Selena's Men

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Selena's Men Page 19

by Elle Boon

  “Gods but you’re gorgeous when you’re mad.” Malcolm dropped to his knees and wrapped his arms around her waist.

  Max shook his head and smiled.

  Selena saw that look and stomped her bare foot. The pain that shot up her leg let her know she probably shouldn’t throw a tantrum on marble floors.

  “What’re you smiling at?” Selena asked Max, running her hand through Malcolm’s hair.

  “He is correct.” Max motioned to his brother with a tilt of his head. “You truly are magnificent when you’re spitting fire.”

  “Grrr…you guys make me so angry. Just answer the question. Where have you guys been? Why haven’t you come to see me?” Selena sniffed. She hated to cry, but her emotions were so out of whack.

  “We’ve been trying to get to you, but it is really hard to get here from Earth, my love,” Max said.

  Malcolm nodded his head, but didn’t loosen his hold on her waist. She couldn’t help but smile at the purring sound he made as he nuzzled her belly. She heard a noise that sounded suspiciously like someone choking and saw her father with his finger in his mouth making gagging sounds.

  “Please, spare me. You three are making me sick with your lovey dovey stuff.” Zeus looked at Selena and smiled a charming smile that almost made her forget why she was so pissed.


  Selena saw her father’s smile widen and she gave him a smile in return.

  “I had to make sure they were worthy of my girl,” Zeus said with a little bite, looking at Max and Malcolm.

  “What do you mean?”

  “What your father means is, he loves you and wanted to protect you. He was only doing what any loving father would do. He had to ensure your health and safety first and foremost.” Max turned to Zeus. “Isn’t that correct, Sir?”

  “Oh now you show respect, when not five minutes ago you vowed to kill me if I didn’t let you see Selena?”

  She gasped. “You tried to kill my father?”

  “No, I didn’t try to kill your father.” Max looked at Zeus with a look that could only be described as outraged.

  “I beg to differ, Max. I clearly remember you slamming him against the wall, and if memory serves me correctly, you had pictures of him in pieces floating through your mind…Ow…Why did you do that?” Malcolm rubbed the back of his head.

  “Because you’re fucking stupid,” Max snarled. He raised his hand again.

  Selena reached out and grabbed Max with an invisible force and brought him closer to her. He dug his knee into Malcolm’s side and Selena laughed at their antics. Malcolm released his hold and fell to the side as Max took his place in front of her. He placed his hands on her hips and brought her up to his eye level. She gasped at the raw emotion she saw in his eyes.

  “I missed you,” Max said.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and brought his mouth down to kiss her. He let her lead for all of two seconds before he swooped in and took control. He plundered her mouth with his tongue and wrapped one big arm around her waist, twisting his other hand in her hair, never once breaking contact with any part of their body.

  He had her pressed so tight to his body. She lifted her legs up and around his sides, squeezing him with her thigh muscles. She wished they were alone and naked, but reality intruded in her fantasy with a loud banging on a hard surface that shook the walls.

  “Enough! You may not, and I repeat, you may not molest my daughter in my own office.” Zeus slapped his hand on his desk again.

  Selena pulled her mouth back from Max and licked his full lower lip before turning her eyes toward her father.

  “Selena, I do not say this easily, but it was I who kept these two from you. I just…”

  She watched the man who was the king of gods rub his neck and look upwards like he was seeking help from the Most High. He then turned his piercing focus back to where she stood wrapped around one man while the other had snuggled up to her back and wrapped his arms around her waist above his brother’s. She felt almost complete. She decided to take mercy on her father.

  “I understand, Daddy, but you can’t keep me from them. They are my life, don’t you see that?” She smiled to lessen the blow. She knew her parents had searched for her for over twenty-four years and knew they’d suffered every day that she’d been gone. Selena also knew she had brothers and sisters she had yet to meet, but that fell way down on her list of priorities at the moment.

  “I am aware of that, but you can’t blame a father for wanting to make sure the men who mated with their youngest child were worthy of her.”

  Sighing, Selena tapped Max’s shoulder. He nodded and she felt Malcolm’s loss of heat as he stepped back and released her before Max followed suit.

  “Thank you.” What else could a girl say when her father got all protective of her?

  Zeus closed his eyes and when he opened them, his office was empty. He rubbed his chest where his heart lay and realized the ache he’d felt for over twenty-four years was gone. Now he had a little twinge of loss.

  “She is not gone forever,” Hera whispered in his ear from behind.

  Zeus twisted and pulled the love of his life onto his lap and ravaged her lips with a kiss. He closed his eyes and relished her familiar taste of berries and sweet cream. He flashed them out of his office and into their bedroom, where they created magic each and every time they came together. He growled at the smooth feel of her bare flesh rubbing against his semi-clothed body. Within moments, he too lay completely bare and open to her caresses.

  Between one second and the next, he rolled her under him and entered her in one fluid stroke. She welcomed him into her body like a glove made just for him.

  “Just for you, my love.” Hera breathed.

  Zeus stopped her words with a soul-searing kiss. She opened under his assault, meeting his tongue and sucking it into her mouth. Goddess but the woman drove him insane with her talented tongue and roaming hands. She gripped his ass in a firm, steady embrace and wrapped her legs around his thighs, urging him faster with her movements.

  He wanted to stay inside her welcoming heat forever, but could feel his body preparing to release. They made love almost every day, sometimes several times a day, since they’d met. He couldn’t get enough of her, and thankfully she felt the same. He didn’t want to leave her behind and with that in mind, concentrated on squeezing the muscles at the base of his cock. He pumped in slow and pulled back an inch, only to slam back inside her tightening sheath, his balls slapping the sensitive area between her back hole and her pussy. He buried his incredibly hard shaft deep and held still, feeling her walls begin to flutter.

  “Move, damn you,” Hera screamed.

  “Are you ready, my love?” Zeus asked wickedly with a twist of his hips.

  “Gods yes…”

  He pulled out to the tip, not giving her a chance to complain as he pushed forward, setting a frantic pace that Hera matched with a raise of her hips. She smiled up at him with the look he’d come to crave. It transmitted all the love she felt for him. He levered himself up on his elbow and reached down to strum her clit with the other hand.

  “I’m going to come.” Hera bit her lip and closed those amazing eyes. She twisted her hips and gasped.

  “Yes. Yes. Oh.” His seed erupted from him like a blast of heat, bubbling up and filling her body with his release. The pleasure was so intense with spasm after spasm his body twitched, and shook uncontrollably. Taking a deep breath, he collapsed on top of her. “Hera. Oh my, Hera. I love you more than life.”

  “And I you, my love,” Hera murmured.

  He gathered his strength and rolled them to their sides, with him cuddling her close. They lay that way with their bodies still entwined in the roiling aftermath. Zeus tried to gather his bearings.

  “Do you miss her yet?”

  Hera stiffened and he immediately regretted his words.

  “Stupid question I know, but damn it we just got her back.” Now he was starting to sound like a whi
ner, and that just wouldn’t do.

  Hera giggled, and the reverberation of the sound shot straight to his balls and his cock began to swell again. “Are you laughing at me, woman?” Zeus asked with a mock growl.

  “Why yes, yes I am. What are you going to do about it?”

  Zeus flipped them over, and with his dick buried balls-deep inside its favorite place, he looked up and grinned. “Ride me, sweetheart.” He gripped her hips, lifting her up and down until she took over the motions. Where the woman got the energy he didn’t know, and frankly, he didn’t care.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Dang it, I hate it when he does that,” Malcolm groused.

  Selena swayed on her feet, and Malcolm watched as his brother grabbed her shoulders and held her steady. She smiled up at Max with a smile so bright it literally rocked Malcolm’s world. He wanted to see her face glow like that every day for the rest of their lives.

  Max led Selena to the huge walk-in tub in the center of the bathroom. Max flicked his wrist and the tub filled with steamy water and cherry blossom-scented bubbles fell over the sides. He closed his eyes and willed his and Selena’s clothes away. At times like these, Malcolm loved the ability to will away clothing.

  Meeting the amused stare of Max, Malcolm gave him a shrug. “I am not undressing my brother, and don’t even think about it,” Malcolm said as Max got that gleam in his eye. Malcolm knew that look meant his brother was going to slap him in the back of the head.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Don’t act all innocent, bro.” He turned pleading eyes to Selena. “Lena, make Maxy be nice to me.” He gave her his best little boy look.

  “Oh gods but I love you guys,” Selena said

  Malcolm walked up and grabbed her face in the palm of his hands and kissed her forehead, and then trailed kisses over her eyes and down one cheek to her chin. He reversed the path on the opposite cheek, and then slid his lips over hers in a butterfly wing’s caress. Leaning his forehead down, he pressed against hers and looked directly into her silver orbs.

  “We love you too, baby. You truly complete us.”

  “I’m not sure how this works.” She encompassed them in a circular gesture with one hand. “But I know we can do it. I mean hello. I’m a goddess and you guys are…What the hell are you guys, anyways?”

  Malcolm glanced to Max with a look and spoke directly into their minds, sharing the link with Selena. “I think Max can explain it better than me. What do you say, bro?”

  “I say, let’s get in the tub and ease our weary bodies for this long, tortuous story.” Max held his hand out and Selena placed her smaller one in his as he led them into the tub.

  Malcolm followed them and sat on the opposite side, sandwiching Selena between them. They all rested their heads on the back of the tub that had been padded, and gazed up at the skylight above. Malcolm watched as Max created a virtual scene, but instead of words he showed Selena in pictures the beginning of how the Ravens were created.

  She inhaled and gripped their thighs that flanked her each time a battle scene played out, and when another woman’s face came in to view, Selena did a little swirly thing with her finger and fast forwarded the picture. Malcolm smiled at her show of jealousy.

  “I will so get you back for that thought, Malcolm King,” Selena said.

  “A man can only wish for that, goddess.”

  Malcolm turned his head and instantly, sparks flew between them. Max still stared at the ceiling and with a negligent lift of his arm, wrapped it around Selena, and brought her closer to him. He skimmed his palms up her sides and brushed the underside of her breast closest to him.

  “We were so scared we were going to lose you,” Malcolm said.

  “Me too,” Selena whispered.

  Malcolm remembered the fear he’d felt when she’d swooped in like an avenging angel. He also remembered they owed her an ass beating. He reached over and pulled her over his thighs, rubbed his palms down her sides, and stopped at the top of her delectable little derriere. He envisioned their hand prints making her ass glow and trailed his hands down, resting them on the firm globes.

  “Do not even think about it, Malcolm King, or I swear I’ll tie you up and leave you hanging,” Selena snarled.

  His little darling was threatening him, and his little man down below twitched at the prospect. Fuck, he must be a moron. He let his fingers glide down her crack and pressed forward. Her moan was like music to his ears.

  “Are you two done playing yet?” Max asked.

  “Hmm?” Malcolm asked. He raised Selena up with a little pressure between her thighs and engulfed her right breast into his mouth.

  “Please tell me we aren’t stopping?” Selena questioned.

  “Oh baby, we are so far from stopping it isn’t even on the horizon yet.” Malcolm tugged her hair and brought his lips down, sealing their mouths together and lifting his hips, impaling her on his shaft. She gasped and he slapped his own head. “I’m sorry, Lena. Did I hurt you?” He held perfectly still.

  “Goddess no, Malcolm, you feel so damn good inside me.”

  “Are you sure? I just couldn’t wait to feel you wrapped around me again. Don’t ever scare us like that again.” He pumped his hips. “Do you hear me?” Each word was punctuated with a thrust and retreat of his dick inside her.

  “And none of that fancy word play like you did. ‘I promise to be safe and careful,’” Max said in a parody of Selena’s voice.

  She slapped water into his brother’s face and Malcolm buried his face into her neck, inhaling her scent. He nipped her shoulder and she squealed, even as her pussy squeezed his cock.

  “Turn her around, Malcolm. I want that sassy mouth wrapped around my dick.”

  Malcolm effortlessly lifted and turned Selena to face Max, who stood across the tub with a heavy-lidded gaze that definitely spelled trouble for their girl, or ecstasy. She pointed her perfect ass at him and he couldn’t help himself. He gave her a little swat on one cheek, and then the other. She slammed her pussy back down on top of him, and from the copious liquid that eased his entry she’d really enjoyed those love taps.

  “I think our girl likes her butt spanked, Max.”

  “I do not.” Selena glared over her shoulder.

  “Yes you do. And what did we tell you about lying?”

  “Are you two done yet? I feel a little pain right here.” Max pointed at his penis. “I think it needs a kiss.”

  “Oh my, he does look pained. Why, he is so red, and what is this?” She swiped her finger across the weeping end of Max’s cock and brought her finger to her mouth.

  “Damn but that is fucking hot.” Max panted and stepped forward, pressing his dick to her closed mouth, painting her lips with his pre-cum.

  Selena hummed and opened her mouth, and took Max to the back of her throat. Max shared the feel of her wet mouth wrapped around him with Malcolm, and Malcolm reciprocated with the feel of her tight heat surrounding his shaft as he pressed forward. She squeezed her inner muscles, letting him know she needed more.

  Both men groaned as their Fated held each of them inside her body. Malcolm pushed up and pinched her nipples while Max held her head steady with his hands. They each took care not to hurt her with their larger bodies, shuttling in and out of her at the same time.

  Malcolm formed a stream of water in the shape of a finger, letting it massage her tiny bundle of nerves. Her vaginal walls constricted so hard on his dick, it was all he could do not to explode on the spot. He looked up to see Max, his head thrown back and a grimace on his face. He opened his mind, sharing the feel of Selena milking his cock, and shuddered as Max unveiled the ecstasy he felt each time she took him to the back of her throat and swallowed on the head.

  “I’m not going to last,” Malcolm said.

  Max grunted his agreement and Selena laughed into their shared link. Malcolm formed another digit out of water, only this one pressed on her back entrance.

  “Easy baby, don’t bite me.”
Max’s eyes widened when Malcolm showed him what he was doing to their little darling.

  Selena pulled back on a gasp. “What the hell is that?”

  Malcolm met her look for look and tried for an innocent expression, but right at that moment, she clamped down on him so hard he feared she’d snap his cock off at the base. He saw her eyes roll to the back of her head, and her mouth opened on a silent scream. He pumped the phallus in and out of her ass in time with his cock.

  Every muscle inside Selena squeezed his shaft as he shuttled in and out of her. Her orgasm crashed through and he felt it all the way down to his balls. Pulses of aftershocks rocked her body and she screamed. Spasm after spasm shook her. Selena’s voice grew in volume as she came. He continued to fuck her, pulling out and pushing in, slowly prolonging her pleasure until she collapsed in a stupor against his chest.

  They let her catch her breath, and Malcolm made the phallus dissipate, causing her to twitch on him again.

  “I could almost come just from watching her,” Max said.

  “That would be a shame when you taste so good.” Selena licked her lips, and it was Max’s turn to pant. “Come here, big boy.” She beckoned Max with a finger.

  Malcolm held completely still as his brother stepped forward and closed his eyes, with a look of bliss transforming Max’s features. Selena opened wide and took him into the hot cavern of her mouth. Malcolm leaned to the side to see her pull back and lap at the underside of Max’s dick.

  Malcolm had a little envy until she began milking him with those incredible internal muscles again. She rhythmically squeezed him, taking him to the brink, but neither he nor Max wanted to leave her behind.

  Max tweaked her nipples and tapped her clit before trapping it between two fingers. He rubbed it back and forth as he shuttled in and out of her mouth, racing toward his own peak.

  They were all so in tune with each other, sharing their pleasures through their link, it was impossible to tell who soared first. Max roared like a lion. Selena vocalized her pleasure with a keening wail. Malcolm grunted. But in the end, they all came at the same time. She took their seeds into her body, licking Max like a favorite treat as he filled her to overflowing.


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