Always & Forever (Battle Born MC Book 4)

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Always & Forever (Battle Born MC Book 4) Page 12

by Scarlett Black

  Her hand flies to her throat. “It’s a little boy?” Then reality sinks in. “Why, Solo?”

  I take the picture of the ultrasound out of my back pocket and show her what Blade gave to me earlier. “He needs a momma, baby. His bitch of a biological mother won’t make it past delivery.” My eyes open wider to help her pick up my meaning. Tami’s eyes widen as well in response, and she blinks as she’s trying to take it all in.

  She thinks for a moment, piecing the scenario together. “Why can’t Pawn take care of him?”

  “With his past and the injuries that guy incurred from the assault, they think Pawn’s gonna be away for a while.”

  Tami’s body sinks into the chair behind her. She stares into my eyes, “Solo, it’s a baby.”

  “I know that, babe,” I can’t help but chuckling at her.

  She shakes her head, “I can’t do this to you. To us. I will help, but, Solo, this is just...”

  I sit next to her and take her hands into mine. “Tami, this boy is yours. A gift. I will love this boy because he is my best friend’s son. He is one of us. When Pawn gets out, we will figure out how to manage it all.”

  Tami is loyal to me, and I know that she would say no to save us from harm or heartache.

  “The club has to put a name on the birth certificate, too. Only the MC will know about this. He will be your and Pawn’s son.”

  She makes an “O” with her mouth. “I’ll give you some time to think about it.” I take her jaw in my hand. “Me and you, Tami, we can do this.”

  I kiss her forehead and leave her to think about this huge bomb we just dropped in her lap.

  ∞ ∞ ∞


  Solo left me alone to go over everything, and I try to wrap my head around the possibilities. And it all comes back to one thing. I didn’t know the true meaning of love until Solo gave me wings to fly. I can do anything with him by my side. He gives me the freedom that I can only find in his arms. I don’t want him to leave.

  I make a snap decision and get up from my seat to chase after him through the back door. “Solo!” I shout, waving my hand up high in the air, hoping that he sees or hears me over the roar of his bike.

  He happens to look up and finds me running for him. He immediately gets off his bike and starts walking toward me with open arms. My hair flies behind me like a flag, whipping back and forth at my speed. I jump up, wrapping my arms and legs around him and smashing my lips to his for a brief moment.

  “You wanna have a baby with me?” I ask with a raised eyebrow, and my smile is stretching across my face, ear to ear. I hold up the ultrasound picture between us.

  “Took you long enough,” he laughs, spinning me around. “We’re having a boy!” We both laugh at how crazy this must sound.

  We tangled ourselves up in this world, and I’m not sure that we will ever get out from all the strings we tied together.

  Just a short time ago, I didn’t know Solo and he didn’t know me, or how it would all end between the three of us. But our love gave us wings, and now we know what it’s like to fly.

  Solo stole my heart, and he will keep it, for always and forever.

  The End

  Bonus Scene

  It is amazing the decisions we make and to where they lead us. Small steps on a journey in the directions we take.

  Blade is sitting across from me at my kitchen table.

  “You remember that little girl who stole diamonds from a pack of thieves?” the Prez asks, raising a brow at me.

  “Yes, I remember doing that.” I somehow get the words out around the rock lodged in my throat.

  He slides an envelope toward me, and it stops just inches from the edge of the table.

  “What’s inside this envelope could kill you, Tami. But, if you are smart about it, it could open up a whole new world for you.” He pauses and lights up a smoke. “Only Spider and I know where this money came from. If you tell anyone at all, the life we live in, someone could kill you for it.”

  He blows out a drag before taking another. “This is the money from that one diamond you stole. I sold it and have been waiting until the time was right to give it to you.”

  I watch Blade with rapt attention. “I don’t know what to say, Blade. I really don’t.”

  He quickly nods his head, “Tami, if you didn’t earn this, I would have kept it from you. You work hard and know the value of it. You don’t lie and cheat. Use this money to make your dreams come true. It’s a gift, don’t let it be a curse.”

  “Of course not.”

  “Happy birthday.”

  Blade scoots back and leaves me alone, staring at an envelope that feels like a snake ready to strike if I’m not careful.

  Life is a game of choices. Play wisely.

  Dear Pawn,

  Solo told me that it wouldn’t be a good idea for me to come see you while you are locked up. I get that it’s hard for you, and that seeing me with your son hurts. I know in my soul that is why. Nothing I can say will make this any better for you, Pawn. If there was though, I would say it. Honestly, it hurts me too that you are not here with him. So, I hope you are okay with me writing to you to tell you everything. I don’t want you to miss anything.

  The day he was born was a day I will never forget. I felt so blessed to be there to watch him be brought into this world. As soon as he came, he cried so loud and hard. The doctor took him and checked him, and then I got to help clean him up. As soon as he was wrapped up tight and in my arms, he went to sleep.

  I rocked him for hours and stared at his perfect little face. He was six pounds and four ounces. I know you wanted his name to be Cash, and it is, Cash Eric Taylor. I added Eric because he should have that part of you too.

  He doesn’t sleep at night, like at all, and wakes every two hours to eat. But he’s perfect, Pawn, he’s beautiful, just like you.

  While I feed him, I tell him stories about you. I don’t have many. If you would like for me to read anything in particular to him, I will, just send me notes for him.

  I’m going to stay home with him for a while before I go back to work. Then Emilia is going to babysit him during the day for me. If your mom was closer, I would be happy to have her babysit. She said she may come for a few days when she can and watch him too.

  He is my baby boy. I promise you I will keep him safe and love him fiercely.

  I will write to you as many letters as I can and send you pictures of him until you are home to help take care of Cash.

  Always & Forever,


  Coming soon…

  Escaping from Forever, Battle Born MC Book 4

  Tank and Kat’s story

  Continue reading for an excerpt…


  Black Widow

  The shot of tequila sitting in front of me is taunting me to drink it and consume the poison that’s been a part of me for years already. The bartender smiles at me from the other side of the bar. I pick up the glass and hold it to my lips. I contemplate for a second if I can take this man for a wild ride full of passion for the night before I crawl back into the shadows. My cat eyes travel over his body from head to toe. He has a nice built and a pretty face.

  He watches me intently for a sign from me to invite him into my bed and my body. My tongue snakes out to lick up the liquid drop that’s rolling down from my top lip. He places two hands on the bar in front of him and his eyes are mesmerized and caught in my web of seduction. His arms flex as he’s about to say something when, suddenly, another man slides into the stool next to mine.

  I raise a brow and turn my head to the right. A brazen man who looks like a Viking and wearing an MC cut smiles like the devil back at me. I don’t smile, ever. His eyes caress over my tattoos that peek out from my tank top and over my long, black hair.

  “You find what you’re looking for tonight?” the Viking lays a strong arm on the bar and leans into my body, eyeing me with a knowing look. “This cat and mouse game you’re playing with that dumba
ss is too easy. Tell me, kitty cat, are you excited?” His deep baritone washes over my body in waves.

  Closing my eyes, I let his deep voice penetrate me. I involuntarily moan at the feeling of it wrapping around me tightly. My eyes snap back open to his dark brown ones. Yes. Our eyes agree without words, an unspoken promise to have each other for the night. I pull out a hundred-dollar bill from my bra and toss it on the bar top toward the bartender.

  He was still watching, and I can feel his disappointment from where I’m sitting. But this Viking of man will give me what I need for the night, I can feel it. “Keep’em coming,” I dismiss the bartender, demanding our drinks and my bed. The sound of money being whisked away, followed by a shot glass placed next to mine and then liquid filling both of them is all just background noise. The Viking has my full attention. Our intense stare holds us captive to the other this time. This man keeps my desires peaked and ignited.

  He begins to speak, but I stop him and hold my finger up to his plump lips. “No names.”

  Grabbing my hand, he turns it over in his and places a kiss on the top before setting it on his leg. He points to his patch on his cut that says ‘Tank’. Hard to miss. Tank leans into my body again, “I don’t need your name, but you need to know mine when you scream it later. I want to hear it scream from this beautiful creature.” Boldly, he places a chaste kiss on my lips.

  My breath picks up and, like old habits, I tap it down, not wanting to give him too much. He takes my hand that is not resting on his leg and pulls it up to him. His mouth comes down and licks my flesh, followed by his teeth scraping my skin. Goose bumps cover me as he begins to sprinkle salt over the area, and then dark and dirty ideas sprinkle into my fantasies. He devours my skin that’s coated with the salt, and then kisses my lips. The explosion of salt assaults my taste buds along with this Viking when his tongue captures mine.

  He pulls and sits back on his stool, then hands me my shot and we clink them together before saying, “Cheers” from him and “Salud,” coming from me. Together, we toss back the fiery liquid. Our eyes catch, watching the other as we set the glasses back down.

  My eyes squint from the burn while his smile back at me. Tank’s large hands delicately come up to hold my face and I almost flinch from it. He does catch the slight shift in my body and tries to cover his reaction to me. Games. A life full of games. I will never escape.

  “Make me forget, Tank,” I whisper, “Make me scream your name from pleasure and maybe just a little pain.”

  He pulls my face inches from his, looking into my eyes for the truth in my statement. He must see my will and truth to get lost into him. He sucks my bottom lip into his mouth. Salaciously, he consumes me in this public busy casino bar in downtown Las Vegas.

  This Viking and I drink into the night with only minimal words spoken. We tease each other with our promises of fulfilled desires only.

  The haze cloaks around us. I can’t say what made me trust this stranger, but I do trust him. I will allow him to take my body, but not my heart.

  He makes good on his promise and makes me scream for him multiple times into a dark hotel room. My mind is free, for one night, but not my life.

  Coming Soon!

  Escaping from Forever (Battle Born MC #4)

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  Battle Born MC Series

  Betting on Forever (Battle Born MC #1)

  Nothing Lasts Forever (Battle Born MC #2)

  Living for Forever (Battle Born MC #3)

  About the Author

  Scarlett Black lives in a small town in Northern Nevada. She has three kids a husband and a couple of dogs. She loves to watch baseball, especially when her kids or husband play. One day she had random thoughts floating around in her brain, opened her laptop and started writing without really knowing of where the journey would take her. Here she is now, a first time erotic MC genre author, that works full time. She enjoys her busy life, the outdoors and shopping as much as possible!




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