by Ruth Snowden Very useful site with psychology-related information
There are many other websites that offer information about Jung and analytical psychology. You can also find some of his letters online, including correspondence with Sigmund Freud.
If you search on there are videos of Jung speaking, for example on death and dreams.
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Abraxas, 48
abreaction, 33
acausal parallelism, 139–40
active imagination, xxvii–xxviii, 170–1
Adler, Alfred, 167
Africa, 163–4, 165
ageing, 96–8
Aion, 152
albedo (‘whiteness’), 137
alchemy, 8, 52, 54, 135–8, 144, 181
alchemist’s stone, 54
amplification, 170, 181
analyst–patient relationships, xxvi–xxvii, 115, 129, 167–8, 172–3
analytical method, xxv–xxix, 34, 166–73, 176–8, 181
analytical method, versus intuitive, 6
anima and animus, 69–70, 73–7, 87–8, 175, 181
see also archetypes
Answer to Job, 153–4
anti-Semitism, 173, 174, 175
Apocrypha, 149
Aquarius, Age of, 143–4, 152
archetypal messages, 170
archetypes, 38, 40, 43, 44–50, 63–5
definitions of, xxii, 181
in dreams, 107–8, 141
spiritual and religious, 152, 153–4, 154–5, 157, 158, 160–1
stages of development, 82–6
see also anima and animus; father archetype; female archetype; hero archetype; masculine archetype; mother archetype
Arthurian myths, 11, 85
‘as above so below’, 145–6
association, 170
word-association, 29, 103
Assumption, doctrine of, 160–1
Astarte, 164
attitude types, 116
auxiliary function, 123
Bailey, Ruth, 164
balance, conscious/unconscious, 56–7
see also homeostatis; male/female; opposites
Basel University, 5–6, 9, 24
behaviourist theory, 80
belief, religious, 97–8
Bible, 3, 82, 149, 153
body, and the psyche, 59, 96
Bleuler, Eugen, 6, 28
Bollingen, 10, 12, 52–4, 141–2
Brocken Spectre, 26
Buddhism, 158–9
Burghölzli hospital, 6, 11, 28–31, 38, 117, 167
causality, 46, 140, 181
dreams of, 108
personality types, 128–9
Christianity, 149, 151, 159–61
symbolism of, 17, 105, 160–1
see also Bible; God; religion
collective unconscious, xxiv, 38–9, 58, 62–7, 110, 181
compensation, 81, 106, 108
complexes, 29, 61–2, 102, 181
conscious mind, xxiii, xxviii, 57, 58
conscious/unconscious balance, 56–7
psychology of, 115–17
see also psyche; unconscious
creative play, 41–2, 54, 171
creative visualization, 171–2
cryptomnesia, 49, 181
cultural heritage, 97
death and rebirth archetype, 154–5
dementia praecox
see schizophrenia
desire, repressed, 101
displacement, 103
divination, 138, 181
dogma, 148
dreams and symbols
archetypes in, 107–8
importance of, xxii, 100–4, 170–1
interpretation and analysis of, 109–11
Jung’s dreams, 16–17, 25–6, 41, 52, 111–12, 141–2, 166, 177, 178
archetypes discovered in, 43–9
Jung’s patients’ dreams, 37, 42, 49, 139, 141, 170
origins of, 106–7
symbolism in, 104–6
unconscious reflected in, 89, 90
see also imagery
Eastern religions and philosophy, xxiii, 52, 140, 156–9, 166
ego, 50, 58, 67–8, 182
see also psyche; self
egocentric responses, 117
Egyptian mythology, 82, 105, 155, 158
eight psychological types, 124–7
Elijah, 45
love, 69, 70, 130, 151
and psychic events, 145
entropy, principle of, 80
Equatorial Africa, 165
equinoxes, 143–4
equivalence, principle of, 79–80
esoteric, meaning of, 134, 182
esoteric practices, 133–4
‘as above so below’, 145–6
alchemy, 135–8, 144
astrology, 42–4
Gnosticism, 134–5
the I-Ching, 128–40
synchronicity, 140–2
esoteric/exoteric knowledge, 13
evil, 150–2, 153, 154
exoteric/esoteric knowledge, 13
extroversion, 116, 118–20, 182
extroverted types, 124, 125, 126, 127
see also Number 1 and Number 2 personality; personality
see dreams and symbols; imagery
fantasy castle, 19–20
father archetype, 92
feeling, 116, 121–2, 123
feeling types, 125–6
see also emotions; love
female archetype, 39, 74–5, 90, 91–2
females, 88, 93–4, 175
feminine (anima), 70, 74–5, 87–8, 175, 181
feminine principle, 136, 160–1
Flinters, Margaret, 88
four functions, 116–17, 120–4
Franz, Marie-Louise von, 169
Freud, Sigmund
dreams and symbols, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105
the ego, 67
and Jung, xxii, 30–4, 59–61, 70, 144
the libido, 66
midlife crisis, 36
repression and neurosis, xxvi–xxvii, 7, 167
the unconscious, xxiii, xxviii, 25, 57, 59–60
functions, four, 116–17, 120–4
fundamentalism, 155
galvanometer, 30
gender, and sex, 90–4, 96–7
gnostic/Gnosticism, 8, 45, 48, 134–5, 160, 182
God, 12, 22–4, 48, 150, 161
dual nature of, 151–2, 153–4
Gnostic creator, 134
see also religion
God-image archetype, 152, 154
good, and evil, 153, 154
Grail, Holy, 11, 166
Grail Legend, 11
halcyon, 47, 182
Hannah, Barbara, 168, 177
Hare, 84
healing, 156
heredity, 128
hero archetype, 83–5, 92
Hinduism, 156–7, 166
holism, 59
homeostatis, 81, 107
house dream, 111–12
I-Ching, 138–40
alchemical, 136–7, 138–9
archetypal, 83–4, 108
Buddhist, 158
Christian, 17, 105, 160–1
in dreams and the unconscious, 81–2, 86, 90, 108, 171
symbols, 104–6, 120
see also archetypes; dreams and symbols
imagination, active, xxvii–xxviii, 170–1
impersonal responses, 117
incest, 33
India, 165–6
individuation, xxvii, 48, 51, 80, 86–90, 135, 182
see also self
initiation rites, 93–4, 154
inner child, 41
inner/outer energies, xxii, 13, 16, 145–6, 164–5, 168
International Psychoanalytic Association, 7, 32, 34
instincts, 65–7, 108
introverts, xxii, 116, 118–20, 182
introverted types, 124–5, 125–6, 127
see also Number 1 and Number 2 personality; personality
intuition, 18, 117, 122, 123, 182
intuitive types, 127
Jaffé, Aniela, xxii, 10, 171, 172
Jesus, 15, 22, 150–1, 154
Job, story of, 153–4
Jung, Carl Gustav
criticisms of, 173–5
death of, 177–8
early life, family, 1–5, 15–20, 41
education and early career, 5–9, 20–2
and Freud, xxii, 30–4, 59–61, 70, 144
marriage and children, 11–12, 47
midlife crisis, 36–41, 74, 87–8
neurotic episode, 21
personality see Number 1 and Number 2 personality
private life and interests, xxiii, 9–13, 52–4
as therapist, 166–9
travels of, 12, 163–6
Jung, Carl Gustav (grandfather), 2, 5
Jung, Emilie (née Preiswerk) (mother), 4, 9–10, 149–50
Jung, Emma (née Rauschenbach) (wife), 11, 12, 75, 163, 164
Jung, Paul Achilles (father), 3, 4, 22, 24, 149
Ka, 47
karma, 145
Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 28
Kusnacht (lakeside house), 11
latent content, 103
libido, 32, 34, 66, 79, 182
life stages
ageing, 96–8
archetypal, 82–6
individuation and the self, 86–90
midlife crisis, 36–41, 74, 87–8, 94–6
sex and gender, 90–4
love, 69, 70, 130, 151
lysis, 111
balance, 4, 87–9, 90–4, 136, 138–9
Jung’s attitudes to, 5
males, 87–8, 93
mandalas, 8, 50–2, 182
manifest content, 103
masculine (animus), 70, 75–7, 88, 181
masculine archetype, 90, 91, 92
mechanistic view, xxv, 25, 59–60, 182
meditation exercises, 52
memory recall, 106
men see anima and animus; hero archetype; male/female; males; masculine archetype
midlife crisis, 36–41, 74, 87–8, 94–6
mother archetype, 39, 61, 64, 160
mother complex, 61
mythopoeic, 182
mythopoeic imagination, 39, 47
myths and mythologies, 12, 38–41, 64–5, 84–5, 182
nature/nurture debate, 90–1, 128–9
nature, world of, 1–2, 165
Nazism, 9, 173, 174–5
negative and positive, 87
see also opposites
Neumann, Erich, 82–3
neuroses, 31–2, 33, 34, 38, 167, 182
Jung’s experience of, 21
New Mexico, 165
nigredo (‘blackness’), 136–7
Number 1 and Number 2 personality, 4–5, 10, 17–18
and creativity, 53–4
Number 1 predominant, 24, 37
progression and regression, 66–7
the shadow side, 69, 87–8
numinous/numinosum, xxv, 17, 156, 183
objectivity, 28, 110
occult, 2–3, 134, 183
Ochwiay Biano, 165
Oedipus complex, 33
opposites, 66–7, 77, 79, 130, 151, 172
oracular dreams (‘big’ dreams), 107, 166, 178
outer/inner energies, xxii, 13, 16, 145–6, 164–5, 168
paranormal, xxvi, 49, 183
see also esoteric practices
parapsychological phenomena, 24, 26–7, 47, 48–9, 60–1, 145
parapsychology, 60, 183
parental types, 4–5, 128
patient–analyst relationships, xxvi–xxvii, 115, 129, 167–8, 172–3
Pauli, Wolfgang, 140–1
persona, 72–3, 183
personal myths, 19, 30, 42, 52, 169
personal unconscious, 58, 59–62
extrovert/introvert, Jung, 10, 12, 16, 17–18
Jung’s parents, 4–5
personality types
eight psychological types, 124–7
four functions, 116–17, 120–4
introversion and extroversion, 118–20
nature–nurture factors, 128–9
psychology of consciousness, 115–17
and relationships, 129–30
see also Number 1 and Number 2 personality
phallus dreams, 16–17, 41, 49
Philemon, 45, 46, 47, 64
philosophy, 25
physics, 141, 146
Pisces, Age of, 143–4, 150, 152
plant motifs, 52, 81–2
play, creative, 41–2, 54, 171
pleasure, 34
‘pleroma’, 48
see negative and positive; opposites
positivism, 25, 183
power drive, 66
precognition, 60, 183
preconscious, 57
Preiswerk, Hélène (cousin), 27, 62
Preiswerk, Samuel (maternal grandfather), 2
primeval, 105
principal function, 123
progression, 66–7
projection, 63–5, 69–72, 129, 130, 183
psyche, xxviii, 5, 46, 56–9, 183
anima and animus, 69–70, 73–7, 87–8, 175, 181
and the body, 59
collective unconscious, xxii, 38–9, 58, 62–7, 110, 181
ego and self, 67–8
journey of, 79–82
persona, 72–3
personal unconscious, 58, 59–62
as reality, xxviii–xvix, 172–3
shadow and projection, 68–72, 87
see also ego; self; unconscious
psychiatrist, 183
psychiatry, xxii, 5–6, 25, 28, 38
psychic energy, 32, 34
psychic events, 24, 26–7, 47, 48–9, 60–1, 145
psychoanalysis, xxii, 31–2, 183
see also analytical method
psychogenic (psychosomatic) disorders, 30, 183
psychokinesis, 60–1
psychological types, 124–9
psychologists, 25, 183
psychology, xxii
psychosis, xxvi, 7, 184
puberty, initiation rites, 93–4, 154
rational/irrational functions, 123
reality, xxviii–xvix, 172–3
rebirth and death archetype, 154–5
‘reconciling third’, 90
Red Horn, 84
reductionism, 6, 184
regression, 67
relationships, 129–30, 175
see also patient–analyst relationships
religion, 2–5, 11, 12, 15, 22–4
beliefs, 97–8
of New Mexico, 165
and sexuality, 166
and spirituality, xxiii–xxiv, xxvi, 148–56
see also Buddhism; Christianity; gnostic/Gnosticism; God; Hinduism; spirituality
repression, 7, 31, 184
rites of passage, 93–4
rubedo (‘redness’), 137
Salome, 45
scarab dream, 141
schizophrenia, 6, 28–9, 49
scientific approach
Freud, 57, 59–60
late nineteenth century, xxiii, 25, 26, 80, 151
modern physics, 141, 146
secret manikin, 17–19
The Secret of the Golden Flower (alchemical writing), 52, 135
Self, 50–1, 67–8, 86–90, 154
–6, 157, 184
integration of, 12
and relationships, 175
see also ego; individuation; psyche
sensation, 117, 122, 123
sensation types, 126
Seven Sermons of the Dead, 48–9
sex, and gender, 90–4, 96–7
sexual drive (libido), 32, 66
sexuality, and religion, 166
shadow, 68–9, 70–1, 87, 151, 184
God’s shadow side, 151–2, 153–4
inner darkness, 137
shamanic traditions, 120, 154
Siegfried, 40
signs, and symbols, 104, 105
social factors, 128, 145
soul-image, 74
spiral motifs, 81–2
spiritual, 149, 184
spiritualism, 26–8
spirituality, xxiv–xxv, 2, 20, 148–50, 152, 169–70
see also religion
stone, the, 17, 24, 150, 178
stories, personal, 19, 30, 42, 52, 169
subconscious, 105–6
subjectivity, 28, 110
sun-phallus, 49
symbols, 104–6, 120
see also dreams and symbols; imagery
synchronicity, 45–6, 140–2, 164, 177–8, 184
thinking, 116, 121, 123
thinking types, 124–5
transcendent function, 172, 184
transference, 129, 184
travel, 12, 163–6
Trickster, 84
Twins, 84
unconscious, 26, 30–1, 184
ego and self, 67–8
Freud’s views of, xxiii, xxviii, 25, 57, 59–60
Jung’s understanding of, xxviii, 61, 62, 137–8, 165
persona, 72–3
personal unconscious, 58, 59–62
shadow and projection, 68–72, 87
unconscious/conscious balance, 56–7
see also collective unconscious; conscious mind; psyche
unus mundus (‘one world’), 173
Uroboros, 83
Virgin Mary, 160–1
see dreams and symbols; imagery
visualization, creative, 171–2
Western culture, xxiii, 140, 159, 164, 165
Wheelwright, Jane, 172–3, 175
Wilhelm, Richard, 135
Wolff, Antonia (Toni), 11–12, 169
see anima and animus; female archetype; females; male/female; mother archetype; mother complex
word-association, 29, 103
yin and yang, 138, 139
Yoga, 44, 156–7
zeitgeist, 71, 184
Zentralblatt (magazine), 173, 174
Zonfingia Society, 26
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