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Mated To A Vampire Princess: An African American Paranormal Romance

Page 3

by LeeSha McCoy

  And I fell more deeply in love with her.

  But I also became more protective, which has resulted in Ariella having to take on more responsibility in her world. She reassured me numerous times that after all my years of caring for others, I deserved to focus on myself, but it has still been most difficult to be selfish after so long. The first and only time before now that I were, was when I followed my heart to side with Ariya.

  No harm can come to Amour; I’ve had her protected from the moment she was born, but the mere thought of a single hair on her beautiful head being harmed, makes my heart ache with fear, amongst other unfamiliar emotions that I do not wish to mention…

  “We understand your fears, Aura,” Essa says, “but you will be just fine, and so will she.” She studies my appearance. “It will be nice to see you back to looking like yourself, too. We miss the old vision of you.”

  I look down at my white gown and taller stature. “This appearance has served me well.”

  “We know, but no more hiding. Now, off you go. We need to attend to Angara. The angry season is overdue, and the inhabitants are growing impatient for their heightened emotions to return.” She smirks. ‘Free up your mother to watch the twins, My King, and meet me in Angara…’

  I refrain from thinking about my future intimate moments with Amour there. “Very well.”

  She comes closer to rest a brief hand on my arm before she disappears, and so I port to the Aurellia-Caro border, to where the wastelands previously were. Amour is here alone, attending to an orchard that humans in the kratius harvest their fruits from.

  She turns to look at me as I kneel beside her, and my nerves rise to new heights. Regardless of how long I have readied for this moment, I still feel most unprepared, and no matter how many times I see her, her beauty always disarms me.

  Amour’s spirit may remind me of her mother, but she does not resemble her, nor Xanth. Her long auburn hair falls to her waist in soft waves, and her fair, golden eyes of her father’s homeland of Caro, mixed with the faintest red that reminds me of the sunset in Mirada, are most enrapturing.

  And as much as her petite, delicate form twists my thoughts into a tangled mess, it is mostly her calming presence that leaves me spellbound.

  “Hello again, Alina. To what do I owe this pleasure?” Her eyes darken slightly with intrigue, and her pire, Leora, stirs lazily but remains dormant.

  “Well, I was hoping to speak with you, if I may?”

  “Of course. Are you well?”

  “Yes.” I look to the apple tree seedlings that she has recently planted. “I have something to tell you.”

  “Oh…” ‘That doesn't sound very good, at all.’ She dusts her hands off before she stands, and then she helps me to my feet. “Well, please, go on.”

  I take a steadying breath, but soon regret my decision to when I take in the scent of her rosillia purfume. “My name is not Alina.”

  “Oh…” She blinks. ‘I wasn’t expecting that…’ “All right. Then, what is your name?”

  I hesitate, but then I am rushed by my impending duties. “My name is Aura.”

  Her confused expression becomes a curious frown. ‘Aura?’ “As in… The Aura?”

  I develop her seedlings into full-grown trees before changing my appearance back to my true self. I have kept my use of magic at a minimum around her, leading her to believe I teach others. “Yes.”

  She inhales sharply before covering her mouth. ‘My Goodness, she is beautiful, just as Vallessa described her…’ Leora has also awakened, and I hear her thoughts.

  ‘I told you there were something about her...’

  She has, always. Amour has inspected me differently, too, at times, but thankfully, those thoughts were only ever fleeting. Now, however, her mind is piecing together everything she’s ever thought about, so all I can do is wait with bated breath for her to ask me the question.

  “Why did you hide who you truly were from me?”

  “Because of whom you are to me, and I did not wish to interfere in your life, Amour.”

  ‘…but she's never so much as touched me…’ Her gaze wanders again, her attraction towards me heightening, but her glowing irises quickly return to mine. “Am I… yours?”

  My chest tightens. For eternity, I have longed to hear those words, and they affect me more deeply than I imagined they would. “Yes, and I am yours.”

  ‘So that's why…’

  I lift her face with magic, still afraid to touch her. “I know how much you have struggled, how hard you have fought to accept who you are, Amour. I couldn’t tell you then, but I wish to now… To me, you are perfect. Everything you are, everything you have become, and just as you are.”

  My words mean a lot to her, but I knew they would. She reaches for my hair before stroking it between her fingers. “I like you a lot more like this…” She pulls her hand away. “…but you know I don't know anything about love, or…”

  I take her hand in mine, feeling a fluttering in my being from finally touching her. My mind races, too, with flashes of our future together. “Neither do I. I may have lived for millennia, but I have never known love for myself. We will take it slowly, learn together. There is no rush, Amour. No rush at all.”

  “You have never been in love?”

  I shake my head. “Never, until you.”

  She reaches for my face, but before her hand can rest against my cheek, my eyes begin to swirl, and I sigh. “Continue your work here. I will return to you as soon as I can.”

  She smiles. “It's all right. I know your reputation.”

  I already know that she will be understanding to my need to have to come and go, and it is one of a thousand things I will love about her.

  There will be so many things…

  I rest a kiss on her forehead with magic as I prepare to return to the world. I am excited to teach her shortcuts to her work and enhance her abilities. She gets so much done as it is, but with our combined magic, her work will help so many more.

  No matter where she chooses to spend her time.

  “I’ll be as hasty as I can.”

  And then I leave her with a smile in my heart.

  Finally, she knows…



  I turn to the newly grown apple trees in the orchard after Aura leaves me, admiring their thick, winding branches and towering statures. They shot up in mere seconds, and already bear many, many fruits that will feed this entire village for years to come.


  Only my sister has been able to amaze me with magic before. Alina—Aura, has helped me grasp my own abilities various times throughout my life, but she never once showed even a glimpse of having magic anywhere near as powerful as she just did.

  ‘She said she was a teacher,’ Leora says, ‘and so did your sister…’

  ‘I know. Essa must’ve known. There’s no doubt in my mind that she knew.’

  And Aura, she did well to hide her true self from me, because as much as I always felt there was something more to who she was—and Leora especially—I never in a million years would’ve guessed who she really was.

  I’m still reeling from what just occurred and the impact it had on my emotions. For so long, I’ve felt that something was missing in my life, but as soon as Aura showed herself to me, it was as if everything made sense.

  The dreams, the longing…

  ‘This is big,’ Leora mutters. ‘Monumental.’

  I agree with her. I never would've imagined that Aura, of all people, would’ve been my love, but now that I know she is, it makes so much sense.

  Over the years, she would intrigue me. There was always something behind her eyes that made me feel vulnerable, and frankly, afraid. I'd feel comforted yet nervous in her presence, and at times, I'd feel drawn to her when she'd visit my sister.

  But back then, I was confused with who I was, so I put it down to that and the attraction I felt towards her. There wasn’t anyone close to me who preferred to be w
ith the same sex, so all I had to go by were the books my sister would obtain from various temples in the kratius.

  I thought something was wrong with me because I was more interested in helping others than finding a prince, more intrigued by feminine forms than masculine ones, and craved blood from my sister over Scarva’s because of how much sourer her blood is.

  ‘How will that even work?’ Leora asks, stirring again. ‘Will we drink from Aura or continue to drink your sister’s blood?’

  ‘I have no idea…’ She said she's never known love, so I doubt she’s ever been bitten…

  My pulse races at the thought of tasting her.

  ‘Yes, I’m also intrigued by that statement. She’s thousands of years old, so why has she never loved before?’

  ‘You know what the legends say about her. She's always busy. Maybe she's never had time for herself. Perhaps Ariella’s arrival had a lot to do with that.’


  We’ve heard many stories about Aura, and I cannot say that I am not excited to get to know her myself. The real her.

  ‘Let us go to your sister after we finish here.’

  I begin the short walk to the village, so I can inform the inhabitants that the first batch of apples need harvesting. ‘Yes, let's.’

  I can’t believe she never told me…


  After I finish helping the inhabitants with the harvest a few hours later, I go in search of my eldest sister in Caro. I find her in her study with Scarva, Essayla, Navira, and two of her other aides, but she swiftly asks them to leave when I arrive, and then she silences us.

  I sensed her change the season in Angara earlier, so I know she has been busy today. The kratius speaks to all of us that hold noir magic; it also allows us to know what is needed in each kingdom.

  My sister smiles as I sit down opposite her, and I sense her noir magic excite. “So…?”

  I scoff light-heartedly. “‘So?’ Is that all you have to say?”

  She chuckles. “I'm sorry. Are you mad?”

  “Mad? No. Curious? Very much so.”

  She nods. “Well, now that you know who Alina truly is, you also know that there was no way that I could tell you.”

  “I understand.” I remember all the times she’d try to reassure me over my sexuality when I was growing up. “Is that why—”

  She nods. “You had to come to terms with who you were by yourself, had to love and accept yourself without Aura or I interfering.” She sighs deeply. “Not only is Aura right when she says that everything happens for a reason because of the lessons that must be learned, but ultimately, when it comes to her, I would never do anything to disrespect her wishes in any way. Her and Ariella only ever wish the best for us, and as you know, if it weren't for them, we, nor our world, would be as it is now.”

  “I understand, and as I've said, I feel no ill will against anything that has happened.”

  “Okay, good. Sooooo to the conversation I've dreamt about having with you for so long.” Her excitement soars. “What did you think of her?”

  I immediately smile at the memory. “She's beautiful.” She has such dark skin, and the way her eyes swirl is so intriguing.

  “She is. Not only on the outside, but on the inside, too. It will be nice to see her in her old form again. We have missed it.”

  “Yes. Not to say she wasn't beautiful as Alina, but as Aura…”

  “Even more so,” my sister finishes for me. “Damn, this is so exciting!”

  I agree. “She said she has never been in love before…”

  “Nope, not ever. Ariella and I have been most excited for that reason alone. Aura, for millennia, has devoted her life to love and bringing those who need it together, so for her to finally be able to experience it for herself, and now openly, is most thrilling. The both of you are so pure hearted, so similar in many ways.”

  “I'm looking forward to getting to know her.” I wonder what she's truly like… What makes her sad, happy… What makes her smile...

  “Well, very few know Aura, and no one ever intimately. You are about to embark on the most magical journey with her, little sister. I hope you’re ready.”

  “I hope I am, too.”

  She stands and smiles as she holds her hand out. “With her by your side, I doubt there will be anything you will need to fear any more. Come here.”

  I rise to stand in front of her, and she takes my hands firmly. We are not only sisters, Vallessa and I, but she has also been a mother to me. Her and Scarva have taken care of me so well, and although our parent situation was complex and many things happened in the past between them, it has never been uncomfortable at all.

  Even Nioma has been nothing but kind and caring towards me. I often wonder how she would treat me if my parents were still alive, but Vallessa always reassures me that Nioma understands that our mother’s actions were mostly unavoidable.

  I wish so much I could have met her.

  “Amour, I hope you don’t think that I’ve been selfish with our mother’s noir magic by the little I gave you, but you were not ready to receive the full amount I always intended to gift you, until now.”

  My eyes widen in surprise, and Leora also awakens in intrigue. “You are gifting me more?”

  She nods. “Of course. I’m unsure if Aura herself will gift you magic of her own, but you were always going to have much stronger noir magic. There are many abilities you will gain afterwards, however, including the ability to hear other’s thoughts, so you must not only learn to harness it as quickly as possible, but use it carefully.”

  “I will.”

  “Good.” She pulls me into her arms. “I know I’ve said this many times before, but I am so very proud of the woman you have become, and I know mother would be, too. When I look to the future and see all the incredible work you will accomplish, it warms my heart so much. So very much.”

  I hold her tighter as tears well in my eyes. “Thank you, I love you so much.”

  She releases me to hold me at arm’s length. “It is I that should be thankful. You saved me, gave me hope in the darkest time of my life…” She shows me the memory of me bringing her comfort as a baby after Scarva died. “If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be here now.”

  “Vallessa…” I had no idea how much I kept her going. I have heard the story, of course, but to know I had that much influence in her decision to not give up before she found a way to bring him back, it means the world. “That means the world to me.”

  “Just as you do to me.” She takes a deep breath. “Now, let’s get your magic up before your love returns. Take a deep breath, and more importantly, relax.”



  “I gotta go.”

  I sit up when Heiro gets out of bed and begins to dress. “Now? But it's the middle of the night. I thought you were staying?”

  He shoots me a quick glance before he pulls on his robes. “Look, Reese, I didn't wanna do this to you, considering who your parents are, but I just don't see this going anywhere.”

  What the fuck? “Excuse me? Since when? Because you were just whispering in my ear how much you can't wait for me to call you Prince Caro one day.”

  He tries to hide rolling his yellow eyes, but I still see. “I thought you liked it when I talked shit to you?”

  I almost hiss in disgust. “Yeah, when it's true.” I clothe myself in a robe before I get out of bed, suddenly feeling self-conscious now I've been rejected.


  I want to tell him he's a dick, and that I don't deserve to be treated like this, but this is the longest relationship I've had and all my others before him ended when I came across too fiery.

  Maybe I should give him time…

  “Why don't you take some time? Really, think about what you want?”

  “I know what I want, Reese.” He sighs as he slips on his shoes. “Look, I like you, but I'm not interested in ruling my own kingdom one day. That shit ain’t me,” he mutters, as an

  “But you wouldn't have to. I would. You could just stay in the background…” I hold onto his arm and use my little noir magic to cling onto my tears. “I can change. I can be what you want.”

  Malika awakens in anger, disgusted by what I've just said. ‘Don't you dare go changing us again for another fuckboy. I told you he wasn't the man for us when we first met him. Now look. Let me out.’


  But it's too late, she overtakes my body in my moment of weakness and removes Heiro from the room before hissing in anger.

  ‘Why did you do that? I could’ve talked him around.’

  She takes us to the mirror and glares back at me. ‘Talked him around? What the hell is wrong with you? Do you still not see where you keep going wrong, Karrisee? You don't even know who you are anymore. Can you remember when we were younger? How free we felt, just being us?’

  Tears stream down my cheeks. Yes, I do, but that was before boys came along and I quickly realised that they didn't want a woman more dominant than they were…

  Malika sighs. ‘The right man won't be intimidated by our greatness. I don't know how many times I need to tell you that.’

  ‘But when is the right man coming? Because all I want is love, yet I can't seem to get it.’

  ‘I can't tell you that. Maybe you need to actually heal from Qson first. You still dream about him, and it has been a year. You can't keep rebounding from one man to the next. You need to figure out why you're so quick to change even our appearance to satisfy a man.’ She waves our hand and returns our body back to its full-figured shape, our blue eyes back to red and yellow, and our auburn hair back to long black and straight, instead of short and curly. ‘We are beautiful just as we are. We do not need to change for anyone. What we need to be is so sure in ourselves that we stop attracting these temporary little boys.’

  I sigh as I wipe my eyes. Deep down, I know she's right. Mom and dad have said the same to me many times. Mom especially. She said until I become comfortable in myself, I won't be ready for the love of my life. She sees the future but refuses to talk of my future husband, only emphasising that I must be happy with who I truly am before I can find him.


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