Radio Boys Cronies

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Radio Boys Cronies Page 8

by Wayne Whipple and S. F. Aaron



  As the young people rose to depart, Professor Gray beckoned Bill and Gusto remain. He turned to a large table desk, took from it a roll ofpapers, untied and laid before the boys a number of neatly executedplans and sections--all drawn to scale. In an upper corner waspen-printed the words:

  Water Power Electric Plant to be erected for and on the estate of Mr.James Hooper, Fairview. Engineer and Contractor, J. R. Gray.

  "Boys, you see here," began the Professor, "the layout of a job to bedone on the Hooper property. You know I do this sort of thing in a smallway between school terms and I am told to go ahead with this at once.The amount I am to receive, on my own estimate, is ample, but naturallynot very great; it covers all material, labor and a fair profit.

  "But now," he went on, "comes the hitch. I am compelled, by anothermatter which is far more important,--having been appointed one of theconsulting engineers on the Great Laurel Valley Power Plant,--to desertthis job almost entirely, and yet, I am bound, on the strength of myword, to see that it is completed. If I hand it over to anotherengineer, or a construction firm, it will cost me more than I get out ofit. And naturally, while I don't expect to gain a thing, I would preferalso not to lose anything. Now, what would you fellows advise in thismatter?"

  Bill looked at Gus and Gus looked at Bill; there was a world of meaning,of hope and hesitation, in both glances. The Professor saw this, and hespoke again:

  "Out with it, boys! I asked you to stay, in order to hear what you mightsay about it. There seems to be only one logical solution. I cannotafford to spend a lot of my own money and yet I will gladly give all ofmy own profits, for I must complete Mr. Hooper's job and look after mybigger task at once."

  "I don't suppose," said Gus, with the natural diffidence he oftenexperienced in expressing his mind, "that we could help you."

  "Why, of course we can, and we will, too," said Bill, the idea breakingon him suddenly. "We can carry on the work perfectly under youroccasional direction. Is that what you wanted us to say, Professor?"

  "I did. I hoped you would see it that way and I wanted you toacknowledge the incentive to yourselves. I am sure you can carry on thework, as you say. We have had enough of practical experimentationtogether, and then, what made me think of you, was that fish dam you putin for old Mr. McIlvain last summer."

  The boys glanced at each other again, but this time with mutual feelingsof pride. Bill had interested a well-to-do farmer in making a pool belowa fine spring and with his consent and some materials he had furnished.The boys had stonewalled a regular gulch, afterwards stocking thecrystal clear pool they had made with landlocked salmon obtained fromthe state hatchery. The fish were now averaging a foot in length andmany a fine meal the boys and the farmer had out of that pond.

  "Now, fellows, I'll divide between you the entire profits," ProfessorGray began, but Bill and Gus both stopped him.

  "No, sir! You pay us no more than we could have got in the mill, and therest is yours. Look at the fun we'll have, that's worth a lot." Billalways tried to be logical and he never failed to have a reason for hisconclusions. "And then," he added, "this will be for you and we couldn'tdo enough--"

  "I'll see that you are paid and thank you, also," laughed the Professor."And tomorrow morning, if it suits you, we shall start with the work,which means making a survey of the ground and listing materials. Therewill be a segment dam, with flood gates; about an eighth of a mile ofpiping; a Pelton wheel, boxed in; a generator speeded down; atwo-horse-power storage battery; wiring and connections made withpresent lighting system in house; lodge; stables and garage;--and thething is done if it works smoothly. The closest attention to everydetail, taking the utmost pains, will be necessary and I know youwill--"

  "Just like Edison!" Bill fairly shouted, making Professor Gray and Guslaugh heartily. The Professor said:

  "Eight! And we shall hope to follow his illustrious example. Tomorrow itis, then."

  When the two chums, elated over their sudden advancement to beprofessional engineers, came out on the street, they were not a littlesurprised to see all the girls and boys of the class waiting, andevidently for them, as they could but judge on hearing the words:

  "Here they come! We'll get him started. Bill knows."


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