Brought To Heel (Wayward Mates Series Book 1)

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Brought To Heel (Wayward Mates Series Book 1) Page 7

by Delta James

  Dylan began to rub her bottom soothingly and erotically. He could hear and feel her breathing and state of arousal increase dramatically. He slid one finger between her punished ass cheeks, then ran it down between her legs. He fluttered his fingers against her sex but she did not open herself for his exploratory touch.

  “Skylar, part your legs for me.” He waited to see if she would comply. “Do you need me to spank you before you’ll do what you know you want to do? Cariad, be a good girl. Don’t you want just a bit of pleasuring before I take my belt to you?”

  “Please, Dylan. I’ll open my legs for you if you promise not to use your belt.”

  “No, Skylar. I let you talk me out of using my belt on you earlier today and it’s brought me nothing but grief. I’m not going to ask you again. So now I’m telling you. Spread your legs for me.”

  He watched her struggle with herself. Part of her wanted desperately to defy him, but the part that seemed to be winning, wanted his touch in her most feminine place. Finally, arousal won over temper and pride. He was glad to see that it did. She spread her legs just wide enough for his hand to part them and her outer lips. He dragged his fingers past the opening to her velvet sheath, which was dripping with need. He picked up just enough of her natural lubricant to massage it into her engorged clit. He rubbed that swollen nubbin in circles and grinned as her hips began to grind against his lap.

  His cock struggled to break free from his jeans. His knot was forming rapidly and he would either have to focus on suppressing it or disciplining Skylar. As painful as it would be, Dylan would endure this knot without the benefit of burying it in his mate, but he also knew that in the future he would knot and tie her to him on a frequent basis. He allowed her to feel the knot. He wanted her to know that as angry as he was, he still desired her above all else.

  Dylan continued to pleasure her by rubbing her clit. Skylar tried to suppress a moan of pure desire. It had been far too long since a man’s hands had brought her pleasure. She could feel her heartbeat and breath quicken. The wetness that Dylan was using to play with the bundled nerves between her legs continued to increase. He kept her on edge by every so often reaching past her clit and dipping back into her pussy—never quite fingering her, but just gathering the slickness he needed to continue to pleasure her. Skylar tried biting her lip and the inside of her cheek, anything to keep from focusing on the sensations his skilled hand was inflicting on her.

  “No,” she moaned, shaking her head. Dylan didn’t stop and continued to caress her, not only to bring her pleasure but to remind her that her responses, her orgasms, her everything were no longer her own, but his to command. Skylar could feel her control slipping and finally gave in to the rush of her orgasm, crying out as she did so.

  “Now, isn’t that better than just having a painful backside?” he crooned in a soft, sensual voice.

  Skylar shook her head in despair and started to cry softly. The tears sounded as though they were being wrenched from her soul. “No,” she whispered as she sobbed quietly.

  He removed his hand from between her legs and began to rub the small of her back comfortingly. “I’ll not take you to task for lying to me just then. We both know you feel better for having come for me, but I know it isn’t what you wanted to feel. Now, get the rest of your clothes off and go stand in the corner. I want you to think about what got you put there. When I think you’ve had enough time, I’ll come get you and we’ll finish this. How you behave before I do will have great bearing on how many welts I lay across your bottom.”

  He helped her up and watched as she removed her bra and shirt. Her nipples were hard and begging to be suckled. He refrained as he wanted her to focus on her punishment and not on the level of arousal it was creating. He smiled. He couldn’t wait to get his hands, lips, and mouth on her—not only her nipples and tits but the beautiful, silken place she kept between her legs. More than that, he wanted to feel a knot forming knowing that he would be burying it in her and sharing a level of intimacy that was rare among their or any other species. The intensity of his stare caused her to bring her hands up to shield her nakedness from him.

  He shook his head. “Take your hands away. You are never to cover yourself from my gaze.” He waited until she did so and he smiled at her when she complied. “You know, Ioan described you as a ‘terrible bit of beauty.’ I think he’s right. Perhaps instead of cariad I should call you harddwch for beauty.” He reached out with both hands and tenderly wiped away her tears. “You’re being a very good girl. I’m proud of you. Now, go stand in the corner.” He stepped back and watched her do as she’d been told and breathed a silent sigh of relief.

  He went and sat in the chair, watching her stand in the corner with her well-colored backside. He could see her shiver not from cold as the room was quite warm, but from arousal. He sniffed the air silently. He could smell her scent. It was one of the things he liked best about being a wolf, the heightened sense of smell. A woman could hide a lot of things about her arousal, but her sweet scent was not among them. He waited, giving her time to compose and ready herself for what she knew was coming.

  He stood and joined her in the corner.

  “Please, Dylan, I’ll behave at dinner.”

  He chuckled. “Oh, no, little girl, you won’t be having dinner with the adults this evening. Spoiled brats that had to be taken upstairs and have their bottoms spanked will stay upstairs and have their supper brought to them. Then they can eat alone and wait for their mate to come put them to bed at an early enough time that they get their rest. After all, you’ve had a big day…”

  “Damn it, Dylan, I am not a child,” she said as she stomped her foot.

  He laughed. “Stomping your foot is probably not the best way to express that sentiment. But you do admit you behaved like a spoiled brat earlier, now don’t you?”

  “I hate you,” she seethed.

  He laughed again. “And here I was worried the spanking had been too harsh. But no, my redheaded mate reminds me why she finds herself with a very red, very swollen bottom about to have her mate’s belt taken to it.”

  “God, no. Dylan, please?”

  “No. I gave in to your pleas earlier today and all it got me was a mate who behaved badly in front of our pack and guests. I expect and demand better of you. Let’s go.” He turned from the corner and walked back toward the bed. He hoped she would follow but wasn’t overly disappointed or surprised when she didn’t. He strode back over to her, grabbed a fistful of her red mane, and took her back over to their bed. “Another bad choice, mate. When I brought you up here to discipline you, I planned to lay ten or so welts across your bottom. Then when you actually decided to behave yourself about halfway through I thought maybe four would do the trick. But now I’m thinking seven might be the magic number.”

  He used the fistful of hair to propel her onto the bed. She ended up belly down with her legs dangling off the edge and slightly spread. She moved to close them.

  “Don’t you dare. Didn’t I just tell you that you don’t hide yourself from me?” He reached between her legs and finding her even more aroused than when she’d been lying across his knee, he slipped two fingers into her. She gasped from the pleasure his touch gave her. Dylan smiled and began to plunge his fingers in and out.

  Skylar grasped the bed coverings trying to distance herself from the sensations he was inflicting on her. She squirmed to try to get away but he loosened his hold on her hair and pinned her into place. Skylar could feel a deep thrumming throughout her being but focused on the wet heat he continued to stroke. Dylan could feel it too and began to pump harder and faster. Skylar’s body responded in the only way it knew… her skin began to flush as her vaginal muscles contracted around his fingers. Her sharp intake of breath preceded her orgasm as she came calling his name.

  Dylan removed his fingers and petted her pussy. “That’s a much better way to mitigate your punishment. Calling for your mate as you come. Maybe just four this time. What do you think?”

  She thought about cursing him or calling him names, but she just wanted it over. She forced her body to relax and accept the punishment he meant to give her. She heard his belt being pulled from its loops. From the corner of her eye, she could see the belt doubled over in his fist and felt it slice through the air as it came down. When the leather laid across both cheeks in a ribbon of fire, she buried her face in the mattress and screamed. She barely had time to catch her breath before the belt struck again. She began to cry in earnest, not just from the pain but from the release of all the emotions she’d been suppressing for so long. The belt struck again and all she could do was cry harder.

  “If I stop at three, do you think you can behave yourself until our guests have all gone to their new homes?”

  She looked back over her shoulder and nodded her head.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, Dylan. I’ll behave.”

  He sat down on the bed next to her and then gathered her into his arms. She began to cry with great wrenching sobs. He knew that not all of the tears were for the pain in her backside, although he suspected that was considerable. He rubbed her back and let her cry. Ioan had said he might have to force her to accept his marking her, but he still believed he could give her a bit of time to come around. He grinned. She’d most likely get spanked harder and more often prior to that time, but considering how aroused they both were, it might not be such a bad thing. The knot had become extremely painful but he decided that while he might bed her before then, he would forego knotting her and the resulting tie until she was his marked and true life mate.

  The sobbing became less intense and the sniffling less frequent.

  “Feel better?”

  “What a stupid question.”

  He looked at her face. Gone was the defiance of the spoiled brat he’d had over his knee just a short while ago. It had been replaced by grace, wisdom, and the knowledge of her place in the world… and a sly, shy smile. This was the woman to whom he would be mated. He grinned.

  “What’s so damn funny?”

  “You,” he said, kissing the tip of her nose. “Had the woman sitting on my lap been present downstairs, we wouldn’t have had to come upstairs so that she could get a real taste of her mate’s discipline, would we?” She said nothing. He pumped his leg up and down, jostling her painful backside. She winced. “Skylar?”


  “Better. Best you learn to answer me the first time. Come on, up with you. I have guests to see to.”

  “I can be redressed… wait, we have no other clothes but those on our backs,” she said as she stood up.

  “And whose fault would that be?”

  She sighed and dipped her head. “Mine because I burned the house and all of its contents. When we tried to outrun you, we left everything behind. Any chance our things made it here?”

  “A very good one. But you won’t be needing anything tonight. I meant what I said. You’ve had a big day and you won’t be joining us for supper. I’ll have something brought up here. You can put on one of my shirts if you like. I’ll come up about 8:30 to tuck you in.”

  “I’m not a child.”

  “No, you’re my good girl who wants to show her mate she can mind him even when she doesn’t want to.”

  “I hate you,” she said softly. But before he could react, she continued, “But then I always hated Micah right after he spanked me so you’re in good company.”

  He laughed. “I am indeed. Be a good girl and eat all your supper. I’ll be up in a little while. So we’re clear… you are not allowed out of our suite until I give you permission. If you want or need anything, use the phone by the bed and hit one. Someone will pick up and get you what you need.”

  He walked to the door to head back downstairs, happier than he’d been in a long time.


  He stopped and looked back at her. She was kneeling on the bed, proud in her nudity and femininity. The smile on her face was sensual and predatory. “Are you going to bury that knot in me tonight?”

  He laughed out loud. “I take it the thought of being knotted and tied again has some appeal?”

  “Some,” she admitted.

  “Not tonight, but continue to behave yourself and we could see that done before too long… but only after I’ve marked you as mine.”

  “What if I don’t want to be marked… not just by you but by anyone?”

  “That option is no longer available. It never should have been.” He thought for a moment before going on. “You should have been given time to grieve and then mated with another alpha.” Before she could protest he continued, “But I’m glad you weren’t. I would hate to have fought and killed another pack’s leader when I heard your call. I believe you were fated to be mine. As I told you earlier today, you will be my mate in every way possible… including taking my knot.” He exited the room and closed the door behind him.

  Chapter Seven

  Skylar watched the door close behind him. She sat down and swore as the welts on her backside hit the mattress. She wanted to hate him… wanted to continue in her half-life grieving Micah. She could almost hear her former mate chuckling and saying again ‘son of the wave.’ What the hell did that mean? And then it hit her. It had been staring her in the face the whole time. The meaning of Dylan’s name was son of the wave or born of the sea. The Welsh God of the Sea was Dylan. She looked toward heaven and said out loud, “You couldn’t just have told me his name was Dylan?”

  Skylar decided to spend the time alone investigating the large, comfortable master suite. The main room contained a king-size bed, a reading nook, and an expansive balcony. She opened the French doors onto the balcony and walked out. It had a commanding view of the sea and contained two comfortable chairs and a small table. She imagined the sunrises would be incredible from up here. She looked down and saw that one of the men stationed outside the house had noticed her presence and was now focused on watching her… a reminder that she was not here by her own choosing.

  She went back inside and examined the fireplace. Skylar thought it of interest that it was wood burning and not gas or electric. Her exploration continued and she ventured into the walk-in closet. It was impressive. Not only did Dylan seem to have excellent taste in clothing, but her few remaining clothes had already been hung up and organized.

  She left the closet and ventured into the bathroom. She smiled. There was a huge shower, more than large enough for two; an antique vanity and linen closet; and over by the window, with its own commanding view, an oversized, deep, claw-footed soaking tub. She could see the bathroom had been designed to be completely private despite the oversized window.

  The floors were stone but weren’t cold on her bare feet. She noticed the control for the in-floor heat system and smiled. Dylan liked his creature comforts. She made her way back out to the main room, returned to the closet, and slipped on one of his linen shirts.

  There was a discreet knock on the door. She went over and tried the handle. It was unlocked. She opened it to find Susannah with a loaded down tray.

  “Do you mind if I come in?”

  “Not at all. I really meant it when I said I was glad to see you and that you are happy.”

  “I am. And I know you aren’t happy to be here or with the circumstances that brought you here, but I think if you give it a chance you could be too.”

  “Let’s agree to disagree on that. I know he’s your alpha and you seem to like and respect him. But as you say, I’m here against my will and he thinks to force me into a pairing…”

  “But only because he says he feels you are his life mate.”

  Skylar snorted. “My life mate is dead.”

  “You could have another.”

  “That’s the whole point, isn’t it? I don’t want another. But let’s not argue. And let’s agree you won’t extoll his virtues and I won’t point out his shortcomings.” She laughed, but the sound was hollow.

  “Okay. I brought up some snacks and marg
aritas to share with you before going down to dinner.”

  “Yes, I’ve apparently been grounded to our room in addition to having my ass beaten.”

  Susannah set the tray down and turned to look at her. “You got disciplined for being disrespectful. It’s nothing that Micah wouldn’t have done in the same situation. Skylar, he cares for you already. Do you have any idea what it took to force the issue of his taking you to mate and being responsible for choosing where the rest go? The Council didn’t like it one bit. He had to call in a lot of markers to get the support he needed to shove it down their throats. He did it for you and because he’s a good alpha. He knew it would be easier for you to know that care had gone into selecting their placement…”

  “And mates, Susannah. Let’s not forget he plans to choose Roz’s and Lacey’s mates for them. Oh, and mine as well. I’m glad you’re happy, but keep in mind you got to choose your mate. No one chose him for you, not even him. Nobody forced you to submit or run. It’s hardly the same thing.” Susannah looked close to tears. Skylar reached out for her. “Please, let’s not fight, Susannah, I can’t bear it. You’re the only thing here for me.”

  “I don’t want to fight either,” she said as she got up on the bed and sat cross-legged. “I know you’re unhappy, but I think you could be happy here with us and with him if you’ll let yourself be. You have no idea how much our pack is looking forward to having him mated… and mated to you. We are all so excited that you’re here.” She giggled. Skylar had forgotten how infectious Susannah’s giggle was. “You know that blowhole on the cabin cruiser you sank this afternoon?”

  “Not personally and I’d just as soon keep it that way.”

  “Well, Josh, he’s one of ours who was on the other cabin cruiser, broke his nose for him when he disrespected you. Said he told him, ‘That’s our alpha’s mate and you will give her your respect.’ Dylan runs our pack like you ran Bae Diogel. Yes, the men are in charge and yes, when we girls get out of line, we get our bottoms spanked, but you lived that way with Micah and were happy… besides the sex is always so delicious afterwards.”


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