Fated Forgiveness (Kindred of Arkadia Book 4)

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Fated Forgiveness (Kindred of Arkadia Book 4) Page 7

by Alanea Alder

  "What did I say about molesting your mates? Save it for later." Rian grinned and pulled Liam out of their arms, giving him a huge hug.

  "You can't do this to me when I'm pregnant!" Rebecca said tearfully as she tried to wrap her arms around Rian and Liam, failing miserably.

  "How do I know these tears are real, you little actress?" Liam joked.

  Rebecca looked up and her eyes narrowed before she deliberately wiped her nose down Liam's shirt sleeve.

  "There's snot when I cry for real." She said looking up.

  Liam stared down at his sleeve in horror.

  "Ugh that's disgusting!" He bellowed. Hearing laughter, he looked up to see Aleks bent over, holding his stomach.

  "You should have known better than to ask," Aleks guffawed.

  "Might as well take it off anyway, Liam, this is a pool party!" Rebecca yelled.

  "Whoo hoo! Take it off, Alpha!" He heard another female voice yell. Liam and Rebecca turned to see Kate waving at them as Bran and Caleb frowned, holding the boys.

  Laughing, Liam winked at his mates. He took a step forward and slowly he began to peel off his snotty shirt. He turned so that he could watch his mates' expressions. As his arms lifted he made sure to tighten his abs, displaying his eight-pack to its fullest advantage. He pulled the shirt off over his head and strutted around, shaking his ass at Kate. He saw Kent swallow hard and Sebastian whimper.

  "You're a sexy bitch, Liam!" Kate yelled, pushing her growling mates away, rolling her eyes. In their arms Landon and Lucas giggled and waved.

  "I take back all the mean things I said about you after the council met with that asshole wolf Alpha," Rebecca said, hugging his grandfather around the waist when he walked up.

  Lachlan looked down at Rebecca, an amused expression on his face. "Thank you, my dear. You really can't shoot everyone that aggravates you, trust me, there wouldn't be many people left." He dropped a kiss on her cheek and she blushed, which had Aleks growling.

  Rebecca began to fan her heated face. "Kent, Sebastian, you're so lucky. If Liam takes after his grandfather you know he'll look hot when he gets older. I mean, damn," Rebecca said, grinning.

  "I second that. Elder Lachlan, you are definite eye candy." Kate said, walking up with Landon in her arms, her mates and Lucas behind her.

  "What's a poor old man like me to do? All of you delectable young women are mated. It just breaks this old man's heart." Lachlan pouted and both women crooned "aw," before leaning in at the same time to kiss him on either side of his face. The old man patted their butts familiarly as their mates snarled behind them.

  Liam's cheeks were starting to ache from smiling so much. He had never seen this playful side to his grandfather before. Maybe he did take after him more than he thought. Kate and Rebecca were giggling outrageously at something Lachlan had said, Liam shook his head.

  "Elder, a word?" a familiar gravelly voice demanded. Everyone turned around, and from the shocked expressions Liam knew he wasn't the only one surprised to see Mr. Gilberton at the party. Lachlan straightened his shoulders and stepped back from the two women, who glared at Gilberton.

  "Of course, Frances. Ladies, I will be right back." Lachlan winked and stepped away from the crowd with Gilberton to a corner of the backyard.

  "I'm surprised he's here. I know he's been swamped with council work," Liam said, staring at his grandfather.

  "I'm not. That old man loves you to distraction. I think you have projected the way your father always treated you on to him," Rian said, eating a piece of cake.

  "He's dreamy," Kate sighed.

  "He's just so…you know?" Rebecca asked.

  Rian and Kate nodded. Aleks, Caleb and Bran shook their heads, not understanding.

  "It's not his position, he just wears his power around him. Like Gabriel. Super hot," Rian added, sipping the punch.

  "Thank you, I think," Gabriel said, stepping into their circle with Ashby.

  "My man is super hot, though." Ashby smiled.

  "We need to find me one," Nic said.

  "Mee ruu," Rian said with a mouthful of cake. He quickly chewed. "Me too!" he repeated.

  "Gabriel, thanks for coming. Did you bring anyone from your coven?" Liam asked.

  Gabriel was just about to answer when a gut-vibrating roar echoed through the back yard, followed by complete silence.

  Liam looked over and his grandfather stood toe-to-toe with Gilberton. His long, thick, grey hair billowed about his head and shoulders like a full mane. Liam couldn't stop the answering roar from erupting from his own throat, which was echoed by his pride.

  "I will not discuss this with you or anyone else again. Get out of my sight!" Lachlan bellowed.

  Gilberton, seemingly against his will by the way his body moved in jerks, bared his throat before he turned and quickly walked away. The gate shut behind him and utter silence floated like a miasma amongst the party goers.

  Out of nowhere a tiny roar was heard, echoed by a second one, both from little throats. Kate and Caleb stared down at Landon and Lucas. Both boys released teeny roars again. A booming and rolling laugh erupted from Lachlan. Everywhere people began to chuckle and laugh as the tension dissipated.

  Lachlan walked over and simply plucked Landon from Kate's arms.

  "Who is this little fellow?" He asked.

  "This is Landon, and that is his brother Lucas. They belong to Caleb, Kate and Bran," Liam supplied. Lachlan tickled the boy, evoking squeals.

  "Babies are a blessing. You have a beautiful family," Lachlan said, handing the boy back to Kate.

  "Thank you, Elder," Kate replied, blushing.

  "Snow leopard, if this old nose can be trusted. So few of them are left. They are true treasures." Lachlan sighed.

  "Lions may soon join them in facing extinction, so few females are being born. That's why prides like this are important. With fewer females, traditional prides are just not working anymore. When I was travelling and visiting different prides, I was approached by another cat group who was completely comprised of gay males. They were all different types of cats, that had come together to keep each other safe. They came to me to ask my advice about finding mates." Lachlan smiled.

  "I told them to find a local witch to see if she can help locate their mates. I hope it works out for them, they were good men." Lachlan shook his head.

  "You should have brought them here! I'm never going to find a mate!" Rian lamented. Liam chuckled. He knew that wouldn't stop the man from going through all the frogs to find his prince.

  "Rian, why don't you and Damian head to Johnny's tomorrow and get new phones, my treat, for arranging this amazing party," Liam offered.

  Rian's eyes went wide. The man squealed and threw himself into Liam's arms. "You are the bestest Alpha ever, I lurves you!" he said before immediately detaching to go over and tell Damian the good news.

  "Prince Gabriel, it's good to see you. How do you like life in Arkadia?" Lachlan asked.

  "My vampires are more relaxed than I have ever seen them. I never realized how much they worried about my safety. I'd be more comfortable if the townspeople warmed up to us more. I only brought Daniel and David tonight since they are the least threatening and they seem to have made some headway with the people already," Gabriel admitted.

  "It will take time. All our lives we were told that the perimeter was put into place to keep us safe from vampires. To others it may seem like they aren't safe here in Arkadia anymore. People don't react well when their sense of well-being is threatened," Liam offered.

  "Well said, grandson. Yet another reason why you are my choice as heir, you aren't held back by preconceived notions from our past. You look at a problem from all angles before making a decision. You have never followed any train of thought simply because that is the way things have always been," Lachlan said proudly.

  "Actually, the perimeter was only supposed to keep out humans. That was the original intention," Gabriel said. Everyone turned to stare.

  "You were there, weren
't you?" Kent asked excitedly.

  Rebecca leaned forward a light in her eyes. "We have been combing through the town's archives for months trying to find more information about the perimeter, and we have practically an expert right here!" she exclaimed, slapping her forehead.

  Kent placed a hand on her shoulder. "I didn't think about it either, so don't beat yourself up about it."

  Rebecca turned to Gabriel. "What can you tell us about the perimeter? There is nothing, absolutely nothing in the history books prior to the town being founded," she asked breathlessly.

  Gabriel smiled softly and sighed. He pointed to a nearby picnic table. Everyone took a seat as Caleb went to find Ma and Pa. Sebastian was practically vibrating in his seat next to Liam. He looked up and caught Liam staring at him. He grinned sheepishly.

  "I love stories," he admitted.

  "You are so adorable." Liam leaned in and kissed his mate. They both looked on the other side of Liam where Kent sat, his elbows on his knees, a rapt expression in his face as he waited for Gabriel to begin. Sebastian and Liam smiled at each other.

  Ma and Pa arrived, walking quickly. They sat down and Gabriel launched into his story.

  "Thousands of years ago, shifters were not organized the way they are now. They lived amongst humans openly. Some thought them to be demigods, and they were treated well. Some humans thought that shifters were from the Underworld and were to be destroyed. The minds of men were fickle, and their attitudes were based on how well the crops were doing and how prosperous the village was. I miss the simple life that ancient Greece offered." Gabriel looked lost in thought for a moment before he continued.

  "The original council members numbered fourteen."

  "But there are only thirteen now," Rebecca interrupted.

  "I'll get to that." Gabriel smiled gently at Rebecca, who blushed.

  "Sorry," she mumbled. He patted her knee.

  "Originally there were fourteen council member seats. Seven seats were held by the Arkadions. They were thought to be the first shifter family, descended from Arcas, son of Callisto. Callisto was said to have been turned into a bear by the jealous mother goddess Hera, creating the first form of shifters.

  "The Arkadions held seven seats, one for each son. The other seven were held by Elders of each major animal group. Wolf, Lion, Hyena, Eagle, Badger, Horse and Whale. The Wolf spoke for all canines, the Lion for all felines, the Hyena for all scavengers, the Eagle for those who flew the skies, the Badger for the forest animals, the Horse for the herd animals, and the Whale spoke for all water creatures.

  "Each group wanted to create whole cities and communities to keep their people safe. They approached the Alpha Mother at the time, Selena, the only human until Rebecca to be mated to an Arkadion. Her best friend Celeste was the most powerful witch in the world. Selena asked Celeste to help create a perimeter for the shifter communities to keep out humans and keep them hidden. These towns would be home to all paranormals." Gabriel sighed.

  "Something bad happened, didn't it?" Rebecca asked.

  Gabriel sighed sadly. "Shortly after giving birth to her seventh son, the Alpha Mother was kidnapped. Hyenas helped a crazed vampire sneak into the Arkadion citadel and take Selena. The Arkadion king went insane with rage. He gathered his brothers and stormed the council chambers where the newly formed shifter council was hammering out what is now shifter law. Each group provided their best fighters and trackers from their species. Leon Lewenhart and Roald McGregor, Alexander Arkadion's best friends, joined the hunt personally, putting aside the duties they had assumed as Elder." Gabriel paused when Rebecca gasped.

  "His name was Alexander and he had a human mate too?" She took Aleks's hand.

  Gabriel nodded. "Though, if it makes you feel better, the two of you are nothing alike. She was tall, elegant and breathtakingly beautiful. She was soft-spoken, more like a queen."

  Gabriel grunted when Ashby elbowed him in the ribs. In a rare display of vulnerability, Gabriel blushed. The men looked anywhere but at Rebecca.

  "Not that you aren't amazing in your own ways," he said quickly.

  Frowning at him, she nodded.

  Breathing a sigh of relief, Gabriel continued. "They finally tracked the hyenas and vampire down, but they were too late. The vampire had already drained Selena of her blood. Alexander arrived in time to see the vampire drop her body to the ground." Gabriel's eyes looked haunted and far away. Ashby scooted closer and lay his head on his mate's shoulder. Aleks picked up Rebecca and placed her in his lap. He wrapped his huge arms around her as if to keep her safe. Beside him, Liam felt both of his mates lean closer to him. He wrapped an arm around each of them.

  "Alexander was about to rip the vampire's head off, when I stepped forward. I told him that death would be too easy. If he handed him over and I would ensure he suffered for all eternity." Gabriel shut his eyes at the memory.

  "La douleur de l'eternite," Ashby whispered. Gabriel nodded.

  "Alexander agreed, but warned that if he saw another vampire again he would kill them on sight. Relations between both races ceased that night. I was allowed one final trip back to Arkadia. I testified to the shifter council as a neutral source regarding the betrayal of the hyenas against the Arkadions. My testimony was needed, as I was the one who killed the hyena Elder when his clan barred the way into the palace where Selena was being held.

  "We buried the vampire in Arcadia and returned to the Arkadion citadel to lay Selena to rest." Gabriel took a deep breath as if bracing himself against the memories of such a painful time.

  "When Alexander carried his mate's body into their home, Celeste was overcome with grief. Both of them lay across her body and sobbed. When Celeste looked up and saw me standing there with Leon and Roald, she flew into a fit of rage. Her eyes turned black and the elements bent to do her bidding. In the language of her people she began to chant, weeping the entire time. Lighting flashed and it seemed to strike the center of the room. When I opened my eyes, I was a mile away from Arcadia. From that time forward, no vampire has ever set foot in that city.

  "Years later I discovered that Alexander Arkadion, in his grief, could not stay in Greece. There were too many memories of his lost mate. He packed up his entire family and set sail, coming here to an undiscovered country. The seven Arkadian towns and cities were founded as the nation grew, and each town was protected by that same barrier that Celeste created in Greece.

  "For their betrayal, the hyenas were stripped of their council seat and lost a voice in the governing of their people. Their punishment was to live on the outskirts of any shifter community like the scavengers they were. This gave the Arkadions and future Alpha Mothers the upper hand in council meetings. The Alpha Mother speaks for all seven seats. It was the only way to compensate the Arkadions for their loss.

  "It's not exactly a happy story. I'm sorry I ruined your festive spirit," Gabriel said.

  "Nonsense. We all needed to hear the history of our people. I think that tonight was a perfect night for it. Everyone gathering here today shows that we are strong and that together nothing can defeat us," Liam said, his voice full of emotion.

  "I would love to get a copy of that for the archives," Kent said.

  "Got it," Rebecca said, playing with her phone. "I just need to edit out that part about how Gabriel thinks I suck." She stuck her tongue out at Gabriel, whose eyes widened.

  "Now Rebecca, you know I don't feel that way."

  "Humph!" She refused to look up.

  "I'll get David and Daniel to create that inventory software you need for the library," he offered. She looked up and stared at him with a soulful expression.

  He sighed. "I'll get you the calendar you want." Her face broke into a huge smile.

  "Really! You are the most amazing man ever!" Aleks bit down on her shoulder.

  "Ow! Okay, okay, second most amazing man ever." She tilted her face up and Aleks leaned down to kiss her senseless.

  "Enough of this serious stuff, leave that for old men like me. Y
ou all have some celebrating to do," Lachlan said loudly.

  Everyone stood up and began talking at once. Sebastian, Liam and Kent ran inside to quickly change into swim trunks. Liam grumbled the entire time because their clothes were still in separate rooms, which meant he didn't get to see his mate's bodies. Until he made room in the master closet, Sebastian had what little he owned hanging in the guest room. Liam still wasn't happy with how much his mate still needed and chastised himself for not providing for his mate.

  Kent and Sebastian walked up behind him after they had changed and each grabbed an ass cheek before darting past him to race outside. Growling playfully, Liam chased after them. Once outside, Liam found himself scanning the crowd for his mates.

  "Liam, look! We got you something!" Rian yelled. Liam turned to look and stared at the monstrosity in Rian's hands.

  "Why did you get him a blow-up alligator floaty?" Aleks asked curiously.

  Liam felt himself flush with embarrassment. Kent stepped up next to him. "Siblings torture each other. They love you too much to leave you alone." Kent kissed Liam's shoulder.

  Liam felt better after hearing Kent's reasoning, and found himself smiling at Rian's antics spanking the alligator. He was totally unprepared for what happened next.

  Sebastian walked up to Rian smiling. He took the alligator floaty from his hands and passed it to Damian, then very calmly he pushed Rian into the pool before quickly dropping his swim trunks and shifting right there in front of everyone. It was the quickest and smoothest shift he had ever seen. Where his little mate had stood was the fifteen-foot alligator from the other night.

  Sebastian quietly slipped into the pool. Wolves and lions jumped out in record time. Rian took one look at the advancing alligator and a high-pitched scream emerged. One right after another.

  "What the fuck!" Aleks exclaimed.

  "Aww he's so cute, I want to hug him!" Rebecca said trying to climb out of Aleks's lap. The man kept a death grip on his wife.

  "What the fuck!" Aleks exclaimed again as Rian's screaming continued nonstop in the background.


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