Selena's Men

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Selena's Men Page 8

by Elle Boon

  Malcolm nudged Max’s shoulder. “Great…I mean you dance really well.”

  The growl that Max answered his brother’s statement with could’ve been agreement.

  “Would you guys like a drink and then a tour? The employees were just getting ready to go grab some dinner before the opening.”

  They had about three hours before the doors officially opened, giving Selena a little breather.

  “How about you give us a tour first? Do you have an office here, too?” Malcolm asked.

  The question was asked casually, but the heat radiating off both men was anything but casual.

  “Of course.”

  After making sure all the employees had left and the doors were locked up, she walked back to find both men leaning casually against the counter. They straightened at her approach.

  “Relax, Selena mine.”

  Max’s deep velvet voice washed over her like a soothing tide.

  She took a deep breath.

  On the main level the open concept made it easy to see everything. The only doors were the one in the front to get in and one in the back to get out, other than a hallway that led to the restrooms and the large store room. There was a wide staircase on each side to reach the upper level, where more seating and her office sat.

  As they walked she pointed out the different design elements, knowing all the while they were checking out her ass. The times she would look back they seemed to have some sort of silent communication between them, making her wish she was part it.

  Her skin felt too tight, her mind and body didn’t feel like her own. It was like a thousand volts of electricity ran through her veins each time she made eye contact, or brushed against either man.

  She felt like a virgin being led to the sacred altar. The picture had her stomping the last few steps to the office suite, thinking she was nobody’s sacrificial virgin, dammit.

  The key pad on the side of the door blinked green as she entered her code. After the locks disengaged, she stepped inside.

  In the corner of the office she had a fully stocked bar, which is where she headed. Nothing like a little liquid courage. Three tumblers were filled with a few cubes of ice before she poured whiskey in her own glass.

  Like a frat boy she slammed the fiery liquid, then lifted her head and the bottle to see if they wanted the same as her. Both men nodded their assent.

  The men stood shoulder-to-shoulder with identical looks of what could only be hunger. The expression should’ve scared her, especially when Max boldly leaned back and locked the door.

  Never one to show fear, Selena lifted her eyebrow at the action. Wanting to taunt them, she took a sip of her drink. She hid her smile with the glass at Max’s scowl. He was the one she referred to as the dark twin, while Malcolm in her mind was the light one. Two halves of one whole.

  With predatory grace they stalked toward her.

  “What’s going on?” Selena wished she hadn’t moved from behind the minibar after refilling her drink. Why she thought the insubstantial bit of furniture could protect her she had no clue.

  “You, Selena, are our Fated,” both men said at the same time.

  She shook her head. What they said made absolutely no sense to her.

  Were they crazy?

  “I’m not sure what that means, but I’m pretty sure it’s illegal,” she tried to joke.

  If her memory served her correctly, you weren’t supposed to show fear. Or was she not supposed to look them in the eye? Oh crap, maybe she should just drop into a fetal position. Didn’t that usually stop things from attacking?

  Looking anywhere but at the two men across the room, Selena nearly wet herself when each man brushed a finger down her cheeks. How the heck did they get so close without her hearing them move?

  “Don’t deny you can’t feel it too, Selena. We won’t allow you to lie to us or yourself.” Max’s features hardened, intensifying the blue fire in his gaze.

  He leaned in to nuzzle her neck.

  His clean, musky scent made her mouth water, and a pulse beat straight through her, aiming for her core.

  “You don’t want to get brother dear angry, Selena,” Malcolm said, nuzzling his nose near her ear.

  “Shut up, Mal. You’ll scare her.” Max growled.

  Selena was more aware of her own body than ever before. Everywhere they touched sizzled, like heat was surrounding them with fire from the two men who touched her.

  “Oh…goddess…I’ve never…I mean I’ve been horny, but nothing compared to this.” She slammed her mouth shut to stop the flow of words.

  “Don’t talk about other men and yourself with us, Selena.” Malcolm trailed his hand down her bare arm, leaving goose bumps in its wake.

  She bit her lip against the moan of pleasure that threatened to break free as his lips followed the same path, making her nipples tighten.

  “Man. Not men. I’ve only slep—” She closed her mouth at the fierce looks on their faces.

  Max’s looked like he could’ve been carved from granite, with his jaw clenched so hard she feared he would chip a tooth.

  That wouldn’t keep her silent, but the fog of emotion reflected in his eyes had her reaching up to cup his cheek to reassure them, for what she wasn’t sure. She just wanted to soothe, to make them…happy.

  Max turned his head and pressed a kiss to her palm. A zing of pleasure went through the heart of her that had her knees buckling.

  She found herself surrounded by both men as Malcolm stepped behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist, palming her breasts, making her whimper with the extreme pleasure. She stared into Max’s eyes. Good lord, she could get lost in their depths.

  With both men so close she could smell their individual scents, and moaned at the delicious thrill the dual assault had on her senses. Her hips moved of their own volition, rubbing her body against the two impressive men sandwiching her between them. It all seemed like a dance they’d done a thousand times before.

  The reactions her movements caused were more than she bargained for. From teasing and playful to intent in mere seconds, both men groaned as if in pain. Malcolm breathed on her neck before nipping her shoulder, making her shiver in delight, while Max gripped her hips. His lips licked at her closed mouth, demanding she open for him.

  She wanted to give them anything. That thought gave her pause, until his teeth nipped at her bottom lip. Goddess. She flicked her tongue out over the area he’d bitten. He tasted like the finest wine, and she wanted to savor him.

  She wanted more, and Max was obliged to give her more.

  With incredible ease he lifted her up, aligning their bodies, guiding her legs around his waist. Their mouths met in a clash of lips and teeth, before gentling. She sank into his kiss, loving the demanding way he held her head as if he’d never let go.

  The feel of another set of hands squeezing her breasts reminded her of Malcolm, and Selena was almost shocked out of the sexual haze, but a gentle push at her shields reminded her that something was different with these two. She allowed a sliver of light to flow into her mind that she recognized as Malcolm. He was trying to reassure her.

  Instead of jerking away from the invasion she sent a small burst of energy back, still not allowing either man entry into her thoughts.

  The action received the desired effect. Malcolm squeezed the tips of her nipples between his thumb and forefinger while trailing his lips along the column of her throat. Max made love to her mouth. There was no other way she could describe it. He ran his tongue over the roof, around the front of her teeth. Who’d have thought that would feel so freaking good? All the while she rubbed herself against Max’s rock-hard stomach, knowing she could come at the slightest touch from either man. If Malcolm or Max would just trail their hands down between her legs, they’d find her dripping wet. One flick, or one brush of a finger and she knew she’d fly apart at the seams. The thought should have embarrassed her, but all she wanted was to feel one or both of them touching her.

She was sure Max’s shirt and pants were going to be showing a visible wet spot from where she was wrapped around him. Again, she couldn’t find an ounce of guilt.

  From the size of his erection pressing between her legs, and the one at her back, she’d guess they were in the same situation. She trembled, wrapped her arms more firmly around Max’s shoulders, needing his heat. Needing them.

  Malcolm’s hands disappeared and then Max’s mouth pulled away.

  They worked together like a well-oiled machine, moving toward the overstuffed leather sofa against the wall in her office. She felt a cool breeze from the central air as first her tank top and then her bra was removed by Malcolm. Absently she wondered how they’d learned to accomplish such a task, but Max reclaimed her lips in a heated kiss. Malcolm’s extremely warm hands began kneading her chilled flesh.

  “Damn, she feels like silk,” Malcolm murmured.

  Time seemed to stop. It took several seconds for Selena to get through the sexual fog swirling in her brain. Somehow Max had pried her legs from his hips and laid her on the couch. Two matching blue gazes bored into her where she lay in complete abandon.

  What must they think of her?

  “Oh God,” Selena whispered. She raised her hands to cover her breasts. Even the slight contact with her hands felt erotic with both men watching. She was more than glad Max had the decency to make sure her legs were placed neatly together instead of sprawled out like some sort of…She stopped the absurd thoughts. It took two, or in this case three, to tango and she definitely wasn’t the only one who was doing the undressing, she noticed.

  Malcolm’s shirt had joined hers on the floor at some point and his belt was off with the top button of his slacks open, exposing the black briefs below. Max, on the other hand, was still completely dressed, and to her complete embarrassment he did indeed have a wet spot from where she had unabashedly ground herself against him.

  Before she could scramble up, Max leaned down and pulled her boots and socks off in two easy tugs.

  “What the hell?”

  She truly meant to scramble up. To put up more of a fight. But Malcolm chose that moment to drop to his knees on the floor by her head. The brothers looked so much alike, but were so different. She couldn’t explain it or put it to words, it was just a feeling that she had in the pit of her soul.

  “You’re so beautiful. Perfect,” Malcolm said. He captured her mouth in a kiss that stole her breath and her sanity. She raised her hands, not to push him away, but to pull him closer. His muscles bunched under her hands, his skin smooth over the steel hardness. His taste was also different than Max’s, but no less of an elixir she could easily become addicted to. Where Max tasted like the sweetest wine, Malcolm tasted like melted honey. She pulled his hair from the binding at the base of his neck, running her fingers through the soft thickness. Another thing that made them different.

  The sound of her leather belt sliding and the clang of the heavy blinged-out belt hitting the carpet was overly loud in the room.

  A tap on her hips and she was lifting herself up to help them slide her skirt down, leaving her wearing only a tiny red thong. The dang thing was soaked and no longer doing anything anymore. She wasn’t sure whose hands were at her waist removing what, or whose hands were touching her breasts. She was lost in a sensory overload of four hands, two mouths, and goddess help her she loved every minute of it.

  A puff of air on her soaked thighs had her clit throbbing, aching for one of them to touch her.

  “Please,” she begged.

  Malcolm and Max were both kneeling alongside her. It should have looked ridiculous, only it wasn’t.

  Max’s right hand raised in what seemed like slow motion to Selena’s mind. She realized her left leg was raised over the back of the couch and her right was now hanging off the other side. She was completely exposed to them. He trailed his index finger from her belly button straight down to her most intimate flesh, never taking his eyes off of her face. He swirled his finger in and around and under the red thong, but never touched the one place guaranteed to send her over the edge of bliss.

  With his gaze still watching her he brought his finger to his mouth and sucked it into his mouth.

  Jesus. Selena almost came from that alone.

  In a graceful move he stood and motioned to Malcolm to switch places with him. Some sort of silent communication took place between the two men. Her clit was throbbing. Her body was shaking with the need for release.

  Max unsnapped two buttons on his top then tossed it over his head, releasing his belt and button of his pants in a motion so fast she barely tracked.

  A puff of hot air washed over her covered pussy, and she glanced down to see a smirking Malcolm. The man stuck his tongue out and traced his way up and around where his brother’s finger had been.

  “She’s so wet and hot,” Malcolm said.

  “She’s going to smack you if you don’t make her come,” Selena panted. She reached down to touch herself. Max grabbed her hand.

  How did he move so quietly for such a large man?

  “I think she needs something, Mal.” Max swallowed her next words with his mouth, groaning in unison.

  Selena dug her heels into the cushion as Malcolm finally latched onto her clit.

  “Shit, Max, she’s so fucking sweet,” Malcolm murmured from between her legs.

  She whimpered, needing more.

  “What the hell?” Her eyes flew open when Malcolm tapped the top of her mound with the flat of his hand.

  “Stay still, love. We’re in charge here. You belong to us,” Max answered.

  Max’s broad shoulders blocked out her view of Malcolm, so she was completely unprepared for the next tap directly over her clit. Max swallowed the scream of pleasure the smack caused. If he made love to her body the way he kissed, Selena thought she’d die a happy woman. He left no part of her mouth unexplored. She’d never been kissed so thoroughly.

  Malcolm gripped the sides of her favorite red panties and she heard a rip, just as she lifted her hips.

  “Son of a bitch, Max, she’s bare,” Malcolm groaned. “Do you shave or wax?”

  Max raised his head and both men stared as if mesmerized by her. She didn’t know how to tell them she’d never had any body hair. When she had been a teenager, it had embarrassed her when all the other girls started shaving. She wanted to be just like them, and even pretended to shave, just to feel like part of the crowd.

  Now as an adult and seeing the admiration and the need in both their eyes, she was glad. Selena knew her pussy glistened with her juices, and with no hair to obstruct their view, they would see it, too. Max reached down and smacked the top of her mound and her mouth flew open.

  “Malcolm asked you a question.”

  “N–no…I just…I’ve never had any, you know…down there,” she stammered, but refused to be embarrassed.

  They shared another look, that damn silent communication she wished to be a part of. When she met Malcolm’s look from between her legs, he had a devilish gleam on his face. He stuck his tongue out, pinning her with his gaze as he leaned forward and licked her. Starting at the bottom of her crack, with one long swipe he lapped up the juices that flowed out of her.

  He hummed. The throbbing at the heart of her became more intense, if that were possible. She wanted to be filled. He circled the engorged bundle of nerves and lapped at her like an ice cream cone on a hot summer day.

  Max touched her cheek and she turned her head to see him kneeling by her face, completely naked with his extremely large cock in his hand.

  “Open your mouth, Lena. I want to feel your lips around my cock,” Max said in a guttural voice.

  She licked her lips and stared at the milky fluid beading on the tip. She leaned forward and grabbed him with her left hand, opening her mouth to suck on the bulbous head. He tasted like cinnamon and cream.

  Selena had had only one lover, but he had tasted nothing like this man. She flattened her tongue on the bottom of his dick a
nd sucked him deep, holding him by the base to control the depth. She wanted to taste more of his flavor. Swirling her tongue back up to the head, she licked the slit and was rewarded with another trickle of the fluid.

  She jerked when Malcolm began licking and opened his mouth to suck her folds. The dual assaults of having Max filling her mouth and Malcolm feasting on her had her center clenching. With her right foot planted on the floor, she pressed her pelvis up. Goddess be damned, if the man didn’t fuck her soon, she’d kill him herself.

  “I think Lena needs something filling her, Malcolm.” Max looked down and met her eyes. “She’s been such a bad girl, though. What do you think?” he asked Malcolm, but with his eyes on her. She nodded. He shook his head, trying to hide his merriment, until she gripped his dick with her teeth.

  “I think she’s threatening my manhood, Malcolm.” Max laughed.

  Selena snarled and scraped her teeth up his length before sucking the tip to release him with a pop.

  Malcolm pursed his lips and kissed right above where she needed him, missing the engorged bit of flesh that begged for attention.

  “Her little clit is so red and angry looking,” Malcolm said.

  They talked as if she weren’t there, which pissed her off. She pulled her leg off the top of the couch, intending to stand, but Malcolm cupped her calf and pressed it back. With a shake of his head and a nod to Max, he leaned forward and held her in place with his body, releasing her leg in the process.

  He gripped her ass in his palms and raised her pussy up to meet the thrust of his tongue. He stabbed at her opening repeatedly. Her inner muscles squeezed and released so hard, she feared she’d cause him permanent damage.

  “She’s so tight. I can feel every flutter on my tongue,” Malcolm said between licks.

  Selena turned at the gentle tap on her cheek to see Max’s cock. She opened wide, swallowing as much of him as she could, before she gagged and pulled back. He fisted one hand in her hair and the other held him at the base. His balls slapped her chin as he shuttled in and out. And oh goodness, his cock filled her. She couldn’t wait to find out what he tasted like when he came.


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