Murder in the Mix Boxed Set 8

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Murder in the Mix Boxed Set 8 Page 34

by Addison Moore

  I dive over the steering wheel and the car begins to veer toward the woods.

  “Lottie, stop or you’ll get us both killed!”

  I lay my hand over the horn as Jessie guns it and I turn the wheel with all my might as she crashes into one car then the next while struggling to leave the lot.

  Outside, I spot Bingo in the distance. The brave little swine charges right at us, and instead of charging her way right through the car—as her ghostly given right allows—the car comes to a crashing halt as if we just struck a brick wall.

  My body rolls toward the windshield before landing hard over Jessie. But my attention is momentarily derailed from the suspect at hand as I watch Bingo floating through the sky like a piglet-shaped Mylar balloon, sparkling and bright, with a giant grin on her face.

  “I’m headed back to paradise, Lottie!” Her voice trills right into my ear as if she were next to me. “Do give my regards to Bizzy. My, how I’ll miss your sweet treats! Oh, look! There’s my Val now! She’s got a lot of explaining to do, but, of course, I forgive her. Until we meet again.”

  Jessie slams my head into the dashboard as she jumps out of the driver’s side, and I spot Noah outside the car with his gun drawn.

  “Freeze!” he roars and Jessie staggers as she tosses up her hands.

  “It’s over,” I whisper and lift my head, only to see the world passing me by as the car continues to roll down the lot. The car lurches to another sudden stop, and I glance out the window to see Everett standing at the hood of the car, holding it back from moving another inch.

  “Lemon,” he shouts with his eyes rife with worry for me.

  I throw the car into park and run out the passenger’s side to find my way into Everett Baxter’s arms.

  “Lemon.” He dots a kiss to my forehead. “Are you hurt?”

  “I’m fine. But Bizzy, she was hit.” I take him by the hand and head back to the front of the lot where I see Jasper kneeling over my good friend.

  Bizzy lies motionless with her limbs sprawled over the ground.

  Oh dear God, no.

  Chapter 18

  A mild concussion.

  Bizzy hit her head on the concrete and was knocked out cold. Other than that, thankfully, she checked out fine.

  An ambulance took her to Honey Hollow General Hospital, and they let her go that night.

  It’s Saturday afternoon, the day of Lainey and Keelie’s double baby shower at the Evergreen Inn where Keelie’s twin sister Naomi is the manager. The ballroom is adorned with pink and blue balloons and the tables are covered in peach-colored linen.

  I’ve furnished the dessert bar with every cookie, brownie, blondie bar, cake pop, and cupcake known to man. And I’ve also brought along over a dozen peach cobblers. But I couldn’t resist baking a cake—two three-layered cakes tiered over one another. The bottom level is enrobed in smooth baby blue fondant with white fondant clouds adhered over it. The top tier is also a three-layered cake covered in light pink fondant with white clouds adhered all around it as well. They look perfectly dreamy if I do say so myself.

  The Honey Pot Diner catered the event with petit fours and croissant sandwiches. My mother has Wiley working the bar, serving mimosas and mamamosas, a virgin version for the mamas-to-be. There’s blue punch and pink punch in glass dispensaries and the pink punch has been the clear winner between the two.

  Bizzy claims she’s right as rain and has no problem helping move the event along. We play three games: guess the belly size, change a dirty diaper blindfolded, and taste the baby food blindfolded. That last game was stomach turning to watch and gag-worthy to play. Poor babies. No wonder they’re always so unhappy. They’ve got lousy food to eat, right out the gate.

  Finally, after mountains of gifts have been opened, the crowd begins to dwindle.

  I step between Lainey and Keelie and pull them both in for an awkward hug.

  They’re both wearing the same A-lined dress but in different pastel prints, lavender for Lainey and mint green for Keelie.

  “You girls were real troopers,” I say.

  Lainey makes a face as she looks out at the mounds of gifts around her.

  “I think I just realized the house we bought is way too small. Who knew one tiny little baby could need so many things?”

  Keelie nods along and her blonde curls rain over her shoulders. “I don’t think my place can hold all that baby stuff either. Bear and I are going to have to get a storage unit just to house everything we got from the shower. But everything is so cute and pretty, I just want to hold it all at once.”

  Lainey laughs. “I’m going straight home and washing all the baby clothes I got today. I want everything ready to roll once our little one comes home. Keelie, are you taking a tour of the delivery room? I’m thinking we should go together.”

  A laugh rumbles through me. “I’m thinking you’re going to be there together for the big day.”

  Keelie groans, “That would be convenient for you, wouldn’t it?”

  “Yup,” I say. “Work on that, would you?”

  Meg and my mother walk up.

  “My big gift is still on the way,” Meg says with her dark hair in a knot at the top of her head. Her black leather bustier has a pink satin ribbon laced through the front, forming a bow at the chest, and she looks quite festive for the occasion.

  “Good work, girls,” she says. “And an even better haul. You should get knocked up more often.”

  The four of us share a laugh and Meg slaps me on the back.

  “You’re up next at bat, Lot. You’re already hitched. Now it’s time for the good judge to land a baby Baxter in your belly.”

  A sly smile takes over my lips.

  Mom gasps. “Lottie! Are you expecting a baby?”

  “What? No! I’m just—”

  Lainey nods my way. “She’s in love. And before you say it, yes, we know you love them both. Noah and Everett are both great catches. But I have to admit, you seem, I don’t know, lighter these last few weeks. And I think Everett is making the difference in you.”

  Meg’s lips part. “You’re going to ditch the detective and hold onto the judge forever, aren’t you, Lot?”

  “And that’s my cue to have another cookie,” I say as Lainey and Keelie decide to join me as they slowly waddle their way to the dessert table.

  Carlotta, Georgie, and Bizzy stand near the cobbler and I make my way over. Georgie and Carlotta are each wearing a blue and pink kaftan respectively. And Bizzy stuns in a peach dress that shows off the tan she soaked in by the lake.

  I pull Bizzy into a warm embrace. “Thank you so much for wrangling everyone for the past few hours. It was like herding cats. How is your head doing?”

  “It’s fine.” She holds up a mimosa. “Wiley was kind enough to keep these coming. They’re ice cold and taste like heaven.”

  Georgie holds up one of her own. “He gave me a double shot of champagne. That man knows the way into a woman’s heart.”

  Carlotta makes a face. “And her pants. How do you think he caught Miranda?”

  I cringe. “How anyone gets into my mother’s pants is the last thing I want to think about. So Bizzy, are you getting baby fever?”

  “Are you kidding? I’d have to move every guest out of the inn just to have somewhere to store all of the baby’s things.”

  Carlotta waves it off. “They come into this world naked and without a single thing to call their own. Sometimes I think we complicate things far too much. I left Lot Lot on the floor of the Honey Hollow Fire Department swaddled in a blanket and she turned out just fine. I wasn’t about to spoil her for anything.”

  Georgie taps her finger to her temple. “Now that’s some forward-thinking.”

  I lift my brows to Bizzy, amused. “Now there’s a birth plan for you in the event you were deficient in one. But I’ve seen what you can do with criminals. I think you can take on an infant.”

  She belts out a laugh. “Thanks, Lottie. I appreciate your vote of confidence. Spea
king of criminals, we put one away together. Good work, Detective Lemon.”

  “Right back at you, Detective Baker.” I give a forlorn smile. “Jessica Delaney was formally charged with Ambrosia Whispers’ murder. And, in a hard to stomach irony, her sister will be released next month. One sister goes in and the other comes out.”

  Carlotta shudders. “That’s a cautionary tale right there. If you’ve got kids, you better watch your back.”

  Georgie slings an arm around Carlotta’s shoulder. “Thank goodness we’re done with tiny tots and on to mesmerizing men. Here’s to conquering the world, one good-looking goof at a time.” She holds up her glass and Carlotta and Bizzy do the same. I quickly grab a cookie off a platter and toast right along with them.

  I look around at all of the gorgeous gifts, the precious bassinets, the tiny clothes that look as if they couldn’t fit a doll, the tiniest shoes known to man, and it’s apparent everything is about to change in just a few short weeks.

  And nothing will ever be the same.

  Just as we’re cleaning up, Meg’s big gift arrives. A group of handsome men who drove up all the way from Leeds treats every one of us to a much-needed massage. Now there’s a gift I wouldn’t mind receiving on repeat. And lucky for me, Everett doesn’t mind doling them out on the regular.

  Sunday afternoon, I asked Lily to man the bakery while I made my way back to the house. Fish and Sherlock had a little pet sleepover with Pancake, Waffles, and Toby at my place last night, and Bizzy and the gang are about to pick them up on their way out of town. And as fate would have it, they pull in front of the house at the same time I do.

  Noah and Everett come over to say goodbye and it’s one big group hug in the living room.

  I scoop up both Pancake and Waffles and hold them up to Fish who sits nestled in Bizzy’s arms.

  “Say goodbye, boys. Or better yet, until we meet again.” I press Pancake’s nose to Fish’s.

  Bizzy belts out a laugh. “Fish says she plans on marrying both so we’ll have to move in together.”

  Waffles bleats out a meow and Bizzy nods.

  “He says he’s open to marriage but wants Fish all to himself.”

  “Aww.” I can’t help but coo.

  Sherlock Bones strides up and gives both Pancake and Waffles a quick lick over the paws and a sharp bark.

  Bizzy twitches her nose. “He wants more time with his feline buddies next time. He thinks they should be allowed to run free at Honey Lake.”

  Pancake meows right at him.

  Bizzy shakes her head. “He thinks Sherlock should take more naps with them instead.”

  I shrug. “That’s par for the course with these two.”

  The room drains as we head for the door and spill out onto the porch.

  Georgie dots a kiss to my cheek. “You’re one of the luckiest girls in the world, Lottie Lemon. Keep those boys guessing. It keeps you in the power position, as it should be.” She gives a quick wink as Carlotta walks her over to the waiting van.

  Jasper steps up. “Thanks for everything, Lottie. Like I told Noah and Everett, you’re all welcome to come to Cider Cove anytime.”

  “You are.” Bizzy gives a frenetic nod.

  Macy dives over me with a quick embrace. “It was a blast.”

  “Hey, where did things leave off with you and Alex?”

  Macy gives a sly wink. “We’re not leaving off—we plan on going on and on and on. I have ways of making sure he doesn’t forget about me anytime soon. It involves FaceTime and a nightie.”

  “Good to know,” I say, waving as she traipses down the stairs.

  Noah and Everett help bring Sherlock and Fish’s bedding to the van as we stroll down to the lawn.

  Jasper hops into the driver’s seat as I pull Bizzy in for one last embrace.

  “You have no idea how much I’m going to miss you,” I say with tears blurring my vision.

  “Consider yourself missed already.” She gives a little shrug. “You’re like a sister to me. Please text—often.”

  “I will. Daily. Friendly warning: you’re going to get sick of me.”

  She shakes her head. “Never.”

  Noah and Everett come over and Bizzy offers them each a quick hug.

  “Thank you all for being so kind to us,” she says as she steps toward the van. She pauses a moment and looks from Noah to Everett and the smile fades from her face. She shakes her head as if she were trying to talk herself out of something, and I’m curious as to what that might be. “Lottie?” She glances to Everett a moment before nodding me her way and I quickly run over.

  “What is it?” I whisper. “Is something wrong?”

  “Actually.” She turns her back to Noah and Everett even though we’re far enough away where they won’t be able to hear. “Lottie, I don’t want to be the one to tell you this but”—she glances their way briefly. “I didn’t mean to pry. It just happened. I—”

  “Just say it. I know you can’t help it, Bizzy. People’s thoughts are available to you. It’s who you are. It’s how you’re supernaturally wired. What did you hear?”

  My heart thumps out a riot. A flashback of Bizzy and Everett exchanging an odd look when we were at Ciao comes to mind. And they did it again that day we were out on the boat.

  “You were reading Everett’s mind, weren’t you?”

  She nods. “Lottie, Everett’s keeping something from you and—it’s a bombshell.”

  My eyes widen in horror. “Is this something that could destroy us?”

  She exhales as she glances to the ground. “I’m sorry, Lottie. It is.”

  Bizzy pulls me in again for another embrace before hopping into the van.

  Noah, Everett, and I stand shoulder to shoulder as we wave them off.

  My heart is heavy, and it has very little to do with my friends heading home. I know I’ll see them again one day. I know we’ll keep in touch, and it will be as if they never left.

  Noah steps in and rubs my back. “I’ve got a little something for you, Lot.” His dimples dig in. “It’s not nearly as sparkly as the gift Everett gave you.” He glances down to my left hand and my ring blinds us momentarily as if it harnessed the power to flash like lightning. “But it’s from the heart.”

  “Oh?” I try to pull myself together when all I really want to do is fall apart. “What is it?”

  “It’s a gun safe. I thought your walk-in closet might be a good place for it. What do you think?”

  “Thank you, Noah. I love it and that’s the perfect place.”

  “Good. Ethel misses you. She belongs with you. I’ll go grab the safe. It’s in the back of my truck.” Noah jogs off and Toby bounds after him.

  Everett wraps his strong arms around me and pulls me close.

  “I’m glad Ethel is coming home.” He picks up my ring finger and lands a kiss over the enormous rock. “But I think we have something better to celebrate.”

  “I’d like to think so, too.” I clear my throat as I glance to the ground.

  “Hey.” Everett dips down and catches my gaze, holding it hostage with those cobalt eyes. “Whoa, what’s going on, Lemon?”

  My lips part as a breath hitches in my throat.

  “I’m so in love with you, Everett. I feel as if you’ve truly swept me off my feet.” I hold up my left hand a moment. “I was really starting to think we had it all.”

  His brows dip down in a hard V. “Why do I feel a but coming on?”

  “But Bizzy—she mentioned something.” I swallow hard. “She wouldn’t tell me what she knows. Everett, are you keeping something from me?”

  His gaze drifts past my shoulder, and his expression grows cold as he takes an enormous breath.

  “Yes, Lemon. I am.”


  From the kitchen of the Cutie Pie Bakery and Cakery

  Lottie’s Fourth of July Flag Cake

  Hello, Lottie here! Happy Fourth of July! It’s one of my favorite holidays. What’s not to love about warm weather, the scent of jus
t about every grill in Honey Hollow roasting something delicious, and ending the night with a fireworks spectacular? Of course, a flag cake is a must. I can’t remember a single Fourth where I haven’t made this scrumptious dessert. Have fun on the Fourth and have fun in the kitchen!

  Yellow Cake

  *Just a quick note. Since there is so much happening on the Fourth of July, if you decide to use a boxed mix for the cake, you can always substitute butter for oil in the recipe and milk for water. I always throw in a teaspoon of vanilla and a tablespoon of sour cream as well to keep it extra moist and everyone raves about the cake as much as they do for the ones I bake from scratch!


  Yellow Cake

  2 ¾ cups all-purpose flour

  1 ½ cups of sugar

  1 cup of butter

  4 eggs

  ¾ cup of milk

  1 tablespoon sour cream

  2 teaspoons baking powder

  ½ teaspoon salt

  1 teaspoon vanilla


  Preheat oven to 350°. Grease a rectangular 9x 13 glass pan (use two pans if you plan on making this as a layer cake and spread the batter in by half).

  In a large mixing bowl, blend together butter and sugar. Beat in eggs one at a time, adding sour cream, milk, and vanilla. Slowly add in flour, baking powder, and salt.

  Pour into greased pan and bake for 25 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean. Set aside to cool.


  Whipped topping

  *Just a quick note. You can substitute with a whipped topping spread purchased at the store to save on time.

  1 pint heavy cream

  2 tablespoons confectioners’ sugar

  1 tablespoon water

  1 teaspoon unflavored gelatin


  In a large bowl, mix heavy cream and confectioners’ sugar. Whip until soft peaks form.


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