Lumen and the Thistle

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Lumen and the Thistle Page 21

by EJ Wozniak

  Lumen felt like he had committed a crime. He told himself that this was just as friends, and it wasn’t a crime to be friends with a girl. As a matter of fact, Lucy and Lumen had become good friends. Why didn’t Lumen feel guilty when he was with Lucy? Lumen couldn’t figure that part out.

  * * *

  Lumen went shopping with his mom on Sunday, just a few days before Christmas. He had saved some money to buy his mom a gift and used some money from his mom to buy Sofia a gift. Lumen found a book on flowers for his mom that listed the most popular in each state in addition to each country outside the US. As for Sofia, he and his mom agreed that she would like a green scarf they saw while passing a boutique window. Lumen felt it was the perfect gift; he wanted to get her something she could use every day. He still had money left over after the purchases. He felt like he should get something else. He had some ideas.

  * * *

  On their way home, Lumen and Alice bought some wrapping paper. Lumen wrapped up the presents he got for his mom and Sofia before putting them under the tree. He also wrapped the new chew toy they found for Wrigley while they were out. Wrigley was very curious about the gift, and Lumen had to tell him multiple times to stay away from the presents. He thought it was very important for everyone to open their gifts on Christmas day, and that included Wrigley.

  Sofia came over that night for dinner. Alice cooked them up some chicken and rice with some vegetables on the side. Lumen found himself missing the food he experienced in Bonumalus.

  “Whistleberry juice would be good with this . . .”

  Sofia looked at him confused.

  “What kind of juice?” She asked.

  Lumen forgot where he was for a moment.

  “Orange juice—I said orange juice would be good with this. Hey Mom! Do we have any OJ?”

  Lumen smiled at Sofia and turned the same red color as whistleberry juice.

  Alice came to the table with two glasses of OJ and sat down.

  “What about you, Sofia? What was your favorite gift you ever received?”

  Sofia was silent for a moment. Her face went long and sighed before answering.

  “Honestly, the best gift was just having my mom there. I don’t think Christmas will ever be as good as when my mom was alive. My dad tries to make it the same, but it’s just not . . . My mom would cook all day long, and the house would smell so good. We would open gifts from one another throughout the day, and my mom would bake some cookies. Now, I’m sure my dad will give me a nice gift, but that’ll be it. He isn’t much of a cook.”

  Sofia stared off into space, clearly saddened by her memories.

  Lumen and Alice looked at one another. Lumen gave her an angry look for asking the question.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry, hun. Look, you can come here on Christmas if you would like! You and your dad! I can cook up something nice and bake some sweets.”

  Lumen took a bite of his chicken and immediately tasted how burnt it was. He looked at his mom as if she were crazy to say she would cook for more people.

  “That sounds nice. I’ll talk to my dad,” Sofia said as her face brightened.

  Sofia smiled and took a bite of her food. She too realized the chicken was burnt. Lumen could see her force it down with some OJ.

  “Mom . . . you burnt the chicken . . .”

  Alice sighed.

  “I know, I didn't think it would be that bad. Is it that bad?”

  Sofia said no, and Lumen said yes at the same time.

  Alice laughed.

  “Well don’t worry, I won’t cook this on Christmas. Maybe we’ll order in then. Anywho, should we go to La Dernier Piece now?”

  Lumen got up and went to get his and Sofia’s coats. Sofia smiled.

  “Thank you, Miss Haaken. I thought it was just fine.”

  Alice smiled back at Sofia.

  “Thank you, hun. And call me Alice please. I sound like an old woman if you call me that.”

  They both laughed for a moment. Lumen sounded desperate

  “Mom, Sofia, are we going or what? I’m starving.”

  Sofia got up, and Lumen helped put on her coat. He rushed to the front door and held it open for them both. They walked down to the diner and enjoyed a hot meal. Shari was their server as usual and had a booth ready for them before they even walked in. Lumen ordered the usual, Sofia ordered a sandwich with fries, and Alice got the soup du jour. They spoke about their winter break plans.

  After dinner they walked around the neighborhood, looking at Christmas lights as it snowed lightly. Another perfect night, Lumen thought. They strolled around the neighborhood for about an hour before heading back home.

  They walked in, and Lumen stepped in a wet spot on the carpet.

  “Great, just great. Wrigley! Where are you?”

  Lumen thought Wrigley had peed on the carpet. He looked around, and he wasn't in the living room or kitchen. Alice and Sofia headed to the kitchen to make some hot chocolate. Lumen rushed down the hall and opened his bedroom door quickly. Standing in the room was Allister with his long, green trench coat and his musty goggles on top of his head. Wrigley was on the bed wagging his tail. He had an ice cube in his mouth.

  Lumen shut the door abruptly.

  “Very nice home you have here, Lumen. Much more cozy than my cabin.”

  Lumen’s eyes widened as he put his finger to his mouth to indicate to Allister to be quiet.

  Lumen whispered.

  “Are you crazy? What if my mom or Sofia walked in here before I did?”

  Allister scratched his chin to think.

  “I am only here to check on you. I apologize for showing up unannounced. This was left in my study.”

  Allister handed Lumen a thistle.

  “Is this the one from the Liros fire?”

  Allister shook his head.

  “I am afraid not. This was left in my cabin. I have spoken with the others and nobody has seen anything particularly out of the ordinary. I wanted to check on you personally to make sure everything is alright . . .”

  Lumen grabbed the thistle and looked at it closely.

  “Maybe the person is surrendering. Maybe Chester gives up. Too much pressure to keep up what he was doing. It was silent all week,” Lumen whispered.

  Allister scratched his chin again. He seemed perplexed.

  “Perhaps you are right . . . I hope you are right. So, nothing out of the ordinary then?”

  Lumen shook his head.

  “Okay, I’ll be heading back. You better get back to that hot chocolate, smells delightful.”

  Allister opened a window, but Lumen grabbed his arm before he could step through.

  “Hey, one more thing. What did I say about the ice for Wrigley? It’s bad for his teeth.”

  Allister nodded and put his hand up to apologize.

  “I just love dogs, and Wrig loves ice . . . I’m sorry.”

  Lumen nodded and let go. Allister smiled, and Lumen felt the warmth in his gut again.

  When Lumen returned to the living room, Sofia and Alice were already covered in blankets on the couch with mugs of hot cocoa.

  “Were you talking to someone in there?” Alice asked.

  Lumen panicked for a moment.

  “Uh, was just talking to Wrigley. Can’t believe he peed on the carpet again . . .”

  Lumen scurried off to the kitchen to grab paper towels to clean up the pee, which wasn’t pee after all. Lumen joined Sofia and his mother afterward to watch All Out Lie, an intense action movie.

  “What’s up with the movie? Thought we were going to watch something a bit more, oh I don’t know, Christmas-y?” Lumen asked.

  Sofia and Alice shrugged together and continued to watch the movie. Lumen sighed reluctantly but couldn’t help but enjoy the moment.

  Chapter 14 - Christmas

  Lumen was off from both schools Monday through Wednesday. After Christmas on Wednesday, it was back to the Genaqua on Thursday. Lumen enjoyed his days off spending time with Sofia, Alice, and even Ale
c for a bit. Alec was so busy those days that he was no longer required to keep an eye on Lumen. Lumen missed their friendship, but it was like nothing changed when they hung out.

  Alec came over on Christmas Eve to have dinner with Lumen and Sofia. He sweat profusely throughout the entire dinner; Lumen forgot that happened to Alec on this side. He wondered if that would happen to him once he became more in tune with his abilities.

  Alice handed Alec a gift after dinner and insisted that he open it.

  “Do you like it?” She asked before he was done unwrapping the gift.

  Alec ripped the bright blue wrapping paper off the present and there was a water bottle that, according to the wrapper, could keep liquids cold all day. There was also a card. The card contained a free-entry pass to a rock climbing gym.

  “I know how sporty you are and didn’t think you ever tried rock climbing. You’ll have cold water to bring with you,” Alice said merrily.

  Alec smiled and gave Alice a big hug.

  “Thank you, Miss Haaken. It’s great. I can’t wait to go.”

  Alice smiled back.

  “Oh, I forgot. I got you something too . . .”

  Alec reached into his basketball shorts and pulled out a small envelope.

  “Here . . .”

  Alice smiled and said, “Oh, Alec you didn’t have to.”

  She opened the envelope, revealing a small package. Lumen peered over at Alec and Alec winked.

  Alice peered down at the front of the tiny package. On the front, written with a dark green cursive, was “Marble Rose Seeds.”

  “It’s seeds to plant in the garden. I figured this would help get the flowers going again, you know, once it stops snowing here . . .”

  “Marble Rose? I’ve never heard of that flower . . .”

  “Yeah, it’s rare. Every rose that blooms will look unique from all the others.”

  Alice’s mouth dropped open as if she had just learned she had won the lottery.

  “Oh my goodness, Alec. Thank you very much. That was very thoughtful of you. I cannot wait until spring to see them!” Alice gave Alec another hug. Alec’s eyes teared up.

  Lumen rolled his eyes.

  They finished dinner with some hot cocoa and conversation, then Alec took off. They met in Lumen’s room before Alec departed.

  “You just had to get her the most amazing flowers, didn’t you? How is my lame gift going to look now? Where’d you get those seeds anyway? I’ve never heard of those before.”

  Lumen crossed his arms as he awaited an answer from Alec.

  “I got them at a market in Entropolis. Don’t worry, dude, I’m sure she’ll love the book. Have a good Christmas. I’ll see you Thursday?” Alec asked.

  Lumen smiled.

  “See you Thursday. Wait, take this. Open it tomorrow though. I don’t like when gifts are opened before the day.”

  Alec laughed and nodded, taking the wrapped present from Lumen.

  He opened a window and stepped through.

  * * *

  Lumen brought gifts for Lucy and Yu as well. Lumen decided to put the gifts by a tree in the cabin that held the elevator to the Genaqua; he saw others living in the dorms do the same, so he figured it was a safe spot.

  It was snowing lightly in the Genaqua, the perfect ambiance for the students staying there. Lumen thought that Allister had out-done himself. Lights dotted the trees and on the cabins. It was nice for everyone to have this place to stay in if needed. Lumen placed the presents under the small tree in the cabin, noticing the cozy fire going in the fireplace.

  Lumen stepped out of the cabin into the center of the Paxum. He looked around in awe. Each expanse had its own version of decorating for the holidays. Even more striking, Lumen thought how it looked like nothing had happened last week. Allister and the others had really done a good job cleaning up after the fires.

  Lumen was about to jump back home when he heard someone call his name. He turned and looked back, Till was jogging toward him.

  “Hey, Lu!”

  She was wearing her floral dress with a cardigan.

  “Don’t your legs get cold?” Lumen asked, genuinely curious how she could always wear a dress.

  She shrugged.

  “Eh, not really. They kind of stay warm on their own. How’s your Christmas?”

  Lumen smiled.

  “It’s been great so far. How about yours?”

  Till sighed.

  “It’s been alright. Thought I would be in a different spot by now, but I think I’m progressing. It’d be more joyous if there wasn’t so much pressure.”

  Lumen was confused by what she meant.

  “You mean with school? Like in Pluviam class? You get poured on almost every class. I’m sure that’s rough. I know what it’s like to get wet at school almost every day.”

  Till squinted as she was thinking. She seemed confused with what Lumen was saying.

  “Oh right, Pluviam class. Yeah, it sucks. J is a real piece of work. At least I can sit next to you every day.”

  Till reached for Lumen’s hand. Lumen pulled his hand away.

  “What’s up with you always doing this? You know I have a girlfriend. Why can’t we just be friends?”

  Till smiled at Lumen.

  “I don’t do well with friends, typically. I like you, Lu. I know you like me too. I’ve seen how you look at me. You should just come with me. It’d be best, for both of us.”

  Till tried to pull Lumen. He noticed how soft and warm her hands were, but pulled away again.

  “No, stop. Enjoy your Christmas, Till. I hope you find what you’re looking for. It’s not me though.”

  Lumen opened a window and went back to his home. He never slept well on Christmas Eve. After his interaction with Till, tonight would be no different. Lumen decided to do another puzzle.

  * * *

  It was Christmas morning. Lumen, Alice and Wrigley gathered in the living room to open presents. Lumen got mostly clothes and puzzles; he was at the age where those kinds of gifts would become more prevalent. He gave his mom the gift he got her, the book of flowers. Alice seemed just as excited about that gift as she was about the gift from Alec, Lumen was relieved. He also gave Wrigley his gift. It was a new squeaky toy in the shape of a dog bone. Wrigley ripped the toy out of the bag and trotted away. Lumen and Alice laughed.

  They cleaned up the torn up paper, and Alice went to go get donuts. While she was out, Lumen washed up for the day; Sofia and Mr. Chimera were coming over later. When Lumen returned to his room after his shower, Alec was sitting on his bed with Wrigley. Lumen jumped and almost lost his towel.

  “Will you stop doing that? I’m going to have a heart attack one of these days!”

  Alec laughed.

  “I just wanted to stop by to say thank you—for the gift.”

  Alec held up the gift Lumen had given him. It was a book on the history of the prominent Eauge families.

  “Means a lot to me, man. Thanks.”

  Alec almost seemed teary eyed. Lumen had no idea the book would mean so much, he just thought it was a cool idea. Alec walked over and hugged Lumen while Lumen stood there, making sure his towel didn’t fall off.

  “I think our friendship is on another level after that hug.”

  Alec laughed at the comment.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow, man. Have a great Christmas.”

  Alec opened a window and walked through. The window closed and almost immediately reopened. Alec stepped back through.

  “I almost forgot, here.”

  Alec handed him a small gift. Lumen looked at it for a moment and ripped off the bland, brown paper.

  It was a small glass ball. It seemed to be filled with some sort of dark smoke.

  “It tells you what the weather is going to be like. It’s showing dark clouds right now, which means a storm is probably on the way. It’ll rain inside of there when it’s going to rain, clear up when it’ll be sunny out, snow when it’s going to snow, you know, just the weather
in general . . .”

  Lumen’s mouth dropped as Alec explained it.

  “Wow. Thank you. This is probably the coolest gift I have ever gotten. Thanks, man. This is awesome.”

  Alec smiled and nodded.

  “No problem. Now have a great Christmas. See you tomorrow.”

  Lumen waved and Alec stepped back through the window and left. Lumen placed the glass sphere on his desk while he got dressed. When he came around to take a closer look at the ball he saw it was starting to drizzle inside. Lumen thought it was fascinating and wondered how it worked.

  Just then, Alice returned with the donuts.

  Sometime after breakfast, Alice and Lumen began prepping for their future guests; Alice was making a baked ham and Lumen cleaned up around the house. Sofia and her dad arrived shortly after noon, hauling along a bottle of wine for the adults and pumpkin pie. All four of them hung around in the kitchen, drinking and snacking on small appetizers. Mr.Chimera and Alice got to talking about their work lives, and Sofia and Lumen snuck away to take Wrigley on a walk. They returned to find John and Alice laughing loudly.

  “I’m glad my dad is having a good time. He didn’t want to come at first, said he felt it was betraying my mom.”

  Lumen shrugged.

  “Well, I’m glad you both came. This is really nice, having a full house. I’ve never had this before.”

  Sofia grabbed his hand and kissed him on the cheek. Lumen blushed.

  The two exchanged gifts before dinner. Sofia loved her scarf and proceeded to put it on immediately. Lumen was relieved that she liked it. Sofia gave Lumen a puzzle and card that said “One FREE Chicken Pot Pie.”La Dernier Piece was written on the bottom of the card. Lumen told her it was a perfect gift. They hugged, and Alice yelled that the food was ready. When they all sat at the table Lumen couldn’t help but feel elated. To Lumen’s pleasant surprise, Alice didn’t burn the food this time. Instead, the ham she made was baked perfectly. They ate and drank for a while, not one of them wanting to leave the table that brought them together. They finished their meals and ate the pie the Chimera’s brought. Alice found some whipped cream in the fridge to go with it.


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