Demon Hunter

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Demon Hunter Page 27

by Linda Kay Silva

  Steeling her nerves, Denny flicked her wrists and opened both weapons. Kicking the door open, she leapt into the room.

  “Get the fuck out of the bed!”

  The warm honey feeling flowed down her back. Hanta was fully awake and ready for the hunt.

  “What the fuck?” Mike Cockerton said as he leapt from the bed and turned on the light.

  “What’s going on?” a young girl asked as she pulled the sheets up around her bare breasts.

  Denny blinked once and slightly lowered her weapons.

  “Who the hell are you?” the girl asked. “And what the hell are those?”

  Denny sheathed her weapons and turned her attention to Mike Cockerton. “Where’s my sister?”

  “Hell if I know.”

  “You’re Pure Silver’s sister? What the fuck?” The girl said, pulling more covers around her. “I heard you’d gone crazy.”

  Denny glared at him and ignored her. She was not the threat. He was.

  “Get out,” Denny growled to the girl. “Now.”

  “I don’t know who you think you are, but—”

  Denny shoved her face into the girl’s. Her voice was gravely and deep and she knew her eyes were glowing red. “Get. The. Fuck. Out.”

  The girl scurried from the room and Denny used her foot to close the door. “Where is she?”

  He smiled.

  Denny snapped the weapons to life once more.

  “You don’t want to do that, Golden Silver. If I die, you’ll never know what happened to your sweet little sister. She was good, too. You know how fun it is for men to pop those little teen cherries. It hurt so good, know what I mean?”

  Denny stepped closer, her skin bristling. “Just so you know, you’re going to die horribly when I pop your teeny head.”

  “I think not. Your sister is still alive. You want her to stay that way, you give up the book. Once we have the book, we’ll give you Rush and your sister. It’s that simple.”

  “Bullshit. You think I’d ever trust a fucking demon? I know all about you. You’re a scum sucking piece of shit who would say just about anything to get that book. I can’t wait to send you back to whatever hell you came from.

  “Come on, man. Cut with the melodrama and empty threats. You’re way outta your league. In over your head. A mere minor leaguer. Amateur. Noobie. Rookie. Novice. Beginner. Need I go on? You got lucky with the schmoes they sent after you, but they were just trial balloons. I’m the real fucking deal and I could end your pathetic human life like that.” Mike Cockerton snapped his fingers. “Just give me the book and your sister can walk away with only her hymen injured.” He flashed her a smile. “And believe me…it was injured.”

  The Hanta grew angrier. Denny could feel it grow inside her, wanting to take over, wanting to kill Mike right here and now. “Pure can recover from bad sex with you, asshole. It’s the rest of her I want unharmed, so you’re not getting jack until I know Pure is safe.”

  “You don’t really have room to negotiate. I’ve got everything you hold dear and won’t think twice about putting them down. Listen. Be reasonable here. You don’t even want this gig. Who would? You’ll never have your own life. You’ll never really get used to the killing. People will come to you for help all the time. Your life will be filled with evil, blood, and gore. Is that what you want? Is that how you envisioned your life?”

  Denny lowered her weapons. Was that really the life that was waiting for her?

  “It’s a life full of death, of hunting, of darkness that seeps into your soul and takes over. The Hanta wants to take over, and you will fight him every day of your sorry life to keep control over yourself. Did Ames Walker tell you that? He didn’t, did he?”

  The weapons now hung at Denny’s sides. “He did not. He didn’t tell me about—”

  “About the darkness? If the Hanta gets too strong, it can take you over just like any other demon. Not just can. Will. It’s ultimately what they want. They want to be alive.” Mike Cockerton pulled on some jeans and a shirt. “Ah, he didn’t. I see. Makes you wonder why he left out that little factoid, huh? What else don’t you know, Golden Silver? Did he tell you that your family has wanted release from this for decades? Decades. And I can offer it to you as a gift.” Mike jammed his feet in a pair of Van’s. “I can help you, Golden Silver. I can use the book to remove the Hanta legacy from you and your family.”

  “Are you kidding me?” Denny bowed her head.

  “I am not kidding. Walker didn’t share that, either? Makes me wonder what else he’s not telling you, eh? Those trainers are all the same. They guard their knowledge like a troll guards his gold—giving it out piece by piece so they have a tiny bit of power. He’s no different than the rest.”

  She said nothing.

  “It’s not like we’re going to use the book to take over the world. That’s not really what this is all about. Do you really want to spend your life helping people who wouldn’t lift a finger to help you? Helping people who would spit on you if they knew what you carry within you? Why on earth would you do that? Why would anyone expect that of you? Is that truly what you want for your life? Is that what your mother wanted for your life?”

  Denny shook her head. “I…I don’t think so. I never wanted this. I don’t think she wanted me to have it, either. I didn’t even know getting out of it was an option.”

  “Yeah. They never share that with legacies, but the truth is your Hanta is just a demon that’s attached to your lineage. Nothing more, nothing less. Well, they come with cool weapons and shit. I bet when you were a little girl, you never dreamt you’d grow up to kill demons and be a pseudo-demon yourself. Because that’s what you are, Golden Silver. Make no mistake about it. You are every bit as demonic as I am. Just because you hunt us and kill us doesn’t make you any better.”

  Denny put the cylinders back in the inner pocket of her vest. She knew what she had to do. “You’re right. This isn’t what I want for my life. I didn’t ask for it and I don’t want it. If you’re sure you can get this fucking thing out of me, you can have the fucking book. I just want my life back.”

  “I’m positive. I swear.”

  Denny tilted her head at the last two words and stared a long time at the demon that was Mike Cockerton. “I’m not doing anything without Pure. You bring her home and I’ll give you the book in exchange for both Pure and Rush. That’s the only way I’ll do this.”

  Mike Cockerton walked around the edge of the bed with his hand out. “If you’re being honest with me, you won’t mind handing over your weapons.”

  Denny didn’t hesitate. She reached inside, pulled out two cylinders and handed them to him.

  “Wow. You’re not kidding. I thought you might be bluffing.”

  Denny shook her head. “I don’t want anything to do with this demon shit. I just want my sister, my lover, and my life back.”

  “I’ll bring your sister to you. Have the book ready for me. You must actually hand it to me.”

  “Oh really? How come?”

  “It can’t be found, can’t be stolen, can’t be taken, or it turns to dust. You must voluntarily hand it over.” He looked at her. “He didn’t tell you that, either, did he?”

  “Apparently, there’s a pretty long list of things he didn’t tell me. Don’t worry. I’ll have the book. You just bring my sister.”

  “She’s not far. I’ll be right behind you.”

  Mike followed Denny to her car. Once she was in, he bent over and leaned on the open driver’s window “If you change your mind, or foolishly think you can take me out without your weapons, I’ll kill you, your sister, your lover, your other sister, and every friend you hold dear. Understand?”

  Denny nodded. “Just get this thing out of me and never bother me again and I’ll give you whatever the fuck you want.”

  As Denny sped off, she called the one person she knew could help her get out of this alive.


  She’d never driven the Prius so fast. She screeched
to a halt in front of the house, and almost before the car stopped rolling, she was out of it. Racing up the stairs, she found Brianna and Cassandra sitting on the floor in Rush’s old bedroom.

  “Can you guys get Rush out of there or not?”

  Cassandra nodded “Absolutely. We’ve done a cursory evaluation of the demon holding Rushalyn, and its power has waned since our initial encounter. As a duplo, the demon loses power the longer it is away from its other half. It is my belief that we can successfully save her if we have a diversion.”

  “Good. Look. Shit’s going down in less than ten minutes. I need you both to focus on your task and—”

  Cassandra held up her hand. “This isn’t our first rodeo, hunter. You do whatever you need to do to handle whatever is following you. Let Brianna and I handle this.”

  Brianna nodded. “We’ve got this, hon. I promise.”

  Denny returned Brianna’s nod before reentering the lair.

  “Okay. Okay.” Denny ran her hands over the spines of the books. She wanted the thickest book she had. “Come on, Golden, think. You can do this.”

  There it was.

  A book about the history of the supernatural. She ripped it from the shelf and tucked it under her arm. Her heart thumped in her chest. She knew this was a crap shoot. She knew it was a risk, but it was all she had.

  “He’s coming. Are you two ready?”

  “All over it, hunter.”


  Denny stopped and turned. “Yeah?”

  “We’ve got this. You have to believe that.”

  “Thank you.”

  Denny stood on the porch waiting. When Mike Cockerton finally pulled up in front of the house, she thought she would faint from relief when she saw her sister in the front seat of the Camaro.

  Before Pure could open the door, Mike grabbed her arm and pulled her out through the driver’s side.

  “Pure? You okay?” Denny asked. She noticed her voice slightly changing. The warm honey feeling starting at the base of her skull. The Hanta hated Mike Cockerton.

  Pure’s wide-eyed stare and her silence told Denny she wasn’t okay.

  “It’s okay, sis, really,” Denny said, fighting for control of her vocal cords. “I’ve got this all under control. Everything’s going to be all right. I swear.”

  Mike with his hand on the back of Pure’s neck. “That the book?”

  “It is.”

  “Let me see it.”

  Denny shook her head. “Pure comes up here first.”

  Mike hesitated a moment nodding once and letting Pure go.

  Pure ran up the steps and threw her arms around Denny, but Denny did not return her hug.

  “Go upstairs and stay upstairs,” Denny whispered. “Lock the front door behind you. Do not come out. You understand me?”

  Pure pulled away and looked at her. “Denny, your voice—”

  “Go!” Denny roared. Pure scurried into the house, the ominous sound of the lock clicking told Denny it was time.

  She walked down the steps, one at a time, her eyes riveted on Mike Cockerton, who waited a couple of feet below her. She could feel his excitement—his anticipation at getting his hands on the legacy book. “You’ll need to come upstairs. The lair is up in the attic.”

  He looked up at the house. “Once I have the book, I can remove the Hanta that plagues you and then I’ll be on my way.” He held his hand out for the book. “I gave you my word.”

  When she reached the bottom step, she held the book out to him. “The one thing I’ve learned from my Hanta is that the word of a demon doesn’t mean jack shit.” Denny dropped the book on the ground.

  Cockerton looked at the book for only a moment.

  “You stupid little—”

  The sound of heavy thundering feet drowned out Mike Cockerton’s sentence as Pat Patterson lowered his shoulder and drove it hard into Mike’s chest. The sound of Mike’s ribs cracking reverberated through the air as the two men tumbled to the ground.

  Mike landed ten feet away and was struggling to get up. Pat winced as he straddled him, hitting him again and again with his meaty fist. “Stay the fuck down, asshole.”

  The element of surprise gave Denny the moment’s reprieve she needed and she pulled her real weapons from her vest.

  Cockerton howled a preternatural sound, but Pat tightened his arms around him and then wrapped his legs around him as well. “Calm down, buddy, or this is only gonna get worse. You ain’t going nowhere.” Pat said into the Demon’s ear. “Just calm the fuck down.”

  Cockerton struggled for another moment before he stopped fighting and looked up at Denny. “Don’t be a fool, Golden Silver. I will kill every single thing you hold dear, starting with this ape.”

  Denny quickly strode over to him, her weapons in both hands. “You’re a piece of shit, and I am sending you to whatever pit you came from.”

  Cockerton lifted a leg and kicked Denny in the stomach. As she doubled over, he slammed his head backwards into Pat’s face. Pat’s hands automatically let Mike go as he put them to his face and his broken nose. Blood flowed easily down Pat’s mouth and chin as he went limp

  “Mother...fucker...” Denny said as she struggled through the pain to stand up.

  “Big mistake,” Cockerton growled, his red eyes visible in the dark. “You sent a human after me? That just shows how out of your league you are you stupid bitch.”

  Denny assumed the stance, her hands clenching her weapons in front of her, but keeping them closed. She could not kill him yet. “You need me for the book.”

  “That deal’s off the table.”

  “Is it? Pure doesn’t know where it is. Neither does Sterling or Quick. You want the fucking book, you’re gonna have to trust me to take you to it.”

  “I think your other sister knows. It’ll take more time to grab her away from the church, but I’ll get her. I’ll get her and fuck her first, just like I did—”

  The warm honey became a fire and Denny hurled herself at him, her heels connecting with his soft tissue. He countered, she struck, and Denny knew he probably had the upper hand in hand-to-hand combat, but she could not use her weapons just yet.

  Not yet.

  “Give it up, Silver. All you can do is delay the inevitable. I have your weapons. I don’t know what the fuck those are, but if you use them, everyone you know is dead.”

  She knew she could not defeat him this way, but before she could snap her wrist, one massive punch in the mouth sent Denny onto her back, where she lay there, semi-conscious, staring up at the moonlight sky.

  She had failed.

  Hanging on to the remnants of her consciousness, she felt the Hanta willing her, urging her to get up.

  “I’m gonna kill your little sister, you fucking bitch, and then I’m gonna kill all your friends.” He kicked the phony legacy book as he started up the steps. “But first, I am going to tear your little sister in half.”

  Denny fought hard to remain conscious. With the edges of her vision graying and blurring, she tried to focus on the hazy moon, but was losing the battle.

  She’d fucked this up six ways to Sunday. She’d overestimated her own ability and placed her friends and family in danger. Could she be any more stupid?

  Inside, she felt the Hanta prodding her to get up.

  She couldn’t.

  She was pretty certain Mike had kicked her spleen through her liver. Closing her eyes, she inhaled deeply, and it hurt. It hurt bad.

  “Get up.”

  Denny wondered if the Hanta could talk. It wouldn’t surprise her.

  “Come on, baby, get up.”

  Denny’s eyes popped open. “Rush?”

  Rush hovered over her, her face a mask of concern. “He’ll kill Pure, baby. You have to get up. You have to get up right now before the two halves of the duplo reunite. Hurry.”

  Denny painfully rolled to her side. The sound of the front door breaking resounded through the air.

  “Hurry, love. Please hurry.”
  Denny pushed herself to her hands and knees. She was sure she had a cracked a rib or three. Pain shot through her temple. “You…okay?”

  Rush floated to the steps. “I’m fine. I’m dead. I’d rather your sister and friends not join me. Please baby, you have to hurry.”

  Denny winced and grabbed her aching side as she stood up. It felt like someone had shoved a glowing fire poker in her side. It burned, it ached, it felt like her ribs were sticking out her side, but she managed to stumble to the steps.


  “I’m trying. I just got my ass kicked.”

  “Get your kicked ass up the stairs.”

  Denny knew she didn’t have it in her to go after Cockerton again. Every part of her body throbbed. She was seriously hampered by that kick to the stomach. There was only one way…one way she could save them all. She knew Ames would be disappointed with her…angry, even, but she didn’t care. She was too injured to do this alone.

  But she wasn’t alone. She probably never would be again

  In that one split second decision, Denny closed her eyes and let go. Completely let go, and in doing so, she felt the Hanta step up, as she knew it would. She felt it take over her entire being.

  She needed the Hanta Raya—needed it to go after Cockerton.

  She wasn’t sure she could do it at all. But then her muscles filled with blood and her bones began to heal. Racing up the steps after Cockerton, Denny leapt through the busted front door and saw him making his way up the stairs, where she immediately followed and, passing by Rush’s old room, was relieved to see that Brianna and Casandra were gone and Pure was nowhere to be seen.

  Denny snapped her wrists forward and let her weapons snap and bite at the air, hungry for action. Fouet and Epee sizzled and crackled as the Hanta’s strength flowed freely through her.

  Her pain gone, Denny started after him.

  “Stop right there, motherfucker,” Denny commanded. Fouet sizzled with living energy, moving without Denny’s help, seemingly alive.

  Cockerton stopped at the door to the master bedroom and turned. He was surprised to see the weapons. “You’re gonna need more than those antiquated weapons, Silver. You’re a fool if you think you can stop me. Walk away now or you’re a dead woman.”


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