The Prince: Jonathan

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The Prince: Jonathan Page 1

by Francine Rivers

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  The Prince

  Copyright © 2005 by Francine Rivers. All rights reserved.

  “Seek and Find” section written by Peggy Lynch.

  Cover illustration copyright © 2005 by Philip Howe. All rights reserved.

  Edited by Kathryn S. Olson

  Designed by Alyssa Force

  Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Rivers, Francine, date.

  The prince / Francine Rivers.

  p. cm. — (Sons of Encouragement ; 3)

  ISBN-13: 978-0-8423-8267-0 (hc)

  ISBN-10: 0-8423-8267-4 (hc)

  1. Jonathan (Biblical character)—Fiction. 2. Bible O.T.—History of Biblical events—Fiction. 3. David, King of Israel—Fiction. I. Title.

  PS3568.I83165P754 2005


  ISBN 978-1-4143-2337-4 (ePub); ISBN 978-1-4143-1916-2 (Kindle); ISBN 978-1-4143-8644-7 (Apple)

  Build: 2013-02-27 15:58:33

  To men of faith who serve

  in the shadow of others.




  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Seek and Find

  About the Author


  FROM the beginning of my writing career, my husband, Rick, has blessed me continually with his encouragement. Without him, I might not have had the courage to send in the first manuscript that began my journey as a writer. He listens to my ideas, makes space for me in his office at Rivers Aviation, brews great coffee, and edits the final draft. He even builds me a fire on cool mornings.

  The Lord has also blessed me with encouraging friends. I want to mention two in particular: Peggy Lynch and Pastor Rick Hahn. I can’t even count the number of times I’ve called Peggy or Pastor Rick to ask where a Scripture passage is and/or to check my understanding of God’s Word. Both of these friends have loved Jesus since childhood, have a passion for God’s Word, and are gifted teachers. Each played an important part in bringing my husband and me to Jesus, and each continues to teach and encourage us in our walk with the Lord today. May the Lord bless you for your kindness!

  I want to thank my editor, Kathy Olson, and Ron Beers for their continued support and encouragement. I greatly appreciate their willingness to work with me to strengthen each story. There are so many people at Tyndale who have encouraged and prayed for me over the years. From the beginning of our relationship, I have felt part of the team.

  And I want to thank all those who have prayed for me over the years and through the course of this particular project. When I’m assailed by doubts, which often happens, I remember you are praying. May the Lord bless each of you for your tender hearts.

  May Jesus Christ be glorified in this story that came from His Word. May each reader be encouraged to love the Lord with heart, mind, soul, and strength and to walk in His ways daily. Jesus is life abundant and everlasting. Blessed be the name of the Lord.


  Dear Reader,

  This is the third of five novellas on biblical men of faith who served in the shadows of others. These were Eastern men who lived in ancient times, and yet their stories apply to our lives and the difficult issues we face in our world today. They were on the edge. They had courage. They took risks. They did the unexpected. They lived daring lives, and sometimes they made mistakes—big mistakes. These men were not perfect, and yet God in His infinite mercy used them in His perfect plan to reveal Himself to the world.

  We live in desperate, troubled times when millions seek answers. These men point the way. The lessons we can learn from them are as applicable today as when they lived thousands of years ago.

  These are historical men who actually lived. Their stories, as I have told them, are based on biblical accounts. For the facts we know about the life of Jonathan, see the books of 1 and 2 Samuel.

  This book is also a work of historical fiction. The outline of the story is provided by the Bible, and I have started with the information provided for us there. Building on that foundation, I have created action, dialogue, internal motivations, and in some cases, additional characters that I feel are consistent with the biblical record. I have attempted to remain true to the scriptural message in all points, adding only what is necessary to aid in our understanding of that message.

  At the end of each novella, we have included a brief study section. The ultimate authority on people of the Bible is the Bible itself. I encourage you to read it for greater understanding. And I pray that as you read the Bible, you will become aware of the continuity, the consistency, and the confirmation of God’s plan for the ages—a plan that includes you.

  Francine Rivers

  * * *


  * * *

  “We have no weapons!”

  “We’ll have to find a way to make them.”

  “How? There isn’t a blacksmith in the whole land of Israel to make them. The Philistines made sure of that. Those they didn’t murder, they took captive.”

  Jonathan sat with his father, Saul, beneath the shade of an olive tree. His uncles, frustrated and angry, bewailed the latest Philistine raid.

  “Even if we could make swords, what good would they be? Whatever the Philistines’ swords and spear tips are made of, they’re far superior to ours. Bronze isn’t strong enough. It shatters against their blades.”

  “I choke on my pride every time I have to go down to Aijalon and pay hard-earned shekels to a stinking Philistine so he’ll sharpen my plowshare and sickles!”

  “If I need an ax sharpened, I have to answer question after question.”

  Another laughed bitterly. “I need my pitchfork repaired this year, and new points for the ox goad. I wonder how much that will cost me.”

  Saul stared off toward the fields. “There’s nothing we can do about it.”

  The Philistine outpost at Geba was only a short distance away, and it was the duty of Saul’s tribe, the Benjaminites, to keep close watch over it.

  “Kish says what we need is a king!”

  Saul shook his head. “You know what the prophet Samuel says about having a king.”

  “The Philistines have kings. That’s why they’re organized.”

  “If only Samuel were like Samson. Instead, all he does is blame us for what’s happening.”

  Jonathan looked at his father. “Grandfather Ahimaaz said the Lord our God is more powerful than all the gods of Philistia.”

  The uncles exchanged sallow looks.

  Jonathan leaned forward. “Grandfather Ahimaaz said when the Philistines killed the high priests’ sons and took the Ark of the Covenant, God went to war against them. Their god Dagon fell facedown before the Ark, his head and the hands breaking off. And then the Lord cursed the Philistines with tumors and a plague of rats. They were so afraid they sent the Ark back on a cart pulled by two milch cows and loaded with gold!”

  Saul shook his head. “That was years ago.”

  One of Jonathan’s uncles flung a pebble. “God leaves us alone now to defend ourselves.”

  Jonathan felt confused. “But if the Lord—”

  Saul looked at
him. “Your mother tells you too many stories about what her father said.”

  “But they’re true, aren’t they?”

  Another uncle snorted in despair. “It was years ago! When was the last time the Lord did anything for us?”

  Saul put his arm around Jonathan. “There are things you don’t yet understand, my son. When you are a man—”


  At the sound of Kish’s angry shout, Saul removed his arm from around Jonathan’s shoulders and stood. “What now?” he grumbled. “I’m here!”

  Jonathan’s grandfather strode across the partially plowed field, his fine robes billowing around him, the red tinge in his cheeks betraying his temper. His younger sons scattered like chaff before a strong wind, leaving Saul alone to face their father.

  Saul came out from the shade. “What’s the matter?”

  His question fanned the flames. “What’s the matter? You have to ask me?”

  Saul’s face darkened. “If I knew, I wouldn’t ask.”

  “You’re out here sitting in the shade, and my donkeys are missing!”

  “Missing?” Saul frowned and looked off toward the hills.

  “Yes! Missing! Have you no ears that you can hear?”

  “I told Mesha to watch over the donkeys.”

  Jonathan gulped. Mesha was an old man, easily distracted. No wonder the donkeys had gone missing.

  “Mesha?” Kish spat in disgust. “Mesha!”

  Saul spread his hands. “Well, I can’t be in two places at the same time. I’ve been plowing the field.”

  “Plowing? Is that what you call sitting under an olive tree, talking with your brothers?” Kish shouted for the rest to hear. “Will we have enough food with all of you sitting around talking?”

  “We were making plans.”

  “Plans for what?”


  Kish barked a harsh laugh. “We would need a king to lead us into war, and we have no king. Where are my donkeys?” He made a fist.

  Saul stepped back out of range of a blow. “It’s not my fault Mesha didn’t do as he was told!”

  “You’ll lose the oxen next! How long do you think you’ll manage without animals to pull the plow? I’ll have to put you to harness!”

  Saul’s face reddened. He stalked back into the shade.

  Kish followed. “I put you in charge! I didn’t want a servant watching over my donkeys! I wanted my son watching them!”

  “You have more than one son!”

  “You’re the eldest!” He cursed. “Mesha is an old man and a hireling. What does it matter to him if my property is lost? You’re the one to inherit. If you had to put someone over those animals, why didn’t you send Jonathan? He would have kept close watch over my property.”

  Jonathan cringed. Why did his grandfather have to pitch him into the fray? His father’s pride was easily pricked.

  Saul glared. “You always blame me when anything goes wrong!”

  “Father, I’ll go look—”

  “No, you won’t!” both men shouted.

  “I’ll send one of the servants.” Saul turned as if to leave.

  Kish yelled, “No, you won’t! You’ll go yourself. And don’t give me excuses! You’re not going to sit out here on your backside and wait for someone else to find what you allowed to wander off. Take a servant with you, and go look for the donkeys!” Kish strode back toward Gibeah, still shouting. “And don’t even think about riding a donkey. There’s only one donkey left, and that one stays here. You can search on foot! And take someone other than Mesha with you!”

  Saul kicked the dust and muttered. Eyes blazing, he stormed across the field toward home. Jonathan followed.

  His mother, Ahinoam, stood in the doorway, waiting for them. The whole town had probably heard Kish shouting out in the field. “I’ve filled two water bags and stuffed two packs with bread.”

  His father scowled. “You’re so eager to have me go?”

  She put her hand against his heart. “The sooner you go, the sooner you will be back.”

  “I’ll go with you, Father.”

  Ahinoam followed Saul inside the house. “Jehiel knows more about donkeys than any man in Gibeah, Saul. Take him with you. Jonathan can continue the plowing.”

  “But, Mother—”

  She gave Jonathan a quelling look. “With both of you gone, nothing would get done.”

  “Father, the Philistines may have stolen the donkeys and taken them to Geba.” The garrison was not far away. “We should go there first.”

  His mother faced him. “You’re not going. Your father has enough to do without having to watch out for you.”

  Jonathan’s face went hot. “I can use a bow better than any man in Gibeah.”

  “Your father is going out to find donkeys, not start a war.”

  “Enough!” Saul snarled. “Pack me enough bread and dried fruit to last me a few days. There’s no telling how far the donkeys have wandered.”

  His wife moved quickly to do his bidding.

  Saul muttered and stormed around the room, kicking things out of his way. When he saw Jonathan still standing there, he jerked his chin. “Go and find Jehiel. Tell him to hurry up!”

  “I’ll go.” Jonathan backed toward the door. “But what if the donkeys are in Geba?”

  Saul flung his hand into the air. “Then they’re gone, aren’t they? And Mesha will wish he had done what he was told!”

  “They’ve wandered off.” Ahinoam spoke in soothing tones. “That’s all that’s happened. You’ll find them before the sun sets, my love.” She shoved more bread into a sack. “The Philistines have more donkeys than they need. Besides, they covet horses.”

  Saul shouted after Jonathan. “Tell Jehiel I’m ready and waiting on him!”

  Jonathan found Jehiel hard at work repairing the wall of an empty sheepfold. “Kish is sending my father out to find some stray donkeys. My father wants you to go with him. He’s packed and ready to go.”

  Jehiel straightened and brushed his hands off. “I will gather what I need and come.”

  Jonathan followed him. “You could tell my father that the sheep might escape if you don’t complete your work. You could say I can serve him as well as you.” He had explored the hills and valleys all around Gibeah and even dared go close enough to the walls of Geba to hear the guards talking.

  “The sheep are out to pasture, Jonathan, and there are two shepherds to watch over them.”

  “What if you run into Philistines while you’re searching for the donkeys?”

  “You needn’t worry about your father. We will avoid the Philistines. Even if by mischance we crossed paths with them, I doubt they would bother with two men on foot with little more than some bread and water to steal.”

  Jonathan sighed.

  Before the two men left, Saul gripped Jonathan’s shoulder. “Finish plowing the west field. Keep watch over your brothers. You know how they tend to wander.”

  “I wish I were going with you.”

  Saul looked past him to Ahinoam. “Soon.”

  Jonathan went out to work in the west field. Not long after his father and Jehiel had left, his mother came out to him. It was not her habit to do so, and he stopped the oxen to wait. “Is something wrong?”

  “No. Nothing. Sit with me in the shade and rest a while.”

  “Father wanted me to plow—”

  “I will not keep you from your work for long, my son.”

  He secured the reins and followed her. She led him to the same tree where he had sat earlier with his father and uncles, listening to talk of kings and war.

  Kneeling, she laid out fresh bread, a skin of wine, dried dates and raisins.

  Jonathan’s brows rose slightly. Perhaps she meant to sweeten words that would sour his mood. His defenses rose.

  She looked up at him. “You are still upset that you weren’t allowed to go with your father.”

  “These are troubled times, Mother, and he is too important a man to be g
uarded by only one servant. What if they meet some Philistines?”

  “Your father is looking for donkeys, not a fight.”

  Women would never understand! “You don’t have to look for a fight to find yourself in the middle of one.”

  His mother sighed. “You love your father, Jonathan. In that, I know your heart is ever in the right place. But you must learn to use your head, my son. I saw you stand and watch your father and Jehiel depart. Did they head for the garrison? Did they go armed to accuse and ready to fight?” She folded her hands in her lap. “You would have urged your father to look in Geba first. Would that be in keeping with protecting your father, or urging him to danger?”

  “But that’s probably where the donkeys are.”

  “Just because a lamb is missing doesn’t mean it’s in a lion’s mouth. Jehiel will try to track the donkeys. We can hope the Philistines had nothing to do with them. If they did, then they’re gone and that’s the end of it.”

  Jonathan rubbed his face in frustration. “The Philistines take everything they can get their hands on.”

  “I did not come out here to talk about Philistines or donkeys. God knows where the donkeys are. And if it is God’s will, He will let your father find them. I care more about my son than a few beasts of burden.” She stood and squeezed his hand. “I came out to tell you I am very proud of you, Jonathan. You have courage. I just want you to live long enough to have good sense.”

  She leaned down and covered the bread with a cloth. “If all Israel has its way, we will soon have a king like every other nation around us. And what else does a king do but draft sons into the army or make them run before his chariot? Your sisters may one day end up cooks or bakers or perfumers in some palace in Judah’s territory, since Judah thinks it must be one of their own rather than a Benjaminite to rule. A king will take the best of our crops and herds and give them to his assistants. He will want a portion of everything we have. These are the things the prophet Samuel told your grandfather and the others who went to Ramah to ask for a king. Samuel speaks the truth. All you have to do is look around you to see—”


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