based on their reactions to my tattoos, they’re already concerned that I was blessed by two gods. They’d flip the fuck out if they thought I might have been blessed by three.

  Surprisingly, the amount of power I possess doesn’t worry me. It probably should because a lot of people will feel threatened by my existence and will be gunning for me. The only thing I’m uneasy about is Eve. It would paint a huge target on her back if other beings knew of my true nature.

  Lucifer was right. I would obliterate any being who tried to harm or take her from me. I know Eve doesn’t want to believe that I’m capable of wiping out Heaven and Hell, but she seriously underestimates my love for her. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for her.

  Once I finished lifting, I found an open treadmill that gave me a good view of the entire gym. I can’t afford to let my guard down with Zane on the loose. That guy will pay for what he did to Eve. I’ve been doing some research on siphons, but there is very little information out there.

  From what I read, there have only been two known siphons in existence. Similar power types and levels typically run in families. Someone like Emmett, who can alter memories amongst other things, comes from a long line of powerful demons with abilities that influence the mind.

  The ability to siphon isn’t a familial trait that can be passed down. It can almost be thought of as a rare disease. Siphons are so uncommon because they usually drain their mothers entirely early on in utero.

  Only an extremely powerful she-demon would be able to give birth to one. I wasn’t able to find any information on how to defeat a siphon, but I won’t rest until I figure out Zane’s weakness. His days are numbered.

  After my run, I headed toward the locker room to take a quick shower. I definitely overdid it tonight. I’m beat, and my muscles are so fucking sore. I popped back into my room and practically fell on top of my bed. I decided to shut my eyes for an hour and then go to Eve’s room. We have a lot to discuss.

  I woke up feeling well-rested. I grabbed my phone and saw that it was already the next morning. Shit. I was supposed to walk Eve to class. I sent her a few texts to let her know I’m running late. I ran into the bathroom, got dressed, and popped into Eve’s room.

  Her room was empty. Awful scenarios were flooding my mind. I squeezed my eyes closed in an attempt to calm down. I booked it to her classroom and looked through the window. I was instantly relieved when I saw her sitting in class.

  I was about to camp out in front of her classroom when the Dean approached me. “Locke, just the demon I wan
ted to see. A few new warriors just arrived on campus. I’d like for you to meet with them and see if they’d be a good addition to the guard. I’ll alert your professors that you will be otherwise engaged today,” he said.

  I looked at Eve’s classroom. There was no way that I was leaving Eve unprotected, so I sent a quick text to Emmett asking if he’d walk her to class for the rest of the day. He instantly replied that it wouldn’t be a problem.

  I shifted my attention to the Dean. “I’ll meet with them.” The Dean led me to the training field at the far end of campus. He introduced me and then excused himself. I’m glad he wasn’t sticking around. The guy is such a fucking prick.

  I briefly talked about our security needs and then spoke to each warrior individually. Once I was satisfied with their competence, I wanted to test their skill level. After warming up, I broke the group up into pairs and had the warriors focus on hand to hand combat.

  They were very well trained and a Hell of a lot better than our current guards. I still want to see how skilled they are in weaponry, but my gut says that this group of warriors will be a great fit. I’m glad I was able to meet with them today. This feels like a step in the right direction.



  I took my usual seat by the window in my Latin class and pulled out my notebook. This class is brutal. Hopefully, it will go by quickly. The classroom started to fill up, and I was getting more frustrated by the minute. I can handle the staring, but the constant snickering by Hannah’s minions was driving me crazy.

  In an attempt to tune them out, I started looking through my missed texts. I had several texts from Nick. I inwardly groaned. I completely forgot to smooth things over from the other day. I opened his first text.


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