Legend of Ecta Mastrino Box Set

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Legend of Ecta Mastrino Box Set Page 56

by B J Hanlon

  They slipped away, heading straight for a while. The road didn’t veer off, which was nice and it kept going up the hill.

  After fifteen minutes, they were huffing. Edin had no idea where they were. It seemed more residential. They were in an alley with row housing. Tall three-story buildings with back walls and gardens abutting the alley.

  One, nearly halfway up had boards over the windows. Abandoned… he hoped. They reached a rickety gate. It squealed open and they slipped inside. They collapsed together leaning against an overgrown, vine-wrapped wall.

  Arianne wrapped her good arm around him and began to cry.

  He held her while glancing at the surroundings. The garden was very overgrown, the grass was weedy and knee high, the walls were covered in the green carpet, and unwieldy bushes grew up and around a stone statue of a bird about to take flight.

  They waited but heard no pursuers and no one yelled from the house. A place to rest… but he had to make it back to the inn.

  Arianne raised her head and looked at him through teary eyes.

  “She’s dead… isn’t she?”

  Edin swallowed, he wasn’t sure but everyone he meets seems to come to the same fate. Everyone but Arianne. He felt the necklace in his palm. Edin slipped the cord around her neck and tied it.

  She took his hand and smiled.

  “We look like we’ve just run from a battle…” Edin whispered trying to get his mind right, he looked toward Arianne, but she wasn’t responding. “We need to hide the weapons… well at least your bow and my staff.”

  “I’m not giving this up. She gave it to me…”

  “I know. We’ll come back, but we need a place to lay low. I’ve got an inn…”

  Arianne looked up. “What about this place?”

  Edin stared at it. It really didn’t seem like a bad idea… if they had to. “There’s a bed at the inn…” Edin said.

  “You’re trying to get me in bed at a time like this?” She guffawed.

  “No… I’m just. I want to have a clean place where you can heal… we’ll come back for the weapons.”

  “First sign of trouble, we come here…” Arianne said. Slowly, she started to remove her bow. She winced. Edin knew what that felt like and didn’t envy her but wished he could ease her pain.

  Arianne stared at the bow when she laid them on the ground next to her.

  “We’ll be back,” Edin said as he slipped it and his quarterstaff behind a bush. He thought of Laural, but for some reason, he wasn’t sure the old magus had died. She certainly didn’t seem ready to go.

  After a moment of peering down the alleyway to make sure no one was watching, they slipped from the gate. Edin carved a small X at the bottom of one of the planks.

  Arianna took his arm and they tried to walk casually through the alleyways always trying to go up the hill.

  Her sling and the thick sweater on a warm day stuck out like pimples on the forehead to Edin but not many others seemed to notice. His clothes on the other hand… Blood was smeared all over his clothes in brown splotches that reminded him of one of the cows he’d freed.

  It wasn’t easy. It took an hour or more before they reached Middletown. They had to get out of the city and fast… The guards would be out and searching not to mention more Por Fen.

  Shops were beginning to open, the proprietors yawning and drinking from steaming mugs. Coffee… maybe they had a pastry stuffed in a pocket. His stomach whimpered.

  Edin glanced back and could see down the avenue. It was nearly a half a mile to the docks. By now word of what happened was sure to be swarming up here like a plague of locusts.

  “I need a bath,” Arianne complained as she looked down at herself. “And clothes.”

  Edin could see familiar tall buildings and a sign he’d made note of the day before. “The inn is right there, I can slip out and grab clothes and food for us later.”

  “Okay…” She whispered, “but make sure they match…”

  He began to steer her toward the inn when he caught a man staring at him. He slowly turned his gaze to see the noble from the day before. Sandon.

  Edin tensed and Arianne seemed to feel it.

  “What is it?” Arianne said.

  Sandon looked quizzical and then it seemed to dawn on him. He trotted over like a prancing horse. “Master Berka. It is you. You cleaned up… a slightly. Did you purchase clothes and then go swimming in a pigsty?”


  “And who might this be?” The flaxen haired lord said. Behind him, with his head down, but with beady eyes watching them, was another man who wore the livery of a servant and the crest the guards wore. The bird with a fish in his claws. A falcon Edin thought.

  “Apologies for missing the dinner last night.”

  “It was a bore,” the young lord waived his hand dismissively. “My father came with some of friends. The most blasé nobles… never any fun. So this your friend, I had assumed it was a man, not such a beautiful, albeit distressed looking woman. I understand now why you had to miss the festivities. Was it thieves? My father’s been trying clean up the streets, but alas he has been unsuccessful.”

  He paused, looked at his servant, and turned back to them. “Anyway, mistress…” He waited for her reply.

  Arianne tensed and Edin squeezed her hand. She looked at him and he tried offering his best reassuring smile. “Aria… I fell my lord.” Arianne said bowing her head, though her neck seemed stiff. “I’m sorry, we must be going.”

  “She is correct, I must apologize,” Edin said bowing as well. “As you can–”

  “Did you hear about the attack at the docks? Some are calling it a battle like in the war when magi roamed the world and the Por Fen hunted them... I wish I would’ve been present. A mage in our city! Fascinating. And Laural… I knew her you know. She brought down a pair of buildings…” He chuckled. “Do not tell anyone,” Sandon whispered as if Edin were a conspirator to some master plot. “But I am fascinated with magi. To be able to bend the world to your liking, to do things to… well to have that type of control… that power.”

  Edin fought the urge to look back toward the docks. “I have not heard a thing,” Edin said watching Arianne out of the corner of his eye. Her lips were pursed.

  “Well I am on my way. Tonight though, my townhouse at nineteen hundred hours. All I offer is great food, drink, and conversation. Some of my friends are dying to meet the man who lamed Polus.”

  Edin swallowed as Arianne squeezed his hand. “I’m sorry but…”

  “Where are you staying? I can have the castle’s clothiers sent to you. It is clear you need help dressing.” He turned to Arianne, “I do hope you can lose the sling. It does not quite ruin your beauty, though it does hinder it.”

  “We’re staying at The Mason,” Edin said.

  Sandon looked over Edin’s shoulder at the inn. “Not my first choice, then again, you aren’t want for companionship I see… anyway, Asmov will see to it you are dressed.” He slapped Edin on the shoulder and grinned showing such white teeth that Edin was almost blinded.

  Asmov, the servant Edin guessed, shifted his gaze between them. It was off-putting to say the least as if he were being eyed for a meal by a wolf or maniacal and mangy cat. The man was gaunt and his oily black hair hung to his shoulders.

  Edin bowed his head as they started off toward the docks.

  “Why did you tell him where we’re staying?” Arianne hissed when they were out of earshot.

  “I… We don’t need any more people after us.”

  “These nobles slaughtered my family…” Arianne whispered. “How could I sit with them for dinner? I wish to wring the neck of every noble on this blasted continent.”

  Edin’s hunger disappeared. “Let’s get cleaned up and rest.”

  As they entered the inn, he heard his name.

  “Edin!” Heldren said, then a moment later she caught sight of Arianne and frowned. “What happened to…”

  “I… had an accident. We are
expecting visitors, send them to my room. They know me as Berka,” Edin said.

  “Is she in need of a separate room?” Heldren said.

  “No,” Edin said then looked at Arianne. “My sister will be fine.”

  “Yes,” The woman smiled and winked at Edin.

  They crossed the great room, Edin spied a group of men scarfing down a generous helping of eggs and ham. His stomach growled.

  “Your sister?” Arianne scoffed and elbowed him, “why would you say that? Are you attracted to her? That… that floosy?”

  “No, it’s just.”

  She dropped Edin’s hand and moved in front of him. “What is the room number?”

  “Thirteen,” he said.

  “Unlucky, why would you…” She shook her head and entered looking around the tiny room like it could be filled with rats. “I’ll take the bed.”

  Edin had taken off his tunic and was making his way toward the bed. He stopped. “It’s big enough…”

  “You take the floor.”

  “What about your bath?”

  “I’m not leaving you alone with that woman down there.” She laid down and struggled to pull the cover over her. “Sister…”

  Edin sighed, he just risked his life saving her and that was the thanks get got… He laid on the ground and closed his eyes.

  There was a rap at the door like the knocking of an anxious woodpecker. A moment later there was more rapping, faster and firmer.

  “Hello? Anyone home?”

  “One moment,” Edin said. He pushed himself up from that uncomfortable position. His back and neck were sore. Edin glanced toward Arianne. She was quiet and tucked under the blanket. The covers drawn to her chin as soft breathing escaped her lips.

  “Arianne… I think the clothiers are here.”

  “Ugh,” she rolled over. “Oww.” She opened her eyes and glared at him, “why did you accept?” She groaned.

  “He doesn’t seem like the type to take slights easily.”

  “You know nothing about nobles.”

  Edin shrugged while helping her from the bed. “I take that as a compliment.” Edin opened the door as a man and two women burst in.

  The man, a tailor by the look of his tape and the chalky hands spoke first in brisk tone. “Master Berka… mistress.” He paused as if to collect himself. “I’m sorry, the Marquees told me nothing about your name,” he said to Arianne.

  “Aria,” Edin said, “I’m sorry, Sandon is a Marquees? The heir to the duchy?”

  “Yes, his father is Lord Ashtol.”

  Edin glanced at Arianne who did not look back. Crap he thought.

  “Excuse us, Master Berka, we need to use this room,” a woman said pushing into the room. She looked around and sighed as if she were being forced to do her job in the stables. She held a plate of pins and a measuring rope around her neck. “And we’ll need a bath for the lady…”

  A lower rank noble would’ve been easier to deal with. Sandon could seal off the city at a moment’s notice if he desired.

  “This way young man…” the tailor said. He was a rounder man and shorter than Edin. He reminded Edin of a snowman with little neck and just roundness from gut to skull. The spectacles were pushed far down his pointed nose and he looked above them constantly.

  Edin followed the tailor into the hall, the man looked around as if trying to find something.

  “Well, since it’s just your measurements I need, we can do it here.”

  The last time he’d been fitted was his sixteenth birthday. His mother threw a celebration at the village green. The old tailor was very invasive with his measuring and Edin hoped this guy wasn’t the same.

  Edin grew tenser as the man’s measurements continued. They lowered from shoulders, arms to waist and then legs. The inner thigh was more invasive. Edin sucked in his gut and held his breath.

  The process wasn’t long, a few other patrons walked by with raised eyebrows. Edin’s face flushed and he tried to not look at them.

  One man caught his eye. The man took off his hat and nodded at Edin as if to say he understood.

  “The Marquees wants you there by nineteen hundred hours or seven past midday if you’re a heathen. I will have it here by seventeen… or five.” The tailor said looking at Edin then he turned and disappeared down the stairs leaving Edin alone in the hallway.

  Arianne and the women were still in the room, Edin was tired and starving though Arianne still had the coin purse.

  After a moment, he knocked. Scoffing and shuffling came from the other side and after a quiet argument, she finally handed it to him through the door.

  A lunch crowd filled up part of the inn, they had a roasted beef shank that smelled great. But he remembered the cows stuffed in the cage and couldn’t eat it. A seafood stew was their other option. He ordered that and an ale.

  A bit later, he caught a glimpse of Arianne heading toward the bath house. He tried to get her attention but she didn’t look at him…

  The food smelled of spices, rich, sweet, and spicy ones. There were at least two different types of fish in the stew. A curled-up orangish thing called a shrimp, and a chewy white thing called an octopus.

  Heldren told him all about the food and Edin noticed that his table was the only one she served with any regularity.

  When she brought the plates, she sat down across from him and stared as he ate. It was awkward, but he was too hungry to stop. As he finished an ale, she appeared with a new mug.

  She talked about the city, how her family was attacked by pirates on a trip to the southern isles. Edin was barely listening. She was freed after her godparents, the owners of the inn, paid her ransom. She questioned how he’d killed the pirates and Edin told her half-truths about the fight, he couldn’t say he used his talent, a blade was more convenient.

  Eventually, the seamstress and other woman came down the stairs. He tried to get their attention but they brushed out of the front door quickly.

  Then a moment later, she appeared. He spotted Arianne and they locked eyes. A moment later, she frowned, her face turning into a contortion of rage and then she started to come over.

  Then a man, an older guy to her right said something. Arianne paused and she seemed to be contemplating something. Then she smiled and laughed before taking a seat next to him with another man across from her.

  Heldren kept talking, not even noticing that he was fixated on Arianne. “So, what do you think? You up for another bath?”

  “Sorry,” Edin said turning back to her.

  “A bath, I can get you a good discount.” Heldren winked at him.

  Edin tilted his ale letting the rest of the frothy liquid flow down his throat. “Sure,” Edin said not really paying attention. He was still staring at Arianne who seemed to be enjoying himself.

  “I’ll get you another ale and start the water. You know, our tubs are big enough for two…”

  Edin waived a hand.

  Arianne finally looked over at him with another angry glare. He mouthed ‘what’s wrong?’

  She pursed her lips and pointed at him, then at Heldren who returned and placed the new ale on his table. The two other men turned to look at him.

  “I’ll start filling the bath,” Heldren whispered into his ear. Her warm breath sent shivers down his spine.

  Arianne flashed red and pushed off from the table. She brushed past Heldren shooting her a scathing glare. Even with her arm still in the sling, she looked like she’d skin the barmaid alive.

  Arianne stopped at his table and slammed her good hand down in front of him. A wince showed on her face for a second but she ignored it.

  “What do you think you’re doing with that hussy?”

  “What’s a hussy?”

  “Do not give me that… “

  Edin looked around the room and saw everyone staring at them.

  “Do not look away.”

  Edin swallowed, “I was just eating.”

  “That’s not what it looked like. Are you swooning fo
r her?”


  Heldren appeared next to the table. “Your bath is just about ready.” She winked at Edin.

  “Grrrr,” Arianne said before turning and storming up the stairs and back to their room… maybe just her room now.

  “Sorry,” Edin called and moved toward the stairs.

  The two men she was talking with got in his way and crossed their arms. “Don’t think that’s a great idea boy.” The man on the left said. A large guy with a thick mustache and fists double the size of Edin’s.

  “Out of my way,” Edin said.

  “Boy, listen on me. She needs her space… don’t be a fool. You’ll only tick her off more.”

  “Move,” Edin growled. “You don’t know anything.” He felt his temper flaring and dropped his hand toward where his blade was.

  “You gonna attack me for that? I know a lot more than you boy. Been wed going on thirty years… this guy seventeen. Just leave her be… for your own good.” The man on the left didn’t look to be backing down. Edin tried to sidestep but the other man moved in front of him and shook his head slowly.

  “Just go.”

  They reminded him of Horston without the mischievous glint. A look he missed. He wanted to push through… but something told him not to. Maybe to listen. They were strong, built from years of manual labor by the looks of it and though the energy flowed through the room attacking them as a mage…

  “Berka, the bath is ready,” Heldren called across the room.

  This wasn’t worth it. Edin turned and stormed from the inn with Heldren calling after him.

  Outside it was sunny and warm. A salty breeze rose up through the city. He didn’t know where to go, why he was going anywhere actually. That was his room. He paid for it.

  Edin turned and looked at the door. She should have to leave, not him.

  Then he pictured her in that cellar. Tied up and dirty… injured and scared. Edin’s stomach churned and he clenched his fists. Why didn’t he kill Gostal right there… right in the middle of the street…

  He headed toward Hightown. People would recognize him by the docks. Why was he even out of his room? Edin saw the walled off city within the city. The rich man’s lair.


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