Fated Forgiveness (Kindred of Arkadia Book 4)

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Fated Forgiveness (Kindred of Arkadia Book 4) Page 10

by Alanea Alder

"I'll take my leave for now, but know that more allegations are being investigated. NOAH is taking these complaints very seriously." He hurriedly picked up the folder and nearly tripped over his own feet in trying to leave as quickly as he could.

  "Aaron!" Ma exclaimed. "You gave that poor man 'the look' didn't you?" she said, chiding laughingly. Emmett, Connor and Aleks all shuddered at the mention of 'the look'.

  "He was upsetting my baby girl. She should be resting, not dealing with the likes of him," Pa said simply, and scooped Rebecca up, nuzzling her neck and making her squeal. Smiling, he handed her to his son who was reaching out for his mate with both hands.

  "What is NOAH?" Rebecca asked.

  "A pain in my sun-loving ass, is what," Lachlan said. Somehow in the middle of all the tension he had helped himself to a large bowl of chicken mac and cheese.

  "They are a conservative group amongst shifters that hate everything not shifter or not heterosexual. Anything outside one man and one woman is deemed immoral or deviant. They get their name from the story of Noah's Ark. Two of each creature, male and female," Gabriel explained.

  "Boring," Felix sang out. Rebecca and Sebastian smiled.

  "He's right, though, how boring would that be, if everyone were the same?" Emmett added.

  "God, I'm starving. Ma, can I have some mac and cheese too?" Liam begged.

  "Help yourself, baby boy." Ma said.

  Liam jumped up, grinning. "You two want any?" Liam asked. Kent shook his head. Sebastian nodded.

  "I'll just have some of yours," he said.

  "Okay, two bowls of chicken mac and cheese coming up. 'Cause I'm not sharing mine." Liam jumped the counter smoothly, then immediately checked to make sure that his mates saw his cool move. Sebastian looked at Kent as they both rolled their eyes. Liam chuckled.

  A twangy song started playing from the table.

  "I don't need the jukebox with all the phones in here." Ma shook her head.

  "Isn't that the theme to True Blood?" Kent asked.

  "Shit, that's my phone. It's my ringtone for Talon, Aleks can you grab it?" Liam asked, dishing out a huge helping for himself and a smaller one for Sebastian. Aleks grabbed the phone since it was closest to him.

  "Hello, asshole cat's phone," Aleks answered.

  "Hey Aleks, can you let Liam know that old man Gilberton called, there is a shipment of chocolate at Bobbles and Things for the pride that he is demanding be picked up," Talon's voice said without missing a beat.

  "Sure. Later." Aleks went to turn the phone off but started scrolling instead. His nostrils flared. He set Rebecca into the empty seat next to him just as Liam set both bowls on the table. Aleks grabbed Liam by the throat and began hitting Liam in the head with the phone.

  "Aleks!" Rebecca yelled, trying to grab an arm.

  "Hey!" Kent and Sebastian exclaimed, trying to pull Liam out of the chokehold Aleks had him in.

  "Boys! Outside!" Ma yelled above the noise.

  "Just a second Ma, and it won't be an issue, because this mangy, lazy-ass cat will be dead," Aleks said, still hitting Liam on the head with his own phone.

  Finally, Liam shifted one hand and poked Aleks in the ribs with a claw, forcing Aleks to let him go.

  "You...have…no….sense of humor. No wonder Rebecca likes me more," Liam said and ducked quickly behind his mates.

  "Aleks what in the hell…" Rebecca said, yanking Liam's phone from his hand. She stared down at the phone and looked up. Sebastian could feel through their bond that she was trying to keep a straight face, but on the inside she was roaring with laughter.

  "What is it?" Kent demanded, dabbing at a cut above Liam's right eye.

  "Liam has me in his phone," Rebecca said quietly her mouth twitching.

  "Well shit, so do I, is he going to beat me too?" Kent demanded angrily.

  "Liam has me in his phone as 'Baby Momma.' Rebecca said and couldn't keep it in anymore. She laughed so hard she was crossing her legs.

  "Oh Liam," Kent said, dropping into the chair next to his mate.

  "I won't deny our love anymore, Rebecca! I will be there for our baby!" Liam exclaimed and sniffed, pretending to wipe a tear. He looked up to see Aleks reaching for him and ducked behind Sebastian.

  "Alligator-chomp his ass, kitten," Liam yelled, pointing at the raging bear.

  "I freaking love this phone, keep going!" Rian said, holding up his phone and recording the whole thing. Sebastian palmed his forehead and closed his eyes.

  "Kate! Help! Gotta pee!" Rebecca yelled, laughing. Kate jumped up and half-carried Rebecca to the bathroom.

  "Come on, Alpha, let's go before you get mauled to death," Kent said, pulling Liam toward the door.

  "I'll be back, Rebecca!" Liam yelled.

  "Get out of here, you fool boy," Ma said lovingly, wiping away tears of laughter.

  "Love you, Ma," Liam said, dropping a kiss on her cheek.

  "Love you too, now scoot." She pushed his shoulder.

  Once they were away from the diner, Sebastian reached up and cuffed Liam in the back of the head.

  "What was that for?" Liam asked.

  "So it's okay if I let everyone think I slept with Aleks?" Sebastian asked, placing his hands on his hips.

  Liam's eyes narrowed and he snarled.

  "See! Now be nice to Aleks," Sebastian said.

  Liam straightened and shrugged. "I can't promise that. I was born to torture him. It is my sacred mission in life. Besides, you know I would never go after Rebecca, she is like a kid sister, it would be all types of wrong." Liam shuddered.

  "And you're gay." Kent bumped his hip against his mate.

  "Very." Liam wagged his eyebrows, leering at both of his mates.

  "Shit, Felix!" Sebastian said, looking back at the diner.

  They turned to see the small, flame-haired man racing after them. He was struggling to hold up the pair of sweatpants which were three sizes too big. In his other hand he held a large to-go bag.

  "Forget about me?" Felix asked, poking out his bottom lip.

  "Yup, though I don't know how, with that beacon fire you have on your head," Liam said, reaching forward and messing up Felix's hair.

  "Gingers are sex gods, remember that." Felix turned his nose in the air and walked down the sidewalk.

  "Now, which one is our ride?" he asked, swaying his hips from side to side.

  Liam raised an eyebrow to Sebastian who just shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands.

  "Should we swing by Bobbles and Things and pick up the chocolate?" Kent asked. Liam shook his head.

  "Nah, let's leave it there and piss the old man off," Liam said, taking both of their hands.

  Sebastian smiled as they walked behind a sashaying Felix.

  Chapter Eight

  "Wow, Sebastian, you landed a rich mate!" Felix said as he stood in the foyer, turning this way and that to look around. Most of the pride members were starting to congregate in the open family room, filling the many sofas, love seats and recliners.

  "Who's the hottie?" Rex asked, whistling at the strutting Felix. Felix turned and blatantly eyed Rex up and down, pursing his lips. He shook his head and turned his attention to Sebastian, ignoring Rex's dropped mouth and incredulous stare.

  "Why is everyone in the family room? I know I'm amazing and everything, but they couldn't know I was coming," Felix drawled as the door opened and slammed behind them.

  Sebastian turned, and Rian and Damian were rushing in, also heading to the family room.

  "Family movie night," Sebastian and Kent said in unison, smiling at each other.

  Family movie night was Rian's brainchild, and something that Sebastian loved about the pride. One night a week everyone would get together and watch a movie. They would eat popcorn, do bad voice-overs or simply enjoy the movie. It all depended on what was on. Every week, every single pride member would stop whatever they were doing for family night.

  "Grab a seat, Felix, someone should be bringing out popcorn soon," Sebastian said. Just then
, Talon walked up with bowls of popcorn.

  "Right here, squirt, grab it while it's hot!" He grinned, handing out smaller bowls and dishing out different flavors.

  "Regular, extra butter extra salt, extra salt only, extra butter only, dry as hell with nothing on it and my personal favorite, Tabasco-flavored." Talon made sure everyone got some Tabasco popcorn.

  Sebastian hurried over to the long sofa, sat in the middle patting both sides, and looked up at his mates. Liam and Kent walked over and sat on either side of Sebastian. Kent accepted a large bowl of popcorn with nothing on it and Liam grabbed a bowl of extra salt and extra butter. Sebastian looked down at his bowl of regular popcorn and smiled to himself. He really was the middle ground in his mating. Liam and Kent also looked down at their selections and smiled at each other. Talon walked along and dropped a handful of red popcorn in each bowl.

  "I have a seat for you, cutie. Felix, wasn't it?" Rex asked.

  "I'm good," Felix retorted, sitting between Damian and Rian. Rex shrugged and dug into his popcorn.

  "What do we have tonight, Rian?" Kyle asked, sitting cross-legged on the floor.

  "Pollyanna." Rian beamed and held up the movie case.

  "I haven't seen that since I was a kid." Kent smiled.

  Rian popped the movie in and everyone sat back to enjoy Disney at its finest.

  By the time the movie was over, Sebastian was yawning and resting against Liam.

  "I love that freaking movie," Rex said, gruffly wiping his eyes.

  "It's so sad how fragile humans are. We have to watch out for Rebecca more. Does she climb trees?" Talon asked.

  "I don't know, probably, though," Sebastian said, yawning again.

  "I think it's my kitten's bed time," Liam said, rubbing his nose on the top of Sebastian's head.

  "I'll take the guest room so you can get some sleep. It's not fair that I keep forcing you out of your own bed." Sebastian frowned.

  "Nope, I'm gonna sleep next to my kitten, even if it's for a little while, it's better than nothing." Liam kissed Sebastian's nose.

  "Oh. Hot and sweet. The perfect combination," Felix said.

  Liam and Sebastian turned to see his red hair popping up from the top of the sofa in front of them, his blue eyes dancing.

  "Rian, can you get Felix settled?" Liam asked.

  "Sure thing, boss." Rian nodded.

  "Good, come on, kitten, sweetheart. Time for bed. Good-night, guys." Liam waved at his pride. They all said good-night. As Liam lifted him up to carry him upstairs, Sebastian felt like he was finally home.

  * * * *

  "What was it this time?" Kent asked the next morning at the breakfast table. Liam kept turning his head left and right trying to crack his neck. Kent saw Lachlan approaching his mate from behind but kept his mouth shut when Lachlan put a finger to his lips.

  Liam sensed him at the last minute, turned his head quickly and there was a loud pop. Liam sighed dramatically. He eyed his grandfather.

  "I love you and hate you. Good morning," Liam said, lifting his coffee mug.

  "Love you too. Sorry I missed family night, I stayed at the diner to discuss some things with Margaret," Lachlan said, pouring himself his own cup of coffee.

  It was the first caffeinated beverage Kent had seen the old man drink, so he knew that he and Ma must have been talking late into the night.

  "You must have been discussing the lawyer," Kent surmised. Lachlan looked up and simply nodded.

  "What for? He left. Tail between his legs, too." Liam grinned. Kent shook his head.

  "That was like a scout effort. A shot across the bow. I think he was gauging what kind of support we had. We may have tipped our hand a bit," Kent murmured. Lachlan raised a brow and smiled at him.

  Kent felt a distinct kinship with the older man. Lachlan had pulled him aside and flat out told him that politics was not one of Liam's strengths. Kent knew that Lachlan would be depending on him to help Liam lead in the future. He was comfortable doing that. He liked running things behind the scenes, anyway.

  "So he's a threat, after all." Liam nodded as he pulled a phone from his shirt. He turned it on, scrolled through his list of contacts before tapping one, and putting it to his ear.

  "David, hey it's me. Anything?" Liam asked. After a few minutes with Liam nodding, he thanked David and ended the call.

  "So he represented Alpha Devon to the council when he brought charges against Rebecca. Known to follow the law to the letter, but uses his 'powers' for evil, by representing some of the worst our races have to offer. But neither David nor Daniel can find out why he really is here, which means it's really bad for the cover-up to be this good," Liam summarized. Kent was staring at him.

  "Look, I know that I don't get a lot of the council intricacies. Sometimes I agree with Rebecca and think we should just shoot the ones who hurt the people we care about, but we can't do that because it's against the law, both human and shifter. I may not be able to follow all the twists and turns of politics, but don't count me out for strategy. I aced all of my history and war studies classes. I knew I would be essentially leading what is tantamount to a small army someday. I can plan a battle with the best of them." Liam drained his coffee mug.

  "You are so fucking hot right now." Kent blurted out.

  Lachlan ducked his head to hide his smile as Liam pulled Kent across the table to kiss him senseless. Kent felt small hands in his hair and when he broke his kiss with Liam he was immediately thrown backward in the chair as Sebastian filled his lap. The small man kissed him thoroughly.

  "You were both gone when I woke up," Sebastian said, pulling away from Kent and breathing hard when their kiss ended.

  "Your last shift was into a tiny bunny. Neither one of us could bear to wake you so we let you sleep in," Kent said, twitching his nose at Sebastian, who laughed.

  Kent was glad to see their little mate wasn't getting upset about his nightly shifts anymore. It wasn't like he could help it, anyway.

  "You stay the fuck outta here! Liam!" They heard Rian shout from the front of the house.

  All four men immediately jumped to their feet, Kent and Sebastian just steps behind Liam and Lachlan. When they reached the foyer they saw that Mr. Salsiby was standing there with five extremely large wolf-shifters. From their scent Kent guessed three were part of Devon's pack. He couldn't identify the other two.

  "There is the other one, seize him," Salsiby said, pointing to Sebastian.

  Kent pushed Sebastian behind him as Liam and Lachlan moved in front of Kent, barring the way. Across the room Kent could see that Rex and Talon were defending Felix in a similar fashion.

  What in the hell was going on?

  "You better start explaining the meaning of this real fast, because to me it looks like the attempted kidnapping of an Alpha's mate and an Elder's grandson," Lachlan said, as his large canines descended slowly. Kent was thoroughly impressed, those things looked deadly.

  "It's quite simple. Prior to Liam's Law being passed, twelve men were reported missing by Alpha Devon. They had gone rogue and left his pack. They are to be apprehended and handed back over to their Alpha at once," Salsiby explained, a smug look on his face.

  "He's mated now, he stays here." Liam growled.

  "And normally, had he not abandoned his pack, it would be a simple transfer. But, unfortunately, he left his pack and ran. The council takes rogues very seriously. He could be facing the death penalty. Pity." Salsiby grinned at Liam.

  Liam roared and Lachlan put a hand on his chest to hold him back.

  "We were never part of his pack! We were sold to him!" Felix yelled.

  "There is no evidence to prove those allegations. All the paperwork that Alpha Devon has presented to the council is signed and notarized showing a proper and legal pack transfer." Salsiby pointed to Felix and Sebastian again, and the five wolves took a step forward.

  Low grumbles, growls and hisses echoed through the entire pride house as long lean cats came forward, stalking the wolves from eve
ry direction.

  "I suggest you call off your kitty cats, Alpha. They could be shot on sight legally."

  Liam held up a hand and all of the lions crouched down, halting their forward progress, but continued to stare down the intruders.

  "We request a continuance. According to shifter law, we can request a twenty-four-hour continuance before being taken into custody to help arrange our defense and contest the charges," Kent said suddenly.

  Salsiby frowned at him. "The continuance will be denied due to flight risk. Both men have fled before." Salsiby indicated that the wolves were to continue with their apprehension of the two small men.

  "Considering one of the men is mated and will not leave his mates and the other has no other place to go, I give my word of honor that they won't run," Lachlan said, stepping forward.

  Kent drew in a breath. To give his word was a power play. As a council member, if he went back on his word, all cats, not just the Lewenharts, would lose their council seat. Lachlan would be killed if he broke his word.

  "Agreed." Salsiby grinned suddenly and waved off the wolves, who took a step back.

  Kent had a sickening feeling they had just played right into the lawyer's hands.

  "I know that you weren't about to leave without giving us a copy of your evidence and testimonies," Lachlan said in clipped tones, stepping forward, his arms crossed over his chest.

  Salsiby glared at the older lion. He reached into the briefcase and thrust two folders at Lachlan before turning to walk away.

  "We'll see you again this time tomorrow. Good day, gentlemen." He nodded his head and all six of them walked out, shutting the door behind them.

  There was silence for a second before Sebastian burst into tears and Felix began having a meltdown.

  "I can't go back! I can't. I can't go back to the cage, I'd rather die. Just fucking kill me now! I can't go back in the cage." Felix dropped to the floor and began to rock back and forth. Rex and Talon immediately tried to soothe the small, red-headed man. Kent held on to Sebastian tightly.

  "I can't live without you two, I can't! I can't go back into that cage and be alone. They'll kill us, I'll never see you again." Sebastian cried and couldn't seem to catch his breath. Through their bond Kent felt Sebastian's chest tighten painfully stopping his breath. Liam walked over and pulled Sebastian and Kent into his arms, shaking, tears running down his face.


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