Lumen and the Thistle

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Lumen and the Thistle Page 24

by EJ Wozniak

  “Hold up there, Lu. Take it easy,” Lucy said.

  “Where am I?”

  “You’re in a tree,” Lucy said. Allister chuckled.

  “Indeed you are. This is a hospital on the Mighty Falls Island, best in Bonumalus. They really have a handle on all these natural medicines. You’re going to be just fine.” Allister said matter-of-factly.

  Lumen remembered his leg had been badly burned. He took off the covers and saw that it was wrapped in some bandages.

  “My leg . . .”

  “Was burned badly, but like I said, the Liros know medicine better than anyone. A couple drops of fickleberry and frigograss and your leg will be back to normal in a couple of days.”

  Lumen was relieved.

  “It looked pretty bad when you came in,” Lucy said. “Sasha knows the best doctors though. They were all really nice, Lumen. Everyone is here to see you . . . Guys, come n! He’s awake!”

  Sasha, Janis, Yu, Aiden, Alec, Chester, and Wrigley all came into the room. Lumen was overwhelmed to see them all, including Chester.

  “Chester explained what happened and how you saved him. That was incredibly intelligent and selfless thinking, Lumen,” Allister said. Chester approached him.

  “Thank you for everything back there. I don’t know how I can ever repay you.”

  Lumen shook his head.

  “Don’t worry about it, just make sure you come study with us from now on.”

  Chester smiled and stepped back. Wrigley jumped on the bed and began licking Lumen’s face uncontrollably.

  “Okay, okay! I missed you too, buddy. Don’t worry, I’m alright.” Wrigley laid by his side. Alec approached the bed.

  “I’m sorry, man. I should have been there with you,” Alec said somberly.

  Lumen shook his head.

  “No way, man. You’ve been there enough for me the last couple of years. I was prepared to handle something on my own . . .What did you tell my mom to get Wrigley?”

  “Oh, I told her you were badly injured in this world called Bonumalus, and I wanted to take Wrigley to comfort you. She passed out after I said all that, so I figured it was okay to take him.”

  Lumen’s mouth dropped.

  “I’m just kidding! I told her you were caught up studying and asked me to drop by to help her. She didn’t question anything.”

  Lumen sighed in relief.

  “What about Sofia? Is she okay?”

  Alec broke eye contact with Lumen.

  “Just relax for now,” he said as if he did not hear Lumen’s question.

  Allister asked everyone to give him and Lumen a moment alone. He allowed Wrigley to stay.

  “What you did was incredibly brave today, Lumen. You stopped a very powerful young lady from hurting others. We cannot express our gratitude enough.”

  Lumen smiled.

  “Don’t worry about it, I would have been dead if you guys hadn’t showed up at the perfect time and put that shield up.”

  Allister eyes squinted and he seemed confused.

  “Shield? I’m not sure what you mean . . .” Allister said.

  “You know, Till threw that fireball, and there was, like, an invisible shield in front of me that blocked it.”

  Allister shook his head.

  “What you’re explaining is an advanced Aeris move, an auraclip. Neither Janis nor I performed it.”

  Lumen scratched his head.

  “Who did then?”

  Allister smiled.

  “I think you know the answer to that. You weren’t wondering why you passed out? That was an advanced move that you performed innately. Your body was exhausted from doing it.”

  Lumen’s eyes widened.

  “Does that mean I should be an Aeris instead of an Eauge? I like the Eauge. I don’t want to switch. I’m already a few months in, and I have learned so much—”

  Allister put his hand up.

  “Relax, kiddo, you are going to stay with the Eauge. We can talk about this at another time.”

  Lumen nodded, but he had a ton of questions buzzing in his head.

  “What happened to Till?”

  Allister sighed.

  “Well, Janis and Sasha believe she should be sent to Vincula. I believe she is too young for that. I think we can still help her. She’ll be sent away for some time,” he said, seemingly disappointed.

  “How did she get like that? Does it mean Maldeus has returned?”

  Allister hesitated to answer.

  “No. She probably just read about him and thought what he did was the right thing. Maldeus had a lot of followers in his time. I suppose I need to find out her true origins. Maybe her parents were followers. I am not quite sure,” Allister said as he looked away.

  Lumen nodded.

  “How’d she know where I was? And the window, it stayed open for me. . .” Lumen said curiously.

  “As I have said before, the lights can present themselves in a time of need. You needed to find Chester. It’s possible she followed you through the same window,” Allister said calmly.

  “I’m just glad this is over. I feel like so much has been happening since I’ve come here. It’s almost like she was targeting me, right?”

  Allister hesitated again for a brief moment.

  “I think she just liked you. Don’t take it to heart. She was talented and could see the potential in you as well, just as I do.”

  Lumen blushed.

  “What now?”

  “Now, you rest for a little while. Sasha’s people will look at you one more time and then discharge you. After that, you can go home and rest. No more school for you for the rest of the week. I spoke to your teachers already, don’t worry. I also spoke to Alec and the others, they will stop by to bring you homework and keep you up to date.”

  Lumen smiled but was a little disappointed he still had to do the homework.

  “Thanks, Allister. I have one last question that I’ve always wanted to know the answer to. . .”

  “What’s that?”

  Lumen laughed a little before asking.

  “What’s up with the goggles? You always have them on, Janis too.”

  Allister smiled.

  “That, my friend, has been wagered on by the students of Bonumalus for some time now. I don’t think it would be fair to tell you. I think you’ll have to do more to earn the right to know.”

  They both laughed. This only made Lumen more curious.

  “Well, off I go. I’ll leave you to rest. See you soon.”

  Allister petted Wrigley’s head and exited the room. He said bye to the others outside. Janis popped his head in to give his well wishes and they both opened a window and departed.

  Sasha’s people checked on Lumen one last time, just as Allister said. They unwrapped his bandage and applied a couple more droplets of medicine. The drops tickled Lumen but he could feel his skin healing quickly. When he examined it himself, the marred skin almost looked normal, just hairless. He decided he’d wear jeans until the hair grew back. The rest said their goodbyes and left. Alec stayed behind to help Lumen get home.

  * * *

  Sofia was alive and well, her father too. However, their house was not. Sofia came over the next day.

  “We have to leave. My dad thinks it’s best after the fire. Says we need a fresh start after my mother. . . and now the house. . .”

  Sofia explained that their house had burned down the day before. There was no explanation for how it happened; the fire department came up short, but Lumen knew the cause.

  “I’m so sorry, Sofia, that’s horrible.”

  Sofia cried into Lumen’s arms.

  “I don’t want to leave, Lumen. Most of my memories are here.”

  “I don’t want you to leave either.” Lumen sighed heavily as his eyes teared up. He did not want Sofia to leave, but also knew they had been through a lot. He did not want to make it harder on her.

  “But maybe your dad is right. It could be good for him. For you, too,” Lumen said as he
wiped snot from his running nose.

  Sofia nodded, “Maybe . . .”

  “I guess this is it then . . .” Lumen said, choking up. Sofia kissed him on the cheek.

  “Maybe one day, hopefully, we will come back. We can write each other, and when we are old enough, we can travel to see one another.”

  Lumen nodded in agreement but knew he would most likely never see Sofia again. They hugged one more time before Mr. Chimera came to pick her up. And just like that, Sofia was gone. Lumen was saddened to see her go, their time together had been everything Lumen could have hoped for. Despite his feelings for her, he did think it was best for them to pack up and go. His life as an Eauge would only become more time consuming. The Chimera’s had too many poor memories in this town. Lumen didn’t want her to leave but thought it would be selfish to not think it was for the best. There was relief in his heart knowing she would not be targeted by someone from the exotic world of Bonumalus.

  Alec came by shortly after.

  “Dang just like that, you’re girl-less again. Sofia moves away, and Till ends up being some supervillain. What are the chances?”

  Lumen gave Alec a foul look.

  “Shut up, Alec. Do you have any school work for me?”

  * * *

  Lumen focused on getting through regular school for the next few months until summer vacation. Bonumalus did not have a summer vacation, so once high school was out it would be a good time for Lumen to focus even more on becoming an Eauge.

  During a routine doctor’s visit Lumen and Alice got some unexpected news: Lumen was not a minor schizophrenic after all. The doctors he had been dealing with had been misdiagnosing hundreds of patients just to sell medicine. Alice threatened to sue them before storming out of the office.

  “I’m calling my lawyers! How dare you give a child drugs that he does not need! What is wrong with you people! Have you no morals?” Alice was fuming, yelling profanities as she stormed out of the office.

  Lumen was just happy not to have to lie to his mother as much now. He also figured word would get around town that he was not a “skitzo” and, hopefully, the bullying would calm down a bit. It would be less of a problem if he could convince his mom of something else.


  “Yes, dear?”

  “How would you feel about me being homeschooled? Like you teaching me or assigning stuff for me to learn. . . ”

  “Homeschool? Are you sure? You would be on your own a lot. I work a ton, Lu, I’m not sure I could help you much,” Alice said concernedly.

  “I know, but I figure it would be a good way for me to get more prepared for college. School is too easy, Mom. I feel like I’m not learning anything at Bromide. Maybe I can get into college earlier if I do homeschooling. I can work at my own pace.”

  Alice nodded. She was happy that Lumen was looking ahead to his future.

  “Let me think about it, hun, I’m sure we can work something out,” Alice said.

  Lumen thought it would be ideal to focus all of his time on learning to be an Eauge. It was challenging and he was excited about the possibilities. He knew he was leading his mom astray, once again, but eventually she would have to find out what he really was. Now wasn’t the time though, Lumen decided, especially after the fiasco at the doctor’s office.

  * * *

  Lumen finished up the year of school with straight A’s. Alec returned for the remainder of the year; it would be his last at Bromide as well. They met in Entropolis after their last class at Bromide.

  “Yeah, I am going to go full throttle in Eauge training. I want to be a part of the LOT. You have to be top notch to join, ” Alec said.

  “Lot? What’s that?” Lumen asked.

  “Leveraging Out Traitors. LOT. They basically work to catch our people working for the wrong side. People trying to cause havoc on Earth. The LOT work to catch these people, stop their storms, and sometimes even rehabilitate the criminals to do some good in Bonumalus. I’m surprised you have never heard of them. They are well known and respected around here. That’s why I’m so focused on my studies. They only accept the best,” Alec said proudly, as if he was already apart of the group.

  Lumen nodded. He thought that sounded amazing. He didn’t know if he would ever have the abilities to do that. He never even thought about a career there, and he had no idea what direction he would take if he did.

  “What else is there to do here, like for a career?” Lumen asked.

  Alec laughed.

  “Dude, I have a feeling you’ll be able to do whatever you want. Don’t worry . . . We’re almost there. I hope you’re ready for a good time,” Alec said as he pointed ahead.

  Lumen was a bit confused. Alec hadn’t told him what they were doing there. They walked through the snowy terrain to a large hut with the words “The Danse” engraved on a placard of wood. Lumen could hear live music inside. Someone tapped him on his shoulder.

  “Hey, Lu!” Lucy gave Lumen a big hug. Yu wasn’t far behind and joined in to make a group hug. Yu’s baseball cap kept hitting Lucy in the forehead.

  “Okay, that’s enough, I don’t want a concussion on the first day of summer . . .”

  Around the corner, Lumen saw someone lurking.


  Chester looked up and waved. He walked over slowly.

  “What are you doing over there, man?”

  Chester shrugged.

  “Was letting you guys have a moment or whatever, didn’t want to intrude . . .”

  “Don’t be ridiculous, you’re a part of this group too.”

  Chester smiled. Alec walked over.

  “Alright guys, and lady of course, I got a table in there and a free dessert for everyone.”

  Lucy gasped.

  “How’d you get us in so fast? And free dessert? It’s usually an hour wait! And there’s a good band today!”

  “I know a couple guys that run the joint. Don’t worry about it,” Alec said.

  Alec and Lucy smiled at each for a moment. She turned red.

  Lumen, Alec, Lucy, Yu, and Chester walked in together to kick off their summer. Lumen couldn’t have been any happier.

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