Falling for Kindred Claus

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Falling for Kindred Claus Page 11

by Evangeline Anderson

  I’m probably exuding my Mating Scent too, Asher thought—though of course he wouldn’t be able to smell it himself. But it would be clearly evident to Lisa and it would cause her to react to him if she inhaled enough of it.

  That’s probably the only reason she kissed me, he told himself. After all, she’d gone to a great deal of trouble to let him know she wasn’t interested in starting anything with him after getting out of the abusive relationship she’d had with her husband. Probably she wouldn’t be attracted to him at all if his body wasn’t trying so hard to draw her in.

  He ought to leave her alone as much as possible, Asher told himself. It was the only honorable thing to do. If only she wasn’t so damn gorgeous and he hadn’t had the first two Signs with her already…

  He sighed. Well, he would just have to do better at mastering himself and trying to ignore his own instincts. It might not be easy but he was already on shaky ground and he needed to be careful with the curvy little Earth female. No matter how beautiful and tempting she might be, she wasn’t for him. And even if she was, there was no guarantee he could bond her to him.

  No, the best thing was definitely to stay away from her—no matter how difficult or maddening that might be.


  “The first step in the purification process is purification of the mind,” Lambada announced as she led Lisa down the echoing tunnel and into a rose-colored lounge.

  There were padded pink couches all around and black vases as tall as Lisa’s head with even taller flowers protruding from them. The blooms were the Sacred Blue color and they exuded a sweet, refreshing fragrance that made her feel more relaxed at once.

  “That sounds wonderful,” Lisa told her. She took a deep breath, inhaling the soothing scents and sighed deeply. “Ahhhh…Are we going to be meditating then?”

  “In a manner of speaking. Come, choose a purification platform near one of the vases,” Lambada instructed. “Lie with your head towards the sacred blooms, close your eyes, and breathe deeply, allowing your mind to empty of everything.”

  Yup, that sounded like meditation all right. Lisa had tried it once or twice but she had never been very good at quieting her mind enough to find “inner peace.” Still, she reasoned, lying on a pink couch and breathing in the fragrance of the sacred blooms was a heck of a lot nicer than putting on the embarrassing underwear set she was still carrying in the little black carry-all cube Kat had packed for her.

  She chose a couch and lay down on its soft, rose-colored fabric. The light in the room was golden and diffuse, seeming to come from everywhere and nowhere, and the floral scents in the air were lovely and refreshing. Somewhere, she seemed to hear soft, flute-like music accompanied by rhythmic drumbeats. The elusive music rose and fell in a hypnotic pattern.

  “There now,” she heard Lambada say quietly, from the couch she had chosen for herself. “Close your eyes and empty your mind. Repeat this mantra to yourself—‘All is well, all is well, and all manner of things shall be well.’ Say it over and over until inner peace finds you.”

  “All is well, all is well, and all manner of things shall be well,” Lisa repeated obediently. The words seemed to flow through her mind like a quiet stream flowing over pebbles, and she said them again and again as she let herself relax.

  It had been a long day for Lisa—she’d been up early to catch the bus she needed to get to the mall and then she’d worked a full early shift with a different Santa before doing two hours of the later shift with Asher. And after that, she’d had all the excitement of going to the Mother Ship, folding space, and landing on an alien planet.

  In short, she was exhausted, so it probably wasn’t surprising that she fell asleep.

  What was surprising, was the dream she had.

  * * *

  She was naked with Asher—naked and both of them had chewchies on their heads. Hers was bright pink and Asher’s was smoky gray.

  In the dream, this seemed perfectly right and natural and Lisa wasn’t embarrassed a bit. She was sitting with Asher on a couch and they were watching as their chewchies came together on the back of the couch and began copulating vigorously.

  “Oh my,” Lisa murmured, looking at the big Kindred. “Well then, if they’re doing it…”

  He shrugged. “I guess we have no choice.”

  “I guess not,” Lisa remarked. She climbed on his lap, thrusting her bare breasts and nipples right in his face. Again, this seemed perfectly all right. In fact, Lisa had the distinct feeling that she was acting on a desire she’d had from the moment she first met the big Kindred. Somehow all her inhibitions had been stripped away and now she was finally able to do what she wanted—and what she wanted was to have him inside her, filling her…claiming her.

  Asher took her up on her unspoken invitation and sucked one ripe tip into his mouth, making Lisa moan and writhe in his lap.

  “Oh God, that feels so good,” she gasped, burying her fingers in his thick black hair and pressing closer to him, wanting to offer him more. “I’ve been waiting for you to do this for so long.”

  Asher released her nipple for a moment and gave her a slow smile.

  “All you had to do was ask, sweetheart. I’m happy to suck your sweet nipples all night if you want me to. Though there are other places I’d rather taste…”

  As he spoke, Lisa felt his long fingers stroking between her thighs and a pleasure rushed through her. She looked down to see that he had spread her pussy lips with his ring and index fingers and was gently circling the aching bud of her clit with the pad of his middle finger. It was exactly the way she liked to touch herself but somehow when the big Kindred did it, it felt a hundred times better.

  “Oh God!” she moaned and arched her back so he could suck her nipples again while he stroked and fingered her. “Oh God, Asher, that feels so good! More…give me more…”

  * * *

  “Lisa? Lady Lisa, are you well?”

  Lisa came awake with a start to see an alien with blue skin and three eyes staring at her. For a moment she almost screamed before she remembered where she was and who the three-eyed alien was.

  “Oh, Lady Lambada,” she gasped, sitting up from the soft pink couch with a jerk. “I’m so sorry. The meditation made me feel so relaxed I think I drifted off to sleep.”

  “That is not uncommon,” Lambada said serenely.

  Thank goodness she wasn’t upset, Lisa thought!

  “It’s not?” she asked cautiously.

  “No, of course not. The fragrance of the sacred blooms often brings on short, refreshing sleep, as well as prophetic dreams of the future. Tell me—did you have any such dreams?” Lambada asked.

  Lisa opened her mouth to say no and then the embarrassingly erotic dream came rushing back to her in vivid detail.

  The copulating chewchies…climbing naked onto Asher’s lap…letting him suck my nipples while he stroked my pussy…

  Oh God, the whole thing had been so incredibly real she almost had a hard time believing it was a dream! In fact, her whole body still throbbed with desire when she remembered the big Kindred’s mouth and hands on her. But it was much, much too embarrassing to share.

  “No,” she said quickly. “No, I…I didn’t dream about anything. I just took a little power nap—that’s all.”

  “Really?” Lambada tilted her head to one side and regarded Lisa narrowly from all three eyes. “Because you were calling out something—I could have sworn that you were dreaming.”

  “Well, if I did, I don’t remember it,” Lisa said. “So tell me,” she went on, hoping to change the subject, “What’s the next part in the purification process?”

  “We must walk into the holy mists,” Lambada said. She looked at a small device on her arm which might have been some kind of a clock. “Your mate’s purification process is somewhat lengthier than yours but I think we have been resting and purifying our minds long enough that he and my Natillus will be getting to the mists soon.”

  “Okay, I’m ready.” Lis
a got off the couch, ready to move on, but Lambada frowned and shook her head.

  “Oh no, my dear Lady Lisa—not yet. The holy mists are a public area, open to all. So you must first put on your purification garments.”

  Lisa’s heart sank but she had to admit, this wasn’t exactly unexpected. She had been hoping to avoid wearing the obscene set of underwear, but apparently it was not to be.

  “All right,” she said, setting the carry-all cube on the couch and opening it. “I’m ready—I have my own garments.”

  “You do? Oh good!” Lambada looked relieved. “For I was not certain where we would find ones to match your skin tones. I have mine with me as well. Shall we go into the changing area?”

  “Sure—lead the way.” Lisa nodded in agreement and followed her alien hostess out of the rose-colored meditation room and through a door which led to a lot of little box-like areas that looked like shower stalls or changing booths at a department store.

  “Here you are, Lady Lisa—you may take this one.” Lambada pushed open a wooden door to one of the many booths and ushered her inside. “Please come out when you are ready,” she said, smiling.

  “Of course.” Lisa smiled back at her and looked around the small enclosed area as soon as the door shut. It definitely reminded her of a high-end dressing room. The wood the enclosure was made of was a warm honey-brown and it exuded a scent a little like cedar and peppermint—an odd combination but it worked somehow. Lisa found it both relaxing and invigorating.

  On one wall of the small room was a silvery oblong that might have been a mirror. Or, it might not have. It didn’t seem to be made of glass or metal, Lisa thought. In fact, it wavered like water and when she reached out a finger to touch it, ripples ran through its silvery surface as though she’d dropped a rock into a pond.

  It showed her reflection, though—as she saw soon enough when she took off her other clothes and put on the embarrassing bra and panty set. She looked into the wavery silver surface and winced at what she saw.

  Did the nipples and pussy printed on the fabric have to look so realistic? Even the neatly trimmed thatch of pubic hair looked real, down to the last detail. God, how could she go out in public looking like this? Even worse, how could she let Asher see her?

  Well, he’s not going to have on anything at all, whispered a little voice in her head. Remember what Kat said? She said the men went naked and only the women wear the purification garments. So maybe you’ll get to see that massive equipment of his first-hand.

  Oh God, not that she wanted to—honestly she didn’t, Lisa told herself. But she couldn’t help remembering the massive bulge in his under shorts when he was putting on the Santa costume and the way he had assured her his arousal was because of her.

  Take it easy, she told herself. You already made it clear that nothing was going to happen between you and Asher agreed. So it doesn’t matter if you see him naked and he sees you…like this. Nothing is going to happen.

  But what about the dream? whispered a little voice in her head. Lambada said the sacred blooms give prophetic dreams. What if that’s really going to happen? What if he’s going to suck your nipples and finger your pussy until you moan for more?

  Lisa tried uneasily to push the thought away but the idea—as well as the vivid mental images of the dream which didn’t seem to be fading at all—filled her with an ache she didn’t want to acknowledge.

  “Lady Lisa?” Lambada’s soft voice called from outside the door. “Are you ready? I believe it is time we were getting to the holy mists.”

  “Um…” Lisa hesitated a moment longer but it was clear there was no getting out of it. She looked at herself one last time in the wavery, water-like mirror and sighed. There was no way around it—she looked completely naked since the fabric of the bra and panties blended in with her own skin color so well. Naked and obscene, thanks to the images printed on the underwear.

  But she couldn’t put it off anymore. Bracing herself for embarrassment, she opened the door of the changing enclosure and stepped out.


  In the back of her mind, Lisa had been worried that Lady Lambada would be wearing something completely different—something normal like a one piece bathing suit instead of underwear with genitals printed on it and then she would feel even more like a freak than she already did.

  All her fears proved true when she saw her alien hostess had on a Sacred Blue robe which covered her from neck to ankles.

  “Oh!” Lisa exclaimed, trying to cover herself. “Oh my goodness—I’m so sorry about this outfit! I was assured that this was what we were supposed to wear for purification here!”

  She started to back away into the changing cubical but Lambada put a hand on her arm.

  “Do not fear, Lady Lisa—your garments are exactly right and appropriate,” she said, smiling serenely. “Look—I have on mine as well.”

  She spread the blue robe and Lisa saw that she did, indeed, have on an underwear set that matched her skin color. And yes, she saw with relief, it did have genitals printed on it.

  Which seemed like a strange thing to be relieved about, but not nearly as strange as what Lisa was seeing.

  Does she really have three breasts? she wondered, looking at the triple dark blue nipples she saw on the top of Lambada’s outfit. Her eyes flicked downward. And two vaginas?

  The blue vaginas, both fringed in bright green pubic hair, were located one above the other. The bottom one appeared to be in the usual place, as far as Lisa could tell but the top one was directly above it and right below the alien woman’s belly button. It was slightly smaller and had a much more prominent clit—if the round purple bump in the middle was a clit.

  “Oh my, do your people only have a single sacred mouth?” Lambada asked. She was studying Lisa’s outfit with as much interest and curiosity as Lisa had for hers.

  “Um, sacred mouth?” Lisa looked where Lambada was pointing—at her crotch—and understood. “Oh yes—we only have one,” she said. “Um, why do you have two? I mean, do you actually use them both?”

  Since they were asking intimate questions, she thought it would be okay to satisfy some of her curiosity and Lambada seemed unlikely to be offended. Her face was serene and her chewchie was sitting happily on her head, grooming itself in a leisurely manner.

  “Oh yes, we have two—of necessity,” Lambada said earnestly. “This one above is the pleasure mouth.” She pointed at the vagina with the prominent clitoris just below her belly button. “It is used only for a woman’s pleasure and does not lead to a womb. Therefore a male may spend his seed in the pleasure mouth as much as he likes and there is no possibility of pregnancy.”

  “Wow, that’s…really useful,” Lisa said.

  And actually, it was, she thought. It would be super convenient not to have to worry about getting pregnant without the use of some kind of birth control—which she currently wasn’t on, since she’d left Cameron six months ago and had no need of it now. Besides the fact that she couldn’t afford it on her salary as an elf, she thought wryly.

  “Um, what about the bottom one?” she asked.

  “Oh, this is my child-bearing mouth,” Lambada explained, pointing to the slightly larger and more conventionally situated bottom vagina. “This is where my mate may spend his seed when he wishes to plant a child in my belly. It is connected to my womb and it is also the exit from which the child will come into the world when the time is right.”

  “Oh—that makes sense.” Lisa nodded. “We, uh, kind of have to use ours for both. Pleasure and child-bearing, I mean,” she added.

  Lambada frowned. “But then…how do you control your birth rate? And does your single sacred mouth not become weary of serving both purposes?”

  Lisa thought that her personal “sacred mouth” wasn’t serving either purpose lately. Rather than being weary, she was getting restless, she admitted to herself. Sex with Cameron had never been any good after he’d revealed his true nature and started hitting her. It was somethi
ng she had done to appease him—to try and distract him from his more violent impulses.

  When you had to use sex like you would use a toy to distract a toddler—only the toddler in question was a drunken, angry man who might beat you if you didn’t hold his attention well enough—well…it sucked all the pleasure out of what ought to be an act of love, or at least, one of enjoyment and pleasure.

  I can’t remember the last time I had good sex, Lisa thought mournfully. Maybe that’s why I had that crazy dream—because my body is ready to get busy again, even if my mind isn’t.

  “We use other methods of birth control to control our population,” she said, to answer Lambada’s question. “And I guess we’re just used to having only one, so nobody thinks about it having to do, uh, double duty. I like your system though,” she added. “The, er, two vagina system. It seems really efficient.”

  The Two Vagina System—sounds like the title to a self-help book! The thought made Lisa want to giggle but somehow she managed not to.

  “Well, we have spent enough time talking,” Lambada remarked, closing her robe. “Though I find your species fascinating, we must go to meet our mates.”

  “Um, I don’t suppose you have an extra robe I could borrow?” Lisa asked hopefully. “I’d rather not be seen in public like this until I have to.”

  “Why—are you ashamed of your body?” Lambada asked curiously. “Your mate certainly seems to enjoy it—if the kiss I saw you share with him is any indication.”

  “Um, I’m not ashamed exactly,” Lisa hedged, although being plus-sized had always made her feel somewhat self-conscious. Which was one reason she’d been so surprised when Asher had told her she was gorgeous. Maybe Kindred liked plus-sized women—that would be a nice change, even though she had no intention of getting involved with him. “I’m just cold,” she said to her hostess. “Really cold.”

  “Oh. Well, of course there are extra robes,” Lambada said courteously. She went to a far wall and got a robe from a row of hooks. “Here you are, but we must remove them when we go into the holy mists. Thufar would be offended, otherwise.”


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