Endless Online: Oblivion's Price: A LitRPG Adventure - Book 3

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Endless Online: Oblivion's Price: A LitRPG Adventure - Book 3 Page 32

by M. H. Johnson

  Dirk quietly turned to Julia and Yin. "Are you two ready?"

  "Am I ever!" Yin crowed. "Watch this! Impulsa!" She cried, jutting out her finger, a bolt of crackling lightning ripping through the air and smacking against the nearest house. Yin frowned. "That's not the best demonstration, but anyway, I mastered Ice Spear and Lightning Blast both!" She gazed at Julia in frank admiration. "The way you calmly shocked trios of them silly, even as the boys went crazy hacking them or spearing them? That was something to see. Of course, Val's Ice Spear is so bad ass, there's no way I couldn't try to get that too."

  Julia's gaze widened. "That is pretty damn impressive, Yin," she said, even as Chris muttered about lost opportunities.

  Yin suddenly looked angry, for the first time that Val could recall. "Yes, Chris, I know. No flash mastery of spells or skills can match boosting the characteristics that define us, and to actually enhance our brain, our health, speed, grace, all of it, priceless. You and Dirk chose that path, and you benefit from it in both worlds. But we need power now!" Her glare softened, she lowered her head. "And magic comes so easily to me. Especially magic I see you guys cast, that I feel through our Spirit Link. And, well, I was worthless, last fight. Absolutely worthless." Her gaze hardened once more. "I want to be worthy of fighting beside you, and now I will be. My skills at creation, manipulation, and the four basic elements are now all at level two."

  Chris whistled. "That is pretty awesome, Yin, and you're right, it's not my place to tell anyone how they should develop themselves. Remind me to boost my scholarship and charisma next time!"

  Yin nodded. "It's okay, Chris. I know you're just trying to look out for us. Maybe when things are calmer I'll choose differently. But right now, considering what we're up against? Better safe than sorry."

  Julia frowned. "You really do take to rapid learning."

  Yin blushed at that. "I think a lot of it was you helping me, linking up with me. There is no way I could learn it this fast without you. I'm grateful, don't think I'm not." She swallowed, eyes almost pleading. "Please don't be mad at me, Julia. I just want to be a part of the team."

  Julia blinked, surprised. "No, I'm not mad at you, I'm happy for you!" She chuckled softly. "Okay, I admit to being a little jealous. I thought I was exceptional, getting 5 points a level, not 4. But here you are, able to learn arcane skills at double speed... well, it's not really my business, is it? I need to focus and take pride in my own growth, the story of my own life. And if you are more fortunate somehow? I should feel only admiration. Your strength becomes our party's strength, your own story inspiring me to be even more than I was."

  Julia turned to Dirk. "There's a reason why I spent my points the way I did. I was close, so close to where I needed to be, the other day, but not quite close enough. Now? I am." She swallowed. "I won't fail you again. I won't fail the team again. And if that means it's going to take me all the longer to boost my core attributes, levels before I have a hope of achieving Yin's perk? So be it. Min-maxing means nothing if we're dead before we get there."

  Yin nodded. "You do have an aura, now. I mean, more than you did before. You are definitely a charismatic girl, Julia, and I get the feeling nothing will break your spirit now."

  Julia grinned. "It's because I achieved rank 4 in two magical arts and Synergized Ward." The group grew still, gazing at Julia in wonder. "I was only a point away in both schools, and you better believe nothing's getting past my ward now." She turned to an awestruck Yin. "You inspired me to better myself, Yin. I might never match your aptitude for mastering knowledge quickly. I might not be able to learn skills from others at incredible speed. But when it comes to trailblazing new arts, to serving as our arcane sword and shield so no foe can take us, I will do my absolute best to fulfill my role." She winked. "And for some strange reason, my willpower increased this level too. I think it was just due to the focus and dedication I put into my arcane arts, because my sense of purpose, my drive, has never been stronger. Not even the desperate cravings of a former drone slave are going to stop me from achieving my dreams."

  Yin's smile grew.

  "Alright," Dirk said. "Your build may be specialized for this world, but a rank 4 ward can only help our cause. Thank you for that."

  Val frowned, sensing there was a lot left unsaid.

  "And as for you, Yin, specializing in directions that benefit the party, even beyond your own personal advancement, is beyond commendable. As team leader, I thank you as well." Yin blushed and smiled at his praise. "As Julia can tell you, being able to cast powerful magics with absolute mastery is a rush few people will ever experience, and your proclivities are a solid excuse for your arcane exclusivity. But as you yourself said, the benefits of boosting your body and mind in both worlds go far beyond a single mastered spell. Something to remember for next level, and rest assured, I plan for us all to go far in this game, growing in ways that leave our friends and foes green with envy."

  Chris nodded. "I've never felt more powerful or stronger than I do now. My charisma may not have increased, but the confidence I feel, the way some of the female noncoms eye me... it's just as good, as far as I'm concerned."

  Yin smirked. "Seducing everyone on base, you big stud?"

  Chris laughed. "Hardly. These days you gotta be damned careful, even if you got a heart of gold."

  Dirk nodded. "Let the girl make the first move, then give her a night she'll never forget."

  Julia laughed. "I don't know whether that makes you guys noble or just enlightened pigs."

  Yin winked. "Noble pigs, and for the record, I like what I see."

  Chris actually looked a bit flustered with Yin's frank approval, though Dirk's smile spoke volumes.

  "Since you're a contractor and not under my command in uniform, you have every right to pursue whoever you like, Yin," Dirk said, boldly stepping close and brushing a loose strand back from her cheek. "A beautiful girl like you could have her pick of every fish in the sea. Any man would be lucky to have you."

  Yin's smile grew. She reached out and grabbed his hand. "I think you're stretching the rules, and I could care less. You and I are definitely having a talk, Dirk. Later."

  Chris frowned. "But I thought..." He looked between Val and Yin, then caught Julia's eye. "Oh."

  Dirk caught Val's awkward gaze and laughed. "Alright, kids, time to plan." His bemused expression hardened. "So we all understand what's at stake, right?"

  Val nodded. "160 captives, maybe more. One high wizard, whatever that entails."

  "It entails trouble," Julia murmured. "Their mages don't learn nearly as fast as magical spirits from an alternate world powering up on kills, quests, the very fabric of the universe somehow stretching to accommodate our potential. But all that being said? Their elite mages are no joke."

  Dirk nodded. "Chris and I scavenged the best of the armor our enemies were using. It might look a bit haphazard, but we've never been more ready for a fight."

  Val gazed at his companions, wearing an odd assortment of breastplates, pauldrons, vambraces, and greaves somehow perfectly fastened to gambesons and rawhide leggings. Val suspected that perhaps a jury-rigging spell was responsible for the piecemeal armor fastening itself together so adroitly without a single soldering point or stitch, as no smith had been near them since Val had first entered the game. And truly, what spell would be deeper ingrained in the earliest tribes of man than one that let you put together rawhide and plant fibers into sturdy garments, or attach flint spearheads to wooden shafts without spending hours in preparation?

  Fastened atop Dirk's steel breastplate and their limbs were reflective plates, no doubt adding an extra ten pounds to their gear, but with their strength, Val wouldn't be surprised if it was no hindrance at all. He was well aware of how gracefully historic knights used to move around, even completely covered in steel. Training and good endurance, not incredible stats, were all that was needed, and Val's friends seemed to have both.

  "The Dominion trooper armor might crack in melee, but the s
teel underneath will hold strong. And as for charging laser fire or lightning, Dominion armor was specifically designed for just that sort of maneuver." Dirk flicked his dwarven shield. "Our dwarven armor is the best of both worlds, so no worries about overlapping there." He caught Yin's gaze. "You've got our best Dominion shield. How do you feel?"

  Yin swallowed and nodded. "I think... I think this time I won't let you down. I'll keep myself always guarded, and only shoot out a lightning blast or Ice Spear when I have a clean line of sight." She braved a smile. "I've mastered the spells, guys. It's almost as if Val, Julia, and I spent a thousand hours together they'll never remember casting those two spells from a dozen different angles. At least that's how I feel, able to bring either spell to bear as naturally as I can hip toss an obnoxious drunk. I'm not a tactician yet, but as long as I keep a calm head? I won't let you down."

  Dirk smiled. "Good." Abruptly he withdrew and threw a dagger into a nearby wooden post so fast that Val had actually leaped back before processing the move. "Yin! Don't think! Strike it dead!'

  Yin gasped, blinking for a wild half second, then screamed "Glacie Pilum!" And a spear of super cold ice, blades as sharp as obsidian, slammed just below the dagger, tearing completely through the post, then vibrating as it penetrated deep into the ground, kicking up clods of dirt.

  Chris whistled. "Damn. That sucker hits as hard as an 8 gauge slug!"

  Dirk nodded. "At least. Alright. Good work, Yin. Same formation as before. We head in..."

  "And we kick their asses," Julia said.

  Val nodded, embracing the icy core in his heart as they prepared to do battle once more. Even if he couldn't embrace the darkness of the caverns, he could certainly embrace the cold resolve that had gotten him through so many perilous encounters.

  And when the awful echoing laughter greeted them as they approached the lip of the cavern once more, shredded bodies tearing themselves free of earth and stone and glaring at the living intruders with hideous hate, Val knew he'd need his resolve like never before.


  "Glacie Pilum!" Julia screamed, as much out of fear as battle lust, the shaft blasting straight through the lead zombie's torso. And save for stumbling back a foot as the spear passed through, it had no effect at all.

  "Oh my god oh my god oh my god it's the walking dead! We can't stop them!" Yin sobbed, and the laughter grew.

  The same mocking voice they had heard before echoed through the air like thunder. "So be it! I have offered you every courtesy the accords demand, and you have dared to intrude upon my property a second time! I am now at liberty to use all the arts at my disposal to destroy you, and I shall happily do so! Flee while you can, fools, lest you wish to join my undead legions as slaves in perpetual torment for daring to cross the House of Christos!"

  Val's hand gently squeezed the back of Yin's trembling neck. "Easy, Yin," Val soothed. "I can see the arcane strands of power flowing through them, strands we need to burst if they are to die. It's just like the movies. No bullet or piercing weapon is going to do anything, but if you hit them with a boosted Firestream or cleave off their heads, they'll collapse in ash and flame."

  If anything, Yin's trembling worsened. "But... but... I didn't master that spell!" she sobbed. "Ice and lightning! Ice and lightning! Awesome medium and long-range spells, you and Julia rocked with them! But that was against people, not undead!"

  "Burn!" Julia roared, finger jutting out, catching the nearest zombie still coming to life in a massive pillar of flame. It immediately began to shriek, and Val could sense the intense magical flame bursting arcane cords even more rapidly than it was burning through their strangely combustible foes. Within seconds, the zombie was reduced to a pile of sticky ash.

  "Flames are best for undead things, Yin," Julia calmly explained as she readied herself for more lurching undead. "It will even kill spirits that blasters can't touch. Lightning is basically advanced blaster fire. Fantastic against men covered in steel with only reflective shields to counter blasters, but undead and Dominion troopers are all but immune, troopers wearing armor to counter radiation and lightning in almost all its forms."

  Yin's eyes widened. "If I had known that, I would have mastered Firestream!"

  "No time for regret, they're forming up in earnest now!" Dirk roared, and Val saw that he was right, the horrific assembly of dead flesh into undead horrors was speeding up, and Val knew they had to act or be overwhelmed.

  "Burn!" He cried, washing the nearest shambling mass of flesh in searing flame, knowing just where to focus to severe the arcane cords pulsating with sickness and sentient rot.

  Zombie has taken critical wounds. All cords successfully ruptured. Experience earned!

  "Damn it!" Val lurched his head up from the puddle of greasy ash to catch sight of no less than a dozen zombies shambling into the entrance area.

  "Alright!" Dirk snapped, "tactical withdrawal!"

  Val knew what that meant, eyeing Julia, both of them shooting fresh streams of killing flame at the zombies attempting to flank them. Dirk quickly unsheathed his now humming dwarven blade and cleaved through the skull of the nearest zombie in a spray of blood and gore, giving his friend the moments he needed to ready his Zweihander and whip it around in a vicious series of arcing cuts, each movement flowing gracefully into the next just like in a HEMA demonstration, Chris effortlessly cleaving through multiple zombies within a handful of seconds, now seeming almost to glow as the crimson blade leeched power from its kills, feeding Chris in ways dark and potent that went beyond simple experience.

  Val could see Chris's eyes widen with darkest joy, his intense discipline struggling with the desire to unleash death with a berserker's frenzy.

  "Control!" Dirk snapped, Val not the only one to sense Chris's growing battle madness via the Spirit Links they all shared even as he shifted focus back to his immediate peril, a pair of zombies lurching forward.

  "Burn!" Val roared, blasting the nearest one with killing flame even as its partner stumbled backwards, Yin's broadheaded ice spear blasting it high in the chest, only inches from its neck, more than enough force and shattered bone to topple it over, even as it began to righten itself back up.

  More than time enough to burn it to a crisp.

  "Die, bastard!" Yin roared, the pair of them falling into a rhythm as the zombies continued to pour out of the cavern. Whenever there were two or more, she would do her best to pin one, tear off a leg, or force back one of the number with her Ice Spear while Val dodged, ducked and incinerated them with searing hot flame, having finally remembered to boost himself with a fresh haste spell which made time stretch all the more but gave him that extra edge he needed to keep ahead of the vast wave of zombies they slowly picked off.


  Val snapped at attention, spinning back to see Chris getting overwhelmed by a flood of zombies at front and back, seconds from being pulled under. He did not hesitate, time seeming to stretch as he propelled himself forward, holding out his synergized ward like a shield, slamming into one pair of zombies as Dirk harried another pair, a boosted fire stream quickly putting an end to the threat as Dirk forced his battered friend to his feet once more, curls that had escaped his helm completely singed off by Val's fire, but otherwise unharmed.

  "Thanks, guys," Chris said breathlessly.

  "Focus!" Dirk snapped. "How's your magic, Val?" he asked as a second wave of zombies poured out of the cave, even bigger than the first.

  Val grimaced. He was already at half mana, and their enemy would give them no time to rest. But by spell or blade, Val was determined to bring them down. The Spirit Link allowed them all to peripherally sense where they were in relation to one another, Val and Julia fighting in perfect sync, two halves of a deadly whole, and somehow they all managed to keep a half step ahead of their foes. Then, just as quickly as it had started, the field of battle was empty, save for piles of greasy ash scorching the ground before the mine.

  Congratulations! You have survived multiple waves of
zombies. Talk about getting ahead of your competition! Experience earned!

  Yin's eyes widened. "Oh my god, we just survived that, didn't we? How many did we face? Forty? More?"

  "Damn right we did!" Chris hooted. "Crushed those bastards dead!"

  Dirk nodded. "We now have a sense of our foe's tactical capabilities."

  "Not so impressive," Chris smirked, "we got to control the terrain with plenty of room to maneuver."

  "Don't get cocky," Julia whispered. "He was just toying with us. I wouldn't underestimate him in anything like a real duel. It's how High Wizards choose who rule their houses."

  Yin blinked. "I had no idea," she said. "You certainly studied up on the lore around here."

  Dirk frowned, nodding as well. "I didn't know that either, Julia. What clued you in?"

  Julia tilted her head as if thinking it obvious, opened her mouth, and silence. "I don't know," she said softly. "I think... wait... I don't... my mother. She used to tell me the most exotic fairy tales, growing up. Nothing like Disney movies." Julia chuckled. "She even has me study the military history of her made up realms as one of my memory building exercises. I swear, in her heart of hearts, she wants to be a novelist. Honestly, half the time I feel like I'm just playing in one of her stories. That's one of the reasons why I feel so comfortable here."

  Dirk frowned. "We have no time for bedtime stories, Julia. If you don't have solid facts, don't conjecture. We need to keep focused, and dare not waste another moment." He gazed at them all, then. "We know this man can command scores of zombies, and I think we're luckier than we realize. We're taking a real risk, here. Are we still going to do this?"

  Everyone nodded without hesitation. Dirk smiled. "Good. Keep the P word in mind at all times. If I say 'pull out...' you do it, all of you, no arguments! Agreed?"

  Yin nodded. "With a save point so close? We'd be fools not to, even if we have to wait a few hours before we can play again," she said, Val nodding, and together they all dared the caverns once more.


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